Supreme Stock God

C454 Deep Blue Bar

C454 Deep Blue Bar

1Zhao Yuqin's charm was astonishing. Even Zhou Hao, who had a close relationship with her, found it hard to resist her charm, let alone other men who had no immunity to her.    2


This time, Zhou Hao did not violate her as arrogantly as before. He only kissed her gently, enjoying the sweetness and the longing in his heart that he had not felt for a long time.    


After an unknown amount of time, the two reluctantly separated. There was even a crystal clear liquid between their lips.    


Zhao Yuqin's jade face turned red and she looked at Zhou Hao with a lustful gaze, "Why are you so honest today?"    


Zhou Hao could not help but smile when he heard that. "Sister, you're saying this because you hope that I won't be so honest?"    


As he spoke, his hand had already slipped onto Zhao Yuqin's perky and bouncy butt.    


Zhao Yuqin twisted her hand, but in the end, she did not slap off Zhou Hao's naughty hand that stuck to her butt. Instead, it was more like a form of teasing.    


Zhou Hao did not go any further in "molesting" this beautiful woman with a prominent status and a complete appearance. Instead, he held her in front of his chest and faced the beautiful scenery outside the window together.    


It was already dusk. The setting sun slowly fell to the horizon, and there was still a red and yellow colored light in the sky.    


The anxious Shanghai had already lit up quite a few neon lights. They were reflected on the Huangpu River, interweaving into a dazzling and dazzling scene.    


Zhao Yuqin leaned against Zhou Hao's chest and pressed her forehead against Zhou Hao's chin. She could still feel the half hard root of his chin.    


"You haven't told me yet. Are you really going to deal with the Construction and Works Department?" Zhao Yuqin asked, "These are two important financial institutions in the country. If we make a move, it will affect the whole body. If it is not done properly, it will cause a lot of trouble. "    


"Sister, you are so smart. You only know that I am going to sell the shares of the seven companies. You guessed that I am going to deal with the Construction Bank and Industrial Bank. "    


Zhou Hao kissed Zhao Yuqin on the forehead and said, "But this time, I am not just trying to get money in the stock market. Sister, I have told you before, right? What I did in Korea. "    


Zhao Yuqin nodded and then revealed a smile that could turn people upside down. "If the Koreans know that you are the one who turned their stock market and stock market upside down, you will have contributed to the collapse of their currency.    


I think they will come to you for revenge at all costs. "    


" Actually, if not for their own economic problems, how could I take advantage of them so easily?    


Even George Soros and those alligators would be helpless. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "As the saying goes, flies don't sew eggs. Just like Thailand, if it wasn't for the fundamental problem with their own economic system, those investors wouldn't have set their eyes on them.    


This time, the biggest reason why South Korea collapsed so quickly and thoroughly was because their companies were too easy to get loans from the banks.    


Once these companies are not good at managing and cause the funds to be unable to pay off their debts, it will cause a large amount of bad debts to appear in the banks, thus delaying the flow of funds of the entire country. "    


Zhou Hao sighed slightly and said, "In fact, isn't the same for the banks in our country?    


Especially the state-owned banks. Some people with strong backing or connections can easily loan huge amounts of money from the banks. Even the higher ups in the banks are becoming more and more corrupt. In the long run, the future of our domestic banks is bleak.    


This time, I'm going to alarm the central government and teach them a lesson. I'm going to let them reflect on their actions and clean up the accounts of the various state-owned banks. "    


Zhao Yuqin was very smart, so she could naturally figure out what was going on. However, when she saw Zhou Hao's solemn expression, which seemed like he was willing to sacrifice his life for the country, she could not help but laugh. "So, this time you are fiddling with the domestic stock market, and it is also a matter that interests the country and the people? You are taking advantage of the situation and pretending to be good. "    


" Sigh, sister, you were born in a government official's family, so you naturally understand. People in the government never do anything when they encounter problems. They usually only react when there is a problem. "    


Zhou Hao said, "In order to prevent our country from making the same mistake as South Korea in the future, I can only be a bad person once and warn them. "    


Zhou Hao knew that in the future, Stock God Buffett would use large amounts of investment to buy up domestic enterprises, creating a positive atmosphere. At the same time, he would make the domestic stock market rise, and at the same time, let the domestic banks approve loans to many enterprises.    


In the end, Buffett, who had achieved his goal, withdrew his investment. Not only did it cause grief in China's stock market, but it also caused the various banks in the country to suffer huge losses.    


"I know. Apart from these, your final goal is still to deal with Liang Fengshan. Right? " Zhao Yuqin stared at Zhou Hao with her bright eyes.    


