Supreme Stock God

C862 There Was News

C862 There Was News

4There's news.     0


The 16th warehouse in Philadelphia was one of the major storage locations of the shipping company, but not many people knew that this 16th warehouse was also the secret base of Bonham.    


"Bonham was a large shipping and trust company, but at the same time, it was also one of the biggest gangs in Philadelphia. This "Bonham" family was originally an Italian immigrant. After several decades of development, they became a huge gang that dominated Philadelphia.    


The current godfather of "Bonham" was called Ronny. The Italian American in the Phoenix family was originally the cousin of the previous godfather. After the previous godfather died at the hands of that mysterious and terrifying masked man, Lonnie. . . Only then did the Phoenixes take over his position and manage the huge and wealthy "Bonham" family.    


However, after the initial excitement, Lonnie quickly became afraid. When the masked man killed the previous godfather, he had told Lonnie that if the next time he came, the masked man would kill him and let someone else replace him if Ronny still could not find the information he wanted.    


And Ronny did not know when the masked man would come next time, so after becoming the godfather, Ronny had been worried that he would be dragged out of bed and killed in the middle of the night.    


At this time, Ronny was in the 16th warehouse in Philadelphia, having a meeting with the core members of Bonham.    


"What the hell are you good-for-nothings doing? You haven't found anything even after so long?" Ronny slammed the solid wooden table hard and scolded the core members sitting on both sides. "Martin, didn't you have a good relationship with the director of the CIA branch? Why can't you get any information?"    


The tall black man called Martin said helplessly: "That guy is indeed the director of the division. He also owes our company a lot of money because of my trap. However, the director of the division doesn't know that the masked man is looking for a spy from China. If there is any news from the division, I will definitely know. Unfortunately. . . "    


Ronny narrowed his eyes and said, "It's not that you don't know, it's just that you don't want me to know. Hmph hmph! I think you just want me to be killed by that masked man, and then you can naturally control Bonham. Am I right?    


But Martin, don't forget, if you hide any information from me, I can kill you before the masked man kills you, and destroy your dream!"    


Martin looked at Lonnie in astonishment. Finally, he shook his head and said: "Lonnie, what I said is true. The director of that branch really didn't bring me any useful information. "    


"Mr. Lonnie, I have a piece of news here. I don't know if it's useful or not" At this time, a short middle-aged man sitting on the left said.    


Hearing the news, Ronny immediately revealed a surprised expression. His muddy eyes stared at the middle-aged man. It was as if he was going to eat him alive. "What news? Speak, Antonio, speak!"    


Just as Antonio was about to speak, the door to the room was roughly pushed open. Then, he heard someone shouting, "Father, quickly lend me 20 gunmen. I've been beaten up!"    


Ronny, the head of the conference table, and the members of the gangs on the left and right couldn't help but look at the source of the sound. Everyone saw a young man with a swollen face walk in with the help of someone else. If one looked closely, it was Ronny's only son, Cameron. Phoenix.    


"Do you know that we are holding a family meeting? Who allowed you to barge in!" Ronny was very angry at his son's unauthorized entry, but when he saw his eldest son's pig-like face, he couldn't help but jump in fright. "Who did you fight with? How did you get beaten up like this?"    


Ronny's own way of doing things was relatively low-profile, but his son was very flamboyant. He often relied on Ronny's influence to do whatever he wanted outside. But whether it was Philadelphia or the nearby cities, everyone on the streets knew that Cameron was Ronny's son. So very few people dared to provoke him, even if there was a conflict, They would try to resolve it in a gentle way, so Cameron had never suffered such a loss.    


Although he was troubled by his son's lack of proper work, Ronny still loved Cameron very much. He couldn't allow his son to be bullied by others without doing anything.    


"Dad, you must help me this time. That damn guy beat me up in public. Not only did he not put me in his eyes, but he also humiliated you. " Cameron said angrily.    


"Does he know that you are my son?" Ronny said with a gloomy face.    


Cameron nodded: "Who doesn't know that I am Ronny? Not only did the son of Fenris not show any mercy, but he also deliberately humiliated me. Father, I can't swallow this insult!"    


"Where is he? Where did he hurt you?" Lonnie lit a cigarette and put it in her mouth.    


"He's at Princeton University. " Cameron answered honestly.    


