Supreme Stock God

C163 Having too Many Women Is also a Problem

C163 Having too Many Women Is also a Problem

1When Wang Xijun returned from school, she was pleasantly surprised to see Zhou Hao.     2


If Yan Tong wasn't there, she wouldn't be able to resist jumping into Zhou Hao's arms and enjoying the warmth and breath that Zhou Hao had left for a long time.    


After Yan Tong found out about Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan, she felt guilty towards Wang Xijun and became even more kind and gentle to her.    


During dinner, she even cooked Wang Xijun's favorite steamed bass and the bone of the capital.    


After dinner, Wang Xijun returned to the other side to do her homework.    


She had previously said that she had to study hard and help Zhou Hao manage the company after graduation. She had also been working hard for this, making Yan Tong's heart ache even more for her future daughter-in-law.    


Wang Xijun was doing her homework in her room, but Zhou Hao's figure kept appearing in her mind, making her unable to calm down.    


She could not help but repeat Zhou Hao's name on the draft paper, and then she stared blankly at the page full of "Zhou Hao. "    


Suddenly, there was a knocking sound from the window in front of her. She looked up and saw the Zhou Hao she was missing standing outside, smiling at her.    


"Zhou Hao. " Wang Xijun immediately walked over and opened the window.    


"Studying in the room all the time will not have a good effect. Come out and smell the fragrance of flowers and look at the stars. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Wang Xijun had never been able to reject Zhou Hao's request. She smiled and nodded, then pushed open the door and walked to the garden outside.    


Zhou Hao also came over and held her hand as he walked in the sky garden that was like a cloud.    


The quiet night sky was filled with the strong fragrance of flowers. Below was the night view of Xiang City. The television tower on the mountain in the distance was emitting a soft yellow light, reflecting the light of the stars in the sky.    


Wang Xijun felt that as long as she was with Zhou Hao, no matter where she was, she would be happy and sweet.    


The two of them sat on the swing in the middle of the garden. Wang Xijun naturally placed her head on Zhou Hao's shoulder.    


The two of them hugged each other silently. No one spoke. No one wanted to ruin this quiet and romantic moment.    


"Zhou Hao, it's good to be with you. " Wang Xijun said sincerely.    


"En, I will never leave you for the rest of my life. The same goes for you. You will never leave me for the rest of your life. "    


Zhou Hao put his face on Wang Xijun's head and gently stroked her hair.    


Yan Tong's previous words also made him a little worried. He was afraid that Wang Xijun would get hurt after knowing about the matter between him and Li Ruolan.    


Furthermore, Li Ruolan was not the only woman by Zhou Hao's side. There was also Zhao Yuqin, Yang Jiabao, Situ Jianying and Yan Qingqing.    


Even Zhou Hao could not forget Gao Jingyi, who was in the same class as him.    


Among these women, only Zhao Yuqin and Situ Jianying knew that Zhou Hao had other women by his side.    


Zhao Yuqin had been very generous from the beginning and unconsciously gave off the bearing of a "big woman. "    


Situ Jianying was more obedient to Zhou Hao, and she even deliberately made friends with Wang Xijun for Zhou Hao.    


As for the rest of the people. . . Putting Gao Jingyi aside, Zhou Hao felt that Li Ruolan seemed to have faintly sensed the existence of other women, but Li Ruolan had never said it out loud.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao felt that even if his matter was revealed in the end, Li Ruolan would not find it too hard to accept. The ones that gave Zhou Hao the biggest headache were Wang Xijun and Yang Jiabao.    


Yang Jiabao was a pampered young miss. She had a strong possessive desire towards the things that she liked.    


If he knew about the existence of other women, Zhou Hao believed that she would be the one with the most intense reaction.    


As for Wang Xijun, Zhou Hao believed that even if Wang Xijun knew that he had other women, she would not leave him, just like he would not leave her.    


However, Wang Xijun's personality was the most delicate and tactful among all the girls. Even strangers would unconsciously develop a kind of pity and love for her when they saw her, let alone Zhou Hao who loved her so deeply.    


It did not mean that Wang Xijun would have any intense behavior. Instead, she might be the quietest one among the girls, but it was precisely because of this that Zhou Hao felt the most guilty.    


Thinking of Wang Xijun's various benefits, Zhou Hao could not help but hug her even more tightly and muttered to himself.    


"Xijun, no one can let you leave me. We will be together for the rest of our lives. "    


Wang Xijun could not know what Zhou Hao was thinking. She only thought that he was deeply loyal to her, so she leaned closer to him and smiled sweetly.    


"No one can let me leave you. We are going to be together for the rest of our lives. "    


While the two of them were hugging each other, Zhou Hao suddenly felt a gentle and graceful gaze staring at the two of them.    


He raised his head to look, only to see the corner of his clothes that was left behind when the figure turned around.    


But even if it was the corner of his clothes that disappeared in the blink of an eye, Zhou Hao could still recognize it. He remembered that the corner of the clothes was the shirt that he had bought for Yan Qing Qing Qing.    


So he was almost certain. That person just now was Yan Qingqing.    


