Supreme Stock God

C498 It Had Been a Long Time Little Demoness

C498 It Had Been a Long Time Little Demoness

1Yang Jiabao's words stunned everyone present. It was not because of the content of Yang Jiabao's words. It was because Yang Jiabao's words were no different from confronting Professor He.     4


As a professor in the finance course of Radiance Academy and a teacher in Yang Jiabao's marketing class, Professor He held the power to promote and even graduate a lot of students, especially since the finance he taught was a compulsory course.    


If he did not pass, the students would not be able to graduate. In addition, Professor He usually also had the power to graduate. Thus, the students were absolutely unwilling to offend him. Many smart students would even flatter him like Zhen Jieccong.    


Furthermore, as the youngest professor in Beijing University, and with his fame, Professor He's position in the school was higher than other professors or instructors.    


Beijing University also wanted to nurture him into the school's management staff. Therefore, even the administrative department of the school was polite to him.    


Everyone knew that Yang Jiabao and Professor He usually had a very good relationship. Hence, Yang Jiabao's refutation of Professor He at this moment stunned Yu Younian and Zhen Jicong.    


Yang Jiabao did not care about Zhen Jieccong and the others' surprised gazes at all. "How many people in China have not attended university in Peking University?    


And how many successful people were not graduates of Peking University's Tsinghua University? Could it be that their lives were not complete? Were they all deficiencies? Professor He, I think your words are too one-sided. "    


" Jiabao, Professor He did not mean that. You must not misunderstand. " Yu Younian immediately helped them mediate the atmosphere.    


"Home, Jiabao, I. . . " Professor He did not expect Yang Jiabao to have such a big reaction. He knew that she had stood up for Zhou Hao, but she had mercilessly refuted him as her teacher. His resentment towards Zhou Hao became even deeper.    


Yang Jiabao wanted to say more, but Zhou Hao raised his hand to stop her. He smiled at Professor He and said, "Professor He, I'm sorry. Jiabao did not mean to offend you. She just had different views. You must not take offense. "    


"But Zhou Hao, he. . . " Yang Jiabao puffed up her cheeks and wanted to say more.    


Zhou Hao glared at her fiercely. Although Yang Jiabao still did not accept it, she did not say anything else. She was very obedient to Zhou Hao.    


Yu Younian and Yao Lele, who had a good relationship with Yang Jiabao, were shocked once again. Yang Jiabao had a strong personality. Normally, she would not give up easily if she went up against someone. Furthermore, she was very smart, so it was often the other party who was at a disadvantage. On the other hand, she ended up with a complete victory.    


Now, she saw that Zhou Hao only gave her a glance and made her stop. It could be seen how important Zhou Hao was in her heart.    


She heard Zhou Hao say to Professor He and the others with a smile. "Sorry, Jiabao is just a willful girl. Please don't blame her. Professor He, I'll apologize to you on Jiabao's behalf. Don't take it to heart. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao filled Professor He's glass with wine. Then, he raised his glass and downed it in one gulp.    


Zhou Hao's actions were impeccable. Professor He knew that if he didn't appreciate it, he would be too petty.    


Therefore, even though Yang Jiabao's obedience to Zhou Hao made him very jealous, he could only raise his glass and take a sip, indicating that he had forgotten about what had just happened.    


After that, in order to ease the atmosphere, Yu Nian continuously chatted and laughed with Professor He and the others.    


Yu Younian was indeed worthy of being the president of the student union. His social skills were much better than his peers, and very quickly, the stiff atmosphere in the meeting hall was diluted by a lot.    


Zhou Hao also secretly nodded as he watched, thinking that this person would definitely be a public relations expert in the future.    


At the same time, Zhou Hao also felt that although Yu Younian was smooth, he was not like Zhen Jieccong, who mocked Zhou Hao in order to please Professor He. Therefore, Yu Younian's moral character was still very good.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao also had the intention to recruit Yu Younian.    


"What's wrong? Do you want to recruit our Senior Brother Yu into your company?" Yang Jiabao, who was standing beside Zhou Hao, had been paying attention to him. When she saw that he had been paying attention to Yu Younian, she knew what he was thinking.    


Zhou Hao smiled. "Hehe, recently I'm a bit thirsty for talent. "    


Zhen Jicong smiled and said, "Since July last year, there has been a financial storm in Southeast Asia. It has spread throughout Asia. Many companies in Japan and Korea have closed down. Thailand, as a disaster zone, has even lost a state-owned bank.    


Professor He, what do you think about this financial storm? "    


Professor He looked at Zhen Jicong with admiration. Zhen Jicong's question was exactly what he was good at. Especially when he could show off in front of an 'outsider' like Zhou Hao, it would also let Yang Jiabao know the gap between them.    


Therefore, Professor He smiled and said, "This financial crisis, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia all suffered heavy losses.    


