Supreme Stock God

C1092 Who is afraid of who

C1092 Who is afraid of who

2As Zhou Hao expected, that night, Zhou Hao read on the news that Ye Liyuan, the director of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was coming to Hong Kong to visit the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the People's Liberation Army in Hong Kong.    0


When Zhou Hao saw this news, he immediately guessed that Ye Liyuan was running towards him.    


The General Logistics Department was one of the four major departments in the military. Although its authority was not as impressive as the General Political Department and General Staff, nor as eye-catching as the General Equipment Department that was established in 1998, it was still a long-standing organization that controlled the military's logistics resources, including supplies such as military drugs.    


Zhou Hao guessed that Ye Liyuan should be representing the Central Committee to discuss the matter of the several medical experiment bases with him. After all, Zhou Hao's experiment sites were extremely important, especially the "Life Continuing Fragrance Orchid" that could cure cancer. Once it appeared, it would definitely shock the entire world, so the Central Committee had no choice but to pay attention to it.    


The center must have taken Zhou Hao's background and contacts into consideration, which was why they chose Ye Liyuan, a person who did not belong to any Zhao Group, to come to negotiate with Zhou Hao.    


However, Zhou Hao had never been afraid of him, he was the head of the General Political Department and had control over the military intelligence network. Although he was of the same rank as Ye Liyuan, his position and power was still much stronger than him. Moreover, Zhou Hao still had his entire Zhao Group supporting him from behind. Eldest Uncle Zhao Dingzhou was also the commander in chief of the Guangzhou military region.    


In addition, Zhao Dingzhou was now an alternate member of the Politburo, and it was a foregone conclusion that Zhou Liren would enter the Politburo as a member within the next two years. Although he was still far from becoming a member, his authority should not be underestimated.    


Obviously, the people from the other factions would covet Zhou Hao's medicinal experiment bases, because the results obtained from the other medicinal experiment bases, if they were turned into economic benefits, would be hard to estimate. Especially the "Life Continuing Fragrance Orchid", it would definitely be able to monopolize the entire world's cancer medicine market for Zhou Hao.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao guessed that this time, it was most likely that the other factions would use the opportunity to enter his experimental base to take advantage of it. But, would Zhou Hao let them succeed?    


Just as he was thinking, the phone rang. Zhou Hao looked at it and smiled.    


He put the phone close to his ear and smiled. "Brother Zhao, what can I do for you?"    


"Can't I look for you because I'm fine?"    


The person on the other side of the phone was Zhao Dingzhou, who was also Zhou Hao's brother-in-law.    


After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhao Dingzhou stopped his joking tone and turned to Zhou Hao: "Xiao Hao, Ye Liyuan from the logistics department will be in Hong Kong tomorrow, do you know?"    


"I know, he's after me, right?" Zhou Hao laughed.    


"Oh? You already know? " Zhao Dingzhou said, "The central government has already paid attention to the several medical experiment bases that have been opened in your name. Although we have yet to grasp the specific results of your research, we still have a general idea. Xiao Hao, the research results of these medicine are too important, the central government will not let you get the hang of it easily. I've already talked with the old man. From the looks of it, Central Government should be establishing a joint venture with you. "    


Zhou Hao laughed coldly, and said: "If the central government wants to control the rights, I would rather destroy all of my research results, than marry them!"    


Actually, Zhou Hao had already said those words out of anger. "Life Continuing Fragrance Orchid" was something that could benefit all of humanity, and Zhou Hao would definitely not let it be covered up. However, if Zhou Hao was truly angered, he would take the research results abroad, for example, to Japan. It was not because Zhou Hao wanted to sell all these to the Japanese, but because Nanami Kaoru already controlled the funds of the Tokugawa Financial Group. Zhou Hao was completely capable of establishing his own medical company, and did not need to care about others.    


Zhao Dingzhou obviously knew Zhou Hao's personality. Forget about Central TV's method, even if Central TV did take out the righteousness of the nation, Zhou Hao would not buy it anyway.    


Can't I build a company to benefit the people? Does that mean we have to go through your center to benefit the people?    


Moreover, this time it was clearly the other factions that were coveting the results of these research. They wanted to interfere and get a share of the spoils.    


So, Zhao Dingzhou turned to Zhou Hao and said, "Xiao Hao, don't worry, our people will definitely support you. If those people are too excessive, you don't need to care about them.    


"Don't worry Big Brother, I know what I'm doing. If it's possible, I don't want to be too stiff with them. After all, it's not good for everyone." Zhou Hao said.    


