Supreme Stock God

C1099 Meridian and meridian

C1099 Meridian and meridian

4meridian and meridian    4


After leaving the villa that Huang Shifu was temporarily staying in, Huang Wanke's anger was still unquenchable. On the 80 kilometer speed limit, he had his Ferrari drive 160 kilometers and run a few red lights to vent his anger.    


His actions would of course attract the traffic police, but Huang Wanke was also excited, seeing that there was a traffic policeman riding a motorbike behind him, he did not slow down, and even stepped on the gas pedal to the ground.    


The traffic police's motorcycle could not catch up to Huang Wanke's "Ferrari", but Huang Wanke had actually managed to escape.    


In the end, Huang Wanke was tired, so he parked the car by the side of the road, and held tightly onto the steering wheel with both of his hands.    


The unforeseen event today had truly caught Huang Wanke by surprise. He had never thought that the person Huang Shifu wanted to reconnect with would actually be the woman he liked. Why did Huang Shifu try to stop him and Zeng Ying so fiercely before? Now, he seemed to have the answer.    


Only, Huang Wanke did not understand. If Huang Shifu had stopped him from the beginning because he liked Zeng Ying, then he should have known about Zeng Ying before, but he had never heard Zeng Ying say that she knew about Huang Shifu.    


Also, Zeng Ying should have been her woman, why was she suddenly willing to marry Huang Shifu? From her reaction just now, it was clear that she still had deep feelings for him. There must be some sort of secret behind it, just that she didn't know anything about it.    


"What exactly is going on? What exactly happened here? "    


Huang Wanke pounded on the steering wheel fiercely, the expression on his face was troubled and angry, like a lion who had no life or death.    


Other than that, from the way Zeng Ying walked down from the second floor of the villa, it was very likely that she would be staying there for the next few days.    


When he thought about how Zeng Ying lived together with him, Huang Wanke's heart felt as though it was stabbed by a knife, and his hatred for Huang Shifu grew even stronger.    


What Huang Wanke did not understand the most was how Zeng Ying and him got to know each other.    


"There might be some clues in A Ying's residence!" A thought flashed through Huang Wanke's mind, without hesitation, he immediately went to the luxurious unit that he had previously bought for Zeng Ying.    


The unit that he bought for Zeng Ying was a duplex unit that was located in a high-end residential area. Even though it had fallen greatly in Hong Kong, the duplicate unit still cost over 60 million Hong Kong dollars.    


Huang Wanke also had the unit's key, so he went straight up the stairs and entered the house.    


Huang Wanke walked straight into Zeng Ying's room, and in the luxurious room, the air seemed to have a faint fragrance of Zeng Ying's body.    


Seeing the large pink bed in the middle of the room, Huang Wanke's mind still vividly recalled the scene where he and Zeng Ying went to Wu Mountain together. However, at this moment, he could only take a glance at those who thought of him.    


Letting out a long sigh, Huang Wanke started rummaging through the room. When he found the soft pillows on the bed, he found a letter hidden in one of them.    


The white envelope didn't say who to give it to, but Huang Wanke tore it open immediately and took out a letter to read.    


"Dear Vanke."    


The letter started with this form of address, and was indeed Zeng Ying's handwriting, so Huang Wanke immediately knew that this letter was written by Zeng Ying.    


He immediately read it, but the more he read it, the more his face turned ashen. The hands holding the letter also trembled in anger.    


In this letter, Zeng Ying wrote out the entire sequence of events. She and Huang Shifu had indeed known each other before. To be exact, Zeng Ying did not know Huang Shifu, but Huang Shifu knew him.    


It was a matter of a few months ago. Because Huang Shifu made a donation to Fudan University, Fudan University specially organized a lecture for Huang Shifu. On one hand, it was to let Huang Shifu share his success story with the students of Fudan University.    


And during that speech, Zeng Ying was selected as the school's courtesan to wear a wreath for Huang Shifu.    


It was also the same time when Huang Shifu fell in love with Zeng Ying, but that time, Zeng Ying only treated him as a guest of the school, and did not have any other thoughts for him. Although Huang Shifu wanted to get to know Zeng Ying later on, one reason was because he was busy with work and was unable to leave. Another reason was that Zeng Ying had gone to Beijing and then came to Hong Kong, preventing Huang Shifu from getting to know her.    


Last time when Huang Shifu had finally seen Zeng Ying, Zeng Ying had actually turned out to be Huang Wanke's girlfriend. This caused Huang Shifu to be shocked and furious, because he had never been so passionate to another woman like Zeng Ying, so he did not hesitate to stop Huang Wanke from getting along with her, and even took out the right to inherit Yellowstone Group to intimidate Huang Wanke.    


