Supreme Stock God

C466 He Calculated Everything

C466 He Calculated Everything

0Looking at the dark and damp detention room, Joukan Soutaku's lips curved into a self-deprecating smile. "I didn't think that after a year, I would come in again. "    


Counting the number, he had been here for a week. The strange thing was that the police did not interrogate him, nor did they interrogate him. They just imprisoned him.    


Not only that, the police also told him the news outside.    


This time, the State Department ordered a thorough investigation of the major banks' large loans. It was directly investigated by the Central Government and the Silver Supervisor Board. Even the internal staff of the major banks were not allowed to participate in the investigation, in case someone wanted to cover up the evidence.    


After this thorough investigation, they found a lot of things. Several provincial branch presidents were arrested for accepting bribes and arbitrarily approving large amounts of loans. As a result, the Agricultural Bank President was suspended.    


Of course, this information was consciously blocked by the government, so most of the people were not clear about it.    


At the same time, as Joukan Soutaku had expected, the Silver Supervisors had found out that the Fengshan Group was unable to repay their debt. Also, due to the theft of the "orange fruit" formula, the image of the Fengshan Group's business had been completely destroyed. The Supreme Court had also ordered the "orange fruit" to stop production.    


As they did not have the ability to repay the debt, the Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank had jointly issued a request to the court to force the Fengshan Group to go bankrupt and clear the market.    


In the end, the court approved their application to force the Fengshan Group to go bankrupt. They also allowed the Construction Bank and the Industrial Bank to clear the market with the Fengshan Group to pay off the Fengshan Group's debt.    


The Fengshan Group held a press conference a few days ago and announced that they had successfully acquired the Heavenly River Drink Group. They also talked about their future development plans and became the most popular company in the country.    


Not long after, the news of the Fengshan Group being cleared by the bank spread. The media in the country went into an uproar and caused a huge storm. It had not calmed down for a long time.    


However, these policemen from the Economic Crimes Investigation Department only told Joukan Soutaku about the Fengshan Group. They did not have any information about Liang Fengshan and Liang Zhendang.    


However, Joukan Soutaku thought that since the Fengshan Group had fallen to such a state, Liang Zhoutang and Liang Fengshan wouldn't be any better.    


Joukan Soutaku laid on this simple and crude bed made of stone slabs and rested his hands on his head. He looked at the moldy ceiling above his head and quietly thought about the series of events that had happened in the Fengshan Group.    


"Joukan Soutaku, someone is here to see you. " A police officer suddenly walked in and shouted at Joukan Soutaku.    


Joukan Soutaku sat up and was very confused. "At this time, who would come and see me?"    


He saw a tall and handsome young man walk in with a faint smile on his face.    


Joukan Soutaku was stunned when he saw this man. He frowned and said, "It's you?"    


The person who came was Zhou Hao. Joukan Soutaku had seen him in the photo provided by Liang Fengshan. Joukan Soutaku was also present when Liang Fengshan came to Shanghai to humiliate Zhou Hao. That was why he recognized Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao smiled and nodded at Joukan Soutaku, then said, "Mr. Shangguan, are you alright?"    


He saw that the policeman had brought a chair for Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao was sitting in front of the iron bars of the detention room. Joukan Soutaku frowned even more deeply. "What are you doing here?"    


"Do you know that Liang Fengshan is pushing all the blame on you?" Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


"I know. With his personality, it is not strange for him to do this. "    


Joukan Soutaku looked up at Zhou Hao. "Speaking of which, it is all thanks to you. Hehe, I thought you were really defeated by Liang Fengshan. I never thought that Liang Fengshan would be the prey that fell into the trap. You, a hunter, have set him up from the very beginning. "    


"Oh?" Zhou Hao laughed and said, "You can tell?"    


Joukan Soutaku took a deep breath. "Now that I think about it, based on the time, you have been scheming since the time of the Fengshan Group and Heavenly River's lawsuit.    


Although Heavenly River won the lawsuit, the court has determined that the orange fruit formula is Heavenly River's property.    


However, after the incident, you didn't sue the Fengshan Group for stealing the orange formula. You probably wanted Coca-Cola to deal with the Fengshan Group today so that you could get someone else to kill you.    


Coca-Cola is much stronger than 'Sky River'. It can even put pressure on the government and make the government directly send the Ministry of Public Security to investigate the case. "    


Zhou Hao sat leisurely on the chair and listened to Joukan Soutaku.    


"Then, you sold the formula and production rights of 'orange fruit' to Coca-Cola. In order to maximize the potential of 'orange fruit', Coca-Cola naturally would not allow similar products to exist.    


