Supreme Stock God

C22 They All Practiced It

C22 They All Practiced It

1Situ Li's family lived in the newly built family building of the city government. The area of the house was more than 100 square meters, and it looked simple and generous.    


When Zhou Hao and Situ Jianying arrived, Situ Li had already gotten off work. Situ Jianying's mother, Dong Hongrui, was also in the kitchen preparing dinner.    


Dong Hongrui worked in the Xiang City Sanitary Bureau. She was originally a doctor in the People's Hospital.    


Situ Li was afraid that she would have to work too hard in the hospital, so he transferred her to the Health Department with relative ease.    


After Zhou Hao arrived, Situ Li and Dong Hongrui came out to welcome him, which made Zhou Hao very flattered.    


"What a handsome child. " Dong Hongrui praised Zhou Hao the moment she saw him.    


"Xiao Hao, your injury is not serious, is it? You were injured because you wanted to protect Jian Ying. Our family doesn't know how to thank you. "    


"Auntie, you're being too serious. " Zhou Hao said hurriedly.    


After greeting each other, Dong Hongrui went back to the kitchen to do some work. Situ Jianying also put down her schoolbag and went in to help.    


Dong Hongrui saw that her daughter, who had never entered the kitchen, took the initiative to help this time. She said in surprise: "Jian Ying, why did you suddenly come over to help today? Didn't you say that you hate the kitchen the most?"    


Situ Jianying secretly looked at Zhou Hao who was sitting with Situ Li outside and then said to Dong Hongrui, "Mom, teach me how to cook more in the future. "    


Dong Hongrui was smart and also looked out at Zhou Hao. "Do you have someone you like? Do you want to learn to be a lady?"    


"Mom, what are you talking about? I am a lady. " Situ Jianying said shyly.    


"I can teach you how to cook. But you have to promise me that you can fall in love, but you can't do anything too overboard. You're only 15 years old, that's not enough. I don't want you to get hurt. Sometimes, once you make a mistake, you'll live your whole life. "    


Dong Hongrui said to Situ Jianying solemnly. At the same time, she was also very curious about Zhou Hao.    


Because she knew how unruly her daughter was. But now she could learn to be a lady for Zhou Hao. It could be seen that Zhou Hao's ability was much greater than her parents'.    


Situ Jianying, on the other hand, blushed at Dong Hongrui's words. When he remembered the passionate kiss with Zhou Hao just now, his heart could not help but beat faster.    


But she still promised her mother, "Mom, I know. I know how to protect myself. "    


But she thought that if Zhou Hao really wanted to have sex with her, she would not refuse.    


On the other side, Situ Li also said to Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, did Mayor Gao's daughter go to school today?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head, "She applied for sick leave. She probably won't come back tomorrow. "    


In fact, it was indeed very difficult for a little girl in her teens to recover immediately after encountering such a thing. He asked again, "What about the two workers? How are they doing?"    


"They were only slightly injured. " Situ Li smiled.    


"But these two people actually dared to target Mayor Gao's daughter. They will probably be imprisoned for decades. Do you know what they said when they gave their statement? "    


He said to Zhou Hao, "They said those female students can only be enjoyed by high-ranking officials and wealthy people. If they can taste the taste of those female students, then it's worth it to sentence them to death. "    


"They are too bold!" Zhou Hao sneers, "Right! Uncle Situ, I have something very important to tell you. "    


"What is it?"    


Zhou Hao said," I was followed when I went back last night. "    


"What?" Situ Li was shocked by Zhou Hao's words.    


Zhou Hao said seriously, "After I found out that he was being followed, I deliberately led him to the small park near the school. Later, he said that I killed his brother. "    


Situ Li asked curiously, "You killed his brother?"    


" The drug dealer of the Baldy. He is the elder brother of the Baldy, and he is also a drug dealer. "    


Zhou Hao explained, "He said that not only did I cause them to lose those drugs, I also took the money foreigner used to buy drugs and asked me to return the money. But I didn't take any money at all. "    


Originally, Zhou Hao didn't want to mention that money. However, he also thought that if the man from yesterday really fell into the net, it was hard to guarantee that he wouldn't say about the money.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao decided to strike first and gain the upper hand. He took the initiative to mention and deny that he had taken the money. Anyway, he had Situ Jianying as his witness. Could it be that Situ Li did not even believe his daughter?    


Moreover, even if that man really said that he took the money after he was caught, the police would still think that he was framing Zhou Hao.    


When Situ Li heard Zhou Hao say that the man was also a drug dealer, he immediately became nervous. As expected, he believed that Zhou Hao did not take the money from foreigner, and what he cared about the most was the man from last night.    


Because after investigation by the police, he had confirmed that the Baldy was a member of a drug trafficking organization across the border in Yunnan.    


Now, his brother had come again. If Situ Li could catch that man, he could even destroy that drug trafficking organization. His position as the director of the Public Security Bureau might be moved up.    


Therefore, Situ Li hurriedly asked Zhou Hao, "What does that man look like?"    


