Supreme Stock God

C54 Zhou Hao Wanted to Open a Shop

C54 Zhou Hao Wanted to Open a Shop

0Would Zhou Hao accept the fifteen million?    


Zhou Hao was deep in thought. Indeed, fifteen million was a huge temptation to him.    


However, the target of Wen Xiangdong wasn't Zhou Hao. It was Zhao Dingzhou who stood behind Zhou Hao.    


If Zhao Dingzhou knew about this, it would be harmful to the relationship between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin, and Zhou Hao's future development.    


Wen Xiangdong seemed to have seen through Zhou Hao's concerns. Wen Xiangdong smiled and said, "Zhou Hao, you don't need to worry about it. This money is what I apologize to you on behalf of Shaoqiang. It has nothing to do with Commander Zhao.    


Besides, I dare not have anything to do with Commander Zhao. I only hope that if I have any trouble in the future, Xiao Hao, you can help us. "    


Zhou Hao couldn't help admiring Wen Xiangdong's observation. Zhou Hao said, "Uncle Wen, you are too polite. If you need anything from me in the future, just tell me.    


Of course, I wouldn't dare to do anything illegal. "    


"Of course. We won't drag you into this. " Wen Xiangdong smiled. "Then you can take this money. "    


Since Wen Xiangdong had said so, Zhou Hao did not need to refuse.    


However, Zhou Hao did not want to be caught by others, so he said, "Such a big gift, I really do not dare to accept it. But Uncle Wen, I can bet with you. "    


Wen Xiangdong immediately understood what Zhou Hao meant. If others knew that he had given 15 million to Zhou Hao for free, many people would start talking about it.    


However, if Wen Xiangdong lost to Zhou Hao on the gambling table, no one would be able to say anything. Thinking of this, Wen Xiangdong couldn't help but praise Zhou Hao's cautiousness.    


Wen Xiangdong and Zhou Hao walked into a private room with a smile on their faces. They only came out again when it was close to noon.    


Wen Xiangdong kept patting Zhou Hao's shoulder and praised sincerely, "Zhou Hao, you are really amazing! I didn't expect you to be so good at gambling at such a young age!"    


"Uncle Wen, you deliberately made me do it. " Zhou Hao quickly gave in.    


Wen Xiangdong and Zhou Hao were playing Texas Poker without a limit in the private room. Wen Xiangdong originally wanted to lose to Zhou Hao on purpose so that he could legally lose the 15 million to Zhou Hao.    


It turned out that Wen Xiangdong was a very experienced person in this field. Naturally, he did it flawlessly.    


However, after two rounds, Wen Xiangdong realized that Zhou Hao did not need him to lose on purpose. Instead, Wen Xiangdong became more and more serious. In the end, he had tried his best, but still lost to Zhou Hao.    


"Shaoqiang told me not to let you come to our casino. Now that I think about it, it's really like this. "    


Wen Xiangdong half-jokingly and half-seriously said to Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, if you have nothing else to do in the future, don't come to our casino. You are clearly trying to steal business. "    


Now Wen Xiangdong understood that it was not a big deal for him to give Zhou Hao more than ten million yuan. As long as Zhou Hao was willing, Zhou Hao could win back the same amount of money from the gambling table at any time.    


Zhou Hao shrugged and smiled. Wen Xiangdong was very considerate. He had already turned the 15 million into a bank card and handed it to Zhou Hao.    


In fact, Zhou Hao had asked Zhao Yuqin to make an ID card for him two days ago. After all, with an ID card, it would be much more convenient for him to do things.    


Although Zhou Hao was not old yet, with Zhao Yuqin's ability, this matter was very easy.    


Wen Xiangdong personally sent Zhou Hao to the door, "If there is a chance, I will take you to Macau or Las Vegas. We will go there to earn money from foreigners. "    


"Sure, let's go together. " Zhou Hao smiled.    


Zhou Hao was looking forward to the Macau and Las Vegas, the two famous gambling cities. That was where he could win big money.    


When Zhou Hao was in Emotion City just now, he gave Li Ruolan a call to tell her that he was safe.    


On the phone, Li Ruolan heard that Zhou Hao had returned safely. She heaved a big sigh of relief and kept asking if Zhou Hao was hurt.    


Zhou Hao answered with a smile and said that he would go to Li Ruolan's place after lunch. And now, Zhou Hao naturally went home.    


Yan Tong had already come back from work and had prepared lunch. She did not know about Zhao Yuqin being kidnapped and Zhou Hao did not plan to tell Yan Tong to avoid Yan Tong worrying.    


"Mom, you should resign from that sanitation worker's job. " At lunch time, Zhou Hao said to Yan Tong.    


Zhou Hao had just gotten 15 million from Wen Xiangdong, and with the money in the stock market, he was now an out-and-out billionaire.    


Zhou Hao really did not want to see his mother working hard for her life.    


Yan Tong only raised her head to look at Zhou Hao, and then she said: "Didn't I tell you? Even if our family has money, we can't slack off. This is the principle of a person. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Mom, I'm not asking you to slack off. I just don't want you to work so hard. How about we open a shop? "    


"Open a shop?" Zhou Hao's sudden suggestion stunned Yan Tong.    


"That's right. We can open a fast food restaurant. " Zhou Hao said, "We will open a fast food restaurant in front of the school. Not only do we have fast food, we also have to make breakfast and supper. "    


Zhou Hao remembered that in his previous life, the fast food restaurants and breakfast restaurants in front of every school had made a lot of money.    


