My Rich, And Beautiful Wife

C989 A River Full of Red!

C989 A River Full of Red!

2On the other side.    


After Qin Feng left the field, he continued to stroll around. At the same time, the corner of his mouth curled up as he muttered, "Right now, his heart should be quite uncomfortable, right?"    


That's right.    


He deliberately gave Zuo Qiuqingtian the antidote.    


When he saved Xiaowu in the Qinling Mountains's Cuomei Peak cave, he and the people from Orochi Castle found a pile of antidote in Grandma Guiyao's laboratory.    


In addition to the antidote that woke Empress, Qin Feng also noticed Zuo Qiuqingtian's antidote, so he put it away.    


He wanted to give the antidote to the Zuoqiu Family in exchange for some formation techniques from Zuo Qiufeng.    


Although he had a bad time with Zuo Qiuqingtian just now, it was still him.    


On one hand.    


He would still ask for the formation technique. This way, Zuo Qiufeng would owe him a huge favor.    


On the other hand.    


He deliberately chose this time to give it to him.    


Didn't you look down on me?    


Don't you think that I'm worse than trash?    


Aren't you disdainful of being the same kind of person as me?    




I'll give you the antidote. If you have the guts, don't eat it!    


This was what Qin Feng was thinking.    


Presumably, Zuo Qiuqingtian was in a dilemma right now. He had just mocked him, and now he was eating the antidote that he had given him. How could he, who was so arrogant, lose face?    


But if he didn't eat it...    


I'm asking if you're hungry or not?    


"Hahaha, you deserve it!"    


Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh.    


At this moment.    


Uncle Fu came over and said, "Mr. Qin, what is it that makes you so happy?"    


"Oh, nothing, nothing."    


Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand.    


"It's like this, the patriarch has finished practicing his calligraphy. He invites you to come over."    


Uncle Fu said.    




Qin Feng was in a good mood, so Uncle Fu went over.    


In the innermost courtyard, there was an independent courtyard that looked very old. There was a Wutong tree in the courtyard, and it looked like it had been there for some time.    


Looking at the outside, it looked like a house in the countryside. It was impossible to tell that the courtyard of the general's manor was at this time.    


In the upper room's living room.    


A white-haired old man was decorating a painting.    


He was the Patriarch of the Zuoqiu family, Zuo Qiuhulie!    


He seemed to have a head full of white hair, but he seemed to be in high spirits. He didn't seem like a seventy year old man at all, and every move he made revealed the sharp aura of a soldier.    


Normally speaking, a person at this age would pass the position of Patriarch to the next generation.    


But this was the General's Estate.    


Zuo Qiuhulie's next generation, which was also Zuo Qiufeng's father's generation, was currently fighting on the battlefield outside, so he let the "retired" him continue to take charge of the General's Estate.    


At this moment, Qin Feng had thought it through.    


Originally, he had wanted to clearly explain the relationship between him and Zuo Qiufeng, but seeing Zuo Qiuqingtian's attitude, he did not want to make it clear that he was Zuo Qiufeng's boyfriend!    


"Master, Mr. Qin is here."    


Uncle Fu said at this moment.    


Qin Feng took a step forward and politely said, "Greeting grandpa."    




Zuo Qiuhulie was stunned for a moment, then he raised his head and smiled. He said, "Not bad, not bad. Very few people call me 'Grandpa'. Hahaha..."    


"That's what I should do."    


Qin Feng said.    


When they were in the village, it was normal to see an elder call him "grandpa."    


"What a 'what should be done', haha!"    


Zuo Qiuhulie laughed loudly.    


He looked at Qin Feng up and down, then said, "Little Feng, do you like calligraphy and paintings? Ever since I retired, I was obsessed with writing. If I didn't write for a day, I would feel uncomfortable all over. Haha, how about this one I just wrote?"    


Qin Feng went forward and looked at it. He nodded and said, "It's alright."    


"It's alright?"    


Zuo Qiuhulie raised his eyebrows and said, "I've practiced for a few years, but it's alright?"    


"Not too bad, at least I passed."    


Qin Feng said.    


... ""    


Zuo Qiuhulie choked again.    


When Uncle Fu heard this, he couldn't help but jump in fright.    


He understood the family head Zuo Qiuhulie the best.    


Ever since Zuo Qiuhulie retired and stayed at home, his only interest was to practice calligraphy. It had been many years, and he had achieved a lot. He had even won the first prize of the Nine River Calligraphy Competition. There were even many famous people who sought him for calligraphy, which made him very proud.    




A junior had actually said that he had just passed the test.    


How could he not be angry?    


"Mr. Qin."    


He hurriedly reminded Qin Feng in a low voice, and said, "Don't speak nonsense. To be honest, this word is really at the top level."    


"Old Fu, shut up. Let him say what's wrong!" Zuo Qiuhulie put down the pen and said to Qin Feng, unconvinced. " If you can say anything bad, I'll admit it. I'll call you teacher in the future, but if you can't say it... Then I'll treat you as an ignorant and arrogant person. Please leave our Zuoqiu Clan. "    


Qin Feng smiled and said, "In terms of technique, it's indeed not bad. But if you want to follow the standard of attainment, if I say that you have passed, it is also because you are Zuo Qiufeng's grandfather. It is hard to say if it is too bad. "    


"You, you..."    


Zuo Qiuhulie was so angry that he wanted to punch Qin Feng.    


Uncle Fu, who was standing at the side, hurriedly stopped him.    


Qin Feng smiled again and said, "How about this, I'll read this once before saying it again."    


"Okay, read it!"    


Zuo Qiuhulie said gloomily.    


"Man Jianghong.    


The rain stopped at the railing where his anger was at its peak.    


Ye Zichen looked up.    


She raised her head to the sky and let out a long roar. His heart was filled with excitement.    


Thirty merit points, dust and soil, 8000 Li Road, Cloud and Moon!    




The young man's hair turned white. He was filled with sorrow!    


The shame of Jing Kang was still fresh in his heart!    


When would the hatred of the officials be extinguished!    


Riding on a long carriage, he crushed the mountain of barbarians.    


Warriors ate the meat of Hu Lu and drank the blood of the Xiongnu while laughing and drinking.    


Waiting to start from the beginning.    


He cleaned up the old mountains and rivers and faced the sky!    


... "    


After he finished reading the song, Qin Feng looked at Zuo Qiuhulie and said, "Grandpa, I want to ask, what do you think this poem means?"    


"It can be summarized with the words' loyalty to the country '. At the same time, it can express his desire for the battlefield, as well as his helplessness and unwillingness towards the muddle-headed king."    


Zuo Qiuhulie said.    


"That's right, that's right." Qin Feng nodded and said, "But I didn't see anything like that in your spell."    


“ Oh? Then what did you see?" Zuo Qiuhulie asked.    


"I saw hope and pride."    


Qin Feng said.    


Zuo Qiuhulie was still confused and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"To put it simply, this word of yours gives people the feeling that you are looking forward to the battle, and you are looking forward to the battle. You do not see the unwillingness and helplessness contained within it."    


"Using a retired basketball player as a distance, he wants to step onto the basketball court again, but his desire is purely to play basketball and enjoy basketball, not to contribute to the country."    


" Grandpa, you understand what I mean! "    1


... ""    


Zuo Qiuhulie was stunned and speechless.    


Qin Feng continued, "As for being 'proud', it might be your pride in your past achievements. With pride and the distance between you and the basketball player, he wants to go to the court. His eyebrows also show that he has won many championships. "    


"Actually, this is understandable."    




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