Supreme Stock God

C972 The Dying Mitsui Family

C972 The Dying Mitsui Family

2Japan's Lower Guan City is located in the southwest of Honshu, separated from Japan and Korea by the sea, and is an important port in Honshu and even Japan.     4


The residence of the City Hall Director of Lower Guan City Hall was a three-story villa located in the city center of Lower Pass. At this moment, a group of uninvited guests arrived at the residence of the City Hall Director.    


They saw a few black-clothed Ninja walking in with two men in suits and shoes, but their faces were full of fatigue. As the City Hall Director of Lower City Hall, Mitsui Xiushu quickly welcomed them into the living room.    


The two men, who were supported by Ninja, sat on the sofa. They were still breathing heavily, as if they had just experienced a marathon that was dozens of kilometers long.    


Ninja, who had escorted them in, also heaved a sigh of relief. He could see that these few men were quite injured. Blood dripped down their clothes and onto the fine wool carpet, like plum blossoms.    


"Big cousin, thank you so much for this time. " One of the men on the sofa said to Xiu Shu of Mitsui.    


Xiushu from the Mitsui handed them two cups of hot milk and smiled at the same time. "We're all family. Why are you talking about this?"    


His wife and children were all rushed to the second floor by the Mitsui's Xiu Shu. Therefore, they were the only ones in the hall.    


The beautiful trees of Mitsui took out a first-aid kit and bandaged Ninja's wounds. After that, they sat opposite of the two men and sighed. "Is our Mitsui Family really finished?"    


The two men who were already exhausted heard this and their expressions became even more sorrowful. So these two men were the direct heirs of the Mitsui Family, the Mitsui's Long Er and the Mitsui's Hu Tarang.    


Long Er clenched his fist tightly and said, "I never thought that old bastard from the Tokugawa Family would be so cruel and merciless. Not only did he take over the property of the Mitsui Family, he also wanted to eliminate the root of the problem. He even killed the people who brought the Mitsui Family with him!"    


Hu Tarang of the Mitsui also said, "Now, besides us two brothers and you, the rest of the family members have either been killed by the Tokugawa Family or have betrayed the family and joined the Tokugawa Family.    


Last week, my father also died of illness because his family property was seized. "    


"I didn't expect that either. " Xiu Shu of Mitsui sighed and said, "In just half a year, from the time Tokugawa Naomasa started the war against our Mitsui Family until now, it has only been half a year. In just half a year's time, he has completely defeated our Mitsui Family. "    


Many years ago, the Mitsui Family was one of the four tycoons of Japan. Due to the defeat of Japan in the Second World War, the Mitsui Family, who was the main supporter of the Japanese imperialism, was greatly suppressed, and its strength plummeted.    


After the war, the Mitsui Family also worked hard to revitalize their family business, but unfortunately, they wanted to use Tokugawa Naomasa, who was originally used to help them, to take over 60% of the Mitsui Family's property.    


The Mitsui Family, who only had 30% of their assets left, managed to resist Tokugawa Naomasa's backlash with the help of the other few tycoons. They were proud of themselves and struggled to survive.    


As time went by, the properties that belonged to the Mitsui Family were developed and expanded even more rapidly in Tokugawa Naomasa's hands. Soon, they became one of the four tycoons of Japan. The Tokugawa Family had also become one of the most famous families in Japan.    


Compared to the rapid rise of the Tokugawa Family, the Mitsui Family, which was guarding over 30% of their assets, was much weaker. It was almost impossible for them to advance any further. In the long run, all the assets of the Mitsui Family would be devoured.    


Moreover, the reason why the other few tycoons helped the Mitsui Family was to prevent the development of the Tokugawa Family. It was purely a matter of interest. If they found out that it was impossible, they would give up on the Mitsui Family without any hesitation.    


Fortunately, the heavens showed mercy. After that, an outstanding figure was born in the Mitsui Family, which was the father of Long Er and Hu Tarang of the Mitsui, Mitsui Ying Qi.    


Under the lead of the Mitsui's Ying Qi, the Mitsui Family had developed once again. In the end, although it was still not as powerful as the Tokugawa Family, it was no longer the declining family that was constantly worried about being annexed by the Tokugawa Family. Instead, it had its own defensive power.    


Tokugawa Naomasa was almost a hundred years old, and his son Tokugawa Gennama and Tokugawa's cod dragon were much weaker than Tokugawa Naomasa.    


As for the Mitsui's Ying Qi, he was only fifty-six years old this year. As long as the Mitsui Family continued to develop steadily, once Tokugawa Naomasa returned to the heavens, the Mitsui Family would catch up with the Tokugawa Family sooner or later.    


However, he didn't expect that half a year ago, the Tokugawa Family would suddenly launch an attack on the Mitsui Family's properties, starting a full-scale war on the stock market, sales, publicity, and other aspects.    


Because of this, the two families, which had been fighting openly and secretly for a long time, put on a superficial appearance. The economic circle of Japan and even the whole world was stirred up by this.    


Originally, Mitsui's Ying Qi guessed that Tokugawa Naomasa wanted to eliminate Tokugawa Family's biggest enemy before his death so that Tokugawa Family's development could be removed.    