Actually, even if he did not say it himself, with the good relationship Wang Xijun had with Yan Qingqing now, Yan Qingqing would definitely know about the relationship between them from Wang Xijun's mouth.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao finally felt it in his heart. Sometimes, having more women was also a kind of trouble.    


The next day, in order to avoid Wang Xijun and Yan Qingqing, Zhou Hao decided not to receive Li Chufan and the others at home.    


Instead, he booked a room in Tianbin Hotel. He invited Li Ruolan and her family there.    


In order to meet Li Chufan and his wife, Yan Tong even specially bought some chicken breast and bird's nest health supplements.    


At noon, Li Ruolan came to Tianbin Hotel with Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu, while Zhou Hao and Yan Tong were already waiting for them there.    


Li Ruolan's heart immediately tensed up when she saw Yan Tong. After all, she was her son's teacher. This relationship was a little difficult to sort out.    


Yan Tong, on the other hand, had a smile on her face as she walked towards Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu, "These two are Big Brother Li and Mrs Li, right?    


I am Xiao Hao's mother, Yan Tong. I am very happy to meet you two. "    


She warmly invited Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu into the room, "Actually, I have long wanted to meet Big Brother Li and Mrs Li. "    


Initially, Li Chufan was worried that Zhou Hao's family would be so rich that Yan Tong would dislike the Li Family. But now, seeing Yan Tong being so friendly and friendly, he felt relieved in his heart.    


Xie Ruqiu even passed a smiling jar to Yan Tong, "Madam Zhou, this is the sauce cooked by our family. It tastes very good. Take it back and have a taste. "    


"Thank you, thank you. " Yan Tong happily received the small jar.    


On the other side, Li Ruolan quietly pulled Zhou Hao over and asked in a worried voice, "Xiao Hao, your mother, she. . . "    


Zhou Hao did not say anything. Instead, he smiled and made an "OK" gesture to Li Ruolan.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's gesture and seeing Yan Tong and her parents getting along so well, Li Ruolan was slightly relieved.    


At this moment, Yan Tong waved at Li Ruolan and Zhou Hao, "What are you two standing there for? Come over and sit down. "    


Zhou Hao brought Li Ruolan over and sat beside Yan Tong. Li Ruolan timidly called out to Yan Tong, "Aunt Yan. "    


Yan Tong answered with a smile and then said to Li Chufan and his wife, "Actually Ruolan and I have already met a few times.    


Ruolan is really a good girl. I have always wanted to marry a girl like Ruolan. That would be a great fortune. "    


Actually, what Yan Tong said was not all lies. In the past when the parents would meet, she had indeed seen Li Ruolan. Many parents had a good impression of the beautiful and generous Li Ruolan.    


At that time, Yan Tong was also thinking about who would be able to marry a good girl like Li Ruolan. It would be a blessing from her previous life.    


But she did not expect that Li Ruolan would be "captured" by her son after such a long walk.    


Li Chufan and his wife meant that Yan Tong meant that Li Ruolan had specially seen her parents before. Li Chufan also smiled and said.    


"Your family's Zhou is also a rare and outstanding talent. Ruolan can be with him. It should be Ruolan's good fortune. "    


After chatting for a while, Zhou Hao told the waiter to serve the dishes. Since they were not socializing, he did not order those flashy but expensive dishes.    


He chose some of the specialty Guangdong cuisines. Yan Tong was not a domineering upstart to begin with.    


That was why she got along well with Li Chufan and his wife, which made Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan feel very gratified when they saw it.    


"By the way, Madam Zhou, when did the marriage between Zhou and Ruolan be settled?" Li Chufan suddenly asked.    


Zhou Hao was shocked by Li Chufan's words. The food he had just eaten was stuck in his throat. Li Ruolan, who was beside him, saw him and quickly patted his back. She was so considerate that she asked him to swallow the food.    


At the same time, she reproached him. "Why are you eating so fast? Take your time. "    


Yan Tong naturally knew that Zhou Hao was frightened by Li Chufan's words. She glanced at him lightly and thought that he should know the trouble now.    


However, when she saw Li Ruolan so nervous about her son, she also felt very comforted in her heart.    


In fact, Li Ruolan was also a rare daughter-in-law candidate. Any mother-in-law who saw her would like her.    


She smiled at Li Chufan and said, "Actually, I have also thought about letting them get married.    


However, they are still young and Ruolan only taught for one or two years in school. There is no need to be so anxious.    


After all, if they have children after marriage, it will have a certain impact on their career and life. "    


"Madam Zhou is right, there's no need to be in such a hurry" Li Chufan smiled and said.    


In fact, he did not really want to urge Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan to get married. He just wanted to see if Yan Tong would object to their marriage.    


Now that he saw that Yan Tong did not oppose Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan, he could relax.    


After dinner, when they left Tianbin Hotel, Zhou Hao led Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu in front. Li Ruolan deliberately slowed down her footsteps and walked beside Yan Tong, "Aunt Yan, I'm sorry. "    


Yan Tong smiled gently, "Actually, I should be the one to apologize to you on Xiao Hao's behalf. He has already told me everything that happened in Qiuning Mountain. "    


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