Supreme Stock God

C59 Having the Same Experience

C59 Having the Same Experience

2Zhou Hao merely smiled when he heard Zhao Yuqin say that she had become a millionaire. Zhao Yuqin held the teaspoon and lightly stirred the coffee in front of her. Her gaze never left Zhou Hao's face, "I have become a millionaire. You just smiled? " If it were an ordinary person who had accumulated seventy to eighty million in such a short period of time, that person would probably be overjoyed.     3


"It's only a billionaire. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Should I be so satisfied?" Zhou Hao turned his eyes to the window and looked at the dark blue clear night sky outside. Zhou Hao's thoughts fell into silence.    


1996 was about to end, 1997 was about to arrive.    


To the people of Asia and even the world, 1997 was an extraordinary year.    


Not only was Hong Kong, who had left the motherland for many years, finally returned to the embrace of the motherland, but it was also because the world-famous financial storm in Asia had occurred this year.    


The cause was the international financial tycoon, the Quantum Fund's controller, George Soros, saw that the financial system in Southeast Asia was not perfect and used large amounts of international investments to attack Thai Baht, causing Thai Baht to depreciate greatly.    


Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Korea were all deeply affected. George Soros also swept tens of billions of USD out of it. In the end, when he attacked Hong Kong's stock market, George Soros suffered a setback.    


This huge financial storm had destroyed the economic development of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries for decades. It had brought a heavy disaster to the people of Southeast Asia.    


It was not that Zhou Hao did not sympathize with the people who had been affected by the financial storm, but he knew that he could not change anything.    


Although this financial storm was caused by the speculators including George Soros, the most fundamental reason was still the imperfect financial system of the Southeast Asian countries.    


What Zhou Hao needed to do was to accumulate enough funds and catch up with this windmill, so that Zhou Hao could obtain the greatest benefits.    


In the past two days, Zhao Yuqin had helped Zhou Hao release his shares one after another. When all the shares Zhou Hao invested in were sold the day after tomorrow, Zhou Hao planned to invest this money in Hong Kong's stock market.    


Because in the first half of 1997, the Hong Kong stock market had maintained a strong rise, and the Hang Sheng Index had set a new record. It was not until the Asian financial storm officially arrived in July that the stock market started to plummet.    


However, Zhou Hao did not want to buy stocks. Instead, he wanted to invest in the index. Although Hong Kong's Hang Sheng Index had hit new heights in the first half of the year, there had been a few ups and downs during that period.    


Zhou Hao had studied it in detail in his previous life, so he knew the stock market in Hong Kong well. Zhou Hao used this advantage.    


Zhou Hao was confident that he could turn seventy to eighty million RMB into one billion RMB before June, 1997.    


After that, Zhou Hao would use this money to follow George Soros's footsteps and fish in troubled waters in the Southeast Asian stock market.    


George Soros and the other speculators had used up hundreds of billions of dollars in this battle.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao's one billion yuan was like a pebble thrown into a lake, and it would soon disappear without a trace. This also allowed Zhou Hao to be more stealthy and safe.    


Zhou Hao recovered from his deep thoughts and saw Zhao Yuqin opposite him, holding her cheeks and looking at him without moving. "What's wrong? There's something on my face?"    


Zhao Yuqin shook her head gently. "I think you look very charming when you think about things. "    


Zhao Yuqin was telling the truth. Before Zhou Hao's body changed so much, Zhao Yuqin had already noticed.    


Whenever Zhou Hao was deep in thought, Zhou Hao's serious and focused expression would be exceptionally charming. Zhou Hao had a calm and reserved steadiness.    


The waiter brought the couple set meal ordered by Zhao Yuqin over. Compared to the couple set meal in Emotion City, it was much better.    


"Karles" was much more formal and authentic. After all, this was a Western restaurant.    


Soon, the table between the two of them was filled with borscht soup, mince noodles, cheese lobster, mixed vegetables salad, and so on. To be honest, Zhou Hao had never studied how to eat western food.    


Zhou Hao did not know which hand should hold a fork or a knife, but Zhou Hao did not intend to pretend to know. Zhou Hao planned to eat according his own ideas, which would make him look more natural and free.    


Zhao Yuqin often had opportunities to interact with foreign friends because of her family. Zhao Yuqin had been to Hong Kong before, so she knew more than Zhou Hao.    


However, Zhao Yuqin felt that Zhou Hao's undisguised actions were cuter. At least, he was much better than those hypocrites who only knew a little about self-boasting.    


Furthermore, Zhou Hao's real side also caught Zhao Yuqin's heart. Zhao Yuqin kept placing delicious food on Zhou Hao's plate. Zhao Yuqin looked at Zhou Hao eating like that and Zhao Yuqin herself also ate with relish.    


"You are going to have winter vacation soon, right? What plans do you have?" Zhao Yuqin asked Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao stuffed the lobster meat into his mouth and said, "I plan to go outside and take a look.    


On one hand, I want to gain more knowledge. On the other hand, I also want to see the medicinal ingredients needed in the medicinal formulas that I mentioned earlier. "    


"Oh, I remember. The medicinal formulas that you told my brother about in the past. " Zhao Yuqin asked, "Do you know where those medicinal herbs are produced?"    


Zhou Hao nodded. "I know. "    


Not only did Shen Nong's Herbal Classics record the medicinal properties and habits of all kinds of medicinal herbs, but it also clearly stated where they were distributed in the country.    


