Supreme Stock God

C1241 Come out and play you all have to return the favor!

C1241 Come out and play you all have to return the favor!

0"Hmm, I will pay attention to this matter!" Situ Li nodded his head, although he did not know why Zhou Hao said that, but in his impression, Zhou Hao was not the kind of person who would target people.     0


"Hm!" With the reform and opening up, I believe that there will definitely be more foreign enterprises or other facilities being built. Therefore, right now, the management of the land should be slightly strengthened! " After hesitating for a while, Zhou Hao opened his mouth to remind Su Yun.    


"Hm!" "Indeed, I will discuss this with the people from the Bureau of Lands. Actually, I noticed it before!" When he was talking about this, Situ Li's eyes lit up. The entire Xiang City's land management was not strict, he had always been clear about this matter, it was just that he had always turned a blind eye to it, but now that Zhou Hao had reminded him, he wanted to give it a shot.    


"En, since the matter has been settled, I will leave now!" Zhou Hao nodded and said.    


"No, it's almost noon. Let's have a meal together!" Looking at the time, he said.    


"Uncle Situ, there's no need to be so polite!"    


"Is this courtesy? You came back once, so no matter what, I will treat you to a meal! Furthermore, I need to discuss some things with Wei Tianhao later on. Situ Li laughed and said.    


"Wei Tianhao?" When Zhou Hao heard this name, he immediately thought of the Wei Jianmin who was clamoring in front of him just now.    


"Yes, that's right, it's Wei Tianhao, his iron mine had recently collapsed, and a few miners were trapped inside. Yesterday, all the miners were saved and survived, so he wanted me to intervene a little, because he doesn't want things to get out of control!" Hearing that Zhou Hao knew him, Situ Li asked.    


"So that's how it is!" Zhou Hao nodded his head, it was obvious that Wei Tian Hao knew that the moment public opinion was revealed, it would have a negative impact on his own iron ore, so in order to prevent such a situation from happening, he was willing to treat Situ Li to a meal. After all, as long as Situ Li was willing, he could suppress the matter with just a word!    


"En, come with me later!"    


"Alright!" After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Hao finally agreed. The reason he agreed was because Zhou Hao was very interested in Wei Tian Hao.    


"Hmm, in that case, I'll make some preparations!"    


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a quiet farmhouse. Zhou Hao's eyes flashed with a strange light as he walked out of the car.    


In his opinion, this kind of meeting would usually go to a five-star hotel, because only this was good enough!    


"Xiao Hao, are you surprised?" Seeing a flash of astonishment in Zhou Hao's eyes, Situ Li softly asked.    


"It's alright!"    


"Actually, it's easy to understand. Actually, you know that our identities are quite sensitive. If we frequent a five-star hotel, it wouldn't be good!" Situ Li slowly walked forward a few steps. At this time, Zhou Hao finally noticed a gigantic grape arbour in front of him.    


"Although this place is not a five-star hotel, the chef's strength is not inferior at all. You will definitely have made this trip for nothing. Furthermore, the environment here is quiet, making it very suitable for discussion!" It was obviously not Situ Li's first time in this kind of place, and after his mouth revealed a slight smile, he spoke again.    


"In that case, I must have a taste of it later!" Nodding, Zhou Hao also became interested.    


It had to be said that there was more than one person salivating over Situ Li's position, so they all stared at Situ Li with their eyes wide open. As long as he made the slightest mistake, these people could make use of this opportunity to make their best use of him. Once this matter gets out of hand, even if it was Zhao Group, it would be impossible to protect him!    


Therefore, it could be said that Situ Li's caution was entirely due to helplessness!    


"You two, this is the tea we prepared for you, please drink!" As they were chatting under the grape arbor, a pretty girl came over with a plate of fruit. After a brief introduction, she poured them both a full cup of tea and then left indifferently!    


From the beginning to end, her eyes were calm, without any hint of fear, which made Zhou Hao feel a bit of surprise in her eyes, and secretly praised this woman's mental fortitude!    


