Supreme Stock God

C864 Trap

C864 Trap

4Trap.    0


"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Zhou Hao said.    


In fact, Zhou Hao had also disguised himself and put on the silver mask. In this way, ordinary people would think that underneath the mask was Zhou Hao's true face.    


Zhou Hao said to Antonio, "As long as you help me get the information I want, not only will I not kill you, I will also help you get rid of those who hinder you from controlling Bonham. How about it?"    


Antonio could not help but feel excited when he heard this. According to the ranking of Bonham's internal power, Antonio would not be able to get the godfather's position even if he waited in line. However, this did not mean that Antonio did not have that ambition. Originally, it was Martin's turn to take over the position after Ronny died. Even if Zhou Hao had said that he would replace Ronny as the new godfather, Antonio did not have the confidence to suppress Martin and the others.    


However, things were different now. Zhou Hao was willing to help him get rid of those who were hindering him, and things would go much smoother.    


After getting out of the car, Zhou Hao saw a house by the pier that was transformed into bottles by several cargo containers. It must be where the boss of the Shipping Firm lived. Following Antonio, Zhou Hao said to him as he walked towards the house, "Just say that I'm your friend later. Don't expose yourself, okay?"    


Antonio hurriedly nodded. "Yes, sir, but how should I introduce you?"    


"Call me 'Angola'. " Zhou Hao said casually. 'Angola' was the name of the Devil King of the Apocalypse written in a random book he had read before.    


It was already late at night. So the door of the house was locked tight. Only the cabinet on the top that seemed to be the owner's room had some lights on it.    


Antonio led Zhou Hao up the simple iron staircase and explained, "This guy's shipping company has good business, but he said he used to be a sailor and was not used to those villas and mansions, so he built this house in the harbor pier. Hehe. "    


Besides introducing the boss's situation to Zhou Hao, he also wanted to ease the atmosphere and try his best to ensure that he would not be killed. Zhou Hao, on the other hand, was obviously not interested in Antonio's topic and did not even bother answering.    


When he came to the door, Antonio pressed the doorbell and shouted inside. "Ulysses, it's me, your old friend Antonio!"    


Not long after, someone came to open the door. It was a Indian with a medium build and casual clothing. It was the boss of the Application Transportation Company that Antonio mentioned, Ulysses. Ulysses also saw Zhou Hao, who was beside Antonio, and sized him up from head to toe. Antonio immediately smiled and said, "Ulysses, Let me introduce you. This is my friend, Angola. Recently, he has a shipment that needs to be transported by sea, so I brought him here to look for you. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and nodded at Ulysses. After Antonio's introduction, Ulysses also smiled and extended his right hand to Zhou Hao. "Hello, Angola. I am Ulysses. "    


"You want it, Mr. Ulysses. "    


So Zhou Hao and Antonio entered the house that was modified from a container. The house that was assembled from a few containers was not bad. It was spacious and well-equipped, and it was quite comfortable to walk in.    


Zhou Hao and Antonio sat on a sofa in the "living room. " Ulysses poured them a glass of whiskey. Zhou Hao picked up the glass and took a sip. His eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "It's very authentic whiskey. Not bad, not bad. "    


At the same time, a black woman wearing only underwear came down from the container above and said impatiently, "Ulysses, who is it? Why haven't you come up after so long?"    


When she saw Zhou Hao and Ulysses in the living room, she was a little surprised. She smiled awkwardly. "Hello, you two. I am Ulysses's girlfriend Jessica. "    


Antonio deliberately smiled at Ulysses and said, "Ulysses, you changed girlfriends again?"    


Ulysses smiled and did not say anything. He did not mind that his girlfriend only wore underwear to expose herself. Instead, he went straight to the point and asked Zhou Hao, "Mr. Angola, what kind of goods do you want to ship? Ordinary goods, cars, oil, frozen meat and other food? "    


Zhou Hao looked directly at Ulysses and smiled with narrowed eyes. "What goods did you help the CIA transport last time? What kind of goods do I need to transport this time?"    


When Zhou Hao said this, Antonio and Ulysses's expressions changed drastically. Antonio originally thought that Zhou Hao would be courteous and attack later. He only took action after listening to Ulysses's words, but who would have thought that Zhou Hao's first sentence would pierce through that layer of paper. He could not help but secretly curse Zhou Hao for his high martial arts skills. How could he be so childish and inexperienced when talking to others?    


