Supreme Stock God

C150 The Abduction?

C150 The Abduction?

1After a few waves of rain, the two of them finally calmed down.    


Li Ruolan was lying in Zhou Hao's arms and felt weak all over her body. She could not even move her fingers. She could only gasp for air to help herself recover.    


She had expended too much physical strength. It was as if her entire body had been kneaded and scattered.    


Zhou Hao placed his hand on Li Ruolan's back and slowly injected Genuine Auras into her to help her recover her physical strength.    


Under Zhou Hao's strong Genuine Auras, Li Ruolan felt that her entire body was lazy, as if she was bathing under the afternoon sun.    


After a long time, she rolled her eyes at Zhou Hao with resentment, "You bad guy, you almost tortured me to death. "    


At this moment, she couldn't help but think of the cave in Qiuning Mountain. Dr Gongsun had said that Amber fruits were pure Yang objects.    


After being modified by it, Zhou Hao's body had become different from ordinary people. An ordinary woman wouldn't be able to satisfy him.    


On this sleepless night, Li Ruolan once again felt that what Dr Gongsun said was right. If she relied on herself to deal with Zhou Hao, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold on for long.    


"Don't tell me I have to find a woman for him?" Li Ruolan quietly thought in her heart.    


Then she blamed herself. Not only was she captivated by this little enemy, she even thought of helping him find another woman. She was really disappointing.    


As she thought about it, Li Ruolan hit Zhou Hao's chest and said, "It's all your fault!"    


Zhou Hao was at a loss and said, feeling wronged. "What did I do wrong again?"    


"I don't care. It's your fault anyway!" Of course, Li Ruolan could not say what she was thinking. She could only vent her frustration on Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao could not help but smile bitterly when he saw his form teacher acting so unruly and spoiled like Yang Jiabao.    


"By the way, you said you wanted to open a beverage company. You didn't do it for my dad, did you?"    


Li Ruolan suddenly asked Zhou Hao. Although they were now one, Li Ruolan still did not want Zhou Hao to spend so much effort on her.    


"No, I really want to open a beverage company. It's just that your dad happens to be a technical talent in this area. As the saying goes, fertilizer does not flow out of the fields. " Zhou Hao said.    


Li Ruolan nodded and then said, "Then you let my parents come to Xiang City. If they find out that you are my student, what should we do?"    


Li Chufan and his wife were very satisfied with Zhou Hao's conditions and performance. The only thing that Li Ruolan was worried about was Zhou Hao's real age and identity.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. You live in the school dormitory in Xiang City. I will prepare another house for your parents.    


Besides, I don't come to school often, so they probably won't know. "    


"You can be considered as an improved version of the 'hidden treasure in a golden house'. " Li Ruolan smiled and said, "Wait, what if my parents want to see your mother?"    


Li Chufan and his wife did not know Zhou Hao's identity, but Yan Tong knew that Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were teachers and students.    


"This. . . " Zhou Hao also frowned, then gritted his teeth. "It's okay. At most let me cooperate with you when the time comes. "    


After listening to Zhou Hao's words and thinking about how she might need to be honest with Yan Tong about her relationship with Zhou Hao in the future, Li Ruolan could not help but feel nervous and expectant.    


The two of them had gone crazy for the whole night and now the hazy morning light was already shining through the window.    


Before Li Chufan and his wife got up, Zhou Hao quickly packed his clothes and went back to the guest room to prevent them from finding out anything.    


He slept for a while on the bed. When Zhou Hao woke up again, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.    


When he walked out of the room, he saw that Xie Ruqiu and Li Ruolan had already prepared breakfast in the kitchen while Li Chufan was in the living room watching the news.    


However, Zhou Hao noticed that Li Chufan's eyes had obvious dark circles.    


"Zhou, did you sleep well last night?" Li Chufan asked with a smile when he saw Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao suddenly felt guilty, but he still scratched his head and smiled. "Not bad, not bad. " Of course it's good. Your daughter has been sleeping with me all night.    


After Zhou Hao sat down, Li Chufan deliberately said, "I don't know if it was a few residential buildings nearby that were demolished. The rats there were all rushed here.    


Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"    


Zhou Hao blushed when he heard Li Chufan's words. Li Chufan patted Zhou Hao on the shoulder and said, "Young man, you should cherish your own body.    


Otherwise, when you are old, there will be many side effects. "    


"Yes, yes, uncle is right. " At this moment, Zhou Hao understood that his and Li Ruolan's movements last night must have been discovered by these two elders.    


At the same time, in the kitchen, Xie Ruqiu was also whispering to his daughter, "Ruolan, you are still young. You must take care of yourself.    


Don't do things without proper standards just because you are young. "    


"Mom, what are you talking about?" Li Ruolan lowered her head and did not dare to look at her mother.    


