Supreme Stock God

C583 Veranto Would also be Put Under House Arrest

C583 Veranto Would also be Put Under House Arrest

4"Damn it! I don't believe that such a large territory of mine will fall into someone else's hands so easily!" Wan Dan's governor pounded heavily on the table. He suddenly stood up and wanted to turn around and leave.     4


However, before he took a step forward, the cold muzzle of the gun was already pointed at his forehead. It was one of the guards in the meeting room.    


The guard was expressionless. He looked at him with a cold gaze and even opened the safety of the gun in his hand.    


Governor Wan Dan immediately did not dare to act rashly. He glared at Veranto and shouted angrily, "Veranto, what do you mean by this!?    


Do you want to seize our power without permission!? How are you going to explain to the entire country whether the country will agree to you doing this!? Hurry up and tell your men to get out of here!"    


Victor shrugged helplessly. "I can't do that. It's not that I want to make things difficult for you, but the people in this mansion don't listen to my orders. I'm just a prisoner under house arrest. "    


"How is that possible!" Everyone was shocked once again. Never in their dreams would they have thought that Veranto would also be under house arrest.    


At this moment, they heard a man's voice coming from outside: "It is not General Veranto who wants to seize your power! It's the country who wants to take back the power that you misuse!"    


A middle-aged man with a medium build walked in from outside. He looked coldly at everyone present and said, "I'll give you two choices now. One is to submit your resignation and resign from your position as governor. At the same time, hand over the command of the army.    


Second, I'll personally sign the order to dismiss you, strip you of your position, and sentence you for corruption and treason.    


Hmph hmph. . . Actually, even if you don't resign, it doesn't matter. In any case, the control of your twelve provinces has already returned to the country. "    


" Ha. . . Habibi, how could it be you!? " These Provincial Governors looked at this man in disbelief.    


This person was Habibi, who had just taken over the position of President of Indonesia. The 12 Provincial Governors were stunned.    


In fact, the reason Hubby was able to take over the position of President was not only because Suharto had used his remaining energy to help him, but also because of Zhou Hao and the others. If not for Suharto alone, without the approval of Congress, Hubby would not have had such a chance.    


Suharto did not know that the Habibi that he had worked so hard to promote had actually been bought over by Zhou Hao, who had "foresight. "    


A few years ago, when Suharto had been in power, Habibi had relied on his relationship with Suharto to become the Minister of Finance. However, he had invested a large amount of money to develop a high-tech industry that was not suitable for Indonesia. He had tried to make Indonesia a country that developed rapidly like South Korea and Singapore.    


However, outsiders were right to judge him for his lack of ambition and talent. This high-tech industry plan had failed in the end. The large amount of money invested in it had also turned into nothingness, causing Indonesia's finances to recover within ten years.    


As a result, the military lost a large amount of military funds. Thus, Indonesia's military hated Habibi.    


A long time ago, Zhou Hao had secretly found Habibi and made him understand that he could not solve the current predicament of Indonesia. As the president, he was only a transitional role for the next generation.    


Once he lost his power, the military in Indonesia would definitely not let him go.    


Using this point, Habibi decided to work with Zhou Hao and the Government of China behind Zhou Hao, hoping that he could have a good result.    


With Habibi, the president who had no real power but had legitimate authority, and also knowing that Veranto and Prabowo had already lost their momentum, these provincial governors could only choose to surrender, signing their resignation and handing over the command of the army.    


Although the political and military power of each province had already fallen into the hands of the First Army, with the resignation of these governors, it would be extremely beneficial in terms of righteousness and public opinion. It could also prevent any complications from arising.    


As for how to deal with these local emperors who used to tyrannically abuse their power, Zhou Hao and the others had long come to a consensus. At least before Wahid fully controlled the situation in Indonesia, he would not harm them. He would only put them under house arrest in Jakarta.    


After everything had settled down, they believed that the outside world had long forgotten about these influential people of the past. What would happen to them in the end? Naturally, no one would care.    


"These guys are all as stupid as pigs!"    


After receiving the report from her subordinates, Li Shuihan sneered disdainfully. "They didn't even prepare for anything and just accepted the invitation from others to come to Jakarta. They deserve to be robbed of their power. I wonder how these people became local generals.    


If they were to be sent to the battlefield, they would all be wiped out within two days. "    


Zhou Hao chuckled lightly. "It's not their fault. Who would have thought that the two tigers, Veranto and Prabowo, would become our puppets?"    


Li Shuihan's eyes turned cold. "When the situation in Indonesia is stable, I will kill the two beasts, Veranto and Prabowo, with my own hands. I will avenge the deaths of Dengden and those Chinese people who died because of them!"    