After staring at Zhou Hao for a moment, Ulysses turned to look at Antonio and said coldly, " Antonio, didn't I tell you not to tell anyone about this last time? Why did you. . . "    


Antonio looked embarrassed, but he did not dare to disobey Zhou Hao. After all, his life was still in someone else's hands. That was why he couldn't utter a single word in the face of Ulysses's question.    


Zhou Hao stared coldly at Ulysses and said with a cold smile, "Mr. Ulysses, oh, perhaps. . . Ulysses is not your real name, so I will call you that for now.    


Humph, humph, humph. . . Mr. Ulysses, I think you don't have to put on an act anymore. I'm afraid you still want Antonio to tell me about those things, so that I, the big fish, can bite your bait and obediently catch it. "    


Ulysses's face showed some slight astonishment. Then, he grinned and clapped his hands. " Very good, very good. China is indeed full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Especially those who came to the United States to search and rescue those spies, they must be the elites among the elites. Hehehehe. . . "    


After hearing Ulysses's words, Antonio looked at him strangely. "Ulysses, you, what did you say? What do you mean by that?"    


Zhou Hao felt a little strange when he saw Antonio's reaction, because he had seen through Ulysses's disguise. Naturally, he had also seen through Antonio. In Zhou Hao's opinion, the CIA had already noticed that he had used the mafia to investigate the whereabouts of Big Boss and the others. Although the CIA could not eliminate all the powerful mafia, they would not remain indifferent.    


Just like this time, the CIA had probably intentionally leaked the news to the mafia and set up a trap for him. This Antonio should have already colluded with the CIA a long time ago.    


However, judging from Antonio's reaction, he clearly did not know about Ulysses. Zhou Hao thought to himself, Could it be that Antonio was also a chess piece that was used by others without knowing about it?    


"Don't you find it strange? Antonio was also kept in the dark. " Ulysses looked at Zhou Hao complacently. "In fact, he didn't know about it either. He probably thought I was an old friend of his. But in fact, I've only met him twice this time. "    


Zhou Hao frowned because if Antonio really treated Ulysses as an old friend and Ulysses only met Antonio twice, it was impossible for Antonio not to know about it. However, Zhou Hao quickly thought of a possibility. He stared at Ulysses with a fierce gaze and said coldly: "Did you hypnotize him?"    


Under such circumstances, the biggest possibility was that Antonio was hypnotized by Ulysses. In Antonio's opinion, Ulysses, whom he had never known before, was his old friend.    


To be able to completely change a person's concept, or simply add or delete a person's memory, such an incredible hypnosis forced Zhou Hao to think of a person - the hypnotist who made the First Army members of the stronghold in San Diego, number 170, treat Li Shuihan as a traitor!    


As expected, Ulysses crossed his arms and looked at Zhou Hao, smiling. "Oh? So you are the guy who broke through San Diego? Hehe. . . You are very smart, to actually use the mafia to search for the traces of the Chinese spies that were caught by the CIA. Even I admire that.    


But this time, you won't be like San Diego. Even that 'Big Boss' of yours can't escape from me. This time, you're walking into a trap. "    


Zhou Hao was shocked and said, "It was you who captured Big Boss?"    


Ulysses laughed and said, "Strictly speaking, it was all because of me. Because at that time, including me. There were a total of four 'Maha-Vairocana' experts who attacked your Big Boss, and two of them were injured by him. It wasn't easy to subdue him. I heard that Big Boss is the number one expert in the martial arts world of China. He is indeed very powerful. "    


Zhou Hao's expression became even darker. The "Great Ekayāna" expert that Ulysses was talking about should be the ultimate expert that he had described.    


No wonder Big Boss was captured by accident. It turned out that there were four supreme experts attacking him together. Furthermore, Big Boss had injured two of them. This showed how powerful the chief head was.    


"Oh right, how did you see through me just now?" Ulysses asked, "I did not reveal any flaws, right, Jessica?" He turned to the black woman and asked.    


Jessica combed her hair behind her head and said with an indifferent expression, "How would I know?"    


Zhou Hao sneered and said, "You originally didn't have any flaws, but you guys were too impatient. You poisoned this whiskey, did you think that the colorless and odorless poison could subdue me?"    


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