Supreme Stock God

C585 Dividing the Loot

C585 Dividing the Loot

2"Brother Zhou, I think the most important thing right now is to give up the shares of this old bastard. With a few major Indonesian companies, we can basically control the economic lifeline of Indonesia. "     0


Pang Jinting said, "But there is a problem. The shares of those companies are formed. Other than this old beast and his family, the rest of the shareholders are foreign companies. Temastin also has a small portion of the shares. What should we do with it?"    


Zhou Hao smiled. "That is very simple. We can expose Suharto's crimes through the President and Congress. We can judge that many of his policies during his governance are illegal, and the new government will not recognize him.    


Then we can openly take back the shares of those companies. Moreover, we can also take the opportunity to abolish the old man's exclusion policies. Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone? "    


Pang Jinting frowned when he heard that. "However, there are many financial groups in those foreign companies, especially some companies that are quite influential in the United States. We will take back those shares.    


Why would they agree? If the United States stands up for them and mobilizes the Pacific Squadron, the pressure will be huge. "    


" Humph, humph, humph. . . "Zhou Hao suddenly laughed. He then asked No. 89 to translate his conversation with Pang Jinting to Suharto, who was being restrained.    


Then, he said to Suharto, "China is currently negotiating with the Indonesian government, which is to allow the Indonesian government to allow East Timor to be independent. "    


Suharto immediately said angrily, "You China people who have killed thousands of people!    


Why do you care about Indonesia's internal affairs? You are splitting the territory and sovereignty of our country! What right do you China have!? "    


All this time, East Timor had been a huge headache for the Indonesian government. Previously, it had been colonized by Britain, Holland, and the other countries. Until the 1970s, it was still under the colonization of Canada.    


Later, after the "movement of the armed forces" broke out in Canada, and after the Jamaican people overthrew the dictatorship, they pushed for democracy and non-colonization. East Timor also had a chance to regain freedom.    


However, at that time, Indonesia had sent troops to occupy East Timor, and Indonesia had forcefully declared East Timor as its 27th province. From then on, it had always been ruled by Indonesia's armed forces.    


Over the years, many riots and conflicts had occurred in East Timor. They had tried to break away from Indonesia's rule, but Suharto had refused to let go. He had even insisted on carrying out a cruel armed suppression on East Timor.    


The United Nations had advised Yu Indonesia to withdraw many times, but Suharto remained indifferent.    


"Why?" Zhou Hao said, "You didn't forget, did you? China is one of the permanent members of the United Nations. It is obligated to protect the democracy and freedom of the people of East Timor, and also responsible for the peace of Southeast Asia.    


I think you don't know yet, but today, President Habibi of Indonesia and Congress have agreed to our request to allow East Timor to hold a national vote to decide whether East Timor will continue to accept Indonesia's rule or independence. For a democracy.    


If more than half of East Timor's people agree to be independent, Indonesia will unconditionally withdraw its troops from East Timor and return the regime to the people of East Timor.    


Moreover, the United Nations has already received reports on this and is now preparing for the matter of East Timor's independence. "    


"Nonsense! How could Hubby agree to this!? You're talking nonsense! " Suharto was like a roaring beast.    


He knew very well that East Timor had experienced decades of bloody rule in Indonesia. It had long desired independence, and would not be willing to accept Indonesia's rule. When the time came, more than 90% of the people would agree to independence.    


Zhou Hao did not pay attention to Suharto's hysterical cries. Instead, he turned to Pang Jinting, who also did not know what was going on, and said, "Our people have already talked to East Timor. After leaving Indonesia's rule, East Timor will officially establish diplomatic relations with our country.    


They are willing to accept our country's army to protect their homeland's safety and internal security. Our country will also provide economic development, infrastructure construction, basic life protection, and other support to East Timor's people.    


In order to ensure East Timor's homeland and territorial sea safety, our country will build a navy base in East Timor and send a fleet over to guard it. "    


Pang Jinting only knew about this matter now. It was probably because this matter was important and the central government needed to ensure that it was confidential, so they did not let outsiders know about it.    


Pang Jinting was both excited and shocked by this matter. This was because once China stationed troops in East Timor, it would become a great deterrent and deterrent force to Indonesia's military forces.    


At this stage, Indonesia's military still had a lot of influence, and their attitude towards Indonesia was not good. Therefore, before Pang Jinting's influence completely seeped into the military, Indonesia's safety still had some risks.    


