Supreme Stock God

C482 It Was Flourishing

C482 It Was Flourishing

0Zhou Hao felt sad and upset about He Xueyun's sudden departure.    


He knew very well that the joy he and He Xueyun had last night was not because of the one-night love he hated. Both of them had feelings for each other.    


Zhou Hao was not the kind of cowardly man who did not care about the long term and only cared about the things he once had. Since He Xueyun had already become his woman, Zhou Hao would definitely fight to the end.    


However, Zhou Hao also knew that he could not be too hasty now. The reason He Xueyun refused to divorce Xu Jinsheng was partly because she was afraid of He Hongsen, and partly because she didn't want to harm Zhou Hao.    


Because the combined strength of the He and Xu families was enough to affect the entire Hong Kong and Macau.    


He Xueyun didn't know Zhou Hao's true strength, but Zhou Hao knew that if he used all his funds, he could easily defeat the Xu Family.    


However, at least the current Zhou Hao of the He Family didn't have the strength to do so.    


The funds that He Hongsen had were far richer than Zhou Hao's. Furthermore, the He Family had taken root in the Macau for a long time. Almost half of the residents in the Macau were working for him directly or indirectly.    


However, He Hongsen's good days would not last for long. Zhou Hao remembered that not long after Macau returned to China, the Central Government had ordered the Macau government to open the gambling house.    


In the end, the Macau government opened three official and three deputy cards. There were a total of six gambling companies competing in Macau, including the gambling giants from the Las Vegas in the United States.    


With this, He Hongsen's monopoly in the Macau completely collapsed. He also had to go through a lot of hard work to barely keep the competition of his casino.    


Even so, the gambling market in the Macau had been divided up.    


Zhou Hao had never seen He Hongsen face to face, but if he wanted He Xueyun to return to his side without any worries, not only would he have to defeat Xu Family, he would also have to have the strength to fight against the He Family.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao was now considering whether he should use the energy of the Zhao Family to participate in the gambling event in Macau in the future. He would open a casino and compete with the He Family, just like how he bought the Asia Television Limited to attack Shao Yifu.    


However, there were too many factors to consider when opening a casino. Not only did he need to have a strong backing, but he also needed to take advantage of both the black and the white.    


Zhou Hao shook his head. There was still more than a year and two years before Macau's return, so there was no need to worry for the time being.    


After that, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin stayed in Venice for three days. They enjoyed their world for a while before returning to the country.    


They did not go to Xiang City or Beijing. Instead, they went to Zhejiang Province because Zhou Hao wanted to take a look at the headquarters of the "North Pole Star" and observe the Heng Dian Film and Television City.    


After they got off the plane, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin saw that there were two types of drinks neatly placed on the cabinets of several stores in the airport.    


The packaging of these two drinks was similar, but the liquid inside, one red and one green, was very eye-catching.    


Furthermore, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin also discovered that there was a passenger in the airport who was holding that kind of drink.    


"Xiao Hao, isn't this, isn't it. . . " Zhao Yuqin looked at the drinks and was very surprised.    


Zhou Hao was also very excited and smiled as he said, "Yes, our iced red tea and green tea have finally been pushed out of the market. "    


The red and green beverages were surprisingly the iced red tea and green tea beverages that Zhou Hao had planned for a long time.    


During the previous purchase crisis, the research and development of ice black tea and green tea had already been completed. They were just waiting to be pushed out of the market.    


The reason why Zhou Hao used Coca-Cola's Dai Jiaxian and the Coke's Zhu Huaxi to deal with Fengshan Group was also because Zhou Hao had deliberately leaked the clues of tea beverages to them through Ratty and the others.    


It made them believe that the Milky Way Drink Group had developed a new drink that could influence the beverage market in China.    


After the acquisition crisis, Zhou Hao left the tea beverage matter to Joukan Soutaku before he left China.    


"Let's go buy a bottle and try it out. " Zhao Yuqin happily bought a bottle of iced red tea and a bottle of green tea.    


She handed the iced black tea to Zhou Hao, then unscrewed the cup of green tea and took two sips. Zhou Hao smiled and asked, "How is it?"    


Zhao Yuqin tilted her head to feel the fragrance of the green tea in her mouth and said, "The taste of the tea is a little lighter than what was brewed by hand. Of course, it can't be compared to those expensive tea leaves. However, as a drink to quench the heat and quench the thirst, it is already very outstanding. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. Of course, he could not ask for tea drinks to be more expensive than those expensive green tea. However, he had once emphasized to the people of the Development Department that the tea beverages produced by Tianhe must be mixed with a suitable amount of polyphenol.    


Because that was the most important component of tea leaves that were beneficial to the human body, and Zhou Hao wanted to put the tea beverages on the list, which happened to be the subject of health.    


He drank a mouthful of iced red tea, feeling that the taste was even better than Master Kang in his previous life.    


