Heir of the Richest Man

C69 Give Me a Billion Dollars

C69 Give Me a Billion Dollars

3Zhao Qian packed his stuff and quickly went home.    


Wang Jing was not idle right now, so she asked someone to test her blood for the drug. In the end, she still couldn't believe that Wang Hanxu would treat her like that. She even suspected that Zhao Qian was deliberately framing him.    


The next morning at nine o'clock, Zhao Qian and Wang Jing met up at the gate of the city's First Courtyard and went in together for the doctors to examine.    


Wang Jing knew the dean. The dean greeted them and gave priority to their matters. Two hours later, all the results were out.    


Wang Jing stared blankly at the report, unable to calm down for a long time. How could Wang Hanxu be such a person?    


Zhao Qian said very seriously, "Now do you see his true face?"    


Wang Jing really didn't want to believe that all of this was real, but the glasses, bottles, and so on all had her and Wang Hanxu's fingerprints on them, so Zhao Qian couldn't fake it.    


After a moment of silence, Wang Jing nodded and replied, "I know what to do."    


Zhao Qian nodded and asked, "Can you give me your classmate's information? I want to find out his background." If you really want to know, what sort of consortium is he acting as, you can have a business relationship with him. If he is a complete liar, you must cut off all contact with him. "    


Wang Jing didn't think too much about it and told Zhao Qian everything she knew about Wang Hanxu.    


Zhao Qian took note of the main information, bid farewell to Wang Jing and returned to the company.    


When they reached downstairs, Zhao Qian sent Wang Hanxu's information to Yang Hu and then called him to instruct the company.    


"Yang Hu, help me check if this information is real, then send someone to track him down." I want to know who he was with and what he did. Do you understand? "    


"Understood. I'll immediately send someone to do it. "    


After hanging up, Zhao Qian was about to go to the company when Hong Xiu called him.    


"Director Zhao, the Fujimori Corporation has sent a message accepting our conditions. However, they have added another condition. Unless the host contract expires, they can't poach from Dragon Tooth and Swan unless the host comes to our platform on their own accord. "    


All of this was within Zhao Qian's expectations. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "Alright! "As for the rest of the matters, you can do them yourself. There's no need for you to get my permission for all of them. If you think that you can make the decision, you can do it yourself."    


"Okay Director Zhao, thank you for your trust. I will definitely not let you down."    


Zhao Qian nodded and hung up.    


Very quickly, Yang Ming's side received the news, that Fujimori Corporation had invested three billion into Tianxiu. This meant that in the future, Dragon Fang, Swan, and Tianxiu were all family. His flying fish platform, on the other hand, had to face the pressure of the top three players in the industry, and the living environment was worrisome.    


The more Yang Ming thought about it, the angrier he got. Flying Fish was the starting point for him to participate in the management of the company. If the platform were to fail within a year, then his management ability would definitely be questioned. In the future, how would he be able to take over the position of the group's chairman?    


Yang Ming asked his father for one billion, and he also wanted to follow the example of the Tianxiu platform to spend money to advertise and buy traffic.    


When Yang Cheng heard the price of one billion, he was so shocked that his glass of water fell out of his hand.    


"Son, did I hear wrongly? You want a billion? "    


Yang Ming immediately nodded and replied, "You didn't hear wrong, 1 billion. Flying Fish is the first company I'm managing. If it goes viral, who will support me in taking over your position in the future? It's worth spending so much money to get everyone's support! "    


Yang Cheng felt that what his son said wasn't unreasonable, but one billion was too much. He tactfully asked, "Why don't we invest some money to test the results? If the results are good, we can invest more." If there was no effect, then there was no need to waste money. "How about I give you 200 million initially?"    


Yang Ming shook his head and replied, "How can 200 million be enough? In order to increase the flow of our people, Tianxiu would rather spend six hundred million to rob our people. Not to mention the signing fee for the anchors, even if they counted it would still cost them one billion yuan. Just give me two hundred million, how can that be enough? "    


Yang Cheng quickly and earnestly advised his son. In order to do business, he had to pay attention to strategy and methods. If just throwing money could make a business, then wouldn't rich people be able to do anything to make a business?    


No matter what Yang Cheng said, Yang Ming had to spend at least a billion yuan to bite him to death.    


Yang Cheng was angry and reprimanded: "How can a child like you not know anything? I'm teaching you how to run your business, why don't you listen? With this mentality of yours, how can I be at ease giving you one billion yuan? Why aren't you letting me down? "    


Yang Ming was also angry, and shouted: "Am I your biological son or not? If I were your biological son, why would you do this to me? Don't you still want to give me money? Right now, it's only used in advance. Is there a problem? "    


"Bastard, get out!"    


Angry, Yang Cheng kicked Yang Ming away.    


Yang Ming's mother quickly came over to persuade her son: "Son, don't be rash. Your dad has been in the mall for more than half his life, so he's definitely more experienced than you, so it's definitely not wrong for you to listen to him. "    


"His experience is suitable for starting a business from scratch, but my current situation is different. I want to protect my family's business! What experience did he have? I don't care, you can't not give me a billion "    


Hearing his son say such shameful words, Yang Cheng, who was not in good health, immediately fainted from anger.    


"Oh, father of a child, what's the matter with you? Call an ambulance, quick! "    


Mother Yang Ming, while supporting Yang Cheng, urged her son to make a phone call.    


Yang Ming was scared out of his wits and quickly called an ambulance.    


Although his dad was so angry that he stayed in the hospital, Yang Ming still didn't change his mind. He would find ways to raise money, even with a bank loan. For him, flying fish meant everything in the future. If the flying fish were to fall, his future would collapse. So no matter what, the money had to be raised.    


Two days later, Faang Ni, who had returned to her hometown for a long time, came back. She called Zhao Qian and invited him out for a meal. There was something she wanted to discuss with him.    


Zhao Qian thought it was just a simple meal, so he went to meet up. But when he got there, he found out that Faang Ni wasn't alone, and beside her was a man around 30 years old with glasses. The two of them acted very intimately, so their relationship shouldn't be simple.    


Faang Ni quickly came forward and said with a smile, "Director Zhao, long time no see. Let me introduce you, this is my husband, Zhang Yang. This is Director Zhao, Zhao Qian, whom I mentioned to you before. "    


Zhao Qian smiled and extended his hand to greet Zhang Yang: "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I said why did Director Faang take so long to go back? So she went back to get married. Director Faang, it's not appropriate for you to do this, right? And don't tell us about the wedding because you're afraid we're going to have a wedding? "    


Faang Ni quickly explained, "This was not part of my plan. Zhang Yang had just returned from the United States. Before leaving the country, he had promised that as long as both of us were single when he returned, we would immediately go to get his certificate. We are only husband and wife in law. The people have yet to admit that the banquet is not going to be held. "    


Zhao Qian smiled and nodded, then said to Zhang Yang, "Mr. Zhang came back from the United States. What are you planning to do this time? "    


Zhao Qian's attitude towards Zhang Yang was very good, but Zhang Yang didn't seem to be friendly towards him.    


With a stern face, Zhang Yang made a gesture to Zhao Qian and replied, "I'll come back to help Faang Ni manage the company."    


With this said, Zhao Qian knew the purpose of Faang Ni's invitation.    


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