Zhou Hao did not want to hide it from her, so he nodded and said, "That's right. Liang Fengshan is not only a competitor for Sky River, but he also asked Zhou Liren to steal my business secrets.    


My people have already heard that after getting the recipe for the orange fruit, Liang Fengshan gave Zhou Liren more than fifteen million. "    


Zhao Yuqin was the person who knew Zhou Hao the most. There were many things that even Zhou Hao's mother did not know, but she knew very well, so she also knew about Zhou Hao's father.    


When she saw Zhou Hao's angry and sad eyes, she felt a pain in her heart. She touched Zhou Hao's face with pity and said, "Do you have any news about him now?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "The people from the First Army found out that he had left Yangzhou and even Jiangsu, but they couldn't find where he had gone. Humph! The people from the First Army are really useless. He's just an ordinary man, but they still couldn't find him. "    


"Actually, so what if they found him? Are you going to kill him? " Zhao Yuqin said lovingly, "Xiao Hao, no matter how wrong your father is, I don't want you to become the person who killed my father. "    


Zhou Hao's eyes sparkled when he heard Zhao Yuqin's words, but in the end, he still nodded his head slowly.    


He held Zhao Yuqin's waist with both hands and said with a smile, "Actually, I have another reason to deal with Liang Fengshan. If he didn't come out to cause trouble this time, sister and I would have gone to Venice to have our honeymoon. I can't let him go. "    


"Who wants to have a honeymoon with you, shameless. " Zhao Yuqin said angrily, "If you want to go, then let that big star accompany you. I am not going with you. "    


Zhou Hao lowered his head to her ear and stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick her earlobe. It made her body tremble. "Sister, are you jealous?"    


Zhao Yuqin pursed her lips and lightly snorted, "I am jealous, how about it? Don't think that Sister doesn't know that you wrote songs for her and held concerts for her. Sister's matters are not as serious as you think. "    


"Aiya, I've always cared about my sister's matters the most. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Besides, in my heart, no one can replace my sister. Sister, don't be angry. Alright, alright. "    


Actually, Zhou Hao also knew that Zhao Yuqin was not really angry with him. She was just acting like a spoiled child.    


"Alright, alright. Sister, you should stop being angry. Hurry up and stretch your hand out, little pervert. " Zhao Yuqin said with a smile and pulled out the bad hand that Zhou Hao had used to hide in her clothes.    


"Okay, I still need to talk to Gu Zhongdao. I will cooperate with you this time. Humph! Humph! For the sake of a little enemy like you, Big Sister hasn't taken a leave for the past few months. "    


Zhou Hao kissed Zhao Yuqin's fair neck," I know elder sister treats me well. I will use my entire life to repay elder sister. "    


What Zhao Yuqin could not resist the most was Zhou Hao's sweet words. She thought about how she usually treated her subordinates with respect, but once she faced Zhou Hao's sweet words, she would immediately raise her hand and surrender. She would follow whatever he said.    


After Zhao Yuqin left, Zhou Hao also came out of the hotel. He did not drive the car, nor did he let Zhang Daniu, who had been following him for the past few days, accompany him. He strolled around Shanghai alone under the cover of the night.    


Ever since he was reborn, and even after he returned to Shanghai, Zhou Hao hadn't been able to stroll around properly.    


Regarding this Metropolis, Zhou Hao had left too many memories, and it was even more vivid than when he was in Xiang City.    


Although it was already late at night, the streets of Shanghai were even more bustling and bustling. Walking among the crowd, Zhou Hao had a very special feeling of loneliness.    


Perhaps there were many people who envied Zhou Hao. He had endless money in his hands, and he always had a beautiful woman by his side.    


However, only Zhou Hao knew his loneliness.    


Every man had his own loneliness, a secret that he did not want to share with anyone.    


To the current Zhou Hao, the deepest secret in his heart was the fact that he had been reborn. Even Zhao Yuqin, who understood him the most, had never told him about it. He had never told her about it in the past, but now and in the future.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao felt a blue light enveloping him from the other side. He turned his head and saw a neon sign emitting a blue light. On the sign, there were two English words written on the blue lamp: "Derk Brew," translated into Mandarin: "Deep Blue. "    


This was a bar. Without realizing it, Zhou Hao walked to the bar called "Deep Blue. "    


Zhou Hao was stunned and then laughed at himself. He muttered to himself, "I didn't think that I would unknowingly come here. Could it be that my subconscious still remembers this place?"    


In reality, this bar called "Deep Blue" was the place where Zhou Hao worked when he was studying at Fudan University in his previous life. At that time, he was a nameless handyman in this bar.    


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