Supreme Stock God

C161 Secretly Kissing

C161 Secretly Kissing

0Zhou Hao hadn't returned home for more than half a month. He took a hot bath after he returned.    0


Then, he comfortably lay on the soft sofa and turned on the stereo, letting the melodious singing flow in the hall.    


This was the famous singer, Maria. Zhao Yuqin knew that Zhou Hao liked to listen to English songs, so she specially asked someone to bring it back from Hong Kong for Zhou Hao.    


She was admiring Maria. When Kelly's sharp but not ear-piercing sound of a dolphin was heard, there was the sound of a key at the door.    


Zhou Hao immediately jumped up from the sofa and rushed to the door to open it. He originally thought that it was Yan Tong who had come back, but he did not expect Yan Qingqing to be standing at the door.    


The current Yan Qingqing was very different from when she just came out of Huayu Village.    


She was wearing a black lotus collar coat. She was wearing a pair of long female pants, and her face looked much more confident.    


However, the gentleness and kindness in her eyes did not change.    


"Sister Qingqing. " Zhou Hao called out happily.    


"Xiao Hao? You're back?" Yan Qingqing asked in surprise. She couldn't help but reach out and hug Zhou Hao. She even wanted to touch the back of his head.    


But Zhou Hao was much taller than her now, so she couldn't just casually pat the back of Zhou Hao's head like before. Instead, she patted him on the back.    


After welcoming Yan Qingqing into the room and helping her place the bag, Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Cousin Qingqing. During this period of time, have you gotten used to living in Xiang City?"    


"Yes, aunt and aunt Pinger are very good to me. " Yan Qing nodded and smiled.    


"I heard from my mother that you are learning how to settle accounts with Madam Lu. How is it? Are you alright?"    


Yan Qing Qing said. "At the beginning, I did not know anything. Fortunately, aunt and aunt Ping taught me patiently. Now, I know about the management of Mrs Zhou's Restaurant and 'Romance House'.    


Aunt and aunt Pinger are so awesome. They can manage so many branches' accounts. I still have a lot of things to learn from them. "    


"Why are you back so early?" Zhou Hao asked. It was still three o'clock in the afternoon. Usually, Yan Tong and Lu Shiping only came back at four or five o'clock.    


However, Yan Qingqing's cheeks were flushed red. "I. . . I. . . " She secretly glanced at Zhou Hao.    


She pursed her lips and said, "I'm not feeling well, so Aunt Ping asked me to come back and rest first. "    


"Not feeling well?" Zhou Hao asked, but he immediately understood. When he opened the door, he saw Yan Qingqing covering her abdomen with her hand.    


Now that she was so shy, it should be the problem that women usually encountered. He asked Yan Qingqing, "Cousin Yan Qingqing. Are you suffering from pain?"    


Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Yan Qingqing's face became even hotter and redder, but she also suppressed her shyness and nodded slightly.    


"You have to have a good rest now. Come, I'll accompany you back to your room. " Zhou Hao hurriedly supported Yan Qingqing and walked towards her room.    


After entering the room, Zhou Hao saw that there were a few books on economic management and accounting on the desk. They all had bookmarks in them. Yan Qingqing was obviously working very hard to learn this kind of knowledge.    


Zhou Hao felt relieved. With Yan Qingqing's dexterous mind and Lu Shiping's guidance from the side, it should not be too difficult for Yan Qingqing to learn this kind of knowledge.    


Especially since she was learning and practicing at the same time. The effect was much better than those students who only studied theory in school.    


After letting Yan Qing Qing take off her coat and lie on the bed, Zhou Hao found a warm water bag and handed it to Yan Qing Qing after charging and heating it up.    


"Come, Sister Qingqing, put this on your stomach. It can relieve pain. I'll go and get some medicine for you. "    


"Xiao Hao, no, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I, I will be fine in a while. " Yan Qing said with a red face.    


She had suffered from severe pain before, but in the village, it was difficult for these women's illnesses to be exposed to others. Therefore, Yan Qingqing had only endured it silently when she encountered this situation in the past.    


"This won't do. This kind of thing can't be ignored. You still have to go to the hospital for a detailed check-up, because some of the pain is caused by the mutation of reproductive organs.    


If it's serious, it might affect reproduction. " Zhou Hao said.    


It was said that this might affect reproduction, and the matter of family succession was especially important in the countryside.    


It was very difficult for a woman who could not give birth to a child to raise her head, and every woman hoped to give birth to a child for the man they loved.    


Therefore, Yan Qingqing immediately became nervous. "No, she can't give birth. What should we do?"    


"You don't have to worry so much. " Zhou Hao comforted her. "I think your condition should be the primary pain.    


It was common among teenage girls. It was not necessarily the disease of reproductive organs.    


Cousin Qingqing, you should rest here. I will get you some medicine. " After saying that, he left Yan Qingqing's room.    


Zhou Hao did not go to find those painkillers. Instead, he drove straight to the nearby pharmacy and grabbed two sticks of medicine.    