Currently, there was a fast food restaurant next to the main entrance of Yining Middle School. However, the environment there was dirty and expensive.    


According to Zhou Hao's memory, that place was replaced by another fast food restaurant a few years later.    


There were more than 20 big and small middle schools in Xiang City, but there were very few shops that cooked fast food or breakfast in front of these schools.    


Nowadays, most students and teachers were still used to eating in the school cafeteria, but the food in the school cafeteria was rarely satisfactory.    


Although the price of the school cafeteria was low, the taste was not good.    


Moreover, most fast food restaurants nowadays gave people a dirty and messy feeling. It felt like it was just a gathering place for migrant workers and drivers.    


Zhou Hao remembered that after a few years, fast food restaurants were very popular near schools and were very popular among students.    


If the fast food restaurants were to operate in this way, they would have a bright future. And in the world, it was the easiest to earn money from women and students.    


As the economy developed, more and more student unions spent their money in restaurants outside the school. As for the students who had been tormented by the school's dining hall for a long time, they also needed a fresh choice.    


"Mom, your dishes are so delicious. If we open a restaurant, we'll definitely be able to make money"    


Zhou Hao said to Yan Tong, "And you don't need to do it yourself. We just need to hire some helpers and waiters. We need to pay attention to the hygiene of the food. "    


"Can we really open a restaurant?" Yan Tong heard Zhou Hao's words and was a little tempted.    


Because Yan Tong, an uncle of a working friend, opened a fast food restaurant in front of a factory. It was said that they had tens of thousands of income every month.    


Zhou Hao nodded seriously. "Not only do we have to open fast food restaurants, we also want to make this fast food restaurant into a chain restaurant. It is the overlord of the business of fast food restaurants. It would be best to take back the China market that McDonald's robbed!"    


Zhou Hao's eyes lit up. In his previous life, he hated fast food restaurants that specialized in selling junk food like McDonald's and KFC.    


After McDonald and KFC made countless obese people in their country, they came to poison the Chinese and earned a lot of money from them.    


Zhou Hao dared to say that there was no country in the world that had a food culture comparable to China.    


Whether it was in terms of cultural heritage or in terms of color and fragrance, any dish in China was better than the most famous French food in Europe.    


Zhou Hao also thought that in the future, the funds he earned from the financial market would definitely be invested in various industries. The food and beverage industry was a very good choice.    


Zhou Hao said to Yan Tong, "Mom, you have a vacation tomorrow. We will go and see if there are any shops in front of the school tomorrow. We will rent them out and open the shop. You just focus on being the female boss. "    


"Can I do it?" Yan Tong hesitated. She had never been in such a profession before.    


"Of course you can. " Zhou Hao was very confident in his mother. "Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you are willing to do it, there is nothing you cannot do.    


However, it would be too hard for you to bear the responsibility of the entire store alone. I have to find someone to help you. "    


Zhou Hao held his chin and thought for a while. Then he said, "Isn't Madam Lu the supervisor of the workshop in a factory?    


Madam Lu must be very experienced in managing workers. Let Madam Lu be the manager. "    


Yan Tong smiled when she heard that, "We are just a small fast food restaurant. What manager do we need? Furthermore, Madam Lu is doing well in the factory. She might not be willing to help us. "    


"That is not necessarily true. " Zhou Hao said, "Although we are only the first one to open a shop now.    


But with the development in the future, who can guarantee that our fast food restaurant will not become a chain company? When that time comes, Madam Lu, the manager, will have a higher salary and social status. "    


Zhou Hao did not wait for Yan Tong to speak. He stood up and said, "Since Madam Lu is still at home at noon, I will go and ask her now. "    


After exiting the door, Zhou Hao took a few steps and arrived in front of Wang Xijun's house opposite him. He knocked on the door and Wang Xijun opened the door for Zhou Hao.    


Wang Xijun saw Zhou Hao and thought he was looking for her. She blushed and said, "Zhou Hao, why are you here so soon? My mom is still at home. "    


Wang Xijun thought that Zhou Hao was in a hurry to find her for a date.    


Zhou Hao took advantage of the fact that Lu Shiping and Wang Zhongcai could not see him in the room. He scratched Wang Xijun's straight nose and said, "I am here to find Madam Lu. "    


"You are here to look for my mother. " Wang Xijun's face turned red. Only then did she know that she was thinking too much.    


Wang Xijun welcomed Zhou Hao into the room. Zhou Hao saw Lu Shiping cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks, while Wang Zhongcai sat on the sofa and watched TV.    


Lu Shiping heard Wang Xijun say that Zhou Hao was looking for her, so she asked, "Xiao Hao, why are you looking for me?"    


"Madam Lu, you are now the workshop supervisor. How much salary can you get in a month?" Zhou Hao asked directly.    


Lu Shiping was stunned, "If I add the bonus, I can get 18,000 a month. "    


In this era, this kind of salary could already satisfy the daily expenses of Madam Lu's family of three, but it would not be enough in a few years.    


Zhou Hao also remembered that in his previous life, the Hong Kong person who married Wang Xijun in the end gave Madam Lu's family a million yuan. The main reason Wang Xijun married that Hong Kong person was because she wanted to repay that Hong Kong person.    


Zhou Hao said, "Madam Lu, if we give you 3000 yuan a month, can you come and help us?"    


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