Although it was Francis who killed Dengen, the main culprits were still Veranto and Prabowo, who were controlling everything behind the scenes.    


If it wasn't for their value, Zhou Hao wouldn't have let them stay in this world for one more day.    


Li Shuihan looked at Zhou Hao and saw that his spirit was much better than two days ago. She said, "Your body has almost recovered. "    


"Yes, the injuries on your body are no longer serious, but your strength has not fully recovered. I'm afraid it will take a few more days for you to return to your peak state. " Zhou Hao smiled at Li Shuihan and said, "Haha, Fourth Boss, you are so concerned about me. I am really flattered. "    


Li Shuihan looked at her subordinates around and her face immediately turned cold. "Who has time to care about you? You said you wanted to meet Suharto. I was afraid that you would faint on the way because of your injuries. That would be embarrassing. "    


Under the sympathetic gaze of the members of First Army, Zhou Hao followed Li Shuihan to Pang Jinting's house because Suharto was in Pang Jinting's house now.    


This dictator, who did not know that Verto, Prabowo, and Hubby had already turned against each other, even planned to get Pang Jinting and the Huangs to transfer all the money he had left in Indonesia.    


When Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan arrived, they saw Suharto throwing a tantrum at Pang Jinting arrogantly. "Pang Jinting! What do you mean now?    


Don't forget that your Golden Court Corporation has today's climate. It's all because of my support. Even now, not to mention when I was in power, as long as I say something, I can guarantee that your Golden Court Corporation will be destroyed immediately. Do you believe me?"    


Suharto spoke in Indonesian, but Zhou Hao could only understand it through No. 89's translation.    


After seeing Zhou Hao and his group, Suharto looked at them arrogantly and snorted. "Who are you, Pang Jinting's friends?"    


Zhou Hao looked at the thin old man and thought about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Indonesian people. The blood that was left behind was enough to dye the entire Jakarta red. His heart was filled with anger.    


This beast, who treated the Indonesian men like dogs, made Zhou Hao hate him even more than the Japanese.    


Without saying another word, Zhou Hao took a few steps forward and punched Suharto in the face.    


Although Zhou Hao's inner energy had not fully recovered, His fist was not something that Suharto, an old man who had passed the age of Heaven's Mandate, could withstand. Zhou Hao broke his nose on the spot and fell heavily on the ground with blood all over his face.    


Suharto's two bodyguards were about to pull out their guns, but before their guns left their covers, they heard two light sounds. A bloody hole appeared on the foreheads of the two bodyguards, and they fell straight to the ground.    


Li Shuihan took the guns back into her arms, and said to the stunned Pang Jinting, "President Pang, I'm sorry, I dirtied your place. "    


Pang Jinting was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head with a bitter smile. "It's okay. "    


He knew that the First Army was planning to break all pretense of cordiality with Suharto. At most, they would put Suharto under house arrest just like how they treated the provincial governors of different provinces.    


Anyway, the situation in Indonesia was basically under the control of the First Army. There was no need to be afraid of Suharto, who had become a toothless tiger.    


Suharto did not expect Zhou Hao and the others to kill his men in front of him. It was not until the people of First Army dragged the corpses of the two bodyguards away that he gradually realized what had happened.    


"Pang Jinting, you want to rebel!" Suharto climbed up from the ground in a sorry state. He shouted at Pang Jinting hysterically.    


Pang Jinting took a sip of tea and said lightly, "This is the opposite. We should have built it a few decades ago. We don't want so many of our compatriots to die in your hands. "    


"Pang Jinting, you. . . " Suharto covered his broken nose and finally felt that something was wrong.    


"Suharto, I have heard of you for a long time. Many years ago, I have heard about you in China. Everyone says that you are a butcher who kills people for fun. " Through No. 89's translation, Zhou Hao sneered at Suharto.    


Li Shuihan, who was beside him, glanced at Zhou Hao. She thought to herself, Just make it up. Many years ago, you were still not a little kid.    


"Who are you?" Suharto pointed at Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan and asked.    


"First Army" had secretly entered Indonesia. Suharto had just returned from a foreign country not long ago, and the moment he came back, he was left behind. Therefore, during this period of time, there was a hidden storm of power in Indonesia.    


He was dumbfounded. He did not know about the existence of the First Army, nor did he know what the First Army had done in Indonesia.    


Zhou Hao did not have the interest to explain to Suharto. He just smiled and said, "Your family is the number one family in Indonesia. I heard that all of your family's assets add up to more than 20 billion USD. I wonder if it's true? "    


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