Blockbuster Son-in-law

C1559 I'm Blind

C1559 I'm Blind

4Zhou Yuan rolled on the floor with his eyes covered in pain and kicked the private doctor away.    


"My eyes! My eyes!"    




When Xie Ying saw this scene, he frowned and immediately ordered the surrounding bodyguards.    


"What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and hold down the young master!"    


With Zhou Yuan's appearance, private doctors could not approach him at all, let alone treat his eyes.    


The bodyguard hesitated for a moment, but in the end, a few people surrounded Zhou Yuan and held him down.    


Zhou Yuan gradually calmed down, but he was still in pain as he cursed.    


"You trash! It hurts so much to this young master, hurry up and think of a way to relieve this young master's pain."    


"Xie Ying! Xie Ying!"    


"I want to kill that bastard Chen Hao right now! I'm going to break his body into pieces!"    


Xie Ying looked at Zhou Yuan and frowned. At this point in time, this foppish young master only knew how to say such things.    


If it wasn't for his misjudgment this time, would they have suffered heavy losses?    


Xie Ying felt extremely unpleasant in his heart. If Zhou Yuan hadn't boasted that he could easily deal with Chen Hao, they wouldn't have underestimated him. He wouldn't have suffered such a severe injury, and even knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Hao in front of everyone, suffering such humiliation.    


Before he could say anything, Zhou Yuan started shouting.    


Xie Ying suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at the private doctor who was stunned at the side.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and let the young master take a look."    


The private doctor came back to his senses and immediately went to Zhou Yuan's side.    


Several bodyguards pressed down on Zhou Yuan's hands and feet. Although Zhou Yuan did not stop struggling, he was unable to move.    


The private doctor checked the wound on Zhou Yuan's face. He opened the skin and flesh that had been stained with dried blood and finally saw the dead eyeballs.    


When he did this series of actions, the private doctor had tried to be as light as possible, but it still hurt so much that Zhou Yuan screamed in pain.    


"Damn it, do you want to hurt me to death?"    


"Stop! Stop right now!"    


"I'm going to kill you!"    


Zhou Yuan's reaction was intense, and he even threatened to kill someone.    


The private doctor hesitated for a moment and subconsciously stopped. He did not know what to do.    


When Xie Ying saw the private doctor stop, he said coldly:    


"Who told you to stop? If you dare neglect me again, I'll kill you!"    


"Hurry up and treat the young master."    


The private doctor kept complaining. He would die anyway.    


When Zhou Yuan heard Xie Ying's words, his reaction became even more agitated. He struggled to shake off the bodyguard beside him.    


"You guys are rebelling! Now you don't even listen to me!"    


"Stop it! I want you all to stop!"    


"Xie Ying, you bastard, I want my dad to kill you!"    


The people around them hesitated, but Xie Ying's expression remained unchanged. Her tone was cold.    


"Young master, this is all for your own good."    


"If anything happens to you, the president will not let us go."    


"What are you all waiting for? Hurry up and attack!"    


"If the young master doesn't cooperate, then shut his mouth until the doctor is done treating him."    


When Zhou Yuan heard this, he was furious and roared at Xie Ying.    


"Xie Ying, how dare you do this to me!"    


"I won't let you off!"    


Xie Ying's expression did not change, but his tone was still cold.    




Of course, he knew that he would anger Zhou Yuan if he did that. However, if he acted according to Zhou Yuan's character and did not let the private doctor check and apply the medicine, then who would be responsible for the repercussions.    


It might even delay the treatment and threaten his life.    


Therefore, even if he took the risk of offending Zhou Yuan, he could not give in.    


The bodyguard hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still followed Xie Ying's instructions and pressed Zhou Yuan firmly on the stretcher.    


After the private doctor checked Zhou Yuan's wound, his face was solemn, and he said to Xie Ying:    


"I'm afraid this matter will not be easy to handle."    


"Young master's eye has already been completely crippled, and the wound is showing signs of inflammation."    


"If not immediately treated, the inflammation will spread."    


"The eye is the closest place to the brain. If we don't operate on it as soon as possible, our lives might be in danger."    


Although Zhou Yuan's mouth was shut and he was constantly struggling, he became much quieter after hearing those words.    


After all, no matter how much he was afraid of pain, it was not as important as his life. He had not taken revenge yet, so how could he joke about his own life?    


Zhou Yuan wanted the doctor to operate on him immediately, but he stuffed a towel into his mouth and could not say anything. He could only look at Xie Ying.    


Fortunately, Xie Ying understood what he meant and immediately instructed the doctor:    


"Then don't wait. Prepare for the operation immediately."    


"I want you to do your best to protect the young master. If anything happens to him, I'll make you pay with your life."    


The private doctor's head was full of cold sweat. He did not dare to delay and immediately prepared for the surgery.    


At night, in the private residence.    


Chen Hao stood by the French window and looked at the city night scene under his feet. He was in a trance.    


Qi Wan quietly walked to his side and looked at the city's night view with him.    


Chen Hao noticed Qi Wan's arrival, but he was not surprised. Obviously, he was used to this kind of interaction.    


"Your subordinates have already investigated. The Freemasonry only brought a total of fifty people this time. More than half of them were eliminated by us that day."    


"How is it? Do you want to directly uproot them now?"    


"And Zhou Yuan, how do you plan to deal with him?"    


Qi Wan was extremely displeased when she thought of Zhou Yuan looking at her with that wretched gaze.    


Although Zhou Yuan had lost an eye, she did not want to let him go so easily.    


When Chen Hao heard Qi Wan's series of questions, he wasn't in a hurry to answer them.    


He was silent for a moment and then said:    


"No rush. Let's see what they have to do next."    


Qi Wan looked at Chen Hao with a puzzled expression.    


"Why are we still in such a passive position?"    


"Judging from the current situation, they are no longer our match."    


"Why don't we take advantage of the situation to chase after them?"    


Chen Hao looked out the window with a meaningful expression.    


"The Freemasonry isn't easy to deal with."    


"Besides, although they didn't bring many people this time, it doesn't mean that the Freemasonry is that large."    


"If we take the initiative to start a conflict, I'm afraid people will get involved."    


"If Zhou Yuan and the others take the initiative to cause trouble, then it will be different if we counterattack based on this."    


Although the Freemasonry president and his wife gave Zhou Yuan a chance to train and bring him to Chuzhou, Chen Hao didn't believe them. They knew nothing about the situation in Chuzhou, and would definitely send people to keep an eye on it. They were ready to report to them at any time.    


Qi Wan frowned slightly when she heard what he said.    


"What you said is too complicated."    


"I don't care about that. In any case, when there's a fight to be fought, you have to call me. Otherwise, I'll be bored to death."    


Chen Hao looked at Qi Wan and smiled helplessly.    


"Didn't you just fight? What's wrong? Haven't you had enough fun yet?"    


"Of course. Who asked you to deal with the most powerful one? Give it to me next time if there's a chance, okay?"    


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