"Xiao Hao, try the tea here. Although it is not some famous tea, but it has a unique flavour. Every time you come, I am willing to drink a cup!" Situ Li introduced the teacup in front of him to Zhou Hao as he gently lifted it.    


"Oh? If that's the case, then I really have to give it a try! " Zhou Hao's lips curled up into a smile, and gently picked up the teacup. The teacup was made by boiling mud, it had a rough feel to it.    


This smell smelled like Jasmine, but it was not the real Jasmine. He thought about it suspiciously, but was unable to find an answer. After taking a sip, his eyes unconsciously lit up.    


Although it couldn't compare to the Da Hong Pao that he had drunk before, this flavor was very special. Thus, when one tasted it, it could be said to have a completely different charm!    


"How is it? I'm not lying to you, am I? " Seeing the surprise on Zhou Hao's face, Situ Li laughed and said.    


"He didn't lie to me. This taste, it really makes one's lips linger and has an endless aftertaste!" Without drinking anymore, a smile appeared on Zhou Hao's face as he said this.    


"Haha, well said!"    


In this way, half an hour quickly passed, and without even realizing it, the pot of tea in front of them had already been used up. The two of them looked each other in the eye and laughed out loud, and just at this time, following the sound of the horn, a black car appeared in front of Zhou Hao and placed the teacup in front of him down, then Situ Li spoke out: "It should be him!"    


Hearing Situ Li's words, Zhou Hao looked at him with interest, his brows knitted together slightly, because this was just an ordinary Audi, according to the reports from his previous life, Wei Tian Hao often drove a Land Rover, and now that he was driving an Audi, it was clear that he did not want others to find out about it!    


"Brother Situ, I came a bit late this time. I hope you can forgive me!" After he got out of the car, Wei Tianhao's clear voice sounded from his mouth!    


"Why are you being so courteous? Enjoying a moment of peace here makes me feel very comfortable!" Situ Li shook his head and said.    


"Oh right, let me introduce him to you. This is one of my nephew. Accompany me to meet him!" When Situ Li introduced Zhou Hao, he was a little vague, so Zhou Hao didn't care much about it.    


"Oh? "You look like a genius. I didn't prepare any gifts when I came here this time. How about this, this card has some money. You just buy whatever you want and treat it as my gift to you!" After looking at Zhou Hao carefully for a while, Wei Tian Hao laughed and took out a gold card!    


"How can I accept this?" Zhou Hao looked at the gold card, his eyes flashed a look of astonishment, and said.    


"Haha, I'm also your uncle. Just a small gift and you can accept it!" Wei Tianhao laughed heartily and said.    


"Since it is your uncle's wish, then accept it!" Situ Li knew that Zhou Hao did not care about this amount of money, but he still asked.    


"Since all of you have said so, then I won't be courteous anymore!" Zhou Hao took the card and casually placed it in his pocket.    


Wei Tian Hao who was carefully observing Zhou Hao suddenly had a look of surprise in his eyes. Although the gold card amount that he had given Zhou Hao was not very high, but it still had a few hundred thousand, but Zhou Hao did not care much about it. This let him know that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary fuerdai!    


"Alright, let's talk inside!" However, before this, he took a glance at Zhou Hao once more. For some reason, he felt as if he had seen it somewhere before!    


"Yes!" Situ Li glanced at Zhou Hao and nodded calmly!    


Seeing the two of them walk in front, Zhou Hao followed behind them with a faint smile. From the very beginning, Zhou Hao had been observing Wei Tian Hao, he was different from the other mining masters. He did not have a huge physique, instead, he gave others the feeling of a scholar.    


Wei Tianhao was an absolutely ruthless person. Because of the conflict between the iron ore and his territory, more than a dozen people had died at his hands ?    


In his previous life, there were a few people who betrayed him and couldn't endure the temptation. After he found out about them, he took them to the depths of the mine. After he broke their tendons, he threw them into a branch of the mine.    


Of course, because he was too savage, he was executed in the end. Of course, that was in his previous life, and in this life, because of the butterfly effect created by Zhou Hao's rebirth, his fate might have changed. Of course, he might have also chosen the same path as before.    




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