Supreme Stock God

C94 Using Blood to Cure the Poison

C94 Using Blood to Cure the Poison

2Yang Dongshen booked a first-class ticket. In fact, this was the first time Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming had boarded a first-class plane.     2


Along the way, Yang Dongshen enthusiastically introduced the famous events in Guangxi to Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming, which made both of them very fascinated.    


On the other side, Yang Jiabao raised her chin and said to Zhou Hao, "Our Yang Family is a prestigious family in Guilin. As a guest, don't embarrass our family.    


Otherwise, I won't let you off. " As she spoke, she raised her small pink fist.    


"If you don't embarrass our family, then we'll be lucky. " Yang Dongshen knocked Yang Jiabao's head, then introduced the Yang Family to Zhou Hao and Yang Jiabao.    


It turned out that the ancestors of the Yang Family were not locals of Guangxi. In the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Yang Family moved from Hebei to Guangxi to avoid the war.    


As the Bajiquan passed down by the Yang family was very powerful, the ancestors of the Yang Family set up an escort company after arriving in Guangxi. They made a living by escorting people's belongings.    


Later on, the ancestors of the Yang Family realized that the risk of using the dart was very high, so they started to do food business.    


With the accumulation of the dart network, the food shops of the Yang Family were very popular. After that, they became bigger and bigger, and became one of the few large food merchants in Guangxi.    


Later on, they experienced a series of changes in dynasties. Although the Yang Family's rice and grain business suffered a huge blow, their wealth also shrunk greatly. Fortunately, the family members were well preserved.    


After the establishment of the new China, the Yang Family gradually developed. Until now, in terms of true strength, the Baohe Group could be considered one of the few large enterprises in the country.    


At the same time, some of the members of the Yang Family also entered the political world. The one who achieved the most was Yang Dongshen's brother, Yang Xianzong. He was now the deputy governor of Jiangxi Province.    


At this time, Xiao Jiming said to Zhou Hao, "Martial Uncle, are we looking for those herbs in Guangxi?"    


"Yes, I have brought the pictures. " Zhou Hao took out a few pictures and handed them to Xiao Jiming. On them were the herbs recorded in Shen Nong's Herbal Classics.    


The original book of Shen Nong's Herbal Classics had already been burned by Zhou Hao. These pictures were copied by Zhou Hao.    


Xiao Jiming seriously looked at the herbs on the picture. Because the drawing was very detailed, these herbs looked very easy to recognize.    


Xiao Jiming thought for a while and said, "I have never seen these herbs, and I have never read any medical books that have records of them. "    


"These herbs are all distributed in the Yunnan region of Guangxi. " Zhou Hao said.    


At this time, Yang Dongshen saw the herbs on one of the pictures and asked curiously: "Huh? Isn't this' Stone Dragon Grass'? Is this also a medicinal herb? "    


The 'Golden Spirit Grass' on the painting was recorded in the 'Shen Nong's Herbal Classic'. As long as it was mixed with a few common Chinese medicines, it would have a very good effect on nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the Qi. It was a good medicine to treat kidney loss and blood deficiency.    


Hearing Yang Dongshen's words, Zhou Hao hurriedly asked, "Uncle Yang, have you seen this kind of grass?"    


He was not sure if the "Stone Dragon Grass" mentioned by Yang Dongshen was the "Golden Spirit Grass" recorded in the Shen Nong's Herbal Classic.    


"Of course I've seen it. " Yang Jiabao said in a sweet voice. "There are a lot of Rock Dragon Grass on the hill of our old house. But those are all weeds. They were used to chop and feed pigs in the past. "    


Zhou Hao smiled bitterly in his heart when he heard this. If those were really the 'Golden Spirit Grass', then it would be a waste for the people of Yang Family to use them to feed pigs.    


However, he still needed Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming to take a look on the spot.    


Guangdong and Guangxi were not far from each other. If they took the plane, they would arrive very soon.    


After getting off the plane, Zhou Hao and the others saw a person holding a sign in the airport. It said "Yang Dongshen. "    


"It's someone from our family who came to pick us up. " Yang Dongshen smiled and said, "Xiao Hao, Jiming, let's go. "    


When they arrived in front of the man, the two men greeted Yang Dongshen and said, "Master, you are back. They had a hard time on the way back. "    


After that, everyone left the airport and sat in a black Toyota van.    


Yang Dongshen said to Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, let's go to the Yang Family's residence first. Our family's old man also wants to see you. After that, I will ask Jiabao to bring you and Jiming to Guilin to have some fun. "    


"Okay, Uncle Yang. " Zhou Hao agreed with a smile.    


Yang Family's residence was located on the outskirts of Guilin City. Although it was called a residence, it was actually a large manor that was adjacent to Banyan Lake. The environment was very beautiful, and there were more than ten medium-sized villas scattered around the manor.    


According to Yang Dongshen, the land of the manor had been taken away by the government during the early period of the country's establishment. Later on, the Yang Family had redeveloped and bought the land from the government.    


When they were about two thousand meters away from the manor, Zhou Hao had already seen the beautiful and enchanting scenery in the manor. Yang Jiabao also excitedly introduced the various characteristics of the manor to him.    


But at this moment, a van suddenly rushed out from the bamboo forest beside the road and stood in front of Zhou Hao and the others' business car.    


