Supreme Stock God

C96 An Unexpected Kiss

C96 An Unexpected Kiss

1"In order to prevent Pu Changxu and the others from using Yama's Smiles to poison us, we should prepare the antidote as soon as possible. " Zhou Hao said.    


Yang Hongzhao said gratefully. "Thank you, both of you.    


Xiao Hao, I heard from Dong Shen that you guys wanted to come here to find some herbs. We are more familiar with this place. If you need any help, you must remember to ask. "    


" Of course, of course. " Zhou Hao cupped his fists.    


"Alright, you guys just got off the plane, you must be tired as well. " Yang Hong Zhao said to the servants behind him, "Take the two of you to the guest room to rest. Also, tell the kitchen to prepare lunch.    


Xiao Hao, Jiming, I'll let you taste the authentic Guilin cuisine later. "    


"Thank you, old man. " Zhou Hao smiled and left the living room with Xiao Jiming and the servant to the guest room on the second floor.    


The servant said to Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming in a friendly manner, "If you need anything, please come to me at any time. " Then he left.    


Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming put their luggage away. Xiao Jiming asked Zhou Hao, "Martial Uncle, do you think those people are really Pu Changxu's descendants or disciples?"    


"It's very likely. " Zhou Hao said, "That Pu Changxu used to be a traitor. It's not strange that his descendants are colluding with spies from other countries.    


But they actually dared to poison General Lu Zhenwu. They are too bold.    


Moreover, it was them who killed sister-in-law and crippled Senior Brother Xiao for two years. So we must not let them go. "    


Xiao Jiming nodded firmly when he thought of the hatred in his family.    


After resting for a while, The servant just now came up and told Zhou Hao that lunch was ready.    


When they reached the dining room on the first floor, Zhou Hao saw that Yang Hongzhao and Yang Hongli were already waiting at the dining table, as well as Yang Hongli's grandson, Yang Xiaozong.    


Yang Hongzhao hurriedly invited Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming to sit down. Zhou Hao saw that the table was filled with delicious dishes, all of which were authentic Guilin specialties.    


Seeing that Yang Dongshen and Yang Xiaoguo were not around, Zhou Hao asked, "Old man, have Uncle Yang and the rest not woken up yet?"    


"They have already woken up, but they are still a little weak, so they are not coming out. Jing Qian is also in there taking care of them. "    


Yang Hong Zhao said, "As for Xiao Zong's parents, they are managing a few hotels in the Baohe Group in the Liu Province. They don't come back often.    


My third brother Hong Yue's daughter and son-in-law are also with him in Jiangxi. They will only come here during the New Year festival.    


That's why normally, it's the two of us old men eating together. Today, it's much more lively when you guys come. "    


Yang Hongri smiled at Zhou Hao. "I heard from Dong Shen that your martial arts skills are unfathomable at such a young age. Xiao Guo was once defeated by you. "    


He stroked the beard under his nose. "That's good too, even though Xiao Guo has a very high talent in martial arts.    


But because of this, he became conceited. Now that you've defeated him, it can be considered as letting him know that there's someone better than him. "    


On the other side, Yang Xiaozong stared at Zhou Hao. Although he didn't say anything, Zhou Hao could still see the dissatisfaction in his eyes, as if he was going to compete with Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao didn't lower himself to his level. He smiled at Yang Hong and Yang Hong Ri. "You two flatter me. In fact, there are many people who have better martial arts than me. However, the higher one's martial arts, the thinner one's reputation and interest will be. That's why they don't bother to bicker with us juniors. "    


Although he said "others," his gaze never left Yang Hong Zhao and Yang Hong Yue. He was clearly complimenting the two of them for their high and weak martial arts and reputation.    


Even though Yang Hongzhao and his brother had lived for more than half of their lives, they still felt that Zhou Hao's words were very pleasing to the ears. They liked him even more, and kept stuffing food into his bowl.    


During the meal, Yang Hong Zhao heard Zhou Hao say that he wanted to go and take a look at the "Stone Dragon Grass. "    


Immediately, he said, "Wait a moment. I will get someone to bring you there. There are a lot of 'Stone Dragon Grass' on Xizi Mountain in our old residence. I wonder if it is the medicinal herb you are looking for. "    


"I'll have to trouble the old man then. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


At this time, Luo Jingqian walked out. Yang Hongzhao asked her, "Jingqian, how are they?"    


"They're all fine. " Luo Jingqian said, "But I found that Jiabao's recovery speed is much faster than Dong Shen and Xiao Guo's. It seems that she drank Xiao Hao's blood. "    


Everyone looked at Zhou Hao. They were shocked when they saw that his blood could actually dissolve the Yama's Smile's poison.    


Yang Jiabao, who had drunk Zhou Hao's blood, was recovering much faster than Yang Dongshen and the others who had taken the antidote.    


As for Xiao Jiming, who had also taken the antidote, since Zhou Hao had used the Genuine Aura to help him remove the poison, his recovery speed was naturally faster than the others.    


"Actually, I didn't know about it before. "    


Faced with the puzzled gazes of Yang Hong Zhao and the others, Zhou Hao scratched his head and said, "At that time, I also inhaled the poisonous gas, but I only felt a slight pain in my throat. It wasn't a big problem.    