"He is tall and thin, and he looks very ordinary. He has some scars and tattoos on his face. "    


Zhou Hao said, "But he knows martial arts. He can break a tree as thick as a bowl with his bare hands. I was almost killed by him yesterday. "    


"He knows martial arts?" Situ Li pondered for a moment. He knew martial arts existed in reality.    


He had seen the guards beside the Provincial Party Secretary before. Each of them had extraordinary skills and knew how to use martial arts.    


"Looks like I'll have to study this with the Bureau. He's both a drug dealer and knows martial arts. It's too dangerous!"    


"I also hope that you can catch him as soon as possible. " Zhou Hao said.    


At this time, he heard Situ Li say, "This time, I am really busy. And I heard from Mayor Gao that there will be a batch of Japanese people coming to our city two months later. Some people said they were here to inspect the investment environment. Mayor Gao wants us to ensure the safety of this batch of foreign merchants. "    


" Japanese? " Zhou Hao frowned and was shocked. "How did I forget?"    


He remembered that in his previous life, a batch of Japanese and the government of Xiang City had collaborated and invested in building a large production base for car engines and related parts. It was located in the barren land on the outskirts of Xiang City, which covered nearly a million square meters.    


On the edge of the barren land in Shuohua Village, there were a few villagers' fields that were also under the construction of the production base.    


After a few negotiations with the government and the Japanese, each household received an average of over a million yuan of compensation.    


According to the memories of their previous life, the Japanese would need to wait until April or May next year before they could confirm their investment plans with the government. They would only sign the land expropriation contract in July.    


If he could buy a few pieces of land before this information was leaked, then he would be able to earn a large sum of money from the Japanese. After all, that place was still a wasteland, and it wouldn't cost much to buy it.    


And the money Zhou Hao invested in the stock market would all come back in December, so it would not be hard for him to buy land.    


Situ Li, who was next to him, didn't think that his words would cause Zhou Hao to have so many thoughts.    


Seeing Zhou Hao in a daze, he thought that Zhou Hao was worried about the drug dealer last night. So he comforted him and said, "Don't worry. We will catch him as soon as possible. "    


Zhou Hao came back to his senses and answered Situ Li. He naturally couldn't tell Situ Li about those things in his heart.    


At this time, Dong Hongrui and Situ Jianying had already prepared dinner. Situ Li also sat beside the dining table with Zhou Hao.    


He even specially asked Situ Jianying to bring a bottle of Maotai from the cabinet and wanted to drink with Zhou Hao.    


"How old is Xiao Hao? Don't harm him. " Dong Hongrui said as she prepared a cup for Situ Li.    


"It's fine. Uncle Situ's warm invitation, I have to accompany him no matter what. Let's have a drink. "    


Situ Li smiled and said," You still understand my thoughts! Xiao Hao, let me tell you, if a man wants to do something big, he must have a good alcohol tolerance. "    


Zhou Hao deeply agreed. He had also rolled around in society, and knew that whether it was socializing or discussing business, he could not leave alcohol. This was the unique culture of the people of China.    


"Come, let's toast" Situ Li raised the glass in his hand to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao also raised his glass and clinked it with Situ Li's, then drank it all in one gulp.    


He felt a burning sensation spread from his mouth to his throat, and all his internal organs felt warm. He let out a long sigh. "Good wine!"    


"Good alcohol tolerance!" Situ Li did not expect Zhou Hao to be so forthright at such a young age. Of course, he could not be stingy.    


He also finished the wine in his cup in one gulp. "Let's do it again!" After saying that, he filled Zhou Hao's cup again.    


"Alright, don't drink so much. " Dong Hongrui reproached. Situ Li and Zhou Hao stopped drinking because of Dong Hongrui.    


Dong Hongrui's cooking was very good. She made four dishes and a soup. These dishes had all kinds of fragrance.    


However, Zhou Hao saw a plate of charred fried egg eggs on the table. No matter how he looked at it, it did not look like it was made by Dong Hongrui.    


Situ Jianying looked at Zhou Hao with anticipation, "Zhou Hao, try this fried egg. It's very fresh. "    


Zhou Hao was slightly stunned. He also picked up a piece and put it into his mouth. He found that the egg was charred on the outside, but the egg yolk inside was half-cooked. There was also a faint fishy smell.    


But seeing Situ Jianying's expectant look, he endured it and swallowed it. He forced a smile and said, "This was cooked by you, right? The taste is very good. "    


"Really?" Situ Jianying was very happy. "If you like it, then eat more. " As she spoke, she picked up another piece and placed it in Zhou Hao's bowl.    


Zhou Hao could not expose his lie, so he could only swallow the egg.    


Situ Li, who was beside him, saw the clues. He patted Zhou Hao on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Hao, I know how you feel. I had the same experience when I went to your aunt's house for dinner. "    


There was a sympathetic tone in his tone.    


"Auntie's cooking is also like this?" Zhou Hao asked in surprise. He couldn't help but take a piece of braised pork ribs cooked by Dong Hongrui and put it into his mouth.    


"But these pork ribs are very delicious. " This time, these dishes were really delicious.    


Situ Li's face revealed a kind of unbearable expression. "Her cooking skills have all improved after training. I'm the witness. "    


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