Supreme Stock God

C557 Old River Hotel

C557 Old River Hotel

4It was not strange that Big Boss could know Wahid's condition, because Wahid had his own personal doctor. Big Boss could totally understand Wahid's health through the doctor.    1


Furthermore, Big Boss was Supreme Expert, who had an unfathomable cultivation base in the inner circle. He was able to understand Wahid's condition through his own personal doctor. He could judge a person's safety by observing their' Qi '.    


What made Zhou Hao curious was that even though modern western medicine could not cure Wahid's kidney failure, it was still strange for an expert like Zhou Hao and Big Boss.    


He could use his own powerful Genuine Aura to treat Wahid. Even if it could not completely cure Wahid, it could also greatly alleviate his condition and prolong his life by at least twenty years.    


Besides the profound Genuine Auras, the Shen Nong's Herbal Classics also had a prescription that targeted pancreas and kidneys, and it had a profound effect on Wahid's diabetes and kidney failure.    


Although this would require a large amount of Genuine Auras and energy, Wahid was very important to the center. If there was a need, Big Boss would not be stingy with his Genuine Auras to treat Wahid's illness.    


But now, Big Boss told Wahid that only Zhou Hao could cure his illness. This puzzled Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao naturally wouldn't expose Big Boss, because he wanted to cure Wahid's body and give him more initiative in the business deal.    


"Mr. Wahid, you should know your condition. Your diabetes and kidney failure are not good, and there is a big problem with your eyesight. The doctor can only let you get some relief, but your condition will get worse and worse. "    


Wahid's face was gloomy. "Yes, I went to Switzerland to seek treatment last year. Those doctors said that to cure my kidney failure, I can only exchange my kidney.    


However, the kidney source is not a problem. The key is that I have been sick for a long time. Coupled with my old age, my body can no longer withstand surgery. Moreover, even if I change my kidney, there is a risk of infection and rejection.    


The doctor has already told me that if I'm optimistic, I can still live for another ten or eight years. "    


Those doctors were right. In the history of his previous life, Wahid had indeed died of illness in 2009.    


Zhou Hao lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "Mr. Wahid, I can cure your illness. Although I can't guarantee that I can cure you completely, I can at least let you live for another 20 years. "    


"It's already very good. " Wahid was very happy when he heard that Zhou Hao could really cure his illness.    


"Alright, I will take a look at your condition first. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao grabbed Wahid's right wrist and injected a wisp of Genuine Aura into his body, which then flowed through his meridians.    


In terms of medical skills, Zhou Hao was only at a half-baked level. He could not catch up with Xiao Nanyue and Dr Gongsun, but because he practiced inner force, he knew a lot about the human body's internal organs and Eight Extraordinary Meridianss.    


Through that thread of Genuine Aura, Zhou Hao found that Wahid's pancreas and kidneys' meridians were blocked, and his pancreas were weak and his kidneys were lacking.    


Therefore, he slowly poured more Wahids into Wahid's body, helping him dredge the blocked meridians.    


Wahid only felt a warm flow flowing through his body, making him feel as warm and comfortable as lying under the afternoon sun.    


When Zhou Hao stopped pouring Genuine Auras into his body, Wahid felt that his originally weak and weak body was now full of energy. This feeling of being strong and strong was something he had not felt for many years.    


He immediately said to Zhou Hao gratefully, "Mr Zhou, thank you. I really feel much better now. So it turns out that you are really like what Mister Han Mei said. You are the unfathomable Qigong Great Master. "    


"I don't deserve it. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I only eased your condition. Next, I need to use medicine to help you recover your pancreas and kidneys. "    


"Great. Thank you, Mr Zhou, thank you!" Wahid, who had been disappointed many times, sincerely thanked Zhou Hao. "Mr Zhou, I will not say anything else. If there is anything I can use in the future, as long as I can do it, I will not refuse!"    


Zhou Hao smiled, thinking that it would be fine as long as you said those words.    


Next, besides talking about his condition with Wahid, Zhou Hao also talked about Wahid's plan to compete for the president of Indonesia.    


Zhou Hao said, "Although Indonesia's economy is deteriorating rapidly due to the second financial storm, it is not the time yet. When Indonesia's economy falls to the bottom, the public's dissatisfaction with Suharto's government will reach the highest point.    


You will then publicize the evidence of Suharto family's corruption of public funds and the invasion of the country's resources. You must hit the nail on the head and drag Suharto down! "    


Wahid said worriedly. "After pulling Suharto down, Veranto and Prabowo will definitely seize the opportunity to fight for the position of president.    


They control most of the military forces in the country, especially in Jakarta. In order to suppress their competitors, they will even send people to assassinate them. "    


"Don't worry. When the time comes, we'll pin them down and create opportunities for you. " Zhou Hao said.    


