Supreme Stock God

C997 If There Was No Enmity They Would Become Father and Son

C997 If There Was No Enmity They Would Become Father and Son

1Sitting in Yan Qingqing's car, Zhou Hao soon returned to the "Lake Garden. " He had bought it before. He lived with Yan Tong and Wang Xijun's family of three. Now with the assets of the Tongguang, it was not difficult for Yan Tong and Lu Shiping to buy the entire "Lake Gazing Garden. "    3


But Yan Tong and Lu Shiping were not the kind of people who pursued material pleasures. As long as their living standards were passable, they would be fine. Therefore, they did not burn money and flaunt their wealth like those nouveau riches.    


On the way home, Yan Qingqing drove the car. From time to time, she would glance at Zhou Hao beside her with affection. It was as if she could not see enough. The corner of her mouth was always overflowing with a smile.    


Zhou Hao also felt a little emotional about Yan Qingqing's impression of her. In the past, Yan Qingqing did not dare to drive by herself. She was the kind of person who was rumored to be "excited to drive twenty miles. " But now, Yan Qingqing sat in the driver's seat with ease. Her entire body emitted a confident and experienced aura.    


"Hao, is the person in the car behind you your friend? They seem to have been following us all along. " Yan Qingqing looked at the rearview mirror and said.    


Zhou Hao was stunned and then remembered Mizuki Shinji and the others. He looked at the rear mirror and indeed saw the "Audi" that he was riding on before. He nodded and said, "It's my friend. "    


"What business have you been doing in the United States for the past year? Does it have anything to do with the country? My uncle said what you did in the United States is related to national security, and you can't even contact your family, otherwise you'll be in danger " Yan Qing Qing said: "It made me and my aunt worry about you"    


Zhou Hao heard this and immediately paused. He quickly asked, "Uncle? Which uncle?"    


"It's your father. . . " Yan Qing Qing suddenly shut her mouth and looked at Zhou Hao somewhat apprehensively.    


" He's back? " Zhou Hao frowned.    


His father, Zhou Liren, had always been one of the few weak points in his heart. He hated himself for having such a father. He hated Zhou Liren for betraying him and Yan Tong time and time again for the sake of benefits.    


Now that Zhou Liren had returned, Zhou Hao's first reaction was that he must have come back for the property of Tongguang.    


"This shameless bastard still has the face to come back!" Zhou Hao said while gnashing his teeth in anger.    


Yan Qingqing was also frightened by Zhou Hao's evil aura. She said in a low voice, "Hao, actually my uncle. . . He is not like what you think? He. . . He has his own difficulties. "    


"Difficulties?" Zhou Hao laughed coldly. "What difficulties can make him abandon his wife and son? He never did his duty as a husband and as a father? What difficulties could make him betray the interests of his son and wife, and then walk away? "    


"He, he. . . Sigh, Hao, Anyways my uncle really has his difficulties. You will understand when you see him later. " Yan Qing said, "And Aunt has already forgiven him. You have to think about Aunt. "    


"Even if my mother forgives him, I will never forgive him!" Zhou Hao growled.    


Looking at Zhou Hao's determined expression, Yan Qing sighed and did not continue.    


The two of them returned to the "Lake Watching Garden. " When they got off the car, Mizuki Shinji also got off from the "Audi" at the back and walked straight to Zhou Hao and Yan Qingqing. Yan Qingqing saw Mizuki Shinji. She did not expect Zhou Hao's friend to be such a rare beauty. She could not help but glance at Zhou Hao.    


Mizuki Shinji nodded and smiled at Yan Qing, "Hello, I am the young master's secretary, Mizuki Shinji. Please advise me. "    


"Oh, you, hello. " Yan Qing Qing also nodded at her.    


Mizuki Shinji did not say anything else after greeting Yan Qingqing. She quietly stood behind Zhou Hao. It made Zhou Hao feel a little awkward. He guiltily explained to Yan Qingqing, "Uh. . . She is my assistant. I brought her from Japan. I'll explain the specific situation to you later. Shinji, you can stay here for now. I'll go up and meet my mother first. "    


After hearing Zhou Hao's words, Mizuki Shinji nodded her head and turned around to return to the car.    


"Let her go up and take a seat. " Okay, Zhou Hao said.    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "No need. "    


He was afraid that Zhou Liren would have a conflict with him if he went up. Zhou Hao did not want Mizuki Shinji to see this kind of ugly thing.    


The two of them went to the compound unit on the top floor with their own thoughts. Standing in front of their own door, Zhou Hao's heart suddenly surged. And Wang Xijun's house across from him made him feel emotional. Just now, from Yan Qingqing's words, he knew that Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying had both gone to Fu Dan University to study.    


