Supreme Stock God

C656 Victory in the Crowd

C656 Victory in the Crowd

0Most of the viewers in front of the TV were ordinary people, but even if they weren't good at jade and jade, they could see that the emerald kirin on TV was extraordinary.     1


Many of the guests in the evening party were worth billions of dollars. They had more opportunities to come into contact with high-end jewelry and jade than the general public. Even if their appreciation level was not as high as the expert level, they were still people who knew the value of the jade kirin on the TV.    


Xu Jianming looked at the Jade Kylin on the stage in a daze. Even his eyes were filled with a green color. He muttered to himself: "That can't be the jade from Old Pit Glass, right?"    


Kang Chuanden had hosted all kinds of auctions on the stage. He was very experienced and had a good grasp of the psychology of the bidders. He took the initiative to approach the few experts who were focused on studying the Jade Kylin and did not notice that he was in the mirror.    


He put the microphone close to Christie's, the most experienced jade appraisal expert and asked, "May I ask what's so special about this Jade Kylin? Everyone saw how stunned you were when you saw this Jade Kylin just now. "    


This appraiser was British and looked to be in his fifties. He heard Kang Chuandon's question.    


He explained in fluent Mandarin, "I've been in the industry for 40 years, and I've seen a lot of jade. I've even been fortunate enough to see one of the four national treasures of China, the Jade Flower basket - 'Crowd Fang Winning'.    


However, none of the jade could compare to this one. This was the oldest jade, the one with the most water heads, the old glass type!    


It's such a big piece. I've never seen such a big piece of glass type jade!"    


Although he was answering Kang Chuandon's question, the appraisal expert's eyes never left the jade kirin.    


Kang Chuandon also introduced it to everyone at the right time. "Everyone, the so-called old pit Glass Seed is the rarest and most precious of all kinds of jade. Even the raw stone of the old pit Glass Seed is a valuable treasure.    


After a series of processing and polishing, the price of a thumb-sized 'Old Pit Glass Seed' jade ring can be worth millions of yuan. The 'seed' and 'water mentioned by the appraiser just now were both technical terms used to describe jadeite, which indicated the degree of transparent jadeite. "    


Then, he put the microphone to the oldest expert in the Forbidden City Museum.    


He said to the others, "Everyone, this is Master Wu Zhongchao, the one who has the most research on jade in the Museum of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Master Wu, did you agree with the appraisal expert's evaluation of the jade kirin just now? "    


Wu Zhongchao was an old man in his 70s. He had a long white beard and wore a pair of black-framed glasses. He adjusted his glasses and his gaze never left the Jade Kylin.    


He slowly said: "I agree. I have been a researcher in the Forbidden City for more than 30 years. Many of the jade stones in the Forbidden City are treasures left behind by the ancient palace.    


But what I want to say is, if we ignore the cultural significance and historical significance, just from the level of the jade itself, there is not a single jade stone in the Forbidden City that can be compared with this jade kirin.    


This is the largest piece of old glass that I have ever heard of. It is not an exaggeration to call it the 'peerless jade'! "    


Wu Zhongchao's evaluation of the 'peerless jade' by the Jade Kylin immediately shocked everyone. The so-called 'peerless' was the meaning of being the world's number one. It also meant that this Jade Kylin was the world's number one jade!    


Another jade expert from the Forbidden City Museum also said, "We have carefully observed this Jade Kylin and can confirm that it is not a cultural relic passed down from ancient times.    


It is a product of modern technology, so in the sense of history and culture, it cannot be compared to the palace treasures in the Forbidden City. Even so, the workmanship of the Jade Kylin was worthy of being passed down from generation to generation. Every stroke was filled with profound skill.    


The 'Group Fang Winning' Jade Flower Basket that Christie's expert mentioned just now had gathered more than forty top jade carving experts in the country at that time, and it took them six years to complete it. From what I can see, the workmanship of this jade kirin is not inferior to the 'Group Fang Victory' and the other four national treasures! "    


Wu Zhongchao nodded his head. He said in deep agreement, "I am also involved in the production of the four national treasures.    


As they are not ancient relics, in terms of cultural status, the Jade Kylin is not lower than the four national treasures, and I don't think I can be compared to the creator of the Jade Kylin.    


Furthermore, this Jade Kylin's seed is delicate and smooth. Its color is bright and gorgeous. The thick green sun is uniform without any impurities. The seed, water and color are all the same. The quality is the best I have ever seen in my life. It is indeed the best of the best.    


