Supreme Stock God

C162 Lovers will Eventually Get Married

C162 Lovers will Eventually Get Married

4"Yang Guo and little dragon girl?" Yan Tong smiled and said: "Very good. Gu Tianle is very handsome. Li Ruotong is also quite pretty. "     2


Zhou Hao quickly said, "No, mother. I'm not asking you about Gu Tianle and Li Ruotong.    


I'm saying that Yang Guo and the little dragon girl are related to their master and disciple, but they dared to go against the laws of the world and fall in love with each other. Do you agree with that?"    


"You can't say that you don't agree, right? You're just moved by their love. "    


Yan Tong spoke out her true feelings, "Although they are master and disciple, and they have encountered so many difficulties, they have never left each other.    


In the end, there was still a lover who ended up together. This is very gratifying. "    


"What if a teacher and student fall in love in real life? What do you think?" Zhou Hao asked immediately.    


Yan Tong tilted her head and said, "There are many factors to this.    


First of all, it depends on whether they truly love each other. I feel that if the two of them truly love each other, the shackles and pressure of the secular world will be able to withstand it. "    


" Oh, Mom, so you're quite open-minded. " Zhou Hao relaxed a little and smiled.    


In fact, Yan Tong's open-mindedness, on one hand, was because of her tolerant attitude towards people. On the other hand, it was also largely influenced by the television series.    


Nowadays, love dramas such as Qiong Yao were popular. Most of the love stories were filled with bitter love.    


It was especially easy to infect a woman like Yan Tong, who had a lot of experience, which made them have a more tolerant attitude towards love.    


"Wait, why did you suddenly ask about these things?" Yan Tong knocked Zhou Hao's forehead.    


"Why does a child care about his master and disciple dating? What did Yang Guo and little dragon girl do to you?"    


"Actually, Sister Lan and I are the modern version of Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl. " Zhou Hao muttered to himself.    


Yan Tong asked curiously, "What? What Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl?"    


"Mom, do you remember? Back then when I fell into Qiuning Mountain with Teacher Li, I was trapped in a cave. We even met a mysterious person who lived in seclusion inside. " Zhou Hao said to Yan Tong.    


"Yes. " Yan Tong nodded. "Your martial arts was taught by that strange person. You told us before. "    


"Actually, during my cultivation, I experienced qi deviation. " Zhou Hao said.    


"Qi deviation?" Yan Tong asked in surprise. "It turns out that there will really be Qigong deviation? Then are you alright? There won't be any sequelae, right?"    


Yan Tong immediately became nervous when she heard Zhou Hao say that he had Qi deviation before.    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "No, Mom, don't worry. However, what I want to say is that when I was mentally deranged, I did something very, very wrong. "    


At this time, Yan Tong had already felt that something was not right but she still asked, "Is it. . . What mistake?"    


Zhou Hao looked up at his mother for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "At that time, my mind was not clear, and I had lost my mind.    


So. . . So I 'bullied' Teacher Li, who was with me. "    


Although it had been a long time and Li Ruolan had become a happy little girl by his side, Zhou Hao still felt very guilty when this matter was brought up.    


"Bully?" Yan Tong's heart was lifted by Zhou Hao's words, "What do you mean by 'bullying'?"    


"That's. . . That's what you mean. " Just like when he was young and got into trouble when he was young and was discovered by Yan Tong, Zhou Hao looked at her guiltily.    


Of course, Yan Tong knew what he meant. What else could she mean by "bullying" a girl?    


Didn't she also think that Zhou Hao "bullied" Yang Jiabao? Even though Zhou Hao really put it into practice later on.    


"Then. . . Then you and Teacher Li, she. . . " Yan Tong still did not dare to be sure.    


"Uh, we are the modern version of Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl. " Zhou Hao smiled bitterly.    


Yan Tong knocked Zhou Hao's head hard, "You can still laugh? What Yang Guo and little dragon girl, you still think you are extraordinary now?    


This. . . This. . . Aiya, how can this be? You and Teacher Li. . . Can't, can't. "    


Zhou Hao grabbed her arm," Mom, you just said that you were touched by the love between Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl. "    


"How can that be the same?" Yan Tong said, "Those are television dramas. "    


No matter how touched Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl's love was, it had nothing to do with her. As the saying goes, only when the matter is at hand will you know the true pain.    


Now that her son was involved with his teacher, Yan Tong naturally had a different feeling.    


"But didn't you say just now? As long as the two of them truly love each other, they are not afraid of the shackles and pressure of the secular world. "    


Yan Tong was really vexed. It turned out that Zhou Hao had been trying to trick her earlier. Now, he had lifted a stone and smashed it on her feet.    


