Heir of the Richest Man

C141 Seek Cooperation

C141 Seek Cooperation

3Zhao Qian didn't want his colleagues to know too much, so he tried to coax him, "It's okay, this brat scraped my car. I just said a few words to him. You guys go up first, I'll go up after I'm done with him. "     2


Zhao Qian quickly pulled Cheng Guilong to a place where no one was around to talk.    


"Are you going to tell me the truth? As long as you tell the truth, I promise I'll help you and your sister solve their problems. If you are manipulated, not only will your sister be sentenced, you will also be imprisoned. "You just got into university, and if you get canceled because of going to jail, your whole life will be ruined." Zhao Qian said honestly.    


This wasn't an alarmist. If these two sisters were to be manipulated, the only thing waiting for them would be a prison sentence.    


Cheng Guilong was quite frightened as he quickly cried and asked, "Then I'll listen to you. Can you really save my sister and me? Do you have that much money? "    


Zhao Qian laughed and replied, "I just said, you were obviously tricked. As long as you give me the man's details and I promise to find him and hold him accountable, you won't have to pay back the money. As for your sister, she's got a big problem. As long as he could prove that the item was not hers, it would be easy to deal with. If she can't prove her innocence, I can only try to help her reduce her sentence. That's all I have to say. You decide what to do. Here's my card. You've decided to call me. However, it's best if it's not too long. Your sister can't wait. "    


After saying that, Zhao Qian took out a name card and gave it to Cheng Guilong. Then, he turned around and walked into the building.    


Cheng Guilong looked at Zhao Qian's back, not knowing who to trust.    


When Zhao Qian arrived at the company, his colleagues immediately started asking all at once.    


"Zhao Qian, how did you deal with it?" You're so rich, don't tell me you're asking others for money? "    


"Look at him, he's just a little brat. If you ask him for money, that would be a bit too much."    


"Exactly. "You have a lot of money anyways, so you don't need to pay that much."    


These people were full of compassion, and since nothing happened to them, they advised people to be magnanimous. If this matter were to happen to them, they would surely want to extort something from them.    


Zhao Qian smiled and replied, "He just got into university and his family wasn't well off, so I didn't make things difficult for him. I just scolded him a few times and let him go. Alright, let's get ready. When Mr Zhang arrives and sees you guys chatting again, he'll definitely be unhappy again. "    


The moment Zhao Qian finished his sentence, Zhang Yang's voice sounded.    


"You're talking bad about me again! Zhao Qian, you are not a kind person! If you have something to say in front of me, why are you blabbering behind my back? " Zhang Yang said unhappily.    


Zhao Qian knew he was making a fuss on purpose and didn't want to get entangled with him, so he said weakly, "Mr Zhang is right to teach you a lesson. I definitely won't talk about you behind your back in the future."    


Zhang Yang snorted and said: "I won't bother with you this time, just be more careful in the future." Right, I asked you to develop a new customer, how are your preparations? I've just recruited a few technicians and I'm just worrying about not having any work to do. You'd better take good care of it. "    


"I'll go to Huanyou right now. As long as they have an order to make, I'll definitely get it." Zhao Qian said with confidence.    


"Hehe …" That would be for the best. We previously agreed that if you can't get an order for Huanyou, then you will resign and not make things difficult for the company again. We're both men, you better not go back on your word. " Zhang Yang said proudly.    


Huanyou and Xingyuan were rivals, and were notoriously difficult to deal with. Zhang Yang believed that it was impossible for Zhao Qian to get the order from Huanyou, which also meant that Zhao Qian would have to leave the company soon.    


Every day, Zhang Yang dreamed of letting Zhao Qian leave, otherwise he would never be able to manage the company with his own business philosophy.    


Zhao Qian brought the prepared information with him and immediately set off for Huanyou.    


As a well-known company in the industry, Huanyou has always been known for its strict and callous nature. The people there had no "human feelings" and never paid much attention to pleasantries. They need you so they can give you a chance to meet and talk. If they don't need it, it doesn't matter what you ask for.    


As soon as Zhao Qian arrived at the Huanyou, he was stopped by the front desk clerk.    


"Hello, what are you doing? What's the matter? "    


Although there was nothing wrong with her words, her tone was extremely impatient, making people uncomfortable.    