Yang Dongshen's driver reacted quickly and immediately knew that the other party had come with ill intentions. He stepped on the accelerator and was about to fall back.    


However, just as the car started moving, another van rushed out from behind and blocked the way out.    


"We're trapped by the van!" Yang Dongshen immediately said to the driver in front of him, "Ah Ze, immediately inform our family to send someone over!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, they saw two men wearing masks and whose faces could not be seen clearly get off the two vans in front and behind them. They even had a gun in their hands that looked like a shotgun.    


Zhou Hao immediately shouted, "Everybody, get down!" He was not afraid of bullets, but it did not mean that he was not afraid of bullets. The others were not afraid, so he immediately asked everyone to get down.    


The four of them walked to the side of the MPV, raised the guns in their hands, and aimed at the windows of the vehicle.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


The window of the MPV was not bulletproof, so it was immediately broken. However, what the men shot in was not bullets, but four smoke grenades.    


The black gas continued to surge out, and was immediately lost in the MPV.    


Shocked, Zhou Hao also sucked in two mouthfuls of the black gas, but other than feeling some bitterness, he did not feel anything else.    


However, Yang Dongshen and the others weren't as unharmed as Zhou Hao. In just a few seconds, their faces had turned purple and black, and they looked very painful, and they soon passed out.    


Zhou Hao found that their symptoms were very similar to the symptoms of General Lu Zhenwu after he was hit by the Yama's Smile. His expression immediately changed. These smoke grenades obviously contained the deadly poison of the Yama's Smile!    


He immediately took out a small bottle from Xiao Jiming's travel bag. He opened the bottle and poured it into the unconscious Xiao Jiming's mouth. At the same time, he urged the valley Genuine Aura to help Xiao Jiming absorb it.    


The antidote in the small medicine bottle was the Yama's Smile's antidote. It was made by experts in the military based on the Yama's Smile and the antidote formula provided by Xiao Nanyue.    


This time, Xiao Jiming had specially brought it out in case of emergencies. He did not expect to use it so soon.    


After consuming the antidote, Xiao Jiming woke up very quickly. Zhou Hao said to him, "You help the others cure the poison. I will go out to deal with those guys!"    


After saying that, Zhou Hao extended his leg and kicked the car door beside him. He also jumped off the car.    


The four men outside did not back off. One of them even rushed towards the door. From the looks of it, he was trying to snatch the bottle of antidote from Xiao Jiming.    


Zhou Hao immediately understood. This group of people clearly knew that he had the antidote for the Yama's Smile. That was why they wanted to poison them to force them to take out the antidote.    


Therefore, this was also the name of the Yang Family. They were the ones who used the Yama's Smile to poison and harm others. It was very likely that they were the ones who poisoned Lu Zhenwu.    


When he thought of this, Zhou Hao couldn't let them have their way. He raised his left leg and kicked the face of the man who rushed over.    


The man obviously didn't expect that Zhou Hao wouldn't be harmed by the Yama's Smile. Caught off guard, he was kicked directly by Zhou Hao. His whole body flew backwards and fell heavily onto the ground.    


Zhou Hao did not delay at all. He stretched out both hands and attacked another man in front of him.    


That man instinctively raised the gun in his hand to block Zhou Hao, but how could he block Zhou Hao's strength?    


The gun was shattered by Zhou Hao, and the man was also sent flying by the huge force.    


The other two men were very surprised by Zhou Hao's martial arts. After glancing at each other, they wanted to turn around and escape.    


Zhou Hao was about to get up and chase after him when he heard Xiao Jiming anxiously say in the car, "Martial Uncle, we can't. We don't have enough antidotes!"    


Zhou Hao was anxious. He glanced at the two men, but in the end, he did not chase after them. He turned around and went back into the car.    


Yang Dongshen, Yang Xiaoguo, and the driver called Ah Ze all looked better. The purple and black color on their faces had faded a lot.    


Only Yang Jiabao's face was still purple and black. The situation was very bad.    


"I have used up all the antidotes I brought, but it is only enough for four people. Miss Yang, she. . . " Xiao Jiming said.    


The antidotes were only for emergencies. How could he have thought that those people would poison them at the same time?    


At this time, the group of people took advantage of the fact that Zhou Hao could not split himself and quickly returned to the van to escape.    


"Martial Uncle, you, why aren't you poisoned?" Xiao Jiming suddenly asked Zhou Hao.    


"Yeah, why am I not poisoned?" Zhou Hao was also stunned. Just now, he and Yang Dongshen had sucked in the poison from the Yama's Smile, but other than feeling some pain in their throats, there were no signs of poisoning on their bodies.    


He circulated the Genuine Aura in his body, but he didn't find any abnormalities.    


"Could it be that the Amber fruit made my body not afraid of the poison?" Zhou Hao guessed in his heart.    


Looking at Yang Jiabao's darkening face, Zhou Hao gritted his teeth. He muttered to himself: "I can only give it a try. " Saying so.    


He raised his hand and bit down on his wrist, creating a small cut.    


Then, he put his wrist close to Yang Jiabao's mouth, letting his blood flow into Yang Jiabao's mouth.    


"Martial Uncle, you. . . " Xiao Jiming looked at Zhou Hao in surprise.    


"This is the only plan we have now. " Zhou Hao said, "I hope it will work. "    


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