The Reborn Pill Emperor

C25 Purification Soup

C25 Purification Soup

3Summer rain comes and goes fast!    


Apart from the occasional drop of water falling from the leaves, the night sky seemed to have regained its peace.    


However, other than Ye Bufan, the rest of the people could no longer calm down. The scene just now, the shaking of the heavens and the earth, it was like the arrival of the end of the world had deeply impacted the hearts of everyone. Until now, they were still unable to regain their senses.    


Even though Ye Bufan already knew about this outcome, he was still shocked when he saw the earth-shattering scene. This was the power of nature, and it was not something that could be resisted by human strength!    


"Let's go and take a look!" Ye Bufan's words pulled everyone back from their daze.    


Everyone's eyes were still somewhat dull at this moment. After Ye Bufan's shout, they also followed Ye Bufan and walked towards the meteorite. Although they were still in a daze, they were still looking forward to seeing the effect of the scene just now.    


With a pounce, Mengtian lost his balance and fell to the ground. He said, "My feet are not working, my feet are not working, and I'm still shaking." In fact, it was not only Mengtian. Everyone's hands and feet were also trembling slightly. However, they were not as shaky as Mengtian, who could not stand stably.    


When everyone got closer, they were once again shocked by the scene in front of them. It was a deep pit with a radius of 30 meters. The surrounding green grass had already dried up, as if it had been burnt. It was like a huge rock that had cracked open on a small hill. It was split into five big pieces, and the ground was filled with meteorite fragments of different sizes.    


If it was just a visual stimulation before, then everything in front of him was a visual impact...    


"This... This... How is this possible?"    


"How could this be?"    


" What's going on? " Yunqing was relatively more composed as she pulled Ye Bufan and asked.    


Ye Bufan looked at the broken pieces of meteorites on the ground and was very excited. He said, "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand!"    


Yunqing was unhappy when she heard that. She still did not let go of Ye Bufan's clothes and said, "If you don't say it, how do you know that I don't understand?"    


Ye Bufan saw Yunqing pulling on his clothes and did not let go. He said anxiously, "This is actually using the principle of using the tip of the sword to discharge electricity. Because the long tip of the sword that I tied up is very dense with electricity. But the top is stable and the size is very small. If there is electricity formed by clouds in the sky, it is most likely to be pierced through. Create an electric discharge, then use the metal conductivity to draw the power of lightning onto the huge rock. Thus, there was that scene just now. Do you understand what I'm saying? "    


When Ye Bufan was explaining, everyone had already perked up their ears to listen, but when they heard this heavenly book like thing... They really didn't understand what Ye Bufan was saying. Yunqing was the first to react and said, "You mean to say that just tying the sword together and placing it at the top can attract the lightning in the sky?"    


Ye Bufan had to admire Yunqing's thinking. There had never been a theory in this world. Although Yunqing did not understand it, she still managed to summarize the key parts in a very short time.    


"It can be understood like this!" After saying that, Ye Bufan jumped into the big pit and picked up a piece of meteorite the size of a basketball. He looked at it carefully.    


At this time, it could only be seen with the naked eye, but it could not be seen with the naked eye. However, judging from the weight of the meteorite, it must contain a lot of minerals.    


In terms of size, the meteorite was at least three times heavier than the world's heaviest meteorite.    


"So heavy!" Faang Mingjie also jumped into the hole and picked up a piece of meteorite.    


Compared to the others, Mengtian's reaction was much faster. He weighed the piece of meteorite in his hand and asked, "Mr Ye, you have waited for a few days. Don't tell me you are planning to use this to replace the Star Stone?"    


When everyone saw the evil smile on Ye Bufan's face, they couldn't help but cry out. Running with weights was indeed helpful for cultivation. But only those who had personally experienced it would know the hardships involved. If the Star Stone was replaced with a fragment in his hand, the feeling would probably only be stronger than when he was running with a heavy load at the beginning.    


Mengtian quickly said, "Mr Ye, it has been twenty days, and we have only made it this far. If we carry these stones on our way, I'm afraid that we won't be able to make it to the Aoyun Sect's selection."    