Afterwards, while Huang Wanke was busy being cautious, taking advantage of the time that he did not dare meet with Zeng Ying, Huang Shifu would frequently look for him.    


This year, Huang Shifu was already in his fifties, but in front of Zeng Ying, he was as passionate as a young man in his twenties.    


In the letter, Zeng Ying expressed that she did not have the slightest feelings towards Huang Shifu, as the only person she had ever liked was Huang Wanke.    


Seeing that his pursuit for Zeng Ying was unshakable, Huang Shifu decided to use Zeng Ying's feelings and feelings to make his move. He threatened Zeng Ying, if she did not want to be his woman, he would not allow Huang Wanke to inherit his Yellowstone Group, and take back everything he had given Huang Wanke, leaving him with nothing at all.    


Because Zeng Ying didn't want to be like this with Huang Wanke, she forced herself to agree to Huang Shifu's demands.    


At the very end of the letter, Zeng Ying had said "I'm sorry" to Huang Wanke and even said that it would be like nothing had ever happened between them, to make Huang Wanke forget about her. At the same time, she also advised Huang Wanke not to act rashly, and not to do anything to Huang Shifu.    


After reading the letter Zeng Ying wrote, Huang Wanke's chest rose intensely. He panted heavily, and felt like there was a ball of fire in his chest that was about to explode.    


Furthermore, Huang Wanke also saw that there were some water stains on the letter. He could easily guess that these water stains were definitely Zeng Ying's tears. One could only imagine how upset Zeng Ying was when she wrote this letter.    


"Huang Shifu, you old pervert, you will die a horrible death!" Huang Wanke roared in anger.    


He could not accept that a woman he had finally fallen in love with would actually be snatched away by his own father, and in such a despicable manner at that.    


However, once he thought about how Huang Shifu was the true controller of the Yellowstone Group and that he had to let Huang Shifu decide whether or not he could inherit the Yellowstone Group, Huang Wanke became dispirited and sat down on the bed.    


In her hand was the letter Zeng Ying had written, looking at the beautiful handwriting, as well as the traces of tears, Huang Wanke's heart was in a lot of pain.    


In reality, among all the women that he had ever had, whether it was appearance or temperament, Zeng Ying could not be considered to be the most outstanding one. This was because Zeng Ying and his first love looked too similar. Not only her appearance, even her pure and bashful temperament was extremely similar.    


When Huang Wanke was still in middle school, he was already an extremely famous rich and powerful person in the area. However, Huang Wanke was a patient and patient person, unlike the children of the upstart students who were usually seeking luxury in order to show off their difference from the others. As a result, the students in the class did not know about Huang Wanke's situation.    


It was also during junior high school that Huang Wanke fell in love with a girl from the same class. Only, at that time, Huang Wanke was extremely bashful, and did not dare to confess to that girl for a long time. And when he was about to graduate from junior high school, when Huang Wanke finally mustered his courage to confess to her, he actually received a girl's obituary.    


It turned out that during the graduation exam that day, the girl was hit by a truck on the road. Even if she was sent to the hospital, she wouldn't be able to rescue her.    


At that time, that piece of news had too big of a shock to Huang Wanke. In order to vent his anger, in high school, Huang Wanke who was still a student had found the driver that caused trouble and spent money on some hoodlums who didn't work properly to torture the driver to death, finally throwing him to the ground.    


Although the driver that caused the trouble was dead, Huang Wanke still couldn't forget about that girl.    


Huang Wanke had been trying to find someone that could move his heart like that girl, but he just couldn't find that person, until he met Zeng Ying.    


But Zeng Ying was not only like the girl who made Huang Wanke ripple initially, she also had her own unique personality, making Huang Wanke unable to extricate himself from his infatuation.    


However, it wasn't easy to find a person that he liked, but Huang Shifu stole it away using such a despicable method. How could Huang Wanke not be angry?    


The current Huang Wanke felt like he was the same as the driver who killed his first lover, the one who snatched away his beloved. Deep in his heart, Huang Wanke gave birth to traces of dense killing intent.    


And at the same time Huang Wanke was in his house, Zhou Hao was also in his own house, holding onto a piece of information. On the information, there was a black and white photo, it was a girl who dressed shyly and had a ponytail, looking very similar to Zeng Ying.    


"So that was the reason why Huang Wanke had set his eyes on her at that time." Reading this information, Zhou Hao muttered to himself with a cold smile.    




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