No one could guarantee that some crazy warlords would suddenly start carrying out bloody assaults on Indonesia.    


With the presence of the China army, once the Indonesian people encountered any danger, the China army would be able to provide assistance in a very short period of time.    


On the other hand, the existence of the China army also provided Wahid with a strong backing. It would help him suppress the Indonesian military forces and make it easier for him to regain control of the Indonesian military forces.    


What shocked Pang Jinting was that China had spared no effort to participate in Indonesia's crisis. Obviously, it was not only to help Indonesia, but also to obtain Indonesia's resources.    


Now, it seemed that China was planning to use East Timor to expand her control over the South China Sea and Southeast Asia Sea!    


East Timor was a natural deep-water port with excellent strategic geographical conditions. If they built a navy base here, they could easily grab the throats of the nearby Southeast Asia Sea and tie down the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This was extremely beneficial to China's navy.    


Pang Jinting had previously heard that China's navy had a 'Deep Blue' plan. Now it seemed that China was going to use East Timor as their first deployment target to carry out this plan.    


In fact, Big Boss, Zhong Zongren, had suggested this plan to the central government after Zhou Hao had suggested the Indonesian plan.    


Although Zhou Hao had been reborn, it had to be said that his military attainment and vision were not very high. It was only after Big Boss had mentioned it that he remembered in his previous life.    


Many military experts expressed that East Timor's strategic position on the sea was very important. As for how important it was, Zhou Hao did not know.    


This also showed that the chief's strategic eyes were very sharp. After he made this suggestion, Chief Jiang, Boss Zhu, Zhao Rixin and a few other important leaders were immediately moved.    


They would immediately let people confirm the feasibility of this plan, then they would pass the decision and assign the First Army to carry it out.    


Before this riot happened, Wahid was escorted to East Timor by the First Army under the lead of their Third Master's birthday celebration. Therefore, when Wahid exposed the dirty inside information of Suharto's government to the whole world through the media, Veranto and Prabowo had not been able to find him.    


At that time, Zu Shoujing found the leader of East Timor's Independent Revolutionary Front. He represented China and East Timor's Independent Revolutionary Front, as well as Wahid, who would become Indonesian President, and held a "three-way meeting. "    


Finally, they reached a consensus and confirmed what Zhou Hao had said.    


Zhou Hao said to Pang Jinting, "Elder Pang, think about it. With our China fleet here, although we might not be able to defeat the Pacific Squadron, the United States still needs to weigh the pros and cons. Let's see if there is a need to provoke a company that is not strong enough to affect the political world.    


Moreover, if the United States starts a conflict with China in this aspect, it will show that it will completely fall out with China. Does the United States have the courage to force China, who has nuclear weapons, to join hands with Russia to fight against them?    


Unless we completely offend big consortiums like Rockefeller and DuPont, who are able to influence the politics of the United States. Otherwise, the United States will not casually send troops. "    


" Since the United States will not take the lead, the other companies will naturally not casually take the lead. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "So, other than protesting, those foreign companies do not have the support of military forces. We do not need to care about them. "    


Pang Jinting also heaved a sigh of relief. Indeed, with the support of China's navy, those foreign companies that were forced to withdraw their shares would not be able to threaten them. At most, they could only sanction Indonesia's products.    


"After we take control of those companies and Wahid, all the resources mined in Indonesia will be used to supply China's market. " Zhou Hao said, "Then we don't have to worry about those people's economic sanctions. "    


China was in urgent need of Indonesia's mineral resources. Even if those foreign companies did not make economic sanctions, China would not let those resources flow to other places.    


"Elder Pang, the Central Government has already come up with a plan. After all the shares have been taken back, the foreign companies and Temastin will belong to the Indonesian government. This is to prevent the population from falling.    


This portion of shares will take up about 30% to 40%, while the remaining 60% to 70% will belong to the companies controlled by the central government and 20% will belong to your China Chamber of Commerce.    


My company will be the last 10% to 15%. Do you think this plan will work? " Zhou Hao said.    


Pang Jinting thought for a while and immediately smiled. "Sure, I agree with this plan. "    


Li Shuihan glanced at Zhou Hao and looked at his smile. She snorted in her heart, "This is simply dividing the spoils. "    


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