Supreme Stock God

C169 He Wanted to See His Parents

C169 He Wanted to See His Parents

4Zhou Hao told Zhao Yuqin everything that happened in Guangxi and his relationship with Yang Jiabao. Zhao Yuqin was the only woman Zhou Hao would not hide.    


Before Zhou Hao went to Guangxi, Zhao Yuqin had warned him not to provoke Yang Jiabao.    


But in reality, Zhao Yuqin did not have much confidence in this matter. She knew that with Zhou Hao's charm, Yang Jiabao would fall into his hands sooner or later. She just did not expect it to happen so quickly.    


The reason why Zhou Hao and Yang Jiabao developed so quickly was largely because of Pu Changxu's matter. As the saying goes, when you are in trouble, you can see true feelings.    


Zhou Hao had stood up for her when the Yang Family was in trouble. That was why Yang Jiabao had secretly fallen in love with him.    


"I don't care anymore. You are connected to Yang Jiabao. I will go and find Dong Qishan as well. " Zhao Yuqin said angrily.    


Zhou Hao quickly hugged Zhao Yuqin and coaxed, "Sister, don't be like this. I know I was wrong. "    


He naturally knew that Zhao Yuqin was only saying those words out of anger. But under such circumstances, Zhou Hao could only lower his stance to beg for forgiveness from the jade person.    


Zhao Yuqin, on the other hand, was a little jealous, but she was not really angry. She pinched Zhou Hao's nose and said angrily.    


"Tell me, you are only so young. You haven't even graduated from junior high school. How many women are there with you? You can count them yourself.    


And that teacher lover of yours. For her, I went to beg Brother Zhu. I've never asked him for help like this since I was young. It's all because of you, this annoying little enemy!"    


"I know that Big Sister treats me well, so I will also treat Big Sister well. " Zhou Hao smiled at Zhao Yuqin.    


Zhao Family had a house on Fuxing Road. Usually, in order to facilitate the security work, Zhao Rixin and his wife lived in the South China Sea like the leaders of other countries.    


And because Zhao Yuqin could not enter and leave the Zhonghai South Sea as she pleased, when Zhao Yuqin came to Beijing, the couple accompanied their daughter to live in the house on Fuxing Road.    


This house was the place where Zhao Rixin lived before he became a committee member. After he became a committee member, the country also kept this house for him.    


It was an antique house. Just by standing in front of the door, one could feel the elegance of the house.    


"Are we going to see Old Master Zhao now?" Standing in front of the house, Zhou Hao asked Zhao Yuqin nervously.    


Zhao Yuqin smiled. "My dad is still working in the South China Sea. He usually only comes back at night. My mom is at home now. "    


Dong Qishan also got out of the car at the back and smiled at Zhao Yuqin and Zhou Hao, "Yuqin, Zhou, I have a private party at home this afternoon. Do you guys want to go?    


There will be no irrelevant people in our circle. " The so-called "circle" was the gang of the crown prince, or the big families with extraordinary backgrounds.    


Zhao Yuqin did not immediately respond to Dong Qishan. Instead, she looked at Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Then let's go and take a look. "    


Dong Qishan saw that Zhao Yuqin gave the decision to Zhou Hao, but his heart was burning with jealousy.    


However, he did not show it on his face. He still smiled and said, "The location is in the villa on the west mountain. I will be waiting for you two to come. "    


After saying that, he bid farewell to the two of them and returned to his car and left slowly.    


"I didn't go to those cocktail parties or parties that he invited me to before. "    


Zhao Yuqin smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "But this time, you will accompany me. I will reluctantly go. Furthermore, there are many outstanding talents in the business world there. It is also good to let you get to know them. "    


This is what they call social gatherings.    


Walking into the door of the house, a middle-aged woman nodded to Zhao Yuqin. "Miss, you are back?"    


"Yes, Mother Xu. This is the Xiao Hao I told you about before. " This middle-aged woman was the nanny of Zhao Family and had a very good relationship with Zhao Yuqin.    


Zhou Hao quickly greeted her, "Hello, Mother Xu. "    


"Hehe, you are so handsome. " Mother Xu smiled and sized up Zhou Hao, then said to Zhao Yuqin, "Madam is in the house and is preparing lunch. "    


Zhao Yuqin brought Zhou Hao in and even smiled at him, "My mother rarely cooks personally. This time it is all for you. "    


Zhou Hao felt a little uneasy, "Sister, it's my first time coming to your house, and I came here empty-handed. Is there really no problem?"    


"It's not like you're an outsider. If you bring a gift, you'd be treating me as an outsider. Besides, my parents hate it when people give gifts.    


If you bring any gifts over, they won't really like it. "    


This house was indeed very antique. There were elegant ink paintings hanging on the walls. Inside the house, there were sour branches and furniture. There were also many chrysanthemums and orchids. Smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, it made people feel relaxed and relaxed.    


Other than the two guards by Zhao Yuqin's side, the surroundings of the house were also refreshed. There were also four people from the Central Guard.    


Zhou Hao found that these people all had a murderous aura. Zhou Hao knew that these "experts of the inner circle" could not be compared to him.    


