Supreme Stock God

C381 Any Means Necessary

C381 Any Means Necessary

1That night, Fang Yihua invited a familiar deputy director of the Hong Kong Customs Intelligence and Investigation Department out because the Hong Kong Customs Intelligence and Investigation Department was a subjective intellectual property rights department.    


The Wireless Television Limited was the largest production site of the television series in Mandarin. They had already started dealing with this department since a long time ago.    


The deputy director of the Intelligence and Investigation Department was called Huang Changhong. He was invited by Fang Yihua to a restaurant in a high-class club in the Central Circle.    


When he saw Fang Yihua sitting there, he smiled at her from afar and quickly walked over. "What exactly is it that requires Sixth Aunt to personally take care of it. "    


"Hehe, Director Huang, you must be joking. " Fang Yihua smiled and said, "Since we can still move for a few more years, let's do it ourselves. "    


After Huang Chaohong sat down and saw Fang Yihua looking at him with a smile, he said, "Sister Hua, if you have anything to say, just say it. If I can help, can I not help? Has the pirated version of your wireless series appeared again? I will immediately get someone to deal with it for you. "    


" No no, this time it's not a pirated version " Fang Yihua said, "It is just that there is something I want to ask you. "    


"What is it? Sister Hua, just ask. I will definitely tell you everything. " Huang Chaohong immediately said.    


Fang Yihua straightened her face and said," It's like this. I want to ask you, have the Asia Television Limited applied for any copyright patents with you recently? "    


"Yes. "    


When she heard Huang Chaohong say yes, Fang Yihua's heart was lifted up, "What kind of episode is it, or what kind of program is it?"    


"Wait a moment, let me take a look. " As he spoke, Huang Chaohong took out a document from his briefcase and flipped through it.    


He then said to Fang Yihua, "Recently, they applied for a television series called I have a date with a zombie and a documentary called Finding A Home Story. Uh. . . Recently, there are only these two, no more. "    


At this moment, Fang Yihua heaved a long sigh of relief in her heart. Then, she smiled and said, "Director Huang, thank you so much. Oh right, didn't you say earlier that your daughter was interested in the entertainment industry's development?    


If you have time, let her come and meet me. I'll help her arrange it and she can take on some roles in the series. After a few more days, I'll promote her. "    


Huang Changhong's face immediately lit up with joy as he hurriedly said: "Hehe, then I really have to thank you, Sister Hua. If you need any help in the future. . . However, don't break the law. "    


"Of course. Hehe. I still have some matters to attend to, so I'll be leaving first. " Fang Yihua smiled at him and said," I've already paid the bill here. Director Huang, you can still go up and enjoy the sauna massage after dinner. "    


After leaving the high-class club, Fang Yihua went to another high-class restaurant. There were also two young, beautiful, and sexy women by her side.    


She said to the two women, "Later, you two will properly entertain Mr. Robeson for me. As long as this matter is settled, I will let you two be female supporting roles in the next series. You can slowly sit upright. "    


The two women were overjoyed when they heard this. It seemed like they were both artistes under the Wireless Television Limited, and they were both eager to become famous.    


Now that Fang Yihua, the second decision-maker of the Wireless Television Limited, had given them this promise, how could they not be happy? Therefore, they decided to do everything they could to serve that Mister Robeson.    


Not long after, a tall Caucasian male with a Baldy in his forties or fifties arrived. When he saw Fang Yihua, he nodded slightly and smiled. When he saw the two beautiful girls beside her, his eyes shone with a strange light, and the smile on his face became even stronger.    


He walked over and sat opposite Fang Yihua. He said in broken Mandarin, "Hello, Mrs. Shao. " This was the Mr. Robeson that Fang Yihua mentioned. He was the person in charge of the Hong Kong branch of the International Intellectual Property Protection Center.    


Fang Yihua gave the two girls beside her a look and they immediately took the initiative to sit beside Robeson. They coyly greeted Robeson.    


With the beauty by his side, Robeson was beaming with joy. His two furry hands also unceremoniously placed on the white thighs of the two girls that were exposed outside the short skirts and continued to touch the inside.    


"Mrs. Shao, why did you come looking for me this time? I will definitely help you if I can. " Since Fang Yihua was so tactful, Robeson, who knew that Fang Yihua needed help, also immediately expressed his attitude.    


"Mr. Robeson, you are too polite. " Fang Yihua smiled and said, "I just want to ask you something. Did Asia Television Limited recently apply for copyright protection from your protection center?"    


Robeson asked curiously, "Asia Television Limited? No. Ever since they changed bosses, they have never applied for copyright protection from our protection center. Mrs. Shao, why are you asking about this? "    


" It's nothing. It's nothing. Mister Robeson, you know that we are old rivals with the Asia Television Limited. Now that they have changed their boss, of course we want to know what they are up to. " Fang Yihua said half-truths and half-truths.    


