Godly Zombie Combining System

C4 Zombie Treasure Chest

C4 Zombie Treasure Chest

1As expected, not long after roaming around with caution, Ye Lee spotted more than a dozen zombies on the third floor of the Inpatient Department.    




He gave out an order to his Level 4 and 2 zombies.    


Ye Lee was in high spirits. Thinking back at the past ten days of hiding and overcoming countless difficulties and obstacles, he felt that his current situation was completely different. He had finally reached the point where he could make a comeback and initiate a new challenge.    


The Level 4 and 2 zombies rushed towards the dozen or so zombies in response to Ye Lee's order.    


It didn't take long for the two zombies to subdue the group of other zombies due to the mismatch in strength caused by the level difference.    


There were eight male zombies and eight female zombies in the group.    


Ye Lee synthesized eight male zombies into a Level 4 male zombie and eight female zombies into a Level 4 female zombie.    


He now had two male Level 4 zombies, one female Level 4 zombie, and one female Level 2 zombie.    


That indicated that he could combine the two male Level 4 zombies to create a Level 5 zombie.    


And he did so by dragging one Level 4 male zombie and placing it on the other Level 4 male zombie.    


In an instant, a Level 5 male zombie was created.    


However, a Level 5 zombie was still an ordinary zombie, and it would only become a high-level zombie if it reached level 6.    


So, Ye Lee proceeded to look for zombies in the hospital to level up his zombies. But, much to his disappointment, there were no other zombies in the hospital.    


In addition, the day was growing late, and the darkness began to engulf the surroundings, making it dangerous for him to continue his search for zombies.    


So, when Ye Lee found a somewhat clean room, he ordered his group of zombies to guard him, and he went to sleep.    


The next day, sunlight rushed in through the window and fell on Ye Lee's face.    


The system's voice sounded in his mind as soon as he opened his eyes and stretched out his limbs.    




"Congratulations to Host for obtaining the Zombie Treasure Chest."    


Ye Lee was taken aback when he heard this. He immediately went over the information, only to find a level 5 Zombie Treasure Chest, a level 4 Zombie Treasure Chest, and a level 2 Zombie Treasure Chest.    


"Host, zombies can produce Treasure Chests every day. The better the stuff inside the Treasure Chest, the higher the zombie's level."    


The system's answer cleared out a lot of Ye Lee's confusion.    


His face lit up with delight upon being surprised.    


Without hesitation, Ye Lee opened the Treasure Chest produced by the Level 2 female zombie.    


"Gain 5 gene points, 5 strength points, 5 agility points, and 5 defense points."    


Ye Lee integrated the acquired attributes into his body. As expected, this level 2 Zombie Treasure Chest was not very good.    


He then opened the level 4 Zombie Treasure Chest.    


"Gain 15 gene points, 15 strength points, 15 agility points, and 15 defense points."    


"Two boxes of food."    


Ye Lee felt this one was better than the previous one and accepted all of the attribute points.    


He proceeded to open the last and highest level one, the level 5 Zombie Treasure Chest.    


"Gain 20 gene points, 20 strength points, 20 agility points, and 20 defense points."    


"Three boxes of food."    


After integrating the attribute points of the level 5 Zombie Treasure Chest into his body, Ye Lee felt that his body had undergone another qualitative change.    


Then he opened the properties panel to check on the most up-to-date information.    


"Host: Ye Lee."    


"Age: 21."    


"System: Super Synthetic System."    


"Level: Level 2 Awakened"    


"Skills: Immunity to Corpse Poison"    


"Weapon: Steel Knife."    


"Gene: C-level."    


Although he was now a Level 2 Awakened, Ye Lee felt his strength was still lacking.    


A Level 2 Awakened was equivalent to a Level 2 zombie. That technically implied that he was still an ordinary awakened person, and he would only become a high-level Awakened after reaching level 6.    


Above the awakened human was the evolved human. The awakened person was no match for the evolved person in terms of strength or skills.    


He did not, however, expect his gene level to change from D to C.    


The higher a person's gene level, the greater his or her future achievements. Not only that, but it also represented a person's strength.    


For example, when comparing a Level 2 awakened person with the D-level gene to a Level 2 awakened person with the C-level gene, the person with the C-level gene was unquestionably stronger.    


So, Ye Lee was still weaker than one with B-level. Upgrading from C-level to B-level was far from easy, but Ye Lee didn't worry at all.    


Every day, Zombies produced Treasure Chests, allowing him to gain gene points. That way, he could always level up his gene.    


Then, thinking about the food boxes he had obtained, Ye Lee became a little distressed. 'How should I deal with these five boxes of food?'    


He wasn't going on a picnic, after all. He was now in an apocalyptic world, and it was inconvenient for him to carry these food boxes with him.    




"Unlock the System Space."    


"The System Space can accommodate a hundred people."    


Ye Lee was delighted when he heard it. He could now take anything he wanted.    


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