Supreme Stock God

C554 The Shiva School

C554 The Shiva School

1Jakarta is also known as Coconut City, the capital of Indonesia and also the largest city in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.     1


After leaving the airport, Zhou Hao boarded the "First Army" car that came to pick him up. Through the window, Zhou Hao could see the bustling scenery outside.    


As an internationally renowned city, Jakarta was much more prosperous and modern than Xiang City.    


However, in his previous life, this prosperous city was also a place that the people of China hated, because Jakarta was the main source of the incident in Indonesia.    


Most of the pedestrians on the street were Asian with yellow skin and black eyes. There were only a few European people with blue eyes and green hair.    


And among those Asian people, it was already hard to tell which were Han and Indonesian. Zhou Hao sighed in his heart. The Han people who had taken root here had treated this place as their home and had contributed a lot to the development and construction of this place.    


However, the natives here had always regarded them as a thorn in their flesh. They thought that the Han people had seized their job opportunity and seized their economy.    


Leaning against the back of his chair, Zhou Hao sighed. In this life, the Tanhua incident could not be avoided. This was because the Suharto family and the military and political system had caused problems for Indonesia that were difficult to resolve.    


Whenever there was a serious social problem in Indonesia, Indonesian people would habitually point the blame at the local Chinese. This was not only caused by Suharto's Tanhua policy over the past few decades, but also determined by Indonesia's deep-rooted feelings.    


What Zhou Hao could do was try his best to minimize the damage to the Indonesian people. At the same time, he could ensure that this would be the last anti-Hua incident in Indonesia.    


When the people from the First Army saw Zhou Hao's solemn expression, they could more or less guess what Zhou Hao was thinking.    


He said, "We have been here for a while. We don't know what happened in the past, but from our point of view, the Indonesian people here dislike the Indonesian people, especially after the financial storm broke out.    


As the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta has already been attacked and robbed by many Indonesian shops. "    


Zhou Hao said with a solemn expression. "Our shelter must be prepared. When the incident really happens, we must provide a safe place for the people here.    


Also, when the time comes, those thugs will definitely not be unarmed civilians. We must be prepared. "    


"Mr Zhou, don't worry. With President Pang's help, we have already transferred enough firearms. When the time comes, we will definitely be able to resist those thugs. "    


Not long after, they arrived at a commercial building and took the elevator to the top floor.    


In the elevator, someone from the First Army introduced the building to Zhou Hao. "This building belongs to President Pang's Golden Court Group. There is an employee dormitory upstairs. Fourth Boss and the people from the First Army live here. This is also the temporary command center of our people in Jakarta. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. He thought that the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce had spared no effort to help the people sent by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.    


Apart from the elevator, Zhou Hao came to the meeting room on this floor and saw Fourth Boss and Li Shuihan from the First Army.    


Li Shuihan was still dressed in a shirt and pants. She was still wearing a long black windbreaker and looked very valiant. The black ponytail that hung down to her waist also swayed, bringing with it a slight fragrance.    


Just like when they met before, Li Shuihan's extremely beautiful and classical face was always wearing a cold and indifferent expression. It was as if she was a thousand miles away from people.    


Li Shuihan was sitting on the main seat of the meeting table. There were more than ten men and women sitting on both sides. They should be the people from the "First Army" and the special forces that were sent over.    


There were also two middle-aged men in suits and shoes. They did not look as tough as Li Shuihan and the others. Instead, they looked like merchants. They must be from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.    


Li Shuihan, who was sitting in the big chair, curled her lips when she saw Zhou Hao. She said indifferently, "You're here?"    


Zhou Hao was used to Li Shuihan's cold attitude. He did not have the habit of sticking his hot face to Li Shuihan's cold butt, so he only nodded slightly.    


The others looked at Zhou Hao curiously. They did not know why this handsome young man would appear here. One should know that because of the importance and confidentiality of the plan, the existence of this temporary command center could not be leaked.    


"This is the person sent by the higher-ups to assist us. He is the special consultant of our First Army. " Li Shuihan introduced Zhou Hao to everyone. "In order to ensure safety, we did not inform everyone beforehand. "    


Zhou Hao also nodded to everyone and smiled. "My name is Zhou Hao. Please advise me. "    


Everyone stood up and greeted Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao also learned that these were the commanders of the First Army and the special forces.    


And the two merchants were just as Zhou Hao had expected. They were the directors of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, called Qiao Zhongming and Wei Haisheng. They both had strong financial abilities.    


