Supreme Stock God

C582 His Connections and Power Could Not be Underestimated

C582 His Connections and Power Could Not be Underestimated

2Veranto and Prabowo's forces were not to be underestimated. Out of the 27 provinces in Indonesia, 20 of their officers had been recruited into their camp. Veranto had 12 provinces supporting him, while Prabowo had 8.    


As for the cabinet members in the Congress, they had almost all become Veranto and Prabowo's men. In other words, the connections and forces that Suharto had built up over the years were almost divided up by the two of them.    


Now, after informing Indonesia for several decades, Suharto, who was like an emperor, had been pulled down from the throne.    


In order to stabilize Indonesia, which was in a precarious situation, Habibi would be the temporary president.    


This result was decided by many factors. First, although Habibi and Suharto were not related by blood, they were like father and son. Furthermore, Suharto had already decided to let Habibi be his successor.    


Although Suharto's forces had already been divided by Veranto and Prabowo, the broken ship still had three jin of nails. With Suharto's support, Hubby was not alone.    


On the other hand, Indonesia was like a mess that could collapse at any time. If Wahid took over the presidency after Suharto left the stage, he would immediately become the president.    


He would have to face all the conflicts in Indonesia, including those who were scheming against him, and those who had accumulated strong resentment due to the economic decline.    


At that time, Wahid would probably become the target of everyone.    


Therefore, under Zhou Hao and the others' instructions, Wahid did not immediately fight for the position of president. Those members of Congress, because they had received orders from Veranto and Prabowo, expressed their tacit agreement to Habi as the temporary president.    


Whether it was the original history or the present, Habibi had become the shield for the next president, acting as a transitional role.    


Although Habibi was the president now, the power of the government and military were not in his hands, and he was just a puppet without a name.    


Furthermore, the Indonesian government had already passed the decision to hold the election half a year later.    


The election half a year later was the final goal of Wahid and Zhou Hao.    


According to the order of First Army, Veranto and Prabowo had personally invited the governors who supported them to Jakarta.    


The commanders of the 20 provinces did not know that Veranto and Prabowo had been controlled. They thought that they were going to fight for the president, so they all came to help.    


At the appointed time, most of the Provincial Governors, who were led by military generals, came to Jakarta.    


One after another, high-end Mercedes-Benz cars drove in from Veranto's residence.    


"Eh? Why are General Veranto's guards so unfamiliar? Have they all been replaced?" When the governor of Eastern Summons saw that the soldiers and guards in the residence were completely different from the ones he had seen before, he asked doubtfully.    


The governor of Wandan said, "This is also very normal. The battle between General Veranto and Prabowo has probably reached a white-hot stage. It is hard to guarantee that there are no spies from Prabowo among the guards in the past. It will be safer if all of them take turns. "    


The rest of the people nodded when they heard this. Just as they were about to walk into the inner room, a few soldiers at the door said with a cold expression. "I'm sorry everyone, in order to protect the general's safety, we can only let you in. As for your bodyguards and guards, please stay outside"    


"What does that mean? Could it be that the General doesn't trust us?" The governor of Xinnu Shadegara said discontentedly.    


The soldier was still expressionless: "I'm sorry, this is the general's orders, please understand.    


Because the General has been assassinated more than ten times in just five or six days, we have to strengthen our defenses "    


Even though everyone was still somewhat dissatisfied when they heard this, they also knew that this request was understandable, not to mention that they originally hoped to be able to continue being the feudal ministers and local emperors after the presidency change.    


Thus, they didn't dare to go against Veranto, so they could only let their bodyguards and accompanying people stay outside. Under the lead of Veranto, they walked in.    


There was a special meeting room in the mansion. Twelve governors were all brought over, and Veranto had been waiting for them at the head seat for a long time.    


And in the meeting room. There were more than ten guards with cold expressions on their faces. Everyone thought that it was Veranto who arranged so many people to ensure the safety of this secret meeting, so they did not take it to heart.    


Among these Provincial Governors, a few of them were old comrades who had a deep friendship with Veranto. This time, they naturally could not avoid meeting up with each other. At the same time, these few people were also expressing to others that their relationship with Veranto was not ordinary.    


