Supreme Stock God

C973 They Had No Choice but to Fight It out with Them!

C973 They Had No Choice but to Fight It out with Them!

1"What's wrong?" Although Hu Tarang of Mitsui was puzzled, he immediately stopped because he had escaped from the encirclement of the assassins sent by Tokugawa Naomasa a few times. It was all thanks to Ninja's cautiousness and caution.    


Ninja said in a deep voice, "We are already so close. The people on the ship should have already known we were coming. Why didn't they give us the signal? Gui Zhong, try sending the signal to the ship! "    


As he said that, Ninja used the flashlight in his hand to signal with the length of the light. The others kept a close eye on the ship's movement, paying attention to whether there was any response.    


After a while, there was still no response from the ship. The Mitsui's Long Er and Mitsui's Hu Tarang had already retreated under the protection of Ninja.    


Because they knew that the boatman who had arranged beforehand to help them smuggle to South Korea had probably been killed. Tokugawa Naomasa's killer might have hidden here a step earlier to deal with them.    


As expected, just as the Mitsui's Dragon Two and the Mitsui's Hu Tarang retreated hastily, a few black shadows flew out of the ship like ghosts and suddenly appeared around the Mitsui's Hu Tarang and the others.    


These people were all dressed in suits and leather shoes. Their faces were cold and emotionless. Their eyes were fixed on the Mitsui's Long Er and the Mitsui's Hu Tarang who were surrounded in the middle. Ninja, who was in charge of protecting the Mitsui Family's brothers, had already pulled out the blades from his waist.    


Whether it was the Mitsui Family brothers or Ninja, who was in charge of protecting them, they all knew that although these people who surrounded them looked very refined in suits and leather shoes, they were actually extremely cruel and ruthless. Moreover, their martial arts were very powerful.    


They were even more powerful than the Jia He Faction's Ninja who was raised by the Mitsui Family. Moreover, not only were they powerful in martial arts, they had also combined modern high-tech weapons. Those weapons were even more advanced than special forces. Once they were combined with their own martial arts, their power would be even greater.    


The Jia He Sect's Ninja, who was in charge of protecting the Mitsui Family, was mostly killed by this group of people. Only a few of the strongest people were left to protect the last bloodline of the Mitsui Family, Dragon Two and Hu Tarang of the Mitsui.    


"Damn it! I didn't expect them to chase us here so quickly!" Hu Tarang from the Mitsui gritted his teeth and said, "We have no choice but to fight them to the death!"    


"Young masters, you are the last hope of Mitsui Family. You must not die here!" Ninja who was standing beside them said in a deep voice, "We will hold them back. You two young masters, take this opportunity to escape!"    


After raising these people for more than ten years, the Mitsui Family had gained their absolute loyalty. Long Er and Hu Tarang of the Mitsui were touched and said at the same time. "No! We have walked so far together. If we want to leave, let's go together!"    


"Young Master! This isn't the time to be soft-hearted!" Ninja said sternly. "Many years ago, our Jia He Sect was helped by the Mitsui Family, and we were able to revive from the brink of destruction. It is our duty to be loyal to the Mitsui Family!    


Mr. Yingqi of the Mitsui entrusted the two young masters to us, so we have to protect the safety of the two young masters. We can't let down Mr. Yingqi of the Mitsui's last wish! "    


Then, he turned to Ninja and said, "Come, let's protect the two young masters for the last time. We can't let those guys hurt the last hope of Mitsui Family!"    


After saying that, he took the lead and charged toward one of the assassins. The others also caught up with him. They shouted and launched a fierce attack on the enemy.    


The other assassins in suits and suits, with cold faces, also took out their small blades, shining with a cold light, and engaged in a fierce fight with Ninja from the Jia He Sect. For a moment, the sound of blades clashing could be heard.    


Although Ninja from the Jia He Sect was brave and fierce, they were already injured. Adding the fact that their opponents were powerful, they quickly fell into a disadvantageous position.    


Furthermore, while they were fighting, they had to put a part of their attention on a man in a kimono standing on the other side.    


Although the man was just standing not far away, watching the intense battle between the two parties, he just stood there with his arms crossed, watching the battle coldly. His hawk-like eyes were fixed on every Ninja of the Jia He Sect, as if he was going to launch a fatal attack at any moment.    


This man looked like he was in his forties. His face was like a dead tree, as if he didn't have a trace of human emotions.    


Although Dragon Two of Mitsui and Hu Tarang didn't know about this man's background, they could still recognize him after he had turned into ashes. This was because a few experts from A He Sect, Ninja, who was protecting them, had died in his hands.    


"Young master, run!" An A He Sect's Ninja shouted at the Mitsui's Long Er and Mitsui's Hu Tarang.    


Looking at the few loyal subordinates who were doing their best to defend against the enemy, Shang Jinlong and Mitsui's Hu Tarang held back their tears and silently said in their hearts, "I hope we can see each other again alive!" Then, they turned around and prepared to leave.    