Moreover, some medicinal herbs were even distributed in Cambodia and Vietnam. Many of these medicinal herbs had not been discovered, so it was even more impossible for them to be bought in the pharmacy.    


Zhou Hao planned to take advantage of the winter vacation to take a look at the country and verify the medicinal formula in Shen Nong's Herbal Classics.    


Shennong was not only revered as the god of medical world in China, but also the god of agriculture. According to legend, the earliest farming technique in ancient times was passed down from Shennong.    


In the Shen Nong's Herbal Classics, other than recording all kinds of herbs, there were also records of the conditions and methods of planting these herbs.    


Zhou Hao thought to himself, if this strange book were to flourish in ancient times, China would definitely become the most advanced medical country in the world.    


Now, Zhou Hao planned to develop a large-scale herb planting base when he had sufficient funds in the future, and produce the undiscovered and popularized herbs in Shen Nong's Herbal Classics.    


"Elder sister, do you want to come with me?" Zhou Hao invited Zhao Yuqin.    


Zhao Yuqin also showed a look of anticipation, but it quickly dimmed.    


"I also want to go with you, but I really can't leave. That old man at home wants me to go to Beijing during the Spring Festival. "    


"To Beijing?"    


Zhao Yuqin nodded. "My dad said that he wants me to go and accompany him, but I know my dad's idea. My dad probably found someone to let me go for a blind date. "    


"Blind date!?" Zhou Hao's expression changed and he immediately held Zhao Yuqin's hand. "Sister, I won't let you go!"    


Zhao Yuqin saw Zhou Hao so nervous about her and felt sweet in her heart. "Sister also doesn't want to go, but that old man's words, no one in the family dare not to listen. "    


Besides, it was just a blind date. I wouldn't really have anything to do with those guys. "    


Zhao Yuqin leaned her head over and her nose tip touched Zhou Hao's nose. " Don't worry. Other than Xiao Hao, older sister doesn't want anyone else. "    


"Okay!" Zhou Hao nodded heavily, but there was still a trace of gloominess in his heart.    


Zhou Hao knew that with Zhao Yuqin's financial situation and background, the person Zhao Yuqin's father found for her would definitely be extraordinary as well.    


Although Zhou Hao had already won Zhao Yuqin's heart, if he wanted to have her, Zhou Hao still needed more strength.    


When Zhou Hao thought of this, a raging flame ignited in his heart.    


At this time, the waiter brought the desserts over. It was a large cup of cream ice cream for the couple to share. The cake was also sprinkled with bright jam.    


Zhao Yuqin smiled and said, "Alright. Don't mention these depressing things. Come, try this ice cream. "    


After saying that, Zhao Yuqin used a small spoon to bring the ice cream to Zhou Hao's mouth and feed it into his mouth, "How's the taste?"    


"It's very sweet. " Zhou Hao also smiled as he also picked up a small spoon of ice cream and fed it to Zhao Yuqin.    


Just as the two of them were happily feeding each other, a burst of quarreling suddenly came from behind them.    


"Cui Hong, please don't leave me, okay? Don't marry that person, okay? I beg you. " It was a young man's pleading. From that man's voice, one could tell how sad he was.    


The woman opposite the man snorted coldly. "Why can't I marry that person? If I don't marry that person, do you want me to marry you? You want me to guard that shabby pharmacy with you for the rest of my life?    


You want me to stay in that bean-sized house with you for the rest of my life? Or do you want me to serve your crippled father for the rest of my life?"    


When the man heard the woman's words, his face turned red. He pointed at the woman and scolded, "You, you're not allowed to scold my father!"    


"Why can't I scold your father?"    


The woman held her hands. "Your father is already so old, yet he still makes trouble for young people. Why didn't your father just die, so as to avoid getting in the way? "    


When Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin heard this, they both frowned. "This woman's words are too mean and sinister. "    


As expected, the man was so angry that his chest rose and fell. He raised his hand and gave the woman a slap.    


The loud and clear clapping sound in the restaurant was very clear. The woman immediately went crazy. "Xiao Jiming, you dare hit me?"    


The person called Xiao Jiming was also stunned. Xiao Jiming stared blankly at his own palm.    


At the same time, a man with a military belly walked over from the door with a few strong men. That man held a big brother in his hand, looking like a nouveau riche.    


The woman immediately stood up and threw herself into the arms of the man with a big belly. She complained pitifully, "Hubby, this guy hit me. Look, my face is swollen. "    


The man with the general's belly touched the woman's face with pain. Then, he glared at Xiao Jiming fiercely. "You dare hit my wife!" The man grabbed Xiao Jiming by the collar.    


"Karles. " The manager of the restaurant immediately walked over to stop them. "Gentlemen, if you have any grudges, please go out and settle it. This is the place where we do business. "    


The man with the general's belly snorted and let the two strong men he brought along walk out with Xiao Jiming.    


The other customers in the restaurant all looked at Xiao Jiming's back with sympathy. Everyone knew that Xiao Jiming not only lost his woman, but also had to be beaten up.    


"I will go and take a look. " Zhou Hao said to Zhao Yuqin, then stood up and walked outside.    


That Xiao Jiming reminded Zhou Hao of him in his previous life. Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming were also betrayed by his own woman. They were also persecuted.    


It could be said that Zhou Hao had the same experience as Xiao Jiming.    


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