Supreme Stock God

C961 Escape

C961 Escape

3Many people in Osaka knew that there was a large manor in the nearby city. There were pavilions, bridges, and flowing water everywhere. Even in the city, the price was not cheap. Therefore, the manor was not considered anything else. The low price alone was an astronomical figure.    


Although few people knew who the owner of the manor was, he must be an extraordinary tycoon to have such a property.    


The truth was just as people had guessed. The owner of this manor was the patriarch of Tokugawa Family - Tokugawa Naomasa.    


At this moment, Tokugawa Naomasa was in his bedroom.    


This was a room the size of a basketball court. It was very spacious inside.    


There was a huge ink painting of Mount Fuji on the east wall, and there were many other items such as "painting of the world," the armor of ancient generals, famous sabers, and so on. The quantity was enough to open a small exhibition, and each of these items was worth a fortune.    


Tokugawa Naomasa was lying face up in the middle of the room, except for the white cloth covering his crotch. There was not a single strand on his body, which completely exposed his thin and withered body to the air. However, the room was installed with a very advanced regulator. It could precisely control the temperature and humidity in the room, allowing Tokugawa Naomasa to maintain the temperature and humidity that made him feel the most comfortable.    


Beside Tokugawa Naomasa, there were two women kneeling there and carefully helping him wipe away his dry body.    


These two women were very young. They looked to be less than twenty years old. Their bodies were delicate and curvy, their skin was white and red, and their faces were also very pretty. They were two beautiful young girls that were rarely seen.    


Moreover, these two girls did not have any clothes on them, and their bodies were completely exposed. They were very alluring.    


The two girls divided the work and worked together. One wiped Tokugawa Naomasa's lower body, while the other wiped his upper body.    


Tokugawa Naomasa took advantage of the time when the girl helped him wipe his upper body and bent down. He reached out and grabbed the front of her chest, which was like a hanging bell. He stuck out his tongue and licked it, making a clicking sound.    


The girl who was attacked by Tokugawa Naomasa did not dare to resist at all. She allowed Tokugawa Naomasa to do whatever he wanted and had to endure Tokugawa Naomasa's skeleton like disgusting face.    


At this moment, a voice sounded from outside. "Sir, I have returned. "    


Tokugawa Naomasa did not reply first. Instead, he took a fierce bite in front of the young girl in front of him, causing her to cry out in pain. Only then did he let out a dry laugh.    


Then, he waved his hand, signaling the two girls to help him sit up. After putting on a kimono, he said to the outside, "Oh, Tojo, you're back. Come in. "    


The paper door on the other side of the room was pulled open. A man in his 30s in a black Zhongshan suit was kneeling there.    


He walked into the room with his head lowered and sat opposite of Tokugawa Naomasa.    


Tokugawa Naomasa took the tobacco pipe from a young girl beside him and took a puff. He then asked the man in front of him, "Tojo, how is it? Is your father back yet? Is there any news?"    


"Master, my father is not back yet. Furthermore. . . And. . . "    


Hesitating for a moment, he continued: "The people my father brought to the mysterious island have all lost contact with us.    


We used to use military satellites to detect that there were many warships of China's military in that area. I suspect that Father and the others might have encountered China's navy "    


Tokugawa Naomasa was silent, his face full of old age spots was somewhat gloomy. After a long while, he said, "So that means it's highly likely that Shun Yi will not be able to return?"    


"Lord, please rest assured, even if father can't come back. I, Tojo, will continue to help you find Imperial Jade Seals!"    


This man was the only son of Hideki Shunichi, Tojo and his men. Just like Hideki Shunichi, Tojo and his men were Tokugawa Naomasa's loyal confidantes.    


Tokugawa Naomasa exhaled a long breath of white smoke and said slowly, "I'm afraid that the Imperial Jade Seal has already fallen into the hands of the Chinaman. If that's the case, it will be much harder for us to snatch it away. "    


Tojo and his men immediately bowed and kowtowed, sticking their foreheads to the tatami. He said very respectfully, "Master, please rest assured. No matter how difficult it is, I will do my best to bring the Imperial Jade Seal back to you!"    


"Where's Ah Xun?" Tokugawa Naomasa suddenly asked, "Ah Xun also sent people to that island to search for the Imperial Jade Seal, right? How are the people she sent?"    


Tojo and his men shook their heads. "I'm sorry, sir. According to the last message sent by our people, they did not meet the people Madam sent. Also, milord, please forgive me for being blunt. Madam, she. . . "    


Tokugawa Naomasa raised his hand and stopped him from speaking. "I know what you want to say. You want to say that Ah Xun sent people to search for Imperial Jade Seals on that island, not for me, right?"    


"Yes, Your Excellency. " Tojo and his men gritted their teeth and said, "According to the various signs of our investigation, Madam has formed a party in Tokugawa Family and is privately involved. Every time she divided up the properties under the Tokugawa Family, she is full of ambition.    


