Myriad-realm Stat Point System

C379 He Dominated the World

C379 He Dominated the World

1After that, Su Ze spoke to the four of them again. After Su Ze left, the four of them wrote down the message and sent it to Heaven and Earth Temple and Star Observing Mansion.    


The giant bird flew across the mountains and mountains and arrived at the Star Observing Mansion of the Senluo Country. It landed on the shoulder of the Prefecture Master of Star Observing Mansion who was standing on the wooden pole.    


A black shadow emerged from the shoulder of the Star Observing Mansion Lord and said in a gloomy voice, "Those four little fellows who have been possessed by the devil have sent another letter. Why don't you open it and take a look?"    


"There's no hurry..."    


The Star Observing Mansion Lord said.    


"It's good that you're not in a hurry. I thought you would be tempted by the lies of the four little fellows again." The black shadow said in a gloomy tone, "What about the Primordial Energy being devoured? There's no Primordial Energy in the Golden Sparrow Country. I didn't expect them to be able to fabricate such words."    


The Star Observing Mansion Prefecture Master remained silent and didn't move. He allowed the sunlight to fall on his body, causing his skin to hurt.    


The demonic nature in his body would not weaken because of this. The reason he did this was to remind himself that he was still a human being.    


The black shadow chuckled coldly. He opened the slip of paper that the big bird had brought. After taking a look at it, he sneered.    


"They said that they were certain that Evil Killing Emperor was a Human Martial Cultivator, not a ghost. Can you believe this? If he isn't a ghost, who can absorb so much Yuan Qi? If the Human Martial Cultivator can absorb so much Primordial Energy, then there shouldn't be any ghosts or demons anymore. "    


He took another look at the slip of paper and shouted," Nonsense, what nonsense! "    


"What's wrong?" The Star Observing Mansion Prefecture Master's wooden pole slowly floated down. Four pieces of paper with different handwriting landed in his hand. After a careful look, his palm trembled slightly.    


After that, he forcefully suppressed the trembling of his palm and quickly walked into the house.    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple was in the house. When he saw him, he quickly walked out and took the paper.    


After carefully looking at it, his eyes revealed a look of joy, but he also remained calm and collected.    


The handwriting was different. It was written under the condition of maintaining the rationality of humans. It wasn't written after becoming possessed. Both the Master of