Just as the Mitsui's Hu Tarang and the others were about to leave, they heard one of the Arghana Faction's Ninja, who was blocking the killers in suits, suddenly let out a miserable scream.    


Long Er and Hu Tarang from the Mitsui looked over and saw that his right arm, which was still holding the knife, had been cut off and thrown high into the air. Thick blood also shot out from the huge wound on Ninja's shoulder.    


The Mitsui's Long Er and the Mitsui's men were shocked. The other few who were already at a disadvantage were even more defeated for some reason. It was as if they had suddenly lost all ability to resist.    


"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?" Hu Tarang and the other man from the Mitsui stopped and shouted at them.    


"We're poisoned!" One of them, A He Faction's Ninja, groaned.    


Hu Tarang from the Mitsui exclaimed, "Poisoned?!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he and Mitsui's Long Er felt dizzy. It was as if they had lost all their strength in an instant. Both of their legs went weak and they fell to the ground.    


The two brothers were both angry and shocked. They thought to themselves, those killers in suits obviously didn't come into contact with them. Why did they suddenly get poisoned?    


At this moment, the two brothers couldn't help but think of the ship they arranged to smuggle into the port of Lower Pass City. It was a very secret. How did these men in suits sent by Tokugawa Naomasa know about it and set up an ambush in advance?    


Everything pointed to a fact - there was a spy on their side!    


However, along the way, Ninja from Jia He Sect was a very loyal person. Moreover, he was willing to sacrifice himself to protect them. It was almost impossible to say that there was a spy among them.    


As for the rest. . . There were only the two brothers from the Mitsui, Long Er and Hu Tarang. But the two of them were even less likely to be spies. Could they betray him?    


At this moment, they simultaneously thought of a person. They couldn't help but exclaim, "Mitsui's Xiu Shu!"    


"Hahahahaha! You finally found out?" A proud laugh was heard from the other side along with the cries of the Mitsui's two brothers.    


A figure slowly walked out from the darkness. Finally, it appeared in the eyes of the Mitsui's Long Er and the Mitsui's Hu Taro. It was the Mitsui's Xiu Shu who had helped them take them in!    


He saw the Mitsui's Xiu Shu standing beside the man in the kimono. He looked at the Mitsui's Long Er and Mitsui's Hu Tarang with a mocking expression.    


"I thought that with the intelligence and wisdom of the two young masters from the Mitsui Family, they should be able to discover us in time. I didn't expect you two to be so useless.    


You have been schemed against, but you still don't know who did it. The Mitsui Family wants to rely on you to make a comeback. This is just wishful thinking. Hahahahahaha! "    


"Xiu Shu of the Mitsui!" The two brothers of the Mitsui Family looked at the Xiu Shu of the Mitsui with fury. Long Er of the Mitsui roared: "You are also a member of the Mitsui Family. The reason why you are able to climb to the position of City Hall Director is all thanks to the support and help of the Mitsui Family. Now, you actually betrayed the Mitsui Family?"    


"So what if it's the Mitsui Family?" Xiu Shu of the Mitsui sneered. "With my talent, even without the Mitsui Family, I would still be able to achieve what I have today.    


I can't stand you so-called direct descendants. Each and every one of you has a high opinion of others, and you don't put anyone in your eyes. So what if the Mitsui Family helped me? Will you be able to order me around like a dog? "    


In fact, in the past few days, the core members of the Mitsui Family had never put the Mitsui branch in their eyes.    


If there was anything, they would call for it. If there was nothing else, they would call for it. The Mitsui's Xiu Shu had long hidden this resentment deep in his heart. He was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.    


Now, Tokugawa Naomasa had suppressed the Mitsui Family to the point where they had no ability to resist, and he even wanted to exterminate the Mitsui's Dragon Two and the Mitsui's Hu Tarang.    


Naturally, Xiu Shu of the Mitsui wouldn't let go of this opportunity. He had contacted the Tokugawa Family before the Mitsui's Long Er and the others fled to the Lower City, and had actively sought refuge with Tokugawa Naomasa.    


When Hu Tarang and the other man of the Mitsui thought about how they had treated Xiu Shu in the past, they couldn't help but feel speechless. They knew that because of their arrogance in the past, it had finally turned into a huge disaster.    


Xiu Shu turned to the man in a kimono and said, "Mister Gui Lian, these two fellows are the ones that Mister Tokugawa Naomasa ordered to capture alive. Their lives will be spared for a while. As for the others, just kill them all. "    


The man who was called "Mr. Gui Lian" didn't say much. Without any emotion, he said "kill. " Those assassins in suits and leather shoes didn't hesitate to raise their blades and cut down Ninja from the Jia He Sect one by one.    


"Xiu Shu of Mitsui, you shameless bastard. We won't let you go!" When they saw that all their loyal subordinates were killed in an instant, Hu Tarang and Long Er of the Mitsui roared at Xiu Shu of the Mitsui like crazy.    


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