And this time, she is busy sending people to the island to look for the Imperial Jade Seal. Obviously, she wants to snatch the Imperial Jade Seal before us. "    


At this point, he simply opened his mouth and said, "Father and the others have never returned. Other than the possibility of meeting the China military, I suspect that there is another possibility. That is, the people Madam sent to give Father and the others. . . "    


Tojo and the others did not continue speaking, because they saw that Tokugawa Naomasa's expression had already become very ugly.    


Whether it was Hideki Shunichi and his son, or the Tokugawa Family's men, it didn't matter. The rest of them knew how much Tokugawa Naomasa doted on Nanami Kaoru.    


Tokugawa Naomasa was a man who valued men more than women. There were very few female members in the Tokugawa Family who could participate in the family business. Not to mention the wives who married into the family, even the daughters and granddaughters of the Tokugawa Family were not allowed to interfere in the family business.    


As an outsider, Nanami Kaoru had obtained control over two of the core industries of the Tokugawa Family, namely Shichuan Island Heavy Industrial and Toshiba Electricity. She was also the executive director of the Mitsui Bank.    


Her power was even greater than that of Tokugawa Gennama and the Tokugawa's Codong, the sons of Tokugawa Naomasa. It could be seen that Tokugawa Naomasa doted on her too much.    


It was precisely because of Tokugawa Naomasa's doting on Nanami Kaoru that Hideki Shunichi and his son noticed that Nanami Kaoru was ambitious and wanted to take control of the Tokugawa Family.    


Therefore, they had many suggestions to get rid of Nanami Kaoru, but Tokugawa Naomasa had never listened to their suggestions. Instead, he scolded them harshly.    


However, Tokugawa Naomasa was not an ordinary person after all. He also noticed Nanami Kaoru's ambition. However, Tokugawa Naomasa was confident enough to believe that Nanami Kaoru would not be able to escape from his control. No matter how much Nanami Kaoru jumped around, she would never be able to escape from his grasp.    


Furthermore, because he had a perverted desire to possess Nanami Kaoru, he did not want to make a move against her.    


At this moment, another servant came from outside. " Master, Madam's assistant Momiji Hinano and Mo Huaixi want to see you. "    


"Momiji Hinano? Mo Huaixi?" Tokugawa Naomasa frowned slightly.    


Tojo and his men in front of him also said: "Master, you have asked your wife to see you several times during this period of time. But she used all sorts of excuses to reject you, and now she's even asking her assistant to come and give you a perfunctory answer. This is simply. . . "    


Tokugawa Naomasa waved his hand and said to the servants outside, "Bring them in. "    


Then he looked at Tojo and the others. Tojo understood and immediately explained to him, "Master, Momiji Hinano is the other assistant of Madam other than Mizuki Shinji, and also the junior sister of Jinguukyou Shirou, the master of Imperial Palace Wind-repelling Flow.    


As for that Mo Huaixi, he joined Madam's hands not long ago. I heard that he is Mizuki Shinji's boyfriend. As for his background, we are still investigating him. I believe that there will be results soon. "    


Just as she finished speaking, Momiji Hinano and Zhou Hao followed the servant in. Momiji Hinano also carried a football sized box in her hand.    


In this room, Zhou Hao finally saw Nanami Kaoru's nominal husband - Tokugawa Naomasa.    


Looking at the withered Old Man sitting on the cushion, Zhou Hao's heart was filled with anger.    


Because he thought that Nanami Kaoru was actually such an old undying wife, he had a suffocating resentment. A strong killing intent was born along with it. It took him a lot of effort to suppress the impulse to rush over and kill Tokugawa Naomasa.    


Although Zhou Hao was following behind Momiji Hinano, keeping his head down and not saying a word, and his face was also disguised, the killing intent that burst out from his face just now was caught by Tojo and his men, so they immediately shifted their attention to Zhou Hao.    


Momiji Hinano and Zhou Hao slowly came to Tokugawa Naomasa and knelt down respectfully. Momiji Hinano also said to Tokugawa Naomasa, "Sir, Madam asked me to greet you. "    


Tokugawa Naomasa's turbid eyes shot out two rays of light as he stared at Momiji Hinano. He asked in a hoarse voice, "Didn't I ask Ah Xun to come and see me? Didn't she come? She only sent the two of you?"    


"Because Madam has been infected with some diseases recently and didn't want to infect you, Sir, that's why she didn't come to see you. " Momiji Hinano smiled and said, "And this time, Madam sent the two of us over to tell Sir about something. "    


Tokugawa Naomasa closed his eyes and muttered to himself. "Sick? Why didn't you tell me you were sick? If she doesn't come to see me, I can go and see her. " After a pause, He then looked at Momiji Hinano and asked, "What does she want to tell me?"    


Momiji Hinano smiled and said, "Madam told me to tell Sir that she wants to officially break away from your husband and wife relationship. "    


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