The Reborn Pill Emperor

C24 The Power of Thunder

C24 The Power of Thunder

4Looking at the huge rock in front of him, Ye Bufan couldn't help but swallow his saliva. After a night of bitter searching, he finally found something.    


It was big! It was very big! On an empty lawn stood a huge rock. From afar, it looked like a small hill. There were many round holes of different sizes on the surface of the huge rock. Ye Bufan knew that it was a Qi mark. There were also grooves of different shapes and sizes here, which were the melting grooves. These were formed by the intense friction and burning of the atmosphere during the fall.    


Ye Bufan pulled out his pure Jun and slashed heavily on the meteorite, causing sparks to fly in all directions. The rebounding force caused his arm to feel numb. On the other hand, there was only a grain-sized scratch on the meteorite where the blade connected.    


Ye Bufan saw that there was a faint white mark on the edge of the scratch. It was extremely bright! It was indeed a meteorite from outer space. Judging from the hardness of the meteorite, it must have contained a lot of high grade refining materials.    


"I'm rich!" Ye Bufan shouted in excitement.    


Soon, everyone was attracted by Ye Bufan's voice. "What did you get?" Yunqing was fast. She looked around but did not find anything special.    


Ye Bufan pointed at the meteorite in front of him proudly.    


"This is it?" Yunqing said with deep suspicion, "Are you crazy? This big rock is considered to be rich?"    


The people who rushed over heard what Yunqing said and looked at Ye Bufan with confusion. Although the knowledge that Ye Bufan had displayed during this period of time had far exceeded the understanding of many people in many aspects, if the stone in front of them could be said to be able to make a fortune, this fortune seemed to have been made too easily.    


Ye Bufan did not explain further. There was a huge difference in the cultural knowledge of the two worlds. The current world could not be said to have any technology. He had to explain to them what the meteorite was. It was like playing the lute to a cow.    


Seeing the rare expression on Ye Bufan's face, Yunqing asked again, "Such a huge rock, how are you going to take it away?"    


"That's right!" Ye Bufan just recovered from the joy just now. "How can we take away such a huge meteorite?"    


Even a strike from him could not cause a crack to the meteorite, let alone the broken swords of Faang Mingjie and the others. Ye Bufan buried his head in his thoughts for a while, then his gaze stopped on Yunqing.    


"Don't look at me, I can't do anything about it either!" Obviously, while Ye Bufan was thinking, Yunqing had already tested the hardness of the meteorite.    


Hot expansion and cold contraction? It was not that Ye Bufan had not thought about it. It was not difficult to find some woods to surround the meteorite and light it up. But where did so much water come from to rapidly cool down? Right now, everyone's drinking water was stored in water bags.    


Then what else could they do? Ye Bufan began to recall some scientific knowledge he had learned in his previous life.    


Got it!    


"Give me all of your heavy swords!" Ye Bufan said.    


After taking the heavy swords from everyone, Ye Bufan said, "We will rest here for a few days before we continue our journey. We are not in a hurry to go to Central State anyway."    


Regarding the proposal to take a break, it was unanimous. However, they did not know what Ye Bufan was going to do with everyone's heavy swords. They all sat by the side and looked at him.    


After a while, Ye Bufan walked over with a large pile of vines.    


"You're not going to make a stretcher to take this huge rock away, are you?" Yunqing said jokingly. Ever since Ye Bufan made that simple stretcher, everyone felt that the rattan would definitely be able to display a special ability in Ye Bufan's hands. At this moment, they were looking at Ye Bufan's following actions with anticipation.    


In addition to Mengtian's heavy sword breaking in Yunqing's hands, there were also three heavy swords here. Ye Bufan pulled out the sheaths of the heavy swords one after another, lining them up in a row with Chun Jun and the scabbard. Then, he used the rattan to tightly wrap them together.    


After a while, a strange long strip about ten meters long appeared in front of everyone. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Ye Bufan carefully tied this strange long strip with vines at the top of the meteorite. The long strip, which was about ten meters long, had the momentum of piercing through the clouds.    


"It's done!" Ye Bufan jumped down from the meteorite and clapped his hands.    


"What do you mean?" Seeing Ye Bufan's strange behavior, Yunqing asked the question in everyone's heart.    


Ye Bufan said with a mysterious smile, "We will know when the time comes!"    


The heavens seemed to want to go against Ye Bufan. It had been four days. Other than a few clouds floating in the sky occasionally, there was no sign of rain at all.    


Everyone began to lose patience as they waited. Yunqing pouted and asked Ye Bufan, "What are you going to do? You have waited for four days!"    


Ye Bufan also became somewhat anxious, although he had already walked for half a month. But because he was carrying a heavy load, he did not even make it a third of the way. If he delayed too much time, he was afraid that he would miss the time to rush to Central State. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Let's wait for another day. We'll leave tomorrow!"    


Actually, it was not that everyone was rushing to get there, but they were resting here for a few days. Everyone realized that after this period of carrying weight and moving forward, the flexibility and strength of their bodies had clearly increased. Some of the techniques that were difficult to execute in the past could also be executed more smoothly.    


Yunqing also discovered that the tempering of the body actually had an amplification effect on the power of combat techniques. Therefore, at this moment, everyone was looking forward to continuing to carry the weight forward.    


Another night arrived, and a bright silver disc hung high in the sky. "Maybe I don't have enough luck!" Ye Bufan comforted in his heart.    


Just as he was about to lie down and rest, a strong wind suddenly blew. It brought along layers of dark clouds that covered the moon's brilliance.    


Ye Bufan's heart moved. Following that, the sound of raindrops hitting the tree leaves could be heard.    


Ye Bufan could not help but shout excitedly, "Look! It's raining!"    


Everyone looked at Ye Bufan in confusion. Yunqing said, "Don't tell me you plan to wait another day for it to rain?"    


Ye Bufan immediately said to everyone, "Come with me!" With that, he took everyone and ran far away, leaving the lawn.    


They walked into a dense forest and jumped onto the haystack that they had prepared earlier.    


The haystack was about a meter tall, and the haystack had long dried up. At this time, Ye Bufan had already prepared a fallout shelter, although there were still sporadic raindrops that hit everyone through the layers of leaves. However, it was much better than the heavy rain outside.    


Seeing everyone's doubts, Ye Bufan said, "Don't speak. Just look at that meteorite. I'll let you all enjoy an unparalleled spectacle later!"    


As if to verify the authenticity of Ye Bufan's words, the sky was bright, and then it became dark. Following that, the sound of thunder rang in everyone's ears.    


Finally, there was thunder. Ye Bufan suppressed the excitement in his heart and stared at the meteorite in the distance.    


For a moment, the wind and rain were raging and the sound of thunder could not be stopped.    


Suddenly, the strange long strip that Ye Bufan tied to the meteorite, which was made up of the heavy swords of everyone, emitted a dazzling light. Then the meteorite also lit up, and a deafening sound was heard. The sound of the formation made everyone's ears ring, and they had no time to feel the impact of the sound. The ground shook.    


It was like a strong earthquake that knocked everyone down on the haystack. Then they immediately felt a numbing sensation hit them. They felt numb all over. Then they saw countless tiny black shadows shooting out of the meteorite with the meteorite as the center.    


"Hu... Hu..." The sound of breaking through the air penetrated the rain and entered everyone's ears.    


Even though Yunqing was an expert at Qi Stage, she still could not help but cry out in shock in the face of this sudden change. After Yunqing cried out in shock, everyone's cries were even more muffled and could not be calmed down for a long time.    


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