Myriad-realm Stat Point System

C372 Dangerous Mission

C372 Dangerous Mission

4The old man with a sharp sword on his back stood straight like a sharp sword. His eyes were as sharp as a sword. He was the master of Heaven and Earth Temple, standing side by side with the master of Star Observing Mansion. He was the only two Martial Cultivator of God Formation Stage in the world.    


When he saw the master of Star Observing Mansion asking for his purpose, he took out two pieces of paper and placed them on the table.    


The first piece wrote, "The Golden Sparrow Country has returned to the hands of humans. There will be no more demons and devils in the Golden Sparrow Country."    


The Master of Star Observing Mansion did not comment and continued to read the second piece.    


The second piece was written, "There are powerful demons and devils residing in the Golden Sparrow Country, and they have devoured a large amount of Primordial Energy, causing all humans to be unable to become martial artists anymore."    


The Star Observing Mansion Prefecture Master was similarly calm as he looked at Master of Heaven and Earth Temple, who was carrying a sword on his back.    


"They came because of the unforeseen event in Golden Sparrow Country?"    


"Yes. It's said that Golden Sparrow Country has returned to the hands of humans. There will be no more demons and devils in Golden Sparrow Country, and it will be the kingdom of humans from now on..." Master of Heaven and Earth Temple said.    


The master of Star Observing Mansion said, "This is absurd."    


Who didn't know that ghosts and demons could never be killed? If there was a way to make demons and devils never appear again, why would the Star Observing Mansion and Heaven and Earth Temple end up like this? In the past, there were many famous sects and schools in the inner mountains and rivers. Why would they need to be killed by demons and ghosts one by one?    


"Yes, I also feel that this is absurd"    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple said, "Another way to put it is that the people in Golden Sparrow Country are not humans. This powerful ghost can devour a large amount of Primordial Energy. On the one hand, it can devour the Primordial Energy, making it impossible for the Human Martial Cultivator to cultivate. On the other hand, it can rule over humans, making it impossible for them to fight back."    


"This rumor is equally absurd. First of all, it's impossible for there to be a ghost that can devour the Primordial Energy endlessly. If there were us humans, we wouldn't be able to live any longer. Secondly, the monsters have always been simple and crude when dealing with us. This simple and crude method is indeed very effective. There has never been such a thing as ruling a country on one side. A situation where one side can restrict the cultivation of the Human Martial Cultivator has occurred. "    


The Star Observing Mansion Lord nodded slightly, "This is the reason. It seems like we have received two completely different pieces of news. Each piece of news is filled with absurdity. If you think about it carefully, you won't be able to believe it."    


"So, let's not move first and observe the changes."    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple nodded his head. "I agree with this. The warriors in our hands are the only thing that humans have. Whether the Golden Sparrow Country is a human country or a demonic country, we don't need to participate. We just need to observe the changes."    


After saying this, he continued: "I'm just curious, who sent us these two pieces of news, and what is their purpose? If it's a demonic devil, does it want us to have a war with the ghosts in Golden Sparrow Country? If it's a ghost, then did they set a trap in Golden Sparrow Country, preparing to lure us to Golden Sparrow Country? "    


"Or perhaps there really is a Human Martial Cultivator that wants to open up a world in the Golden Sparrow Country and use this method to ask us for help, asking us to help him?"    


"There is no need to think so much." The master of Star Observing Mansion said. "We can't even protect ourselves. We won't go to Golden Sparrow Country at all. No matter if it's a trap, a request for help, or a scheme, we won't go at all."    


"That's true..."    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple pondered for a moment and said, "Regarding this matter, I have some ideas. Whether it's the legendary Great Devil of Golden Sparrow Country, or the Human Martial Cultivator that really saved the world, they call it Evil Killing Emperor's Qingming. If we just ignore it, we won't be able to understand the reason behind it. "    


"Or should we interfere?" The Star Observing Mansion Lord looked at him in surprise.    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple said slowly, "There are two warriors from the Heaven and Earth Temple who can't hold on any longer. They either die or become ghosts and demons. We have sent people who are close to him and those who are familiar with him to persuade them day by day, but we still can't persuade them back. "    


Ask the disciples who were about to become demonized to go?    


The master of Star Observing Mansion hesitated. If he were to consider their feelings from the bottom of his heart, he would pay close attention to every disciple of Star Observing Mansion, and wouldn't be willing to give them up. If there was no danger of becoming a devil, he was willing to nurture all of these children into geniuses.    


Unfortunately, his disciples were in danger of becoming a devil, and he himself was also in danger of becoming a devil. All of them had to fight against the devil nature contained within the Primordial Energy.    


As for the demonized disciples, even if they had become demonized, he still wanted to personally send them to the last step. He wanted them to die as humans, and not let them take the risk of going to the Golden Sparrow Country to test if there were any traps, great demons, and Human Martial Cultivator in the Golden Sparrow Country.    


However, emotions were emotions, and reason had to return to reason.    


After hesitating for a while, the Star Observing Mansion Prefecture Master made a decision. "There are two people who have become demonized as well."    


"Then let them go" Master of Heaven and Earth Temple said.    


The Star Observing Mansion Lord let out a long sigh, which was his final answer.    


The next day, the master of Star Observing Mansion summoned two young men from Star Observing Mansion with pale faces. These two young men seemed to have not slept for three days and three nights, and they looked tired.    


Sometimes it was fatigue, and sometimes it was madness and coldness in their eyes, as if they were going to tear apart everything in front of them and destroy everything.    


After struggling for a long time, the two young men looked even more tired.    


Such days, they could not hold on much longer.    


Today, they were summoned by the master of Star Observing Mansion. Their hearts were as dead as dead ashes, thinking that it was time for them to bid farewell to the world.    


Perhaps the master of Star Observing Mansion also felt that they couldn't hold on any longer, so he called them here to give them the last bit of dignity as humans.    


They had heard of this kind of thing many times, and it was already the norm in Star Observing Mansion.    


Humans' thoughts were unpredictable, and their will couldn't always be as firm as a rock. Once the demonic nature in the Primordial Energy found an opportunity to exploit, then everything would be on an irreparable path.    


There wouldn't be any winners in the battle between him and his demonic nature. He would either degenerate into a monster or demon, or end it as soon as possible.    


"Palace Lord"    


The two young men said softly.    


"Fang Er, Kuisan." The master of Star Observing Mansion said, "You guys are about to lose control of yourselves. Most of the time, you just have to suppress yourselves."    


"Yes, master of Star Observing Mansion." Fang Er replied.    


Kuisan said, "I think it's more serious. Last night, the food was tasteless. I went to the kitchen to get a piece of fresh pork, but it tasted delicious. Master, please give me a break. "    


The Master of Star Observing Mansion looked at Kuisan with a kind and bright pair of eyes. Kuisan looked at him as if he was looking at a river of stars. The uneasiness in his heart gradually dissipated, and he once again had the hope to continue living.    


"Prefecture Master..."    


"I will give you a mission," the master of Star Observing Mansion said in a deep voice, "It's a very dangerous mission, and you may never return."    


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