Supreme Stock God

C168 Not a Love Rival

C168 Not a Love Rival

3In the lobby of the Capital Airport, a beautiful figure attracted the attention of the commuters.    


She sat on a chair with her legs crossed elegantly. Her black hair was tied into a simple and generous bun. In addition to her beautiful face and voluptuous figure, her entire person was filled with mature charm.    


At this moment, she was staring at the exit of the inn in front of her. Her face was filled with anticipation and excitement. Clearly, she was waiting for someone very important to her.    


However, there was still a hint of impatience on her face, because it was right there. Beside her, there was a young man who was patiently talking to her.    


"Yuqin, why haven't you come for so long? Is his flight delayed?" The man said to her.    


This beauty was surprisingly Zhao Yuqin, but her gaze remained on the passenger exit and did not look at the man beside her.    


"You insisted on following me. If you don't like to wait, you can leave now. No one will keep you. "    


He heard Zhao Yuqin's cold words. The man stopped for a moment, then smiled again: "How can this be?    


Since he's Yuqin's younger brother, I have to meet him no matter what. Maybe he will be my brother-in-law from now on. "    


Zhao Yuqin glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "Dong Qishan, how many times have I said this? I don't have this possibility with you. Just give up.    


Don't think that I will submit to you just because you can make my father happy. As long as I don't like it, my dad won't force me. "    


The smile on the man called Dong Qishan did not change. He still smiled and said, "Yuqin, I have never thought of forcing you through Old Master Zhao.    


I believe that my sincerity towards you will be able to move you sooner or later. I believe that one day, you will be willing to agree to me. I will wait for that day to come. "    


"Then you can wait slowly. " Zhao Yuqin lightly snorted. When she turned around to look at the passenger exit, her face suddenly revealed an unsuppressible joy.    


She suddenly stood up from her chair and walked towards the passenger exit with quick steps. The two bodyguards in plainclothes also hurriedly followed behind to ensure Zhao Yuqin's safety.    


Looking at Zhao Yuqin's slim and graceful back, the smile on Dong Qishan's face suddenly became gloomy.    


He muttered to himself: "One day, I will make you beg to lick my dick. Humph, humph, humph, humph. . . Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut. "    


Zhao Yuqin quickly walked into the exit of the inn. Inside, there was a tall and slender figure walking towards her. It was Zhou Hao, who had come from far away from Xiang City.    


"Sister!" Zhou Hao was very happy to see Zhao Yuqin. He couldn't help but reach out his arms to hug Zhao Yuqin.    


But when he saw the tourists coming and going, and knew that Zhao Yuqin's identity was sensitive, it might have a bad effect on her. He stopped moving and his hands also stopped in the air.    


Zhao Yuqin took a step forward and took the initiative to hug him. Her face was tightly pressed against his chest. She said with deep affection. "Little pervert, I miss you so much. "    


Zhou Hao was stunned. He smiled bitterly in his heart. He was a man, but he was not as brave as Zhao Yuqin.    


He held Zhao Yuqin's back with both hands in the air. He smelled the delicate fragrance coming from her hair and felt his heart fill up.    


"Yuqin, is he your younger brother?" A male voice suddenly came and destroyed the warm atmosphere of the reunion between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin.    


Dong Qishan looked at Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin, who were hugging each other, with an unfriendly expression. He looked at Zhou Hao with intense jealousy and indignation.    


Zhou Hao followed the sound and looked at him. He was also stunned. He could not help but frown. "It's you?"    


"It's me. " Dong Qishan sneered.    


"You two know each other?" Zhao Yuqin, who was still lying in Zhou Hao's arms, asked curiously.    


The one who was truly puzzled was Zhou Hao. Now it seemed that this man and Zhao Yuqin came together.    


And this man with an unfriendly expression was precisely the man surnamed Dong whom he had met in Guilin. Zhou Hao still remembered that seductive Japanese woman who was with him at that time.    


"Sister, this is. . . ?" Zhou Hao looked at Zhao Yuqin.    


"His name is Dong Qishan. He is just an insignificant person. You don't have to worry about him. " Zhao Yuqin didn't have a good impression of Dong Qishan.    


Especially in front of Zhou Hao, she was afraid that Zhou Hao would misunderstand her relationship with Dong Qishan.    


After hearing Zhao Yuqin's words, Zhou Hao turned his gaze back to Dong Qishan.    


Dong Qishan had already stretched out his right hand towards him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be Yuqin's brother.    


Hehe, we really don't know each other without fighting. I hope you don't take the misunderstanding to heart. "    


Zhou Hao wasn't so tactful. He reached out his hand to grab Dong Qishan, and a smile appeared on his face. "No, no. I have already forgotten everything that happened last time. "    


"Where is the girl next to you last time? Why isn't she with you? It's very rare to see such a beautiful girl. " Dong Qishan purposely smiled and said.    