Robeson said with a smile. "Haha, this is not a problem. Mrs. Shao, don't worry. If there's any news from them, I'll inform you immediately. "    


"Thank you, Mr. Robeson. " Fang Yihua smiled and said, "I still have things to do, so I will go back first. Zi Shan, Ah Yi, you two should accompany Mr. Robeson well. Mr. Robeson, I will be leaving first. "    


"Okay, then I will not see you off. " Robeson's hands were still molesting the two girls beside him. He wished Fang Yihua could leave quickly.    


After that, Fang Yihua rushed back to Shao Yifu's place without stopping and called Qian Guowei and Xue Qiyi, the other supervising producer, to come over immediately.    


When she went back, she saw Shao Yifu sitting in the living room. Although the television was on, his mind was clearly not on it. Clearly, he was waiting for her to come back.    


Seeing Fang Yihua come back, Shao Yifu hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did the Asia Television Limited apply for copyright protection?"    


Fang Yihua shook her head with a smile on her face, "No. No matter if it is the customs or the intellectual property protection center, the Asia Television Limited did not apply. I guess they want to apply after the production is done. "    


Hearing Fang Yihua's words, Shao Yifu's face also revealed a look of joy. At the same time, he said, "We must keep this matter a secret. We must absolutely not let the Asia Television Limited know about it. Otherwise, it would be terrible if they broadcast it first. "    


At this time, Qian Guowei and Xue Qiyi had already rushed over. When Qian Guowei saw Fang Yihua, he asked anxiously, "Sixth Aunt, how is it?" Perhaps Xue Qiyi was also present. Qian Guowei did not mention the Asia Television Limited.    


"It's done. That proposal can be implemented. " Fang Yihua did not want Xue Qiyi to know the inside story.    


Shao Yifu also looked at Qian Guowei and asked, "Guowei, if we start to produce this program now, how long will it take to produce it? I'm talking about the shortest amount of time. "    


Qian Guowei thought for a moment with a solemn expression, "Ten days at the fastest. This proposal has written down every procedure of the program in detail. We just need to follow it and do it. As long as we have ten days, I guarantee that we can produce it. "    


"We don't only need speed, we also need quality!" Fang Yihua said, "We can provide you with the funds, scenes, and people, but this program must be excellent and not crude!"    


"Sixth Uncle, Sixth Aunt, rest assured. The power of the nation will not disappoint you. " Qian Guo Wei patted his chest and said.    


Fang Yihua said again, "But you have never produced such a program before, so I plan to let him help you. "    


Then she handed the proposal for "Millionaire to Xue Qiyi, who was beside Qian Guowei, Qiyi, take a look at this proposal first. "    


This Xue Qiyi was one of the most important regulators in Wireless Television Limited. He had once transferred from Wireless Television Limited to Asia Television Limited in 191994.    


Later on, he couldn't bear the difficulties of the higher ups of the Asia Television Limited. He also saw that the Asia Television Limited was no match for the Wireless Television Limited, so he decided to join the Wireless Television Limited again at the end of 1990.    


Xue Qiyi became more and more surprised when he saw the proposal for "Millionaire. Later on, he couldn't help but praise, This program called Millionaire is very new. I think it will definitely attract a large audience after it is broadcasted. The person who made this proposal is a genius!    


Mr. And Mrs. Shao, may I ask who made this proposal? "    


Fang Yihua said, "It is an employee of our company, but he asked us to keep it a secret for him for the time being.    


Furthermore, this program is of great importance. We must not let the people of Asia Television Limited know about it. So, I hope that you can keep it a secret. You can't even tell your family members, alright? "    


Xue Qiyi didn't think much about it. After all, many companies were very concerned about keeping it a secret, so he nodded and agreed.    


"Also, all the staff who participated in this program must sign a confidentiality agreement to prevent them from leaking out. " Shao Yifu said, "Yihua, who do you think will be the host for 'Millionaire'?"    


Fang Yihua said, "This' Millionaire 'set focuses on interest, excitement, and knowledge. Therefore, the host must be smart, steady, and most importantly, have a sense of humor. "    


Xue Qiyi and Qian Guowei both nodded in agreement when they heard this. Fang Yihua also said, "In this regard, I suggest that Zheng Yuling be the host.    


Compared to Du Du, Fat Sister was too funny. Wang Mingquan lacked humor. So I think it would be best to let Zheng Yuling be the host. "    


Shao Yifu also nodded, "Du Du is also not bad. Then it's decided. "    


He looked at Xue Qiyi and Qian Guowei. "From tomorrow onwards, the two of you will immediately produce this program for me. I want our TVB's Millionaire to appear in front of all Hong Kong citizens in ten days!"    


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