Perhaps it was because my master often used me as a test subject. Over time, my constitution became more resistant to the poison. "    


Actually, Zhou Hao knew that this might be due to the Amber fruit, but he couldn't let anyone else know about this.    


Yang Hongzhao nodded. "But your blood can cure the poison of the Yama's Smile. You absolutely can't let anyone know about it. Otherwise, Pu Changxu and the others might harm you. "    


After that, he told Luo Jingqian not to let anyone know about this matter.    


After lunch, Zhou Hao went to see Yang Dongshen, Yang Xiaoguo, and the others. He saw that they were fine except that they were a little weak.    


When he went to Yang Jiabao's room, he found that she was sitting on his bed with a half grown teddy bear toy in her arms. She was staring blankly with her head raised. No one knew what she was thinking.    


Yang Jiabao's room was very feminine. There were all kinds of dolls around her, and there were even some delicate decorations.    


Yang Jiabao, who was sitting on the bed, was stunned when she saw Zhou Hao. Then, she said angrily, "Why did you come in? Don't you know that girls' rooms cannot be casually entered?"    


"Humph! Humph! I really don't have good intentions. I specially came to see you, but I didn't expect to be scolded by you. " Zhou Hao also said angrily.    


Yang Jiabao also felt that she had gone too far when she heard that. She lowered her head and said softly, "Sorry, it was my fault. "    


"That's more like it. " Zhou Hao also did not have the intention to argue with a little girl like her.    


"I heard from my mother that the antidote was gone when I was poisoned by the Yama's Smile. You used your own blood to cure me. "    


Yang Jiabao looked at Zhou Hao and said, "I want to thank you. "    


Zhou Hao took a few steps forward and looked at Yang Jiabao with wide eyes, as if Yang Jiabao had suddenly become a monster.    


Yang Jiabao touched her face strangely. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"    


"No, I'm just curious. It turns out that our Miss Yang also knows how to say 'thank you'. " Zhou Hao said.    


"You. . . You go to hell!" Yang Jiabao was immediately annoyed by Zhou Hao's words. She grabbed the toy bear in her arms and threw it at Zhou Hao.    


At this time, Yang Jiabao had changed into a white nightdress with a cat tattoo on it.    


Under such fierce movements, the nightdress would rise up from time to time, letting Zhou Hao see her pair of snow-white legs, as well as the light blue underwear with a strawberry tattoo on it.    


Yang Jiabao saw that Zhou Hao did not resist after being hit by her a few times, and also noticed that his gaze was looking down at her.    


When she looked down and saw her exposed spring light, she cried out in shock and hurriedly covered her lower body with a blanket.    


At the same time, he glared at Zhou Hao. "You detestable big pervert! Dirty! Dirty! Despicable! Despicable!"    


" Hey hey hey, it's not that serious, right? " Zhou Hao shrugged his shoulders. He found that Yang Jiabao looked so sweet and cute. Even when she was angry, she had a kind of charming charm that made people admire her.    


He only heard him say: "You have to know that my blood is flowing on your body now. To a certain extent, you are my person. Hehe. Since you are all one of my people, it is not a big deal to take a look. "    


"You, what did you say!" Yang Jiabao became even angrier and her face turned red. She looked left and right and conveniently took a pair of scissors from the bedside table and was about to cut her wrist.    


Zhou Hao was shocked by her actions. He quickly walked over and grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?!"    


Yang Jiabao struggled hard but could not open Zhou Hao's hand. She said angrily, "Didn't you say I have your blood on me? Then I will release all my blood. Then I don't owe you anymore! "    


Zhou Hao did not expect Yang Jiabao to be so extreme, "I was just joking just now. Do you need to be so serious?"    


"Let me go. You saved my life before, but I did not ask you to save me. Why did you make the decision? Just let me die! I just don't want to owe you anything! " Yang Jiabao shouted.    


"F * ck! I've never seen someone as unreasonable as you! I didn't say that I wanted you to repay me, nor did I say that you owe me anything. "    


Even though Zhou Hao said so, Yang Jiabao still struggled persistently.    


Actually, when she woke up just now, Luo Jingqian had told her about what had happened. She had also told her that Zhou Hao had used his own blood to save her, so she had to thank Zhou Hao properly.    


However, Yang Jiabao and Zhou Hao had always been at odds with each other. When she heard that it was actually him who had saved her, a very complicated feeling arose in her heart. She was grateful to Zhou Hao, but at the same time, she was also somewhat unconvinced.    


Therefore, when she heard that Zhou Hao had actually said that she was his woman, she immediately became angry with him.    


"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Yang Jiabao kept twisting her body.    


Zhou Hao was afraid that she would do something extreme and did not dare to let go of her. However, seeing that this girl was still unwilling to let go of him, Zhou Hao was also angry and immediately pressed her on the bed.    


"Ah! What, what are you doing!? Yang Jiabao was pressed onto the bed by Zhou Hao. She subconsciously thought that Zhou Hao wanted to do something bad to her and immediately shouted.    


But before she could shout "help," her mouth was sealed by Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao was afraid that if she shouted, it would alert Yang Hong Zhao and the others. This way, the misunderstanding would become bigger, so he had to cover her mouth, but both of his hands had to grab her hands.    


In a moment of desperation, Zhou Hao lowered his head and used his lips to cover Yang Jiabao's cherry lips!    


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