I have done a detailed analysis of this financial crisis. In my opinion, the reason for this financial crisis is not only because of George Soros and his group of big investors, but also because of a few other reasons.    


First, many countries in Southeast Asia do not have good foreign exchange policies. Secondly, in order to maintain the fixed exchange rate system, they use foreign exchange reserves to make up for the deficit and increase their foreign debt.    


Lastly, the foreign debt structure of these countries is unreasonable "    


He analyzed the composition of this financial storm in detail. The content was similar to the analysis of the experts after the financial storms that Zhou Hao had seen in his previous life.    


Although theoretical analysis and practical operation were two completely different things, Zhou Hao had to admit that Professor He's theoretical foundation was very solid. Even Zhong Wentong, the practical expert, listened attentively.    


Seeing everyone listening attentively at the table, Professor He felt even more pleased. He would peek at Yang Jiabao from time to time to let her see his talent.    


However, what disappointed him was that Yang Jiabao did not seem to listen to him at all. She was still doing her best to serve Zhou Hao. When Zhou Hao's eyes fell on any dish, she would immediately bring it to him. She was even more focused than when she was taking the exam.    


Actually, Yang Jiabao had also heard his words, but she did not think it was a big deal.    


She knew that Zhou Hao controlled tens of billions of US dollars. He was successful in the stock market and the stock market in Asia. Comparatively, Professor He and Zhou Hao were not on the same level.    


Zhen Jicong asked Professor He again, "Professor He, what kind of measures do you think our country should take in this financial crisis?"    


He found that Yang Jiabao was not listening to him. Professor He's enthusiasm decreased a lot, but he still wanted to show off his knowledge. He said, "I think our country should take advantage of this financial crisis to make the RMB depreciate.    


Because in this way, our country can reduce the impact of the financial storm on us to the minimum, and also increase the competitive trade of our country. "    


Upon hearing this, Zhou Hao, who had some admiration for Professor He, immediately shook his head in his heart.    


This Professor He, his theoretical knowledge was very deep, but his vision was too short and shallow. In the future, development would prove that maintaining the value of the yuan without depreciating was the correct choice.    


Zhou Hao knew that some economic consultants in the central government also advocated depreciating the yuan. Fortunately, the leadership's vision was still very long.    


Zhou Hao also realized that Zhong Wentong, who had been listening to Professor He's words seriously, also shook his head slightly when he heard Professor He say the depreciation of RMB.    


It seemed that Zhong Wentong also had an extraordinary view in the financial world.    


In the end, this dinner ended in Professor He's speech and assurance. Perhaps it was to show off in front of everyone, but Professor He had already paid the bill, and Zhou Hao and the others were happy to eat for free.    


Since Zhou Hao had come, Yang Jiabao would not follow Zhong Guifang and Quan Ying back to the girls' dormitory. She planned to go with Zhou Hao to their love nest in Beijing.    


Professor He did not know that Yang Jiabao had a house outside and thought that Zhou Hao and Yang Jiabao would be able to enjoy the show. He did not want Yang Jiabao to stay with Zhou Hao so late at night, so he said to Yang Jiabao, "Jiabao, it is so late and the weather is so cold. You should go back early and rest. Don't wander around. "    


"I did not wander around. Isn't it just going home with Zhou Hao now?" Yang Jiabao showed a bright smile to Professor He.    


"What? You reply. Go back to his house? " Professor He looked at Yang Jiabao in disbelief. Her words indicated that she was going to spend the night with Zhou Hao.    


This was hard for Professor He to accept, because in his eyes, although Yang Jiabao was a little willful, she was not that kind of slutty girl.    


Yang Jiabao also ignored Professor He's reaction and led Zhou Hao out. Zhou Hao said goodbye to everyone and then left with Yang Jiabao.    


When they returned to the luxurious house, before Zhou Hao could turn on the lights and heating, Yang Jiabao threw herself onto the sofa in the living room.    


Yang Jiabao sat on Zhou Hao's waist, took off his coat, and pushed his shirt up, revealing Zhou Hao's strong upper body.    


Yang Jiabao then bent down and stretched out her little tongue. She kissed or licked Zhou Hao's abdomen, and then ravaged his chest. Finally, she lightly bit his chest.    


"Hiss. . . " That numb and itchy feeling made Zhou Hao so comfortable that he sucked in a breath of cold air. He scolded with a smile. "You little demoness!"    


Yang Jiabao leaned over Zhou Hao's chest and bit his nose. She smiled and said, "I am a demoness. How is it? Did you eat me?"    


"I will eat you. " Zhou Hao laughed and turned over to hold Yang Jiabao down. He then unzipped her sweater.    


Yang Jiabao did not need him to do anything. She lifted her shirt, revealing her cute pink bra with a bow tie.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "It's been a long time, fairy. "    


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