Supreme Stock God

C586 A Memorial to the Heroic Spirits

C586 A Memorial to the Heroic Spirits

2As they discussed how to split up the most important monopoly companies in Indonesia, Pang Jinting said to Zhou Hao, "But even if we can get Hubby and Congress to agree to give us those shares.     1


However, if the Indonesian government were to transfer these shares to us for free, I'm afraid the Indonesian people would not agree.    


Although Hubby can help us take on most of the conflicts, if the people's support for the Indonesian government falls, I'm afraid it will be hard to deal with when Wahid comes to power in the future. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and pointed at Suharto. "Don't worry, we have a rich man there, right?    


You just said that he has six to seven billion USD worth of assets in the Swiss Bank and other places. Humph, humph, humph. After we collect this money, we can use it as funds to buy shares.    


Of course, the credit of this investment to save Indonesia's economy must be credited to Wahid. "    


Pang Jinting suddenly understood and looked at Suharto with a smile. "I'm just afraid that he won't hand over the money. "    


According to Zhou Hao's instructions, while Zhou Hao and Pang Jinting were talking, No. 89 translated their conversation to Suharto.    


Listening to Zhou Hao and Pang Jinting discussing how to seize his assets in front of him, Suharto's face turned green and white. When Zhou Hao and the others said they wanted Suharto to hand over all the money in the bank.    


He did not get angry. Instead, he laughed. "You want to take my money? Keep dreaming! Humph! Humph! If you have any tricks up your sleeve, then use them. Although I am old, I am still an Indonesian soldier. Let's see if I will frown!"    


As a dictator who relied on a coup to seize the country, Suharto had been tortured when he was in the military. Therefore, he had a strong resistance to physical pain.    


Zhou Hao knew what Suharto was thinking, so he smiled and said: "I think you misunderstood. We won't do anything like torture and interrogation to you. It's boring. "    


Suharto raised his head when he heard Zhou Hao's words. It was as if he had returned to the era when he was in the military.    


"I know you are a strong soldier, but a soldier also has family. " Zhou Hao laughed. He saw more than 20 people, old and young, being brought in by the First Army.    


They were all tied up by ropes. Their hair was messy and messy, and they kept crying.    


Suharto's facial expression changed drastically when he saw these people. He shouted excitedly, "You devils! You are so despicable!"    


More than twenty people, old and young, were from Suharto's family, including his children, grandchildren, and great-grandsons and daughters, who were only a few years old. Suharto's entire family had been brought here. Not a single fish escaped the net.    


He looked at Suharto's family, which was in a very sorry state. Pang Jinting looked at Zhou Hao with doubt. Zhou Hao said, "This old man sent his family overseas long ago. He was afraid that if he lost his power, he would get revenge from his enemies.    


If he knew that Habibi had joined our camp, I'm afraid even he would have fled.    


But he didn't expect that our people would have been monitoring their family's every move. Just last night, our people captured their entire family from Switzerland. "    


Then, Zhou Hao stared at Suharto with a cold gaze. "Do you want to think about it again and hand over the money?"    


Suharto's face turned ashen. He was a cold dictator and a soldier with iron and blood, but for his family, even steel had to melt into molten iron.    


However, that was more than seven billion US dollars. It was the guarantee for his family to live overseas in the future. Without these words, how could they get used to the extravagant lifestyle?    


Less than thirty seconds after he thought about it, Zhou Hao raised his hand. No. 89, who was behind him, took out his pistol and killed Suharto's second son without saying a word.    


This change made Suharto's family, who were tied up together, even more afraid. Their cries became even more miserable. They kept begging Zhou Hao and the others for mercy, but Zhou Hao ignored them.    


"If you still don't make a decision, your eldest son will be in trouble. "    


Zhou Hao's smile was very bright. However, not only Suharto, even Pang Jinting felt that Zhou Hao was like a death god looking at a sickle. Li Shuihan and the rest of the "First Army" were expressionless.    


Suharto looked at his second son lying in a pool of blood with a pale face.    


He asked Zhou Hao, "Did I hand over the money? Can you let me and my family go?"    


Zhou Hao did not deny it, but the smile on his face remained the same.    


Suharto let out a long sigh and sat down on the ground dejectedly. Then, he told everyone his account number and password. The people from the First Army also quickly noted it down.    


After a few hours, the First Army transferred the money Suharto put in the banks of each bank. A total of 7. 30 billion USD was transferred to the accounts they had prepared and used to buy the shares.    