That's why they put so much effort into dealing with Fengshan Group. It's as you wish. " He said, "Also, you deliberately released the news to make Liang Fengshan think that your investment had lost a lot of money and urgently needed funds to make a turnaround.    


At the same time, you found Coca-Cola and Pepsi, respectively, and expressed that you are willing to sell Tianhe.    


Their two companies were old rivals and were interested in Tianhe at the same time, so they would definitely compete for it. "    


He touched the root of his beard and organized his thoughts.    


He continued, "You know Liang Fengshan will not let go of this opportunity after he knows that you have no money. The price of Coca-Cola and Pepsi also forced Liang Fengshan to raise the purchase price to 8 billion, which is far higher than the actual value of Sky River. "    


Here, Coca-Cola and Pepsi played the role of raising the price.    


Joukan Soutaku said, "Not only that, in order to make Fengshan Group suffer a crushing defeat, you even plotted against the Construction Bank and the Industrial Bank. This time, the State Department ordered all the major banks to investigate the large loans, and you were the one who pushed it. "    


At this time, Zhou Hao laughed, "Why do you think so? You also said it. That was an order from the State Department. How could I interfere? Even if I want to interfere, I can't do it. "    


Joukan Soutaku said seriously," Of course you don't have the possibility of directly interfering with the State Department, but you can influence it in a roundabout way.    


During this period of time, including the Great Wall's First East and the other seven companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The share price was controlled by a big banker, and the average share price, which was less than 3 yuan, was pulled to 30 yuan.    


When all of you are sold, these shares will immediately plunge. The continuous drop rates for a few days will cause them to suffer a huge blow. "    


"The reason you want to mess with those companies in the east of the Great Wall is because they all owe money to the Construction Bank and the Workers' Bank. In total, you owe them more than 30 billion.    


At the same time, the few listed companies that the Construction Bank and the Workers' Bank invested in overseas were also attacked, causing them to suffer heavy losses.    


During this period of time, Korea had been hit by the financial storm, causing its economy to rapidly decline. One of the main reasons was that companies were too easy to get loans from banks.    


Thus, in order to not repeat the mistakes of Korea, our government plans to get loans from banks, especially in terms of large loans. "    


"This is a big matter that concerns the economy of the country. In addition, the people from the Zhao Family have also mentioned it. The State Department will soon make this decision. At this time, the Fengshan Group owes more than 13 billion yuan.    


Moreover, you have deliberately formed a three-way agreement with the local government of Jing Yu County, so that the Fengshan Group won't be able to resell the mineral water rights for the next five years, so that the Fengshan Group won't be able to raise funds. "    


Joukan Soutaku took a deep breath. "All of this is like invisible threads, slowly trapping the Fengshan Group, making it impossible for them to escape.    


Hu. . . If I didn't happen to see the news about the few listed companies in the east of Great Wall City, if I didn't happen to know that they all owe money to the Construction Bank and Workers Bank, I wouldn't have been able to see through your schemes. "    


Joukan Soutaku stared at Zhou Hao closely and saw the careless smile on Zhou Hao's face. A trace of fear flashed across Joukan Soutaku's eyes.    


He said, "If this is all your imagination, then you are really too scary. You are even scarier than anyone I have ever seen. Liang Fengshan is no match for you.    


This time, Liang Xuantang and Liang Fengshan had already involved themselves in illegal loans. Furthermore, the amount of money involved in the case had reached more than 10 billion. Even father and son could not escape. Liang Xuantang might not even be able to keep his position as governor. "    


He asked himself. If it wasn't for some luck factor, he wouldn't have been able to tell that the series of events were actually related. Each link was linked to the other, making it impossible for Liang Fengshan and Fengshan Group to escape.    


Besides, he was afraid that he had fallen into Zhou Hao's trap. If the Fengshan Group fell, he, as the deputy general manager, wouldn't be able to escape, let alone Liang Fengshan, who had blamed him for everything.    


Joukan Soutaku suddenly remembered that ever since he was locked up, those policemen did not torture him for interrogation. They did not even interrogate him normally. Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Zhou Hao and asked, "Did you ask those policemen not to interrogate me?"    


Regarding this, Zhou Hao just smiled lightly and said, "Since you are also Liang Fengshan's enemy, I don't need to make things difficult for you. After all, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. "    


Joukan Soutaku's expression changed slightly, "What do you know?"    


"You were originally brought out of prison by Liang Fengshan through connections. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Before this, you have already been in prison for two years. You are guilty of economic fraud.    


What Liang Fengshan did not know was that the reason you did that financial scam was to deal with him. "    


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