Seeing her daughter's blushing face, Xie Ruqiu smiled and said, "Last night, both your father and I heard it. Sigh, can your bodies take it all night?    


Why don't we boil some deer whip soup to supplement Zhou? Oh right, you also need to drink some old mother chicken soup. "    


"Mom. . . " Li Ruolan was so shy that she could not raise her head. She remembered that her parents had heard about her and Zhou Hao's madness last night. She really wanted to find a hole and hide in it.    


"Don't be shy. " Xie Ruqiu held Li Ruolan's hand. "Mom and your dad are both experienced people. We understand.    


Furthermore, we are not that stubborn. As long as the two of you like it, we will not oppose it.    


However, Ruolan, when are you and Zhou planning to get married? Because, if you have a child before getting married, it will not be so pleasant to hear.    


Oh right. Have you seen Zhou's parents? That's great. After we go to Xiang City, we'll pay them a visit. "    


Hearing that Xie Ruqiu had already mentioned it, The marriage between the two of them was a big matter, and Li Ruolan's face became even redder.    


However, in this aspect, besides Zhou Hao, Li Ruolan would never be the second husband to accompany her in this life.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao heard the faint sound of a police car outside. Zhou Hao immediately thought of Liang Fengshan. It seemed like he was going to make a move on him.    


Zhou Hao immediately took out his handphone and dialed Zhao Yuqin's number. Zhao Yuqin seemed to have just woken up, and her voice had a hint of laziness.    


"Little pervert, why is it so early? Didn't you not get a call on Mount Heng?" Zhao Yuqin and Li Ruolan both liked to call Zhou Hao "Little Pervert. "    


Zhou Hao briefly told Zhao Yuqin about the beginning and end of the matter and then heard Zhao Yuqin say with jealousy, "Teacher Li, it is your teacher's lover, right?    


That's why I called you a pervert. You didn't even let go of your own teacher. "    


"Sister, now is not the time to joke. " Zhou Hao said with a bitter face.    


"Alright, alright. I really can't stand you, little pervert. Every time you get into trouble, I will help you wipe your butt. "    


Zhou Hao smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't that Liang Fengshan's fault first? How can he say that I caused trouble?"    


"Then you have to calm down first. I am still in Beijing. I will help you contact the people in the Nanjing military. "    


Zhao Yuqin was just expressing her jealousy. Regarding Zhou Hao's matter, she would definitely not stand idly by.    


Just as she put down the phone, the ear-piercing sound of the police car had already arrived downstairs. Li Chufan also felt that something was not right and asked Zhou Hao, "Zhou, there seems to be something wrong. "    


"It's fine, uncle. Don't worry. " Zhou Hao said.    


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of knocking could be heard from outside.    


Li Chufan looked at Zhou Hao. When he saw Zhou Hao nod, he quickly went to open the door. He saw that the door was filled with uniformed policemen.    


"Police comrades, what do you want?" Li Chufan asked, puzzled.    


The police saw Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan in the room. "They are indeed here. "    


After saying that, they pushed Li Chufan into the room. Two of the policemen even immediately grabbed Zhou Hao's hands.    


There were also four policemen surrounding Zhou Hao. Without saying anything, they took out their guns and aimed at Zhou Hao's head.    


Zhou Hao did not resist. He just said to them with a dark face, "What did I do?"    


Zhou Hao, the leader of the police team, said in a deep voice, "Breaking into a civilian's house and kidnapping a woman from a good family!"    


Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu, who came out of the kitchen, quickly said, "Police comrades, you must have misunderstood. He would not do such a thing. You must have misunderstood. "    


"There was no misunderstanding. We received a report. The person who was captured in the surveillance video of the victim's house was him!"    


The policeman said in a deep voice and looked at Li Ruolan. "Besides, isn't Mrs. Liang here? She was kidnapped by him and brought here!"    


"Mrs. Liang? " Even Zhou Hao was a little stunned when he heard her call her Mrs. Liang. Li Ruolan was also very confused.    


"It's her. " The policeman pointed at Li Ruolan. " Isn't she the wife of the victim, Mr. Liang Fengshan, Li Ruolan? She and Mr. Liang are legally married. "    


Li Ruolan said in shock. "What legal husband and wife is that Mr. Liang and I? The one who should be the one who kidnapped the good woman should be that Liang. You should have arrested him. "    


As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd heard a proud male voice coming from the door.    


"Wife, I know it's my fault for making you angry, but you don't have to be like this. You don't even acknowledge your own husband?"    


Following the male voice, the crowd saw more than ten armed police officers rushing in from the entrance.    


The one protected by the armed police was an average-looking man in a blue suit.    


The man who looked to be in his thirties was the so-called legal wife of Li Ruolan, Liang Fengshan.    


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