Suharto, who had been famous in Indonesia for more than 30 years, was now like a defeated rooster. He looked down at Zhou Hao.    


He said in a desolate tone: "Alright, I have gotten what you want. Then you should be able to keep your promise and let go of me and my family. "    


"When did I say I would let go of your family?" Zhou Hao said with a sneer.    


Suharto and his family members looked at Zhou Hao in disbelief. Suharto's eldest son and eldest daughter shouted at the same time. "Didn't you say you would spare us?! You went back on your word! You liar! Despicable liar!"    


The fear of death made them burst into tears. They had completely lost the dignity of the high and mighty number one family in Indonesia. As for the children who were only a few years old and had just started to remember things, they could feel the panic and fear of the adults and began to cry out loudly.    


Suharto also tried his best to break free from the grip of the First Army. He raised his head and roared at Zhou Hao. "Are all of you Chinese bullying the weak like this?!    


They are all unarmed civilians. What kind of man are you to kill them?! If you have the guts then kill me, don't be so despicable as to attack my family!"    


"Hahahahahaha. . . " Zhou Hao suddenly raised his head and laughed. Then he stared at Suharto with a gloomy gaze. "To think that you have the face to say such words. In the decades you have been in power, how many unarmed civilians have died under your hands or because of you?    


How many of them are old, weak, women, and children who have no ability to resist? Do you know how to protect your family?    


There are more than ten million Chinese families that have been destroyed by you! You also have the right to ask me to spare your family?"    


Zhou Hao hated Suharto to the bone. His hatred was even stronger than Huang Wanke and Zeng Ying, who had killed him.    


Zhou Hao's original understanding of Tsinghua University was only limited to the limited online news and some photos in his previous life.    


But now, he had personally witnessed how Indonesian people died at the hands of those inhumane butchers.    


Moreover, the largest proportion of victims were not the young men, but the women and children who had died without any ability to resist.    


According to the investigation of the international human rights organization, in the thirty years that Suharto had been in power, the number of people killed had reached five hundred thousand. This was only a conservative estimate, and the exact number was only a lot more.    


This had already exceeded the period of the war against Japan. The number of deaths in the Nanjing massacre had exceeded the number of people killed in the war. Moreover, Suharto's massacre of the Indonesian people was not a so-called 'war act'. Those hundreds of thousands of people had died in a peaceful era!    


Since there was a chance now, Zhou Hao naturally would not let Suharto go. Otherwise, not only would he not be able to pass this trial, even the heroic spirits of the hundreds of thousands of Indonesian people would not forgive him.    


As for Suharto's family, other than those children, everyone's hands were stained with the blood of the Chinese, so there was no need for sympathy.    


Zhou Hao said to Suharto, "Not only do I want you to lose all your power and wealth, I also want to use you and your family to pay tribute to those Huangs who died in your hands!    


But you don't have to feel lonely. When Veranto and Prabowo are of no use to you, none of them will be able to escape from those executioners who have the right to slaughter the people of China. They will all go to hell to accompany you! "    


"Please. . . I beg of you, if you have any grudges, just blame it on me. Please let my family go. " Facing the safety of his family, Suharto finally let go of all his dignity and pride. He kept kowtowing to Zhou Hao.    


Li Shuihan, who was beside Zhou Hao, also said, "Zhou Hao, those adults can be ignored, but those few children. . . "    


Zhou Hao raised his hand to stop Li Shuihan's words and said lightly, "Think about Deng Deng, and those Mandarin children who died tragically.    


Moreover, those few children are starting to remember things. They have already recognized us. It is hard to guarantee that they will not find an opportunity to take revenge in the future and harm the Mandarin again.    


Benevolence to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. We must remove the roots of the grass from the roots! "    


Thinking of the miserable death of Deng Deng and those Han children who had not registered yet but had already died under the butcher's knife, Li Shuihan finally took back her last trace of pity and did not plead for Suharto's great-grandsons and children anymore.    


Zhou Hao looked at Suharto and said faintly, "Don't worry. At least I will be more merciful than you. I won't let you die in too much pain.    


Our people have prepared a special medicine for you. Don't be afraid. In just two seconds, it will be like sleeping. You won't feel pain. "    


Then he said to Number 89, "After we are done, arrange the scene properly. Then announce to the outside world that Suharto committed suicide out of fear of being pressured by the domestic and foreign forces. "    


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