But later on, Tokugawa Naomasa's attack was fierce and ruthless, and he was very patient, showing no signs of being impatient. This caused the Mitsui's Ying Qi to overturn his original speculation.    


Tokugawa Naomasa was not anxious to deal with Mitsui Family because he felt that he was about to die. Instead, it was more like he was slowly accomplishing his goal of annexing Mitsui Family in his early years.    


Without a doubt, the Tokugawa Naomasa who attacked the Mitsui Family back then was very scary, especially when he was in the prime of his life. He launched an attack on the Mitsui Family at his peak state. The patriarch of the Mitsui Family was considered a man with great talent and strategy, but he was forced to retreat by Tokugawa Naomasa's means.    


In recent years, Tokugawa Naomasa had grown old both physically and mentally, and he could not do everything by himself. Therefore, he had given the authority of the Tokugawa Family to Tokugawa Gennama and the Tokugawa. This allowed the Mitsui Family to heave a sigh of relief.    


The experience of the past six months reminded the Mitsui's Ying Qi of Tokugawa Naomasa, who was at his peak condition back then.    


In the end, under Tokugawa Naomasa's continuous attacks, the Mitsui's Ying Qi could no longer hold on. The various companies under the Mitsui Family were completely defeated.    


After being annexed by Tokugawa Naomasa one by one, a portion of the Mitsui Family's members betrayed themselves in order to protect themselves and joined Tokugawa Naomasa's side, speeding up the decline of the Mitsui Family.    


Due to the result that he had worked so hard for his entire life, he had been completely devoured by Tokugawa Naomasa. Furthermore, he had lost the chance to make a comeback. Ying Qi of the Mitsui was unable to withstand this blow, and in the end, he died from a heart attack.    


After devouring all the properties of the Mitsui Family, Tokugawa Naomasa still wasn't willing to let the Mitsui Family go. Except for those who had already joined his Mitsui Family, he would kill everyone else. Dozens of Mitsui Family members had either died in a car accident or an assassination attempt.    


Dragon Two of the Mitsui and Tiger Taro of the Mitsui had been under the protection of Ninja, who had been kept by the Mitsui Family for more than ten years. Finally, they managed to escape from the pursuit of those assassins.    


The Mitsui's City Hall Director, Xiu Shu, was actually also a member of the Mitsui Family. However, his relationship with the Mitsui Family was usually very secretive, so outsiders did not know about his relationship with the Mitsui Family.    


Xiushu of the Mitsui said to Long Er and Hu Tarang of the Mitsui opposite him, "What do you plan to do now? The Tokugawa Family is too powerful. If we put up a desperate resistance, the remaining incense offerings of the Mitsui Family will be extinguished. "    


"Big cousin, you're right. "    


Hu Tarang of Mitsui said, "As long as we are here, the Mitsui Family will not be finished. There will still be a chance for us to make a comeback. Big brother and I plan to cross the sea from here to South Korea, then take North Korea to Russia to avoid Tokugawa Naomasa's pursuit. "    


Dragon Two of Mitsui also said, "As long as we can preserve our strength and develop in secret, I don't believe that we can't defeat the Tokugawa Family!"    


"By the way, why did that old bastard Tokugawa Naomasa suddenly declare war on the Mitsui Family? What kind of stimulation did he suffer?" Xiu Shu from the Mitsui asked.    


Mitsui's Hu Tarang shook his head. "Who knows what that old man is going crazy for. "    


"But our father found something. "    


Dragon Two of Mitsui said in a deep voice, "Tokugawa Naomasa has been out of people's sight since more than ten years ago, and he no longer appears in front of any media. Ordinary people do not know about his situation, and even think that he has died a long time ago.    


But our people found out that Tokugawa Naomasa, whose legs were paralyzed, somehow recovered. Damn it! That old man, he didn't die even when he was so old, and he even recovered for no reason! "    


Mitsui's Xiu Shu frowned. He said, "Logically speaking, his legs should have been paralyzed. It's very hard to cure, especially since Tokugawa Naomasa's legs have been paralyzed for so many years. I'm afraid that his muscles have withered. "    


After a pause, he asked again, "By the way, When do you plan to leave? Spend the night here? "    


The Mitsui's Taro shook his head. "No, the boat has been arranged. We plan to leave later so that we won't have too much trouble. "    


"Alright, I'll get someone to send you to the dock. " Mitsui's Xiu Shu said.    


"Thank you, big cousin. " The Mitsui's Long Er and the Mitsui's Hu Tarang expressed their gratitude at the same time.    


Therefore, after resting for a while at the Mitsui's Xiushu, the Mitsui's Long Er and Mitsui's Hu Tarang left in a hurry, heading straight to the dock of Lower Pass City.    


They had arranged for a fishing boat in advance and planned to smuggle it from Lower Pass to South Korea.    


When they arrived at the port, they saw the fishing boat docked on the sea, so they quickened their pace.    


After crossing the long pier, they were still more than ten meters away from reaching the fishing ship. Although they were physically and mentally exhausted from fleeing for days, Mitsui's Long Er and Mitsui's Hu Tarang still increased their speed.    


However, when they were still a few meters away from the fishing boat, a Ninja suddenly stopped them. "Wait, two young masters, something is not right!"    


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