"One more thing. Even if I take over the position of president, But this financial storm has caused too much damage to the country's economy, and the International Monetary Fund has just rejected Suharto's request for help.    


What Suharto and the others left me is a mess that is difficult to clean up. "    


Zhou Hao patted Wahid's shoulder. " The International Monetary Fund was originally controlled by British and American countries.    


This Asian financial storm was also caused by Soros and Julian. Do you think the International Monetary Fund will provide financial aid to Indonesia?"    


Zhou Hao smiled. "But this is a chance for you and us.    


If you can save Indonesia from this economic crisis, then your position will be unshakable.    


Moreover, our China and President Pang will provide you with help, you won't fight alone. "    


In fact, Zhou Hao, Pang Jinting and the others also wanted to exchange the Indonesian economy after the storm in exchange for an increase in Indonesian status.    


After overthrowing Suharto's government, Indonesian people had to obtain political and even military power. Only then could they truly protect Indonesian people.    


After two hours of detailed discussion, Zhou Hao and Wahid came down from the second floor with smiles on their faces. Only Li Shuihan, who was still sitting in the hall on the first floor, had a face full of impatience.    


Wahid said, "Mr Zhou, General Li, it is already evening. Stay here for dinner. "    


He heard Li Shuihan snorting lightly. "No need. I still like to go to Old River Restaurant. " After saying that, she went out of the room.    


"Old River Hotel?" Zhou Hao was puzzled.    


Wahid smiled and said, "That is a small restaurant in the city. It is owned by a Chinaman. The most famous one is Sand River Powder. "    


"Sand River Powder?" Zhou Hao immediately said, "Is there Sand River Powder here too?"    


Sand River Powder was an authentic delicacy in Guangzhou. Zhou Hao liked it very much. In the past, there was a restaurant in Xiang City that specialized in selling Sand River Powder. Later, it closed down.    


Now that he heard that there was also Sand River Powder here, Zhou Hao wanted to give it a try.    


Anyway, they had already chatted with Wahid. Now, the two of them did not need to increase their friendship through dinner. Therefore, Zhou Hao said goodbye to Wahid and quickly went out to chase after Li Shuihan.    


Stopping Li Shuihan's car, Zhou Hao quickly went to the back seat. Li Shuihan, who was beside him, looked at him coldly. "Didn't you want to have dinner with Wahid? Why did you follow me out?"    


"Hehe, I haven't eaten Sand River Powder in a long time. I heard that the Sand River Powder at Old River Restaurant is very famous, so I wanted to try it. "    


Li Shuihan said, "You can go if you want to, but don't expect me to treat you. We will pay separately. "    


"Tsk, so petty. " Zhou Hao muttered to himself.    


The Old River Hotel was located in the downtown area of Jakarta. It was not a big store, but its business was booming. The tables in and out of the store were full of customers. The aroma of food and the voices of the customers made the place very lively.    


Other than the Old River Hotel, the other stores on the street were mostly owned by people from China.    




The moment Li Shuihan got off the car, a petite figure rushed out of the shop and threw herself into Li Shuihan's arms. It was a little girl of eight or nine years old.    


This little girl was younger than Yun Er and her appearance was also far from being comparable to Yun Er. However, she was also lively, innocent, and very cute.    


When Li Shuihan saw this little girl, a rare smile actually appeared on her face. She touched the little girl's head and said, "Deng Deng Deng. "    


Seeing the smile on Li Shuihan's face, Zhou Hao was stunned for a moment. His heart beat very quickly. He thought that this woman looked really good when she smiled. She was much more beautiful than her usual cold face.    


Sensing Zhou Hao's gaze, Li Shuihan's smile faded and she lightly snorted.    


The little girl called Deng Deng also saw Zhou Hao. Because she was afraid of strangers, she timidly hid behind Li Shuihan and looked at Zhou Hao with sparkling eyes.    


At this time, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man also came out. He was wearing an apron covered with flour and rice milk. The man smiled at Li Shuihan and said, Yes. " Miss Li, you are here? I have left a table for you inside. Please come in. "    


Li Shuihan nodded and led Deng Deng Deng in. She did not care about Zhou Hao there anymore.    


Zhou Hao saw that Li Shuihan did not lead the way and went in. He was very angry in his heart. Fortunately, the middle-aged man saw that Zhou Hao got out of the car with Li Shuihan and smiled at him. "Sir, you are Miss Li's friend, right? Please come in. "    


Walking in, Zhou Hao did not care whether Li Shuihan agreed or not and sat opposite of her. Li Shuihan did not care about him and only smiled and chatted with the lively Deng Deng Deng.    


The man just now walked over again and said to Li Shuihan and the others, "Miss Li is still the same as usual. Fried tofu with sand river powder, right? Where is this gentleman?"    


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