He asked a female employee of the airport store, "Miss, I would like to ask if these iced red tea and green tea are sold well. "    


The female employee suddenly saw a handsome man like Zhou Hao asking about her, and her face instantly turned red. She quickly replied, "These two drinks were only officially listed a few days ago, and they were endorsed by Liang Xiaobing. The sales were very good.    


In the past, most of the tourists here at the airport bought Coca-Cola or pure water. Now, almost half of the tourists are buying iced red tea and green tea, especially those foreign tourists. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and thanked him. Foreigner, who came to China for vacation, was very interested in China's culture. The tea that condensed China's deep culture would naturally be welcomed by them.    


Zhou Hao had never thought of limiting the tea beverage market to the domestic market. According to his plan, when Tianhe stabilized the market share in the domestic market, he would immediately expand overseas.    


His goal was to let China's black tea and green tea enter various countries, just like how Coca-Cola was popular all over the world.    


After exiting the airport, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin sat in the car that "Polar North Star" had arranged for them.    


Other than the driver who was in charge of driving, the other people were in the same car as them. There was also an assistant of Wang Zhonglei.    


This assistant was Guo Chongtao, in his twenties. He was very young, but also very capable. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been Wang Zhongjun's assistant.    


From Wang Zhongjun's words, Guo Chongtao already knew that the young and handsome man sitting in the back seat was the company's big boss. If Wang Zhongjun was not busy with the company's matters, he would have personally come to pick him up.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao was looking at the scenery outside the window. He saw a huge billboard by the roadside. Liang Xiaobing, dressed in a bright and pure dress, was holding a bottle of iced red tea with a smile on her face.    


Zhao Yuqin also saw the billboard and said with a smile, "Looks like Joukan Soutaku has put in a lot of effort in promoting black tea and green tea. "    


"Of course. Before I left China, I asked him to advertise it. " Zhou Hao said.    


The acquisition of the Heavenly River and the Fengshan Group had caused a huge stir in the public opinion. The Fengshan Group first purchased the Heavenly River Drink Group in a high-profile manner, and then they held a press conference to announce a series of development plans.    


But a few days later, the news of the Fengshan Group being sold off by the bank spread like wildfire, once again causing an uproar in the industry and media.    


Finally, Zhou Hao used the name of an empty shell company that he registered in Hong Kong to buy the entire Fengshan Group and the Heavenly River Drink Group from the bank. He then asked Joukan Soutaku to integrate the two companies together and renamed the company "Heavenly River. "    


Because of this, Joukan Soutaku held another press conference. The difference was that Joukan Soutaku was the Deputy General Manager of Fengshan Group last time, and this time, he was the Deputy General Manager of the Heavenly River Group.    


At the conference, Joukan Soutaku did not announce any development plans like last time. He only said that Fengshan Group and Heavenly River Drink Group had been integrated into the current Heavenly River Group.    


As for the development of the Heavenly River Group, he did not say much. Instead, he used practical actions to prove it.    


As soon as Black Tea and Green Tea, which had regained the reputation of "Heavenly River," were introduced, it caused a huge earthquake in the domestic beverage market.    


This new tea beverage, relying on the healthy theme and delicious taste, quickly won the favor of domestic consumers.    


Especially inviting Liang Xiaobing, who had recently become famous in the country, to endorse it, even more so capturing all the young consumer groups in one fell swoop.    


Guo Chongtao, who was in front, also followed his lead and said: "Yes, Boss. The black tea and green tea produced by Tianhe were very popular now, and it was all thanks to Miss Liang.    


Miss Liang is still on tour around the country, and her popularity is soaring. "    


Thinking of Liang Xiaobing, Zhou Hao smiled from the bottom of his heart," How is Xiaobing's tour concert going in the country? "    


Guo Chongtao said. "Her grades are very good. Miss Liang's concert is full. Boss, you didn't know that Miss Liang's concert in Beijing previously had a ticket worth more than a thousand dollars being sold for more than 8,000 dollars.    


Also, Miss Liang's Courage and The Strongest Familiar album have sold for more than a million RMB in China. "    


Zhou Hao nodded his head in satisfaction. "Xiaobing's results are indeed very good, but the company also needs to pay attention to the excavation and training of other newbies. It is impossible for Xiaobing to support the entire 'North Pole Star' by herself. "    


"Boss, Mr Wang knows. " Guo Chongtao said, "Our company has already selected a lot of talented singers and actors in the country. Sea King in Hong Kong has also recruited a lot of new people. "    


"By the way, Xiao Hao, I heard that your 'Kangxi Dynasty' has already been broadcasted. " Zhao Yuqin said to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao nodded and smiled. "Yes, it has already been officially broadcasted at Central TV. I heard from Wang Zhonglei that it is very popular. "    


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