Blockbuster Son-in-law

C90 3 Billion Is a Lot?

C90 3 Billion Is a Lot?

2Chu Yuvwei smiled as she kept having the feeling that Chen Hao was lying to her.    


She shook her head, but gave Chen Hao face. "All right, but I'll let him ask again about Chung Mingzhou. That's a double guarantee."    


"You still don't believe me." Chen Hao looked at her.    


Chu Yuvwei didn't give a clear answer. She just waved her hand and said, "No, I just think it's a bit safer this way."    


Chen Hao smiled. He knew that he didn't have a good impression of Chu Yuvwei, so he couldn't be bothered to ask.    


He continued to talk to Chu Yuvwei. "Prof. Zhang promised me that he would perform surgery in a week. Whether you believe him or not, you will know in a week."    


"A week?"    


Chu Yuvwei widened her eyes in disbelief.    


Even Chung Mingzhou had only said something vague like that recently, but he was sure it would be a week later.    


Is this true?    


"You will understand." Chen Hao no longer said anything.    


Yuvwei, after a week, you will know whether what your husband said is true or not.    


I will show you that your husband is not a loser.    


The promises I made to you, one by one, will come true.    


The next two days were a bit calmer, so Chen Hao wandered around between the hospital and the company.    


The Mercedes-Benz had been officially put into use by the company, and the news of the delivery of the million-dollar luxury car was still on the search logs for a few days.    


Later that evening, Chen Hao received a call from Zhang Yourong, saying that he would be invited to dinner, and then called Tian Sanfu.    


From Zhang You Rong's tone, Chen Hao knew that he had something to ask of him so he agreed.    


The place where they ate was at Jade Fragrance Inn, a large room for over ten people.    


When Chen Hao arrived, there were already a lot of people sitting in the room. However, Chen Hao swept his gaze and saw that there was an empty seat on the main seat. There was no need to think about it.    


As soon as he arrived, Zhang You Rong stood up to greet him. With a respectful attitude, he bent down and nodded: "Young Master Chen, you've finally come."    


Most of the people who were eating with Zhang You Rong this time were famous figures in the Chuzhou and medical field. Among them were some first-rate experts, special experts, and other famous doctors.    


Usually, they rarely saw Zhang You Rong, but this time, Zhang You Rong was able to treat them to a meal, and he felt honored.    


However, he didn't expect that the moment Chen Hao appeared, Zhang You Rong would lower his head and be so respectful to this young man.    


This was too rare.    


How high was this young man's identity?    


"There's a bit of traffic on the way. I'm late." Chen Hao said casually. He didn't feel that Zhang You Rong's attitude was inappropriate.    


"It's nothing, it's nothing!" Zhang You Rong said, "It is my honor to have you here. We should wait for an hour more!"    


As everyone listened, they felt even more incredulous.    


Chen Hao ignored him and sat down at the seat of honor with Zhang You Rong.    


Everyone was even more surprised now. Zhang You Rong was the one who sat in front of them, a young man who did not look that old!    


But since Zhang You Rong was so respectful to him, they didn't dare to say anything.    


With everyone present, the meal began.    


After a few drinks, Zhang You Rong revealed the purpose of inviting Chen Hao.    


"Young Master Chen, actually, the reason I invited you here is because I have a request for you."    


Chen Hao had expected this to happen, so he didn't have a big reaction: "Tell me about it."    


"This one." Zhang You Rong touched his wine glass, feeling troubled.    


Young Master Chen, I want to open a research institute in medicine in Chuzhou. In the whole of China, there are very few research institutes specializing in medicine, and even more so in the southeast region. As for medicine, I don't dare to boast, because traditional medicine is passed down from generation to generation in our country, and it can't let the Chinese medicine, which has been around for thousands of years, be lost in history.    


"This is a good thing!" Chen Hao said, "China's medical standards aren't bad in Asia, but they're not good enough in the whole world. Prof. Zhang wants to be a pioneer, and that's a good thing."    


"Yes …" Zhang You Rong was a little embarrassed, "The original intention was good, but you know the establishment of the institute, the design from the initial stage to the selection of the site, as well as the official construction of the base, and the maintenance fees after the establishment of the institute.    


"Oh." Chen Hao roughly understood what Zhang You Rong meant, "You want me to invest?"    


Zhang You Rong's face reddened, and he became a little embarrassed. However, he had said it clearly, he had nothing else to hide: "Yes, the construction of the institute, the investment of 3 billion yuan in the early stage of the project, do you know the financial strength of our medical family …"    


"It's nothing." Before Zhang You Rong could finish, Chen Hao said directly, "It's only 3 billion. You can just apply for it from Old Tian. 3 billion and I will approve..."    




When these words were spoken, everyone present was shocked.    


Let alone Zhang You Rong, the other doctors and apprentices who came here to accompany him were all shocked.    


Some ate, their mouths open, forgetting to chew. Some held wine bottles, and even poured them down without even aiming at the glasses.    


This is unbelievable, this is three billion!    


3 billion was enough to invest in so many projects. Real estate, e-commerce, logistics, which one of them could not make more money than this project?    


Oh, that's not right. That's not the main point. The main point is that he just had a meal and settled the three billion yuan project.    


Not a tycoon, this could already be considered a god-damn tycoon!    


Zhang You Rong didn't even have the time to toast Chen Hao: "Young Master Chen, is what you said true?"    


"Of course." Chen Hao shrugged, "When did you see me joke around?"    


"Sir, please consider carefully. If we continue to invest in the research institute, we might not even be able to see any profit within ten years. This is a very long-term project."    


"I know." Chen Hao picked up a peanut and casually threw it into his mouth. "A research project is never a short-term project. I have this expectation."    


"Then you really decided to vote?" Zhang You Rong confirmed again.    


"What's wrong?" Chen Hao looked at the shocked people around him and said, "Three billion?"    


Everyone: "..."    


Alright, you're the boss, you have the final say. You don't belong to the same world, so what am I supposed to say to you?    


The repentant Ari Jack Ma, first earned 100 million Zhang Jianlin, from then on "modesty world" another you, less than 3 billion Tom Chen.    


"Thank you so much!" Upon hearing Chen Hao's straightforward reply, Zhang You Rong was deeply grateful. He picked up his wine glass and toasted Chen Hao.    


Chen Hao drank two cups and suddenly remembered something.    


"Are you sure you want three billion?" Zhang You Rong asked again.    


"What, what's wrong?" Zhang You Rong was a little scared, he was afraid that Chen Hao would regret it again, "Yes, it's 3 billion!"    


Chen Hao thought about it and waved his hand. "How about this, I'll invest six billion in you …"    


This …    


Zhang You Rong was so tired that he almost kneeled on the ground.    


Zhang You Rong's apprentice, as well as the few doctors he had invited, were all frightened and knelt on the ground, listening intently.    


Young master, it can't be that expensive to be rich, right?    


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