Back then, Zhou Hao had told Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying that he would enroll in Fudan University. And the two of them probably went to Fu Dan University for the same reason to wait for Zhou Hao's return.    


At this moment, Yan Qingqing took out her key and opened the door. Zhou Hao, who was following behind, immediately smelled a familiar scent of rice coming from inside. It was Yan Tong's food. When Zhou Hao smelled the familiar scent of rice, he felt like crying. It had been more than a year since he had eaten Yan Tong's food.    


"Aunt! Aunt!" Yan Qingqing called Yan Tong as soon as she entered the room.    


"Qingqing, you're back?" Yan Tong walked out of the kitchen while wiping her hands on her apron.    


When she saw Zhou Hao behind Yan Qingqing, she was stunned as if she had frozen.    


Then, the gurgling tears kept flowing out of her eyes.    


"Mom. . . " Zhou Hao's throat was dry as he called out. His eyes were also covered with a layer of tears.    


Yan Tong took two steps forward and then hit Zhou Hao's head with her fist. She scolded, "You brat, where have you been all year? Don't you know what I am worried about? You didn't even call back? "    


Zhou Hao ignored Yan Tong's scolding and directly hugged Yan Tong. At this time, Yan Tong also couldn't scold him anymore. She also reached out and hugged Zhou Hao and said continuously, "Stinking brat! Stinky brat! Stinky brat!"    


At this moment, a tall man's figure appeared behind Yan Tong. He was also staring blankly at Zhou Hao. Two lines of tears also flowed out from his face. When Zhou Hao saw this man, he froze, because this man was his biological father, Zhou Liren!    


He really came back!    


Zhou Hao could not suppress the anger in his heart, but when he saw Zhou Liren at this moment, he was surprised to find that Zhou Liren's temperament was completely different from before. In the past, Zhou Liren was like a hooligan, like a homeless refugee who lied about food and drinks.    


But now, Zhou Liren's body exuded a steady aura like a deep mountain. His eyes were bright, and his eyes were deep and unfathomable. Every movement he made was filled with the air of a big family.    


However, Zhou Hao didn't pay attention to Zhou Liren's change. In a flash, he passed by Yan Tong and arrived in front of Zhou Liren. He reached out his hand and grabbed Zhou Liren's collar, lifting him up and roaring. "You son of a b * tch, you still have the face to come back?"    


Zhou Liren did not resist. He just let Zhou Hao pull him up from the ground.    


Yan Tong and Yan Qingqing could not help but exclaim, "No!"    


Yan Tong immediately walked forward to grab Zhou Hao. "Xiao Hao, let him go! He is your father, how can you do this!"    


"He also has the face to be my father?" Zhou Hao glared at Zhou Liren and said in a deep voice, "Someone like him. . . I said he went to the north to do business, but I lied to you. Because this fellow stole the drink formula of our 'Heavenly River' and sold it to the Fengshan Group. After that, he took the tens of thousands of dollars that were given to him and ran away!"    


Seeing Yan Tong's shocked expression, Zhou Hao continued, "Mom, I didn't tell you at that time because I didn't want you to be sad for this bastard. I even lied to you that he went to the north to do business. It's just that I didn't think that this guy would still have the face to come back and find you! "    


"Zhou Hao, listen to me. " Zhou Liren said calmly, "That's right. I'm sorry to your mother and to you. However, I have my reasons. I did it for your sake. "    


Zhou Hao was extremely angry when he heard that. He laughed instead. "Hahahaha. . . Zhou Liren, do you think I am a three-year-old child? What difficulties do you have that can make you do this to us? And you dare to say that you are doing this for the sake of us mother and son? What exactly did you do with your face? If you didn't blush, I would blush for you!"    


Zhou Liren took a deep breath and said," Because I have been engaged in a very dangerous job for so many years. I can't let others know my real identity, especially my family's situation. Otherwise, you will be in an extremely dangerous situation. I know your mother's character. I can't go home often. She will definitely worry about me, so I can only make her hate me. Make you hate me. It's better for you to hate me than always worrying about me. If that's the case, if I really can't come back. . . You won't be too sad. "    


"Huang's world is too absurd!" Zhou Hao shouted coldly. Your imagination is very good. Can you make up such a reason? What kind of dangerous job can a hooligan like you do? Don't tell me you're going to rob a house and commit murder and arson!"    


"Xiao Hao, how can you say that about your father!" Yan Tong scolded Zhou Hao.    


"Why can't I?" Zhou Hao said, "Ask him yourself. For so many years, Did he do his duty as a father and as a husband? When he ran out of money, he only knew how to take it from you, take it, and gamble. He didn't care how hard it was for him, a man like him. . . Why can't I talk about him? I don't only talk about him, I also want to kill him!"    


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