"Are there many of them against you?" Ronny asked again.    


Cameron's expression became even more resentful: "No, he is only one person, but he seems to know the martial arts of China, compared to Bruce. Lee knocked down a few people on my side and even knocked out my teeth. "    


Hearing Cameron say that there was only one person on the other side and that he knew the martial arts of China, Ronny's face became even more silent. Because the other side was obviously not an ordinary person and knew that Cameron was his son, he still dared to use such a heavy hand. Ronny even guessed that the other side was not targeting Cameron, but himself.    


So Ronny asked: "Why did you start a conflict?"    


"It's because of Alice. " Cameron did not mind talking about Gao Jingyi in front of his father. "I like Alice and want her to be my girlfriend. So it's like sending someone to teach her that boyfriend of China a lesson. I want that guy to back out. Who knew that guy would be so powerful. "    


Hearing that his son had a conflict with someone because of a woman, Ronny was slightly relieved. All men were lustful as long as it was not a plot against the Bonham family. "The Bonham family was currently facing internal and external problems, and they couldn't afford to be plotted against by foreign enemies.    


So Ronny said to Cameron: "Cameron, Dad has a very important matter to attend to recently. When I'm done with this matter, I'll send some useful gunmen to kill that guy for you. "    


"No way!" Cameron was unwilling to follow what Ronny said to suppress his anger. He shouted: "That bastard made me look bad in front of everyone. I absolutely cannot let him go! And he doesn't seem to be an American. I don't know how long he will stay here. I want to kill him immediately. Hmm, I also want to kill Alice in front of him! "    


Ronny was troubled by the matter of the masked man. Now he didn't have the time to care about his son's jealousy with other people. Just as he was about to scold Cameron, he heard a voice suddenly appear in the room.    


"Mr. Ron, it seems you are free. Have you found the information I want?"    


It wasn't just Ronny. Martin and Antonio couldn't help but shiver when they heard the voice. Because the three of them were present when the previous godfather was killed by the masked man, they were very sensitive to the voice of the masked man, especially now that the masked man had already become a death god in their hearts.    


Everyone stood up from their seats. They kept looking around the room, but they did not see any suspicious people.    


Ronny's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but reach into his arms and grab the gun.    


Suddenly, Ronny felt his vision darken, and he saw the silver metal mask that looked like a nightmare!    


"Ah!" Ronny's mind was greatly shaken, and he hurriedly took a few steps back. A layer of cold sweat had already seeped out of his forehead.    


During this period of time, besides inquiring about the masked man's information, Ronny also secretly inquired about the masked man's situation.    


However, what disappointed him was that he was unable to find any information regarding the masked man's background, but he received another piece of news - except for his own "Bonham" family, All the mafia leaders in the United States were slaughtered by a mysterious man, and then the second-in-command of the mafia took over the power just like him. However, the mysterious man also put down his words. He asked them to investigate the secret agents of China and Dr. Li Wenhe who had been secretly captured by the American Intelligence Agency.    


There were also people who tried to escape, but in the end, they were brutally murdered and their bodies were exposed to the streets. This caused all the mafia members to panic.    


The mysterious person who slaughtered the mafia leaders everywhere must be the masked man.    


Ronny knew that he couldn't escape from the masked man's pursuit, and he couldn't bear to give up everything he had in Philadelphia. So he stayed here and desperately investigated the information the masked man wanted. At the same time, he waited anxiously for the masked man to come.    


Now that the masked man had finally arrived, Ronny's heart tightened once again. He stretched out his right hand, because he knew that firearms had no effect on the masked man. Wasn't the former godfather easily killed by the masked man under the protection of dozens of gunmen?    


"First. . . Sir, I, I was just looking for you. " Ronny tried his best to calm down. He put on a smile and said to the masked man, "I, we just found some information. "    


"Oh? You really found it?" The masked man was somewhat surprised.    


The masked man was naturally Zhou Hao. Cameron Phoenix's entanglement with Gao Jingyi had made him very angry. And this was not China, so Zhou Hao could not use his own power to deal with him. He could not expose himself, and Cameron happened to be the son of Philadelphia's mafia boss. Zhou Hao planned to use the identity of the masked man to come here and kill the father and son, but he did not expect that Ronny and the others really had news.    


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