Because in the Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain was usually caused by qi stagnation, blood stasis, and blood stasis. "If you don't understand, then pain. " This was the most fundamental viewpoint of the Traditional Chinese Medicine.    


In Shen Nong's Herbal Classics, there was a prescription that was specially used to regulate blood and Qi in order to achieve the effect of treating pain. This was also one of the healthcare products that Zhou Hao wanted to promote in the future.    


Because pain was a common and vexing problem among women, the market for this prescription was very broad.    


After catching the medicine, Zhou Hao personally brewed the medicine for Yan Qingqing. When he walked into Yan Qingqing's room again, Zhou Hao saw that she was already sleeping on the bed.    


The effect of the warm water bag was still very obvious. Under the soothing pain, Yan Qingqing slept very peacefully.    


She watched as she lay on the bed. Yan Qingqing was like a sleeping princess.    


He sat by the bed and gently stroked the hair on Yan Qingqing's forehead. He then tucked her under the blanket.    


Yan Qingqing's expression was very quiet, making Zhou Hao's heart calm down. Looking at the beautiful and charming Yan Qingqing in close proximity, Zhou Hao's heartbeat suddenly sped up.    


He could not help but slowly bend down and slowly approach Yan Qingqing's cherry-like red lips.    


Zhou Hao was very nervous, afraid that Yan Qingqing would suddenly wake up.    


The distance between the two slowly closed. Zhou Hao's mouth also got closer and closer to Yan Qingqing's cherry lips. Zhou Hao could even smell the delicate fragrance that Yan Qingqing exhaled.    


Finally, Zhou Hao felt a softness on his lips. It was like cotton candy, soft, and sweet.    


Although this kind of wonderful feeling was very confusing, Zhou Hao still tasted it lightly, because he was afraid that Yan Qingqing would suddenly wake up.    


After parting Yan Qingqing's soft lips and seeing Yan Qingqing's beautiful face, Zhou Hao couldn't help but kiss her forehead again before leaving the room to take care of the medicine.    


However, Zhou Hao didn't know that after he left the room, Yan Qingqing on the bed suddenly opened her eyes. Her face instantly turned as red as an apple.    


She reached out and touched her lips before touching her forehead. Her beautiful eyes were covered with a watery mist.    


After a long while, she used the blanket to cover her head with a moan. Her face was still burning.    


When Zhou Hao finished brewing the medicine and brought it in, Yan Qingqing pretended to have just woken up and asked Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, have I slept for a long time?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head and smiled. "No, just for a while. Cousin Qingqing, I brewed the medicine for you. Drink it. "    


"Thank you, Xiao Hao. " Yan Qingqing looked deeply at Zhou Hao.    


After Yan Qingqing drank the medicine, Zhou Hao said to her, "Cousin Qingqing, you should have a good rest. I will call you after dinner. "    


"Yes. " Yan Qingqing nodded and lay down again. Zhou Hao also carried the bowl out.    


Yan Tong opened the door and came in as soon as she came out of Yan Qingqing's room. When she saw Zhou Hao, she said in surprise, "Xiao Hao, you are back? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"    


"I wanted to give you a surprise. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Yan Tong came over and touched Zhou Hao's face. "Quick, let Mom see if Xiao Hao has lost weight.    


Oh right. Didn't you go with Jiming to find the medicinal herbs? Why did you suddenly come back? Where's Jiming? He's with you? "    


" No, Jiming is still looking. I came back first. "    


Zhou Hao told Yan Tong about what happened after he heard that Li Ruolan took a long leave from school. He went to Jiang Su to look for Li Ruolan. Later, he met Liang Fengshan and other things.    


When Yan Tong heard this, she suddenly understood, "So that's how it is. At that time, I was wondering if something happened to Teacher Li's family. I didn't think that her family would encounter such a thing.    


What about Teacher Li's parents? Their house was going to be demolished. What should we do now?"    


"I brought them all to Xiang City because I want to invite Uncle Li to work at my beverage company. " Zhou Hao said.    


Yan Tong nodded. "That's good too. They will have a place to stay. "    


Zhou Hao said to Yan Tong, "By the way, Mom, Teacher Li and her parents want to see you tomorrow. "    


"Meet me? Why do you want to see me?" Yan Tong asked doubtfully.    


Zhou Hao hesitated for a moment, then pulled Yan Tong to sit on the sofa.    


He took a deep breath and then looked at Yan Tong seriously. He said slowly, "Mom, there is actually something I want to tell you. "    


Yan Tong saw Zhou Hao's serious look and could not help but laugh. "What is it? It is rare for you to be so serious. "    


Zhou Hao opened his mouth and wanted to tell Yan Tong about what happened between him and Li Ruolan, but on second thought, he didn't know how she would react if he told Yan Tong this.    


So he asked Yan Tong, "Mom, didn't we watch TVB's The Gargoyle Couple? What do you think of Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl in the movie?"    


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