They sat down one after another. The Governor of Eastern Summons smiled and said, "General Veranto, now that that old thing Suharto has been pulled down, the position of president is none other than you. I'll congratulate you first. "    


The others also started to flatter Veranto. The governor of Wandan also said, "Although it is Hubby who is temporarily taking over the position of president, that kid has always been ambitious and lacking in talent. If Suharto did not support him with all his strength, he would not be considered anything.    


However, in half a year's time, he will not be able to take advantage of the presidential election. General, rest assured, we will definitely support you to take over the position of President!"    


"Thank you for your hospitality. " Veranto smiled, but he was sighing in his heart.    


He paused.    


He said: "However, Indonesia now has many internal and external problems. Indonesia's economy is rapidly deteriorating due to the financial storm, and the people are very dissatisfied with our government. East Timor is also not peaceful, and those people always want to be independent.    


On the outside, after the previous conflict, our country's international image has been greatly affected. The countries are also unwilling to provide assistance to us, and some even plan to punish us "    


Everyone present knew very well about the situation of their country, but they actually didn't care. As long as they could protect their power and wealth, everything else wasn't important to them.    


Moreover, they believed that since Veranto wanted to be the President, he must have a countermeasure for how to govern Indonesia. Therefore, they did not say anything and looked at him at the same time.    


As expected, Veranto continued: "If you want Indonesia to walk out of this predicament, I think the most urgent thing is to resolve the internal conflicts within the country. If you want to push outside, you must first settle inside. "    


Governor Wandan quickly tried to please him: "General is right, General must have thought of a way. Just say it, we will do our best to cooperate. "    


"It would be best if everyone is willing to cooperate" I know. Due to Suharto's rebellious actions over the past few decades, the people in the country are very dissatisfied with him. They are even very against military participation in politics. " Veranto smiled and said, I know. Due to Suharto's rebellious actions over the past few decades, the people in the country are very dissatisfied with him.    


And I think that military participation in politics does have a lot of drawbacks. Therefore, in order for Indonesia to develop smoothly, I would like to suggest to Congress to ban military personnel from becoming high-ranking officials and suppress the trend of military dictatorship. "    


Hearing Veranto's words, the twelve Provincial Governors present were all shocked, because there were nine of them who were the Commander-in-Chief of the local army, and Veranto's point of view was clearly to seize their power.    


"General, do you mean that you don't plan to run for president?" The governor of Eastern Summons narrowed his eyes and asked.    


"That's right" "I have already decided to support Wahid as the president with all my strength. "    


The provincial head of Wandan suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a solemn face: "General, you asked us all to come here to talk about this matter?"    


Victor nodded, and then he heard Governor Wan Dan angrily say: "Humph! I didn't expect that we would actually support a trash like you.    


Alright then, please forgive me for not keeping you company anymore. I'll go to Prabowo's place now and support him as the President!"    


The others also nodded, only to see Veranto shake his head with a bitter smile. " It's useless. Prabowo will do everything he can to support Wahid. You don't have to waste your time. "    


"Wahid, who is that guy? How can he make you and Prabowo give up the position of President and support him instead?" The governor of Eastern Sumeria said in surprise.    


Veranto did not answer, but slowly shook his head. At this time, he saw the change in expression on his old comrades' faces, so he said: "Friends, I will advise you one round.    


Don't even think about going back to your respective regions, because right now, your local regime and military power have probably changed owners "    


"Nonsense, my subordinates are all my trusted aides. With them around, if others want to take my authority, they will have to destroy my entire army!" Wan Dan's governor smiled coldly.    


Veranto laughed, disappointed that he had failed to live up to his expectations. "Haha, don't be so naive. Think about it. As long as you are not around, they can replace you. Do you think they will help you protect your power?    


Wake up, the one who seized your power is your subordinate!"    


From the moment they entered Jakarta, their territory was destined to no longer belong to them. Veranto knew that the political and military power of these twelve provinces should have fallen under the control of the First Army as scheduled.    


It was the same for Prabowo. The fate of those eight provinces was the same.    


As for the remaining seven provinces, although they did not support Veranto or Prabowo, Veranto knew. If those few provinces were not bribed with great profits, they would either be sent to Wahid's side, or they would be eliminated by First Army in other ways.    


Thinking of this, Verto could not help but sigh in his heart, "It's over. Our country is going to fall into the hands of those Chinaman. Indonesia is finished. "    


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