But she still said, "But you and Teacher Li. . . You have a teacher-student relationship, and Teacher Li is older than you. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Sister Lan is only 19 years old this year, and she is only older than me by three years. Didn't you say that a third-year female student carries a golden brick?"    


"You, why did you call Teacher Li? Sister Lan?" Yan Tong noticed that Zhou Hao's way of addressing Li Ruolan had changed, "Could it be that Teacher Li also accepted the relationship with you?"    


"At the beginning, Sister Lan was also unwilling to forgive me. But later on, something happened and I spent a lot of effort to finally obtain Sister Lan's forgiveness.    


Mom, Uncle Li and Aunt Li have already regarded me as their son-in-law. "    


"You, you child. You are still so young. How can you do such a thing?" Yan Tong said angrily.    


Zhou Hao immediately stood up and walked in front of Yan Tong. "Mom, look at me. I am not like a child anymore. Ever since I practiced martial arts, my body has become like an adult. "    


Yan Tong looked at Zhou Hao's body, which was bigger than an average adult's body. She shook her head and said, "You are still not an adult after all. "    


Many countries' laws clearly stated that having sex with minors was considered the crime of rape.    


Although Zhou Hao was a boy and there was nothing to lose, it was still not appropriate.    


At this time, Zhou Hao sat down and looked at Yan Tong very seriously. "Mom, don't tell me you want to be like Huang Rong and separate Sister Lan and me. That's why you're happy. "    


Yan Tong was at a loss for words. Thinking about it, she really did resemble that Huang Rong who stopped Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl from being together.    


But when she saw Zhou Hao, she became angry again, "If you are with Teacher Li, then what about you? What about Xijun? Don't think that we don't know that you also have bad intentions towards Xijun. Humph! Humph!    


Madam Lu and I have seen it all. You and Teacher Li are like this now. Then what are you going to do with Xijun?"    


"This. . . " Zhou Hao scratched his head and looked at Yan Tong with some fear, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Mom, actually I will not let go of Xijun. "    


"Won't let go? How can you not let go? Do you think you are still in the old society? You can have three wives and four concubines. "    


Yan Tong was completely enraged by Zhou Hao. Because the most recognized daughter-in-law in her heart was Wang Xijun. And now, Zhou Hao's actions could be said to be disloyal to Wang Xijun.    


However, she heard Zhou Hao muttering to himself. "It's not like there are no three wives and four concubines now. It's just that the situation is different. "    


Yan Tong immediately reached out and pinched Zhou Hao's ear, "What did you say, kid?"    


"Mom, didn't you teach me to be responsible for what I do since I was young? Being the person in charge? Now that I am like this with Sister Lan, do you want me to be irresponsible?"    


Zhou Hao said, "Also, if I give up on Xijun, would you be willing to do so? Can you bear it? "    


Yan Tong was stifled by Zhou Hao's words, and then she pinched his ear in anger, "You bastard, how old are you? You already know how to be biased towards Qin Mu and Chu Chu?    


Then you will still have to grow up! Let me ask you, even if you don't give up on Xijun, what can you do? Our China is monogamy. Who do you want to get your marriage certificate with?"    


"Actually, marriage certificates are just a formality. You don't have to care about it so much. " No, Zhou Hao said in a low voice.    


"Don't worry about it?" Yan Tong said angrily to Zhou Hao, "Do you want them to follow you without any distinction?"    


Zhou Hao said, "At most, I can go to a country that allows polygamy and get the marriage certificate. It should be fine. "    


Yan Tong also knew that in this world, There were also some countries that allowed polygamy.    


They did not need to officially become their citizens. They just needed to spend some money to get their legal marriage certificate.    


But she still said, "What about Xijun? Does Xijun know about the matter between you and Li. . . Li Ruolan?"    


Since Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were already like this, she naturally should not call Li Ruolan as a teacher.    


"She still doesn't know. So I think Mom shouldn't tell her first. When the time is right in the future, I will naturally confess to her. " Zhou Hao said.    


"Didn't you hurt Xijun even more? You, you, sigh! You child!" If this kind of thing happened to another man, Yan Tong would definitely scold him without any scruples.    


But this was her own son, so Yan Tong was in a dilemma. She earnestly said, "Xiao Hao, Xijun is a good girl. I hope you can cherish her and protect her well.    


Sigh, I hope she won't blame us when she finds out. It was us who let her down. "    


"I know, Mom. I will treat Xijun well. "    


Zhou Hao said, "By the way, Mom. When you go to see Uncle Li and the others tomorrow, remember to help me. They still do not know that I am Sister Lan's student. "    


"You. . . " Yan Tong glared at Zhou Hao. "You caused trouble outside and even asked me to help you wipe your butt. "    


Although she said so, she was still her son. After Yan Tong got angry, she would still cooperate with Zhou Hao to cover it up for him.    


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