Supreme Stock God

C475 Follow the Snow Cloud

C475 Follow the Snow Cloud

2Zhou Hao's voice suddenly rang in her ears. He Xueyun trembled, but she did not turn her head. She still stood there, but her eyes became confused.     4


"Xue Yun. "    


Zhou Hao called again. He Xueyun slowly turned around. When she saw Zhou Hao, her beautiful eyes showed a trace of surprise. Clearly, she was very surprised.    


Just as she was about to say something to Zhou Hao, her face suddenly turned red and she lowered her head. The greeting that she wanted to say just now was also swallowed back into her stomach.    


"Why didn't you react when I called you just now?" Zhou Hao smiled. "Can't you hear me?"    


"I. . . " He Xueyun blinked her eyes. "I thought I was hallucinating just now. "    


Yes, she did not expect to meet him here. Was this. . . Fate? He Xueyun thought quietly in her heart.    


Zhou Hao smiled. However, he was also surprised. When he saw He Xueyun's back on the boat, he thought he was seeing things.    


However, He Xueyun had left a very deep impression on him, especially the deep loneliness on her body. Zhou Hao especially remembered it. Furthermore, the two of them had an intimate relationship when they were in Hong Kong.    


That time in the car, Zhou Hao did not know why, but he could not help but kiss her. Therefore, the impression He Xueyun left in Zhou Hao's heart was not to be underestimated.    


"You came to Venice alone?" Zhou Hao asked casually.    


He was guessing if He Xueyun had come with Xu Jinsheng.    


Although He Xueyun and Xu Jinsheng's relationship was well known, she did not have any feelings for Xu Jinsheng, and Xu Jinsheng could not be a man in front of her.    


However, when he thought that He Xueyun might have come with Xu Jinsheng to Venice, Zhou Hao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


He Xueyun naturally did not guess what Zhou Hao was thinking. She only shook her head lightly. "No, I came alone. "    


Hearing He Xueyun's answer, Zhou Hao was very happy in his heart. At the same time, he also noticed the loneliness in He Xueyun's eyes and felt pity for her.    


"What about you? Why are you here too?" He Xueyun smiled and looked at Zhou Hao.    


"Me? Haha, I came with my sister, but she was a little tired, so she was resting in the hotel. I went out alone for a walk " Zhou Hao answered honestly.    


Of course, He Xueyun did not know the "elder sister" that Zhou Hao spoke of. It was not the elder sister that she thought was related by blood.    


Initially, she also thought that Zhou Hao was here with his girlfriend, and her heart was filled with indescribable bitterness. But when she heard that it was his "elder sister," she immediately became happy.    


Zhou Hao looked at the restaurant over there and remembered that He Xueyun was looking at that restaurant just now. He said to He Xueyun, "Let's go over there and have a drink. "    


He Xueyun looked over and was instantly stunned. But Zhou Hao had already walked over there, so she could only follow.    


This restaurant was called Restore Qugi, and it was very stylish. In Zhou Hao's words, it was very small-scale.    


The restaurant opened a small open-air tea table near the square outside. Zhou Hao and He Xueyun sat on one of the tea seats. There was also an umbrella on the table, which made it look very comfortable.    


The waiter walked over and politely asked what the two of them needed. He spoke Italian.    


The only foreign language that Zhou Hao had learned was English. That was why he could not understand Italian. He Xueyun, however, used Italian to speak a few words to the waiter.    


After the waiter left, she said to Zhou Hao, "The Turkey coffee and black chocolate cake here taste very good. I also ordered one for you. You wouldn't mind, would you?"    


"Haha, of course not. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "It doesn't seem like this is your first time coming to Venice, and you even know Italian, that's amazing. "    


Hearing Zhou Hao's praise, He Xueyun smiled like a quietly blooming lily. It was quiet and pleasant, and not flamboyant.    


She said, "When I was in college, I came here with my classmates during summer vacation. As for Italian, it was my secondary course in university. "    


Actually, it wasn't just Italian. She knew English, French, and Spanish, but she didn't tell Zhou Hao because she didn't want him to think that she was the kind of person who liked to show off her knowledge.    


"You've been to this restaurant before?" Zhou Hao asked.    


He Xueyun looked at the restaurant and seemed to recall her past memories.    


Zhou Hao saw her like this and smiled, "There must be some memories of you here. If you don't want to say it, don't mind. I'm just asking. "    


"That summer vacation, my classmates and I often came here to drink afternoon tea. " He Xueyun said.    


She held up her fragrant cheeks and said nostalgic. "At that time, we were only second-year students. The four of us were the best friends in the class. Among the three of them, one was from China, like me, from Suzhou. The other one was French, and the other was English.    