Before Zhou Hao arrived, Li Shuihan and the others had just held a report meeting that only happened once every three days. The commanders of each division had reported the situation to them in order to make adjustments in time.    


Since Zhou Hao was here to assist them, he naturally needed to have an understanding of the situation here.    


So Li Shuihan also agreed to let him participate in this meeting. According to Zhou Hao's special consultant status and the rank of major general like Li Shuihan, his position should be beside Li Shuihan.    


But when the officer on Li Shuihan's right side wanted to stand up and give the position to Zhou Hao, Li Shuihan glared at him, forcing the officer to stop moving and not dare to stand up.    


Li Shuihan pointed to the seat at the end of the meeting table and said to Zhou Hao, "There is always a first come first serve. Since you joined halfway, just sit there. "    


When everyone heard Li Shuihan's words, the expressions on their faces were a little strange. People in China paid the most attention to the issue of status. Whether it was a work meeting or a red and white banquet, they had to sit according to seniority or position. This was especially obvious in the official circles.    


Just like now, Li Shuihan was the "First Army's" Fourth Boss and a real major general. Among everyone present, the one with the highest position was her. Therefore, she sat at the head of the meeting and presided over it.    


Although Zhou Hao's rank as a major general was only a false title, his status was on the same level as Li Shuihan. It would not be appropriate to let him sit at the back of the table.    


Everyone present had quick thinking and immediately guessed it. Li Shuihan and Zhou Hao did not see eye to eye.    


They did not dare to ask Li Shuihan about it. They only looked at Zhou Hao, wanting to see what kind of reaction he would have.    


Zhou Hao nodded at Li Shuihan with a calm expression, then walked straight to the last seat and sat down. He knew that he had come here to do proper business, and there was no need for him to bicker with Li Shuihan about important things that had nothing to do with her.    


This action of his made other people admire him.    


Li Shuihan ignored Zhou Hao and said, "Indonesia's financial situation is deteriorating, and the mood of the Indonesian people in other places is getting worse and worse. Everyone needs to be prepared, and at the same time, pay attention to confidentiality. If Indonesian authorities, especially the Indonesian military, find out about our existence, it will not only be us who will suffer.    


The local Indonesian people may also become the targets of their anger, so I request that your subordinates do not leave their bases without the permission of their superiors. Otherwise, they will be punished by military law! "    


Zhou Hao looked at Li Shuihan, who had a cold face, and saw that all the commanders just nodded and did not dare to make a sound. He thought that this woman's power was really not to be underestimated. No wonder she could become Fourth Boss of the First Army.    


He heard Li Shuihan say again. "Also, according to our observation, the internal structure of Suharto's government has become unstable. Some members of the Congress are dissatisfied with Suharto. Furthermore, the governors of each province have different reactions.    


Now, the political situation in Indonesia has become turbulent, especially the general commander of the Indonesian armed forces, Veranto, and the general commander of the army's strategic reserve forces, Prabowo. We found that these two have been secretly mobilizing their trusted troops recently.    


I think that these two fellows will definitely make a big move soon. We must pay close attention to them. "    


Although he did not get along well with Li Shuihan, Zhou Hao still listened to her very seriously. A soldier with dark skin beside him also quietly handed him a document.    


Zhou Hao opened the document and saw that it recorded the situation of First Army and the special forces in Indonesia. He smiled kindly at the soldier.    


From this document, Zhou Hao learned some basic information. In order to carry out the plan against Indonesia, the central government sent 1,300 members of First Army over. There were also close to 10,000 special forces selected from the army and the navy.    


They hid in the important cities of Jakarta, Wanlong, Sishui, and the other Indonesian capitals. The people hidden next to the Indonesian parliament and the provincial governors were the top secret agents of First Army and the Ministry of National Security.    


"In addition to the Indonesian government and the military, we also need to pay attention to a religious organization called the Shiva religion. " Li Shuihan's cold voice sounded again, and her expression was also very cold.    


Zhou Hao also frowned, because he had never heard of this religious organization called the 'Shiva'. This "Shiva" also did not appear in any reports from his previous life.    


Li Shuihan said, "This religion believes in one of the three great gods of India, the God of Destruction, Shiva. There are believers everywhere in Indonesia.    


According to our estimates, there are at least 100,000 believers in this religion. Most of them are indigenous Indonesian people, and there are also a small number of foreigner. The only one who can't join the religion is the Chinese. "    


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