Heir of the Richest Man

C302 Personal Visit

C302 Personal Visit

3Zhao Qian didn't expect Zhou Wenxiu to be so straightforward and bold as to walk into the toilet himself. He just wanted to come up and piss, but he didn't think of anything else.     1


"Miss Zhou, this isn't good, right? "Hurry up and go, I'm busy." Zhao Qian replied with his back facing Zhao Qian.    


Zhou Wenxiu should have understood what it meant to refuse him so flatly. However, her answer left Zhao Qian speechless.    


"Director Zhao, I know the rules. If you want to be red, you must sacrifice yourself. I understand. I know Director Zhao definitely has a girlfriend or a wife and doesn't want to cause trouble. "Don't worry, only you and I know what happened tonight. There won't be a third person who will know."    


Although Zhao Qian didn't plan on doing anything with Zhou Wenxiu, it didn't mean that he could still control himself under her blatant seduction.    


If this happened between adults, it would not necessarily involve feelings. It was only normal for them to satisfy their physical needs. Since she had already delivered herself to his doorstep, there was no need to keep her at arm's length.    


Zhao Qian accepted.    


An hour later, the two of them had finished showering and were lying on the bed, chatting.    


Everyone had already slept, so it was time to get down to business.    


Zhao Qian said with a smile, "I'll have to go back later. I still have to work overtime."    


Zhou Wenxiu replied, "Aren't you being too fake? "I didn't ask you to take responsibility, nor did I ask you to stay with me. Is there a need to come up with such an excuse?"    


Zhao Qian smiled and replied, "Aiya, it's not an excuse, it's the truth. There's also a shipping line under my name, and I recently had a conflict with Huo's Shipping. I want to take away the Chinese grain reserve order from them and give them a full paycheck. I have to go back and do some preparation. I'll go to the grain depot tomorrow and talk to their supervisor. After all, I'm trying to convince them to change partners.    


A trace of surprise appeared on Zhou Wenxiu's face, but disappeared very quickly. Then, she smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, to actually have a shipping line that can compete with Huo's Shipping."    


Obviously, Zhou Wenxiu didn't want to reveal her identity.    


If she didn't expose her identity, Zhao Qian wouldn't be able to continue.    


With this, Zhao Qian had to make a trip to the grain storage office tomorrow.    


Zhao Qian said while putting on his clothes, "I'll be leaving first. If you stay and sleep, be careful, close the door and windows." If you go back, you must find a substitute car. Don't drive your own car. "    


Zhou Wenxiu smiled and asked, "You're so concerned about me, don't tell me you've fallen in love with me just because you fired a shot?"    


Zhao Qian laughed and replied in a hurry, "I won't easily get involved with anyone. I'm leaving. "    


With that, Zhao Qian got off the bed and put on his shoes. He tidied up his clothes and hair, waved goodbye to Zhou Wenxiu, turned around and left.    


Zhou Wenxiu leaned against the headboard, feeling very puzzled.    


She was thinking if Zhao Qian already knew her identity and purposely approached her to snatch the Huo's Shipping order from her.    


If that was really the case, then she was tricked by Zhao Qian, and she couldn't accept this.    


Zhou Wenxiu thought to herself, "Let's see if you can go to the grain depot tomorrow. If you go, I'll take it as if you didn't know that I'm the assistant grain manager." If you don't go, just you wait, I'll get my dad to deal with you! "    


Zhao Qian left the hotel and quickly called Wang Yujun.    


"Hello, Mr Wang, tomorrow morning at 9 am, come with me to the grain storage."    


"Okay, Young Master. Where should we meet tomorrow morning?"    


"At the entrance to the grain depot. "You should bring everything you need. If we can come to an agreement, we will sign one right away to prevent any more trouble."    


"Understood. Young Master, don't worry. It will definitely be done well. I won't disturb Young Master's rest anymore. See you tomorrow. "    


Zhao Qian nodded and hung up.    


At this moment, Zhao Qian was still a bit drunk and definitely couldn't drive back by himself, so he called the driver.    


When he got home, Zhao Fu hurried over to find him.    


"Son, where did you go? You drank? " Zhao Fu asked with a smile.    


Zhao Qian nodded and comforted his dad. He was fine.    


Zhao Fu replied with a laugh, "Of course I know you're fine. How about it? How's the battle with Huo's Shipping? "    


Zhao Fu must have understood what happened between the two, so he just wanted to have a good chat with his son.    


But Zhao Qian didn't want to talk, he was too sleepy.    


"Dad, don't worry. Huo's Shipping will definitely end here, I promise you. "    


Zhao Fu laughed and replied, "I know you can do it, but you have to be careful. If they were forced into a corner, it would not be good if they were desperate and wanted to fight to the death. Compared to your safety, Huo's Shipping is nothing at all. "    


Zhao Qian nodded and said, "I know." Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Hurry back to rest and take note of your body. "    


Zhao Fu nodded with a smile and turned away.    


Zhao Qian drank a few cups of tea, woke up from his stupor, and immediately began to prepare for tomorrow's food storage. At the very least, he would have to think of a way to deal with any possible trouble, lest tomorrow passed and he made a fool of himself.    


Unknowingly, Zhao Qian fell asleep on the bed.    


Wang Jing, who was far away from the Donghai City, was having an extremely bad time. At this moment, she was staring at her phone, waiting for Zhao Qian to call her.    


She didn't expect Zhao Qian to give in to her. As long as he called, she could give up on her own accord.    


However, Zhao Qian didn't call her until late into the night, so she could only fall asleep in disappointment.    


The late autumn morning was slightly cold.    


Zhao Qian got up early, ate breakfast, and immediately left for the grain storage office.    


When he arrived, Wang Yujun was already waiting for him.    


"Young Master, good morning." Have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat first before going in? " Wang Yujun smiled and said hello.    


Zhao Qian also politely greeted him, "Good morning. After breakfast, if you haven't eaten, you can eat when things are done. Let's go in now. "    


It was half past nine in the morning, and the staff in the grain depot were working hard.    


Zhao Qian led Wang Yujun in and was stopped by the receptionist.    


"Who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment? " the receptionist asked.    


Wang Yujun hurried forward to answer. Young Master definitely couldn't be allowed to take the field himself.    


"Hello, we are from Qiantong Transport. I am CEO Wang Yujun, and this is my assistant. We would like to meet with your comrades in charge of shipping. Can you help us arrange it? "    


The receptionist shook her head and replied, "I'm sorry, I can't let you in without an appointment."    


"Then call the leader in charge of shipping to ask around. Sorry for the trouble." Wang Yujun said very politely.    


Wang Yujun was the CEO of Qiantong Transport after all, he didn't expect to be so polite to the receptionist.    


However, there was no other way. After all, they were here to beg. He could only lower his stance a little.    


But the receptionist wouldn't let him. She wouldn't feel at ease without an appointment. And she wouldn't help to contact the person in charge.    


At this moment, Zhou Wenxiu arrived.    


When she saw Zhao Qian really came, she immediately laughed happily.    


"Director Zhao, you really came!"    


Zhou Wenxiu greeted as she walked over.    


Zhao Qian turned around and smiled when he saw Zhou Wenxiu.    


His savior had arrived.    


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