But to ordinary people, they were real killing machines.    


Zhou Hao had a very deep impression of something that had been circulating on the internet in his past life. It was that the champion of a certain region had challenged a special forces soldier.    


However, just as he entered the arena, the champion was kicked down by the special forces soldier in less than two moves.    


And these people from the Central Guard were even more powerful than the special forces soldiers. Even if they did not have weapons in their hands, it would be very difficult for an ordinary twenty to thirty people to get close to them.    


Even though Zhao Yuqin had personally brought Zhou Hao back, the way they looked at Zhou Hao now was still like a falcon, sharp and full of vigilance.    


They were afraid that if Zhou Hao made any unusual movements, they would not hesitate to take out their guns and shoot him.    


When Zhou Hao entered the room, he saw an old woman in her sixties, wearing an apron, busy cooking in the kitchen.    


Although she was old, he could still see that she was very similar to Zhao Yuqin. When she was young, she must have been a famous beauty.    


This old woman was obviously Zhao Rixin's wife, which was also Zhao Yuqin's mother, Yan Xinlin.    


"Because she gave birth to an old woman, it was very hard for my mother to give birth to me. So I have always listened to her since I was young. "    


Zhao Yuqin whispered to Zhou Hao, then walked into the kitchen and hugged Yan Xinlin from behind. "Mom, I'm back. "    


"You're not young anymore, yet you're still acting like a spoiled child to Mom. " Yan Xinlin smiled and said. Then she turned around and saw Zhou Hao in the living room.    


Zhou Hao immediately nodded slightly to Yan Xinlin. "Hello, Auntie Yan. "    


"Hehehehe, this must be Xiao Hao. " Yan Xinlin wiped her hands on her apron and walked out of the kitchen.    


"Come, let me see what kind of spirit the little hero who saved our Yuqin twice is. "    


"Auntie Yan said she smiled. " Zhou Hao hurriedly smiled.    


It had to be said that with his outstanding appearance and modest temperament, Zhou Hao could always give people a good first impression.    


In addition, Yan Xinlin was originally kind and amiable. The first time she met Zhou Hao, she seemed to be very harmonious with him. Zhao Yuqin saw it with her eyes and felt happy in her heart.    


Like a friendly elder, Yan Xinlin chatted with Zhou Hao about the daily matters of seeing warmth and caring about Zhou Hao's results in school.    


She only heard her smile at Zhou Hao. "Yuqin may be older than you, but she was naughty when she was young. All the boys in the neighborhood are very afraid of her.    


Hehe, who asked her to pull on someone else's pants at such a young age? So when she was young, those kids all called her a female hooligan. "    


Zhao Yuqin immediately blushed and pouted, "Mom, what happened at such a young age and you still dare to say it? Isn't that because I'm young and insensible?"    


Yan Xinlin lovingly stroked Zhao Yuqin's hair, "Blinking, our little darling has grown so big.    


Your father and I have also grown old, especially your father. Recently, his health has also been much worse than before. "    


She said to Zhao Yuqin, "Your brother has started a family long ago. His son is almost as old as you. Now, your father and I want to see you become a family soon.    


Look, those people who grew up with you are all married now. They are so fortunate that they even gave birth to their children. If you don't hurry up, you will become an old lady. No one wants it anymore. "    


"Mom, even if your daughter becomes an old lady, a lot of people will still fight for her. " Zhao Yuqin hugged Yan Xinlin's arm and smiled. At the same time, she quietly looked at Zhou Hao.    


Yan Xinlin turned her head and said to Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, you should also advise this girl. She can't just wander around outside. As a woman, she has to be a good wife and a good mother. "    


When Zhou Hao heard this, he felt conflicted in his heart. He thought to himself, Aunt Yan, I can't persuade elder sister to marry someone else, right? How can I push my own woman outside?    


So he scratched his head and smiled. "Aunt Yan, I don't dare to mess around with this. It's better if my sister can handle it herself. "    


Yan Xinlin shook her head with a bitter smile and said to Zhao Yuqin, " You see, even Xiao Hao is afraid of you. "    


After that, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin accompanied Yan Xinlin for lunch. Yan Xinlin was very enthusiastic and kept stuffing food into Zhou Hao's bowl. Zhou Hao could not refuse it, so he could only accept it all.    


"Xiao Hao, I heard that students nowadays all like to be in a relationship at a young age. Some people fall in love in junior high school. Is it really like this? Xiao Hao, do you have any sweetheart? "    


Yan Xinlin's words caught Zhou Hao off guard. Zhou Hao almost spat out the food in his mouth. He quickly swallowed it, but it was stuck in his throat.    


Zhao Yuqin, who was beside him, hurriedly stroked his back and looked at Yan Xinlin reproachfully. "Mom, how could you ask me that? Look, it scared me. "    


However, she thought in her heart, this little enemy not only had a sweetheart, but also more than one.    


When Yan Xinlin saw that she had frightened Zhou Hao to such an extent, she also hurriedly asked Mother Xu to bring a cup of water to Zhou Hao.    


She also said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Xiao Hao. I scared you. Auntie was just curious for a moment. "    


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