Zhao Dingzhou laughed, "Hehehe, as long as you know how to think like this, then it's fine. In any case, with your knowledge and ability, even we old fellows find it hard to deal with you. "Let go."    


After ending his call with Zhao Dingzhou, Zhou Hao started to ponder.    


The main point of the plan was to see how far the Central Region would go. If they were determined to take control of the rights, Zhou Hao would not compromise. If it was really people who were blessed, Zhou Hao could still complete this mission even without the intervention of the Central Committee.    


Long before this, Zhou Hao had already made preparations to have Xiao Jiming deliver all the research materials as well as a hundred "Life Continuing Fragrance Orchids" to Nanami Kaoru so that he could have an extra hand.    


At this time, a pair of hands pressed onto Zhou Hao's shoulder, and started kneading lightly or heavily.    


It was He Xueyun.    


Zhou Hao grabbed onto one of them and turned to look at He Xueyun, only to see him smiling gently.    


"What are you thinking about?" He Xueyun asked gently.    


Zhou Hao shook his head and asked: "Has Jiming settled down already?"    


He Xueyun nodded her head: "En, he is in the guest room downstairs, I think he is also tired, she should be asleep by now."    


Zhou Hao held He Xueyun's hand, allowing her to pass the sofa and sit on his lap. He instead rested his face on her soft and bountiful chest, and said with emotion: "There are always some people in this world who want a share of the spoils even when they see others doing well. In order to take a bit of oil from others, they would not care about anything else, it's simply too shameful."    


He Xueyun naturally understood what Zhou Hao was saying, and said while gently stroking Zhou Hao's hair: "This is unavoidable, especially when your 'Life Continuing Orchid' is too sensitive. It can cure cancer, once this drug is released, other drug companies that specialize in cancer drugs will be forced to go bankrupt by you guys. There are tens of millions of people suffering from cancer around the world, and now there are drugs that can cure this incurable disease.    


"But I'm not that easy to bully either." Zhou Hao then sneered: "If you make me angry, I will let them go easy on you. At worst, I will just transfer all my funds to other countries."    


He Xueyun kissed Zhou Hao on the forehead, and laughed: "Anyways, wherever you go, I'll follow you."    


"Hehe, hehe, isn't this the same as marrying a chicken and following a dog and chicken, marrying a monkey and walking through the mountains?" Zhou Hao laughed.    


The next day, Zhou Hao stayed at home to wait. He drank tea with Xiao Jiming as they played chess.    


Around 3 in the afternoon, Zhou Hao's phone rang.    


"It's Mr Zhou Zhou Hao, right?"    


The words of the person on the other side of the phone weren't much, but the tone of voice carried a thick sense of nose and a hint of arrogance. Even without facing him, Zhou Hao could imagine that guy's arrogant appearance.    


"I am." Zhou Hao said indifferently.    


The person on the other side of the phone said, "I'm the assistant of Chief Ye Liyuan from the general logistics department. My surname is Jiang. Now that Chief Ye wishes to see you, quickly come to room 001 of Shangri-La Hotel. Chief Ye has other things to do, I don't have much time to meet you, so you have to grasp the time. "    


Zhou Hao laughed coldly, and said unrestrainedly: "Then I'm sorry, I don't have time to see him. If he has something important to do, then let him come find me himself. But before he comes, please make an appointment because my schedule is full and I don't know if I can spare the time to see him. "    


When the man surnamed Jiang heard Zhou Hao speaking like that, he did not react for a while. When he came back to his senses and was about to curse at Zhou Hao, he heard a burst of sound coming from the other side of the phone, but Zhou Hao just hung up.    


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Hao was still angry. He turned to He Xueyun and said: "Xue Yun, if Ye Liyuan comes to find me later, just say that I'm not in Hong Kong and have gone to discuss business at Japan. I wonder when I'll be back."    


Half an hour later, the doorbell indeed rang. Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming were still playing chess in the house, not moving at all.    


He Xueyun walked over to open the door, and saw a man in a dark grey middle mountain attire, who looked to be over fifty years old, standing outside. He looked very mighty, and was clearly someone who had been in a high position for a long time.    


Behind the man were five to six people accompanying him. He Xueyun looked at them and asked: "May I ask who you are looking for?"    


Then, he said: "Hello, we are looking for Mr Zhou Zhou Hao. May I ask if he is home?"    


"I'm sorry, he just left Hong Kong to discuss business with Japan. I don't know when he will return." He Xueyun said according to Zhou Hao's previous instructions.    


The face of the man in his fifties changed slightly. Beside him was a man in his forties, dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He said unhappily: "That guy clearly knew that our Chief Ye came to find him, yet he left just like that?"    




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