Other than me, the three of them already have boyfriends. However, I know that they weren't serious at that time. They were just squandering their youth. "    


" Then one day, we made an appointment. If there's a man we really like in the future who can stay with us for the rest of our lives, we'll come back here with him. " When He Xueyun said this, her face turned red. She gave Zhou Hao an embarrassed look.    


Zhou Hao naturally knew what she meant. He smiled and said, "I understand, I understand. I am not that man of yours. "    


He Xueyun, on the other hand, complained in her heart, "Why are you so self-deprecating? How do you know it's not?"    


Of course, she would not say such words.    


At this moment, the waiter brought the Turkey coffee and black chocolate cake that He Xueyun ordered. The Turkey coffee in this restaurant was very fragrant and delicious. There was a lingering fragrance on her teeth and cheeks.    


The black chocolate cake was also soft and fragrant. He Xueyun's introduction was indeed correct.    


After tasting these delicacies, Zhou Hao and He Xueyun began to chat.    


He Xueyun talked about the bits and pieces of her studies at Sword Bridge University. Originally, Zhou Hao also wanted to share his memories at Fudan University with her. But when he remembered that he was only a high school student in his life, he changed the topic and told her about the famous places he had been to in Jiangsu, Hangzhou, and Yangzhou.    


"What? You also tried to steal the electricity from the school to cook instant noodles?" Zhou Hao said in disbelief.    


"Can't I?" He Xueyun's lips curled up. "At that time, the electricity in the dormitory will go out at some time at night. We are very hungry.    


One of the roommates' boyfriend studied electronic engineering and had once taught her how to steal electricity.    


So we went to the lamp post outside the dormitory to steal electricity to cook instant noodles. "    


Zhou Hao imagined He Xueyun and a few girls sneakily stealing electricity to cook instant noodles from the lamp post and couldn't help but laugh.    


He really didn't think that a young lady like He Xueyun would do such an interesting thing.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's smile that couldn't help but laugh, He Xueyun was also very embarrassed and angry. She thought that she had always maintained the image of a rich and powerful lady in other people's family, but now she was so greedy that she blurted out the embarrassing incident of her student's era. Her image was completely ruined.    


However, she had never told these things to anyone, but now she told Zhou Hao without any reservation. She was very happy in her heart.    


However, the smile on Zhou Hao's face looked really detestable. She really wanted to reach out and pinch his mouth. "I'll make you laugh, I'll make you laugh!"    


"What about you? Don't you have any embarrassing matters? I don't care. You have to tell me something embarrassing too. " There was actually a hint of coquettishness in her tone. Even she herself didn't notice it.    


Zhou Hao thought for a moment and said, "Alright, alright. En, when I was young, I was about six or seven years old.    


At that time, in the countryside, the Spring Festival was very lively.    


That time, I played firecrackers with my little playmate. One of the children got a few large firecrackers out of nowhere and proposed to play 'fried cow dung'.    


It's to put the big firecrackers into cow dung. It's best not to choose dried cow dung, or else the effect won't be good. "    


"The previous few times the effect was very good, but when we lit the last big firecracker, it didn't explode.    


At that time, we were hiding in the haystack that we didn't want to, so they pushed me over to take a look.    


"Thinking of the situation at that time, the corners of Zhou Hao's mouth unconsciously curled up. "When I walked out of the haystack, an old uncle happened to pass by with a crutch. When he passed by the cow dung, the firecrackers exploded and the cow dung fell on him.    


Hehe, that old uncle raised his crutch and chased me for a long time. I didn't expect him to run so fast. I was almost caught by him. "    


After saying that, He Xueyun was already hugging her stomach and laughing hysterically.    


It was a long time before she calmed down and looked at Zhou Hao with amusement. "So it turns out that you were already so bad when you were young. That old uncle is so pitiful. "    


Recalling the scene of that old uncle covered in cow dung chasing after Zhou Hao with a crutch, He Xueyun couldn't help but laugh again.    


"Have you laughed enough? At that time, I was still young and didn't know what to do. " Zhou Hao said helplessly.    


In order to change the topic, Zhou Hao asked He Xueyun, "By the way, Xueyun, you have been here before. Do you know what's fun here?"    


He Xueyun stopped smiling as expected. She tilted her head and thought for a while. Then she said to Zhou Hao, "Yes, yes. I wonder if you dare to go?"    


"Don't try to goad me. Tell me quickly. " Zhou Hao smiled.    


"I remember there was an underground casino near the train station, but I don't know if it's still there. " He Xueyun said.    


Zhou Hao said, "It is not far from here. Let's go and take a look. "    


Zhou Hao was not unfamiliar with casinos. He still had the title of "Gamble God. "    


He Xueyun looked at the smile on Zhou Hao's face and felt her heartstrings being tugged gently.    


In the past, when she went to that casino, she had classmates and their boyfriend accompanying her. But now, Zhou Hao was the only one, and He Xueyun felt incomparably safe.    


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