However, this was someone else's place after all, so Zhao Qian could only bear with it.    


"Hello, I'm looking for your manager. Can I trouble you to help me check?" Zhao Qian said very politely.    


The front desk girl looked Zhao Qian up and down, then replied with a look of disdain: "Sorry, I have to make an appointment in advance to see our manager."    


"I'm sorry about that. This is the first time I've come here looking for cooperation. I can't make an appointment. I'll make an appointment next time, okay? " Zhao Qian replied awkwardly.    


"That won't do! Without an appointment, the manager wouldn't see anyone. Go away, and don't interfere with my work here! " The front desk girl replied very impolitely.    


Just as Zhao Qian was about to try to fight for it again, a sweet voice sounded.    


"Zhao Qian, why are you here?"    


Zhao Qian looked towards the direction of the voice. It was a sweet looking girl. But he had never seen her before, how did she know his name was Zhao Qian?    


Just then, the front desk girl quickly bowed and greeted him, "Hello Miss Yun, why are you here? I'll call Director Liao right now. "    


Liao Xiaoyun smiled as she bade her farewells, saying, "No need, you're busy. I can handle it myself." Zhao Qian, what are you doing here? "    


From the looks of it, this beautiful woman in front of him should be the daughter of Huanyou Owner, or at the very least a relative. However, Zhao Qian couldn't remember where he had seen her before.    


The front desk girl said angrily: "Miss Yun doesn't know, this person wants to see the manager. I didn't make an appointment and didn't say what I was going to do. I definitely couldn't let him in. "    


Liao Xiaoyun nodded and said with a smile, "I came to greet him. Go ahead and do what you need to do." "Zhao Qian, come with me."    


Zhao Qian nodded and followed Liao Xiaoyun inside. The front desk girl was worried, so she called the boss to report the situation.    


Liao Xiaoyun was still in university, but she was the boss' daughter after all. She still had an office in the company. Therefore, she brought Zhao Qian to her office.    


"What do you want to drink? There's a drink in the fridge. Take it yourself. " Liao Xiaoyun greeted.    


Zhao Qian smiled and waved it off, saying, "Thank you, but no, I'm not thirsty. I don't think I ever added you. How did you know I was looking for money? "    


Liao Xiaoyun covered her mouth and laughed. She replied, "At the ball last Friday night, you were in the limelight. How could I not know about you? I'm going too, but it's not that dazzling. "    


Zhao Qian came to a realization and replied, "Oh, so that's how it is. I told you why I didn't remember you. However, aren't you being too low-key? A beauty at your level, if you were to go around exchanging business cards with people like a normal person, you would definitely be deeply imprinted in my mind. I don't have any impression of you, which means I haven't even seen you. "    


Liao Xiaoyun laughed happily and said, "You really know how to talk. I'm afraid your mouth didn't lie to a lot of girls, did it?"    


"Of course not. I never lie, much less lie to girls. Besides, what I said just now was the truth, and I'm not lying to you. " Zhao Qian replied seriously.    


Liao Xiaoyun laughed at his coaxing and then asked, "Then why did you come here today? What's the matter with Manager Li? "    


Now that he finally got down to business, Zhao Qian hurriedly sat up straight and replied seriously: "I'm at the game's Production Company office now, of course, this company also have my shares. I just wanted to see if your company had a chance to cooperate, so I wanted to see your manager. "    


"Oh, that. How about this, you accompany me to the Ocean Palace for a day. Tomorrow, I'll personally bring you to see Manager Li. "How about it?" Liao Xiaoyun asked tentatively.    


Zhao Qian was confused and immediately asked: "Did I hear wrong? We just got to know each other and are still not familiar with each other yet, you want me to accompany you to the Ocean Palace? "    


"Yes!" As long as you are willing, I promise to bring you to see Manager Li tomorrow. If you do well enough, I can even guarantee you a chance to cooperate. It's worth it, right? " Liao Xiaoyun said with a devilish smile.    


Although he didn't know what her intentions were, it didn't sound like there would be any problems. He could just go.    


"Sure!" Zhao Qian nodded and replied.    


"Great, let's go now!"    


Liao Xiaoyun then took her bag, pulled Zhao Qian and quickly walked out.    


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