I can boldly say that once this item is out, the four national treasures and jade will lose color. This Jade Kylin can completely be called the number one national treasure, jade! "    


Whether it was the experts of the Forbidden City Museum or Christie's appraisal experts, they all deeply agreed with Wu Zhongchao's evaluation. They all nodded in agreement, and this scene was seen by everyone.    


"The title of 'Unparalleled Jade' and 'Unparalleled Treasure Jade' fell on the Jade Kylin at the same time. The discussions were like a stone that raised thousands of waves. Not to mention the ordinary people, even the rich people in the venue were discussing with curiosity.    


No one had thought that the Asia Television Limited would be able to take out such a treasure. Shao Yifu's False Color Vase was already eye-catching enough.    


But now, with the appearance of this jade kirin, even the four national treasures, which were protected by the country, had to give up their positions, let alone Shao Yifu's False Color Vase Vase.    


Shao Yifu's expression was very ugly. Although this charity gala was held on Wi-Fi and had previously announced the establishment of the "Shao Yifu Award," now because of this Jade Kylin, Asia Television Limited had instantly become the brightest star.    


When the discussions below the stage were intense enough, Kang Chuandan asked Wu Zhongchao and the others, "Master Wu, since you said this is a peerless jade and also the most precious jade of the country, how high is the value of this Jade Kylin?"    


Wu Zhong-nest did not answer immediately. Instead, he held the microphone and said, "Before answering this question, I would like to ask the person in charge of Asia Television Limited's platform. May I ask who made this jade kirin?    


This kind of craftsmanship could definitely be called a marvelous work of art. I think this expert is not only a jade carving master, but also a jade carving master. "    


He had been pursuing the pinnacle of the jade art all his life. Now that he met such an expert, he naturally could not help but ask about it.    


The camera was aimed at the person in charge of the Asia Television Limited, Su Lin. Immediately, a staff member sent the microphone to Su Lin.    


Su Lin said calmly, "This raw jade stone was accidentally found by our company's boss on Mount Tai. The master responsible for sculpting was only an unknown old man among the people.    


As for his name, because he once asked us to keep it a secret for him, I can't say it out loud. Master Wu, please don't take offense. "    


On the stage, Wu Zhongchao sighed deeply, then smiled and said, "There are crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the people. These words are indeed correct. Today, the few of us old things have also broadened our horizons. "    


After a pause, he said to Kang Chuan-Deng, "For people like us who love jade, this Jade Qilin is actually a priceless treasure. If we insist on a price, we have already discussed it earlier. "    


After saying that, he stretched out three fingers.    


Kang Chuan-Deng probed. "300 million?"    


Wu Zhongchao nodded, and the Christie's appraisal expert added to Kang Chuandon, "Let me emphasize here, the 300 million that Mr. Wu mentioned just now is British pound, not HKD. "    


"British pound? Then, isn't that equivalent to more than 3 billion HKD?"    


Hearing this price, even the experienced host Kang Chuandon couldn't help but lose his composure, because this was the best auctioneer in Christie's Auction House.    


The wealthy people below the stage also gasped. After all, three billion HKD worth of jade was too shocking. As for the Asia Television Limited that donated this jade kirin, they had a whole new level of respect for it. Because the value of this jade kirin alone had far exceeded the purchase price of the Asia Television Limited.    


Shao Yifu, Xu Jianming, and Liu Luanhong looked at Zhou Hao as if they were looking at a monster. They didn't have the courage to donate three billion yuan at once. Even Shao Yifu, who cherished his name as Yu, didn't have the courage to do so. All the donations he made to charity for so many years added up to only two billion yuan.    


After a series of disturbances, the auction was finally about to begin. Kang Chuandan stood on the auction stage again, but his expression was much more cautious than before.    


He said solemnly, "The auction of this Jade Kylin begins now. According to the jade experts of Christie's Auction House and the Palace Museum, the starting price of this Jade Kylin is set at 300 million HKD, and each bid will increase by 10 million HKD. "    


Compared to the previous auction, the reactions of the bidders below the stage were much quieter. That was 3 billion HKD. No one could make a decision in such a short period of time, especially since not many of them were real jade lovers.    


Shao Yifu originally planned to buy the auction items of Asia Television Limited to vent his anger, but now, the starting price of three billion HKD was enough to make him shrink back.    


Just as the scene was about to become awkward, he saw a sign raised high up. It was a middle-aged man sitting in the back seat.    


"Number 108, bid! Number 108, bid!" Kang Chuanden shouted excitedly.    


At the same time, he introduced the background of this "one hundred and eight," "According to our company's registration, the bidder of one hundred and eight is the China Polar Media Entertainment Group, and the one attending is the CEO of the Polar North Group, Mr. Wang Zhongjun!"    


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