"Then we will travel for four more hours every day and rest less at night. We should be able to make it this way, right?" How could Mengtian hide his thoughts from Ye Bufan? "Oh, right. I am not familiar with the journey. Mengtian, do you think this time is enough? If it is not enough, we can adjust our schedule again! "    


Mengtian said with a bitter face, "That's enough, that's enough..." It made everyone laugh.    


The heavy army set off for Central State once again, but the speed this time was much slower than before. Not only did the meteorite pieces that each person carried not decrease due to the increase in weight, but it also increased by a lot. The reason was very simple. Ye Bufan wanted to use these meteorites to refine a long sword.    


As for the heavy swords of Chun Jun and the other two, they did not even see a fragment under the power of last night's lightning. Ye Bufan, as an example, carried more meteorites than Yunqing.    


At this moment, the expressions of the group of people, the difficulty of taking a step, was even more than that of the Red Army soldiers who had been starving during the long march back then.    


The forest after the rain was refreshing, but Ye Bufan's entire body was already drenched in sweat. Among the few of them, Mengjie was probably the most relaxed. Because after the power of yesterday's lightning had shattered the meteorite, there were actually some fragments of the meteorite that were like a small pot. Ye Bufan called it the meteorite pot and let Mengjie hold it.    


However, the so-called ease was only equivalent. The size of the meteorite pot was in the hands of Mengjie, who was at the 4th level of the Power Stage. It was also extremely strenuous, but looking at everyone, Mengjie also knew that she had been specially taken care of, so she didn't complain at all.    


On the first day of the journey, carrying the meteorite on his back, the weight suddenly increased by quite a bit. Everyone tried to adjust their breathing to maximize the conservation of strength, and almost no one said anything. Even Yunqing and Mengtian, who usually talked the most, also silently advanced.    


Although everyone felt that they could not take it anymore, no one shouted to stop. Everyone seemed to be secretly competing with each other.    


The sun rose to noon, noon to sunset... At the beginning of the night, Ye Bufan shouted to stop. Only then did everyone sit down and quickly remove the meteorite from their bodies. One by one... They did not care about their appearance and laid on the ground. Even Yunqing and Mengjie did not have the appearance of a lady by the side.    


After resting for a while, Ye Bufan got angry and said, "Everyone has worked hard today, let's eat more! Mengtian went to get some water."    


"Me again?" Mengtian said with a bitter smile.    


Ye Bufan turned around and said with a smile," It's okay. You can discuss with them who can get water. "    


Mengtian got up and said, "No need to discuss. I will go. I will go."    


Mengtian had discussed these trivial matters with others before, but Mengjie was his sister. He naturally did not dare to look for her. He could not beat Brother Faang Mingjie, but as for Yunqing? Her identity as an expert at Qi Stage was no longer a secret. Mengtian would not go and find trouble with her.    


Very soon, Mengtian fetched the water. Ye Bufan placed Mengjie's meteorite pot on top of the fire. After pouring the water into the fire, Ye Bufan began to take out the package. During this period of time, he had collected a lot of medicinal herbs, but unfortunately, there was no pot. He was unable to brew the medicine.    


Seeing Ye Bufan throw the medicinal herbs into the pot one by one, and sometimes even put the medicinal herbs into the fire to calcine for a while before putting them into the pot, Yunqing laid on the ground and asked, "What are you doing?"    


Although she was a little curious, she had seen Ye Bufan's various new methods along the way. Everyone's immunity had increased by quite a bit and they were starting to get used to it. In any case, no matter how exciting it was, it could not be compared to the soul-stirring scene from last night. Coupled with the exhaustion from that day, everyone lay on the ground, unwilling to stand up.    


Ye Bufan seriously watched the change in the firepower and said without turning his head, "Add more food!"    


As Ye Bufan kept adding ingredients, a faint fishy smell came from the meteorite pot. Ye Bufan could not help shaking his head. Thinking back to the time when he concocted pills, he also paid attention to the color and fragrance. The medicine that he brewed now was really a little...    


It took a full four hours for Ye Bufan to brew the pot of medicine. He turned his head and saw that everyone had fallen asleep.    


"Get up! Quickly get up!" Under Ye Bufan's shout, Faang Mingjie and Yunqing were the first to stand up. They kept looking around. When they found that the surroundings were quiet, Yunqing said angrily, "If you still have any devil training, use it together. I will carry it!"    


It made everyone laugh. Ye Bufan pursed his lips and said, "Everyone, drink the soup before sleeping!"    