Zhao Yuqin gently looked at Zhou Hao and heard him say to Dong Qishan with a smile, "She is still in Guangxi, so you don't need to worry about her. "    


He knew that Dong Qishan deliberately mentioned Yang Jiabao to make Zhao Yuqin angry.    


But looking at Zhao Yuqin, she was not angry at Dong Qishan's words at all, which made Dong Qishan disappointed.    


When the group of people walked out of the airport, Dong Qishan smiled and invited Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin to sit in his car, but was politely rejected by Zhou Hao.    


Dong Qishan did not take it to heart. After Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin sat in their own car, he followed them closely.    


Zhao Yuqin's car was different from the "Mercedes-Benz" in Xiang City. It was a domestic "Red Flag" car.    


Moreover, the car was equipped with bulletproof equipment. The back seat was very spacious and was separated from the front, so the two bodyguards in front could not hear the conversation between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin.    


Furthermore, Zhou Hao noticed the license plate of this car. According to his research in his previous life, this number was specially reserved for the leaders of the country.    


No traffic police dared to stop a car like this when it was driven out of the country.    


"Sister, you are not worthy of being a bodyguard in Xiang City. Why did you raise the standard here?" Zhou Hao asked Zhao Yuqin with a smile.    


Zhao Yuqin said helplessly, "My dad gave it to me. They are all members of the Central Security Team. They are different from ordinary bodyguards. "    


Zhou Hao suddenly understood. He knew that the Central Guard was actually equivalent to the modern "Royal Guards. "    


They were the important leaders of the country and their families. They were also the "bodyguards" of the Central South Sea.    


The members of these guards were strictly selected by the elites of the army, and all of their skills were at the top of the list.    


"Oh right, that Dong Qishan just now, is he your friend?" Zhou Hao asked.    


"Ai, I hate that guy when he's mentioned. " Zhao Yuqin took a deep breath and turned to Zhou Hao.    


"You have to work harder. If you don't hurry, I'm afraid my dad will let me marry that bastard. "    


Zhou Hao's expression changed when he heard her. He saw Zhao Yuqin suddenly laugh. He only knew that Zhao Yuqin was joking with him.    


Looking in front of him, he saw that the two "South China Sea bodyguards" did not look over here. Zhou Hao stretched out his hand to scratch Zhao Yuqin's itch, "Okay, you dare to scare me like this. See how I will teach you a lesson. "    


"Hehehehe. No more. I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore. " Zhao Yuqin hid in Zhou Hao's arms and begged for mercy.    


"Actually, it is not all a joke. That guy is very hypocritical. He pretends to be a modest gentleman in front of my father.    


My dad really likes him. According to my dad, he wants me to be with him. "    


"That won't do. I won't let my sister leave me. " Zhou Hao hugged Zhao Yuqin's soft body and said.    


Zhao Yuqin reached out and touched the tip of his nose. "That's why I asked you to hold on tightly. "    


Then she introduced Dong Qishan's background to Zhou Hao, "Dong Qishan's background is similar to mine. His father is a member of the political bureau and has a lot of power.    


Furthermore, their family's foundation is very deep. Dong Qishan's grandfather followed him during the uprising of the chairman, and he was also a prominent person at that time.    


Although he had passed away for a long time, the influence he had left behind was still very great.    


Also, just like me, Dong Qishan was his father's son in his middle age. Therefore, everyone in the Dong Family is very obedient to him. They are afraid that he will be unhappy with his life.    


He used to study in Australia. He only came back two years ago. "    


Only now did Zhou Hao know that Dong Qishan had such a great background. After Yuan Xun, his father was also a member of the political scene. This was the true" Crown Prince Party. "    


However, when he thought about how Dong Qishan was with the Japanese woman, although he still didn't know what their relationship was.    


However, Zhou Hao always felt that it wouldn't be a good thing for the son of such a country's leader to be together with the Japanese.    


What made Zhou Hao the most worried was that Old Master Zhao wanted Zhao Yuqin to be with Dong Qishan. Compared to Dong Qishan's background, he seemed too ordinary.    


He scratched his head and muttered to himself: "This love rival's background is too great. "    


"What love rival? You need me to be interested in him to be your love rival. I don't even like him. What kind of love rival are you and him?"    


Zhao Yuqin glanced at Zhou Hao. "Besides, Dong Qishan was just relying on his family. If he wasn't born in the Dong Family, He's just a mediocre person, how can he compare to you?"    


Because Zhao Yuqin's family background was prominent, those who came from wealthy and noble families were not worthy of her eyes.    


On the other hand, Zhou Hao, who came from a civilian background, was the one who could create extraordinary achievements. He was the one who was truly talented and moved her.    


"By the way, what did Dong Qishan say about the girl beside you just now?" Suddenly, Zhao Yuqin pinched the soft flesh on Zhou Hao's waist.    


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