Supreme Stock God

C690 Xueyun I'm Coming

C690 Xueyun I'm Coming

4Most of the bodyguards hired by the Xu Family were Hong Kong policemen and even Hong Kong's "Flying Tigers Squad. " Most of them were the elites of the Hong Kong police force.    


However, Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan were both from the special forces of China. They were elite soldiers who had experienced a lot of bloodshed on the battlefield. Dong Chunlin used to be the commander of the special forces in hiding, but he was able to join the Central Guard, which was called the "Royal Guards. "    


These bodyguards from the Hong Kong police system were not on the same level as Dong Chunlin, Ge Pingan, and the rest. How could they be compared to Dong Chunlin and the rest? Both of them pointed their guns at their heads.    


When they felt the cold aura coming from Dong Chunlin, Ge Pingan, the two guards felt their hearts palpitate. It was as if they could still smell the scent of blood.    


Looking at Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan's attitude, if he didn't open the door, they might really shoot him. The two guards thought that he was just working for the Xu Family. There was no need for them to pledge their loyalty to him, so they obediently opened the door.    


Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan flashed into the room. With a wave of their hands, they blew up the electronic eyes hidden on the trees behind the door. Dong Chunlin reached out and grabbed the belt of the guard on the left. He pulled the belt and got a small communication device. It was the guard who wanted to secretly report the news.    


"Humph!" Dong Chunlin threw the communication device on the ground and stomped on it with his foot to break it.    


Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan did not need to greet him. They raised their hands at the same time and hit the two guards on the back of their necks with the butt of the gun. They knocked them out and dragged them to the dark side. Then they closed the iron door to prevent people outside from suspecting them.    


Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan opened the road for Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao quickly passed through the courtyard and came to the front door of the villa. Without saying a word, he used his strength to break the lock of the door and pushed the door open.    


Before the bodyguard behind the door could react, Ge Pingan had already taken a step forward. The palm knife hit the man's throat and knocked him out immediately.    


He Xueyun was afraid that Dong Chunlin and the others would see her. Zhou Hao said to the two of them, "Go outside the mansion and take care of the other bodyguards of Xu Family. Be careful not to let those electronic eyes hit you. "    


Nodding slightly, Dong Chunlin Ge Pingan retreated and swiftly carried out Zhou Hao's orders, just like how he did in the army in the past.    


Zhou Hao quickly entered the hall and saw that there was no one in the hall. He searched all the rooms on the first floor before running to the second floor. Finally, he found He Xueyun in the corridor on the second floor.    


When he saw He Xueyun, Zhou Hao heaved a sigh of relief. He Xueyun's clothes were complete. Apart from her skin and face that had a strange pink color, her breathing was heavy and her eyes were blurred. There were no signs of being violated, so Xu Jianming did not take advantage of her at all.    


"Xue Yun, Xue Yun!" Zhou Hao rushed over to support He Xueyun, who was leaning against the corridor. "Xue Yun, I am here. Are you alright?"    


He Xueyun slowly widened her eyes and looked at Zhou Hao with a pair of beautiful eyes that looked like autumn waves. The amorous and charming look in those eyes made Zhou Hao's heart ripple. At the same time, he guessed that He Xueyun must have been drugged.    


"Hao. . . " He Xueyun muttered and the breath that she spat out was hot, moist, and fragrant like orchids. It made Zhou Hao's heart skip a beat.    


"What do you think? Are you alright?" Zhou Hao hugged He Xueyun's soft body and asked.    


She shook her head slightly. "Xu. Xu Jianming didn't do anything to me. And I. . . He fainted due to the lightning. But I still fell for that old fellow's trick.    


He actually drugged my. . . My room's aromas. . . "    


While He Xueyun was talking, Zhou Hao had already injected a trace of Genuine Aura into He Xueyun's body to check her condition. He discovered that the blood in her body was circulating very quickly. The fire in her heart was very strong. Her current appearance was clearly a sign of sexual activity, but she had been infected by a very strong seduction drug.    


However, with Zhou Hao's ability, as long as he circulated the Genuine Aura slightly, He Xueyun would be able to recover.    


"Hao. . . The medicinal strength is being exerted very quickly. I can't walk anymore. I was afraid that Xu Jianming would wake up and do something bad to me, so I called you. . . Hmm. . . It's so hot. . . He leaned in Zhou Hao's arms.    


The seduction in her body seemed to be activated even faster, making her unable to help but let her head drill into Zhou Hao's arms, and passionately kiss Zhou Hao's neck.    


He Xueyun had never been so proactive in front of Zhou Hao, so Zhou Hao put away the idea of letting her return to normal. He only used his inner energy to slightly suppress the seduction in her body so that she could barely control herself and not lose her composure.    


"What about Xu Jianming?" Zhou Hao asked. He saw He Xueyun sitting down in the corridor and guessed that she probably wanted to go to the first floor to leave, but she collapsed due to the effects of the medicine.    


Fortunately, she was left here. Otherwise, the bodyguards below would have found out that the most popular one was still in Xu Jianming's hands.    


He Xueyun looked at the room at the end of the corridor. Her red lips moved but she could not say anything. The water vapor on her beautiful eyes became even more hazy.    


Zhou Hao carried her horizontally and walked towards the room. Sure enough, he saw Xu Jianming who had fainted behind the door. There was also an electric gun on the ground beside her. It should be the weapon He Xueyun used to protect herself.    


Zhou Hao knew that although this kind of electric gun would not kill people, its power was not small. It was enough to stun a cow, let alone a fifty-year-old man like Xu Jianming.    


Dong Chunlin and Ge Pingan had already taken care of the bodyguards outside the mansion. After receiving Zhou Hao's order, they immediately rushed over. They looked at He Xueyun, who was lying weakly in Zhou Hao's arms, and Xu Jianming, who had fainted on the ground. They could roughly guess the reason.    


"Pick him up and wake him up!" Zhou Hao said with a cold face.    


Ge Pingan immediately went over to help Xu Jianming up. Dong Chunlin used his thumb to press on an acupuncture point behind Xu Jianming's ear. With a little strength, Xu Jianming shook and his eyes slowly opened.    


Zhou Hao understood that Dong Chunlin used a special technique in their army. He was not surprised and only stared coldly at Xu Jianming who had woken up.    


Xu Jianming's consciousness was still a little fuzzy. He opened his eyes and saw Zhou Hao. His expression was also very dull, and he did not have any reaction.    


After a long while, his consciousness slowly recovered. He remembered that he had calculated the time when the medicinal strength would be used before he used the secret key to open He Xueyun's room.    


Unexpectedly, He Xueyun, who was reading a book in the room, rushed over without saying a word when she saw him. She seemed to be holding a flashlight in her hand. As soon as it touched him, he felt pain all over his body and lost consciousness on the spot.    


Before he fainted, he thought very unwillingly. "That guy lied to me! Didn't he say that he would use the medicinal strength within thirty minutes? That hateful liar! "    


It turned out that he knew that after Xu Jinsheng's matter, He Xueyun leaving the Xu Family was an unchangeable fact. At that time, he wouldn't have the chance to kiss He Xueyun.    


At the same time, he also hated He Xueyun for having an affair with Zhou Hao, so he steeled his heart and did not stop. He bought a new kind of strong medicine from the black market that could be mixed with aromatherapy.    


Because he knew that He Xueyun had the habit of reading books every night, and when she was reading, she was also used to listening to classical music and lighting up aromatherapy.    


Through the eavesdropper that was installed in He Xueyun's room before, Xu Jianming heard the sound of classical music. He began to calculate the time, and after thirty minutes passed, he anxiously went over and wanted to do something bad to He Xueyun.    


Xu Jianming did not expect that the new drug he bought from the black market at a high price was made according to the physical condition of a normal person, and He Xueyun had a physical relationship with Zhou Hao since.    


After receiving Zhou Hao's "nourishment," her body was already different from normal people. Her resistance to medicine was much stronger than normal people.    


Therefore, she needed more time to absorb the medicine in her body before it would flare up. This also made Xu Jianming calculate the wrong time. It gave He Xueyun, who had long taken precautions against him, a chance to react and defend herself.    


At this moment, He Xueyun's entire body was limp and her face was flushed red as she leaned into Zhou Hao's arms. Her charming nose trembled slightly. It was clearly the symptoms of the medicine acting up.    


He Xueyun was in Zhou Hao's arms instead of his own. He remembered that Zhou Hao was the culprit who caused Xu Jinsheng to wish he was dead. This new and old hatred made Xu Jianming hate Zhou Hao to the bone.    


Zhou Hao did not wait for him to speak and spoke first. "You old monster, how dare you drug Xue Yun? In name, she is still your daughter-in-law, you dirty old ass!"    


"You. . . You. . . " Zhou Hao exposed his animal actions face to face. Xu Jianming, who had been in the business world for many years, did not know what to say to push his animal business away.    


He said angrily: "You evil person will tell on me first! It's you who seduced my son's wife! You even made my son look like a human or a ghost, causing the bloodline of our Xu Family to be terminated! "    


" The bloodline of the Xu Family isn't completely severed, even if Xu Jinsheng becomes a eunuch. . . Don't you still have you? You can also use artificial pregnancy to give birth to a child.    


Before your sexual functions completely disappear. " Zhou Hao sneered. " But you don't have the chance now. "    


After saying that, he attacked like lightning. He pressed on Xu Jianming's lower abdomen, which had not recovered from the shock. The sharp Genuine Aura immediately penetrated through Xu Jianming's body and rushed into his meridians.    


Xu Jianming's body started to twitch. He felt that his lower body was like an ice cave, and there was a bone-piercing coldness coming from his lower body.    


At this time, Zhou Hao turned around with He Xueyun in his arms, and said coldly, "Now, your Xu Family's bloodline will be severed, and you will have no children and grandchildren!"    


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