Smelling the fishy smell in the air, Yunqing said with disbelief, "You woke everyone up in a hurry to drink your soup?"    


Ye Bufan took out a few stalks of grass that had emptied his heart and said, "The environment is simple. Let's use this first!"    


Seeing Ye Bufan's appearance of not being able to sleep without drinking the soup, everyone expressed their support and took a simple straw, preparing to continue sleeping half-heartedly.    


When the medicinal soup entered the mouth, other than a faint fishy smell, there was not much taste. When it entered the stomach, it immediately felt a heat in the stomach. As the blood circulated and spread to every cell in the body, the whole body felt hot.    


After the burning sensation, they immediately felt their entire body relax, as if the tiredness of the day had disappeared without a trace. After being shocked, he began to drink big mouthfuls. As everyone's straw was still in the meteorite pot, in order to buy time, no one asked Ye Bufan what was going on.    


When the last mouthful of medicine soup was poured into Mengtian's mouth, Yunqing asked, "What kind of soup is this?"    


"Purification soup!" This medicinal soup was also casually brewed according to the pharmacology of the medicinal herbs he picked along the way. There was no name at all. At this time, seeing Yunqing asking, he casually said.    


"You are refining Alchemist?" Yunqing was shocked and her voice unconsciously increased a little. Everyone's eyes also focused on Ye Bufan.    


Refining Alchemist? In this world, one's status was high and mighty. If you were a low grade Alchemist refining master, then even if you were just a commoner, your status would immediately surpass that of a second grade noble.    


A middle grade Alchemist refining master did not even need to kneel before a king of a country. As for a high grade Alchemist refining master... It could no longer be compared with ordinary people. Even if a sect like the Aoyun Sect were to face a high grade Alchemist Refiner... The only thing they could do was to treat it with respect, not daring to offend it in the slightest. However, in the entire Vast Continent, there were less than five people who knew about the high grade Alchemist refinement.    


As for the title of Grandmaster Alchemist, it had only appeared in legends. At least close to a few hundred, no one had ever heard of anyone who could reach this realm in alchemy.    


Ye Bufan shook his head and said, "Not really!"    


A trace of doubt flashed across Yunqing's eyes. It was not that she had never consumed a type of supplementary pill like the Purification Soup. Otherwise, she would not have been able to cultivate to the Qi Stage at such a young age. It was just that the medicinal effects of the pill would take a long time to be put to use. She remembered that her master had once said that the quality of the pill was high and low. The speed of the effect of the ___ was also one of the important criteria.    


The speed at which he had consumed the pill in the past was definitely not more than five types that were comparable to Ye Bufan's Purification Soup. However, those were all middle-grade pills.    


Yunqing suddenly felt that Ye Bufan's entire person was a mystery. It was as if there were endless tricks on his body that made people unable to catch their eyes. Just how many secrets did he have on him... Yunqing was very curious, but she did not know that a woman's love usually started from curiosity.    


After eating Ye Bufan's Purification Soup, everyone felt that it was much easier than yesterday on their way the next day. Although it was still a little difficult to walk, it was definitely not as strenuous as yesterday.    


They traveled during the day and drank soup at night. Such a life repeated itself. As time passed, the conversations among the people on the way became more frequent. It did not seem to be that strenuous anymore.    


There was no time in the mountains. The sun rose and the sun set... Unknowingly, they had walked in the forest for more than a month.    


At this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten that they were still carrying meteorite fragments on their backs, and did not even take off their clothes to rest or sleep. Of course, the price was proportionate to the reward. After a month of hard work, Ye Bufan had broken through to the Eighth Rank of Power Stage. Fang Mingqiang and Mengtian had broken through to the sixth level of the Power Stage, Mengjie had broken through to the fifth level of the Power Stage. Faang Mingjie was the only one who hadn't broken through to the sixth level of the Power Stage, but what he lacked now was a chance to break through.    


As for Yunqing, it was unknown whether she had made a breakthrough or not. In any case, her cultivation base had always been a secret. Until now, everyone only knew that she was an expert at Qi Stage, but no one knew exactly how strong she was.    


"We will enter the Central State after passing through this forest!" Following Mengtian's words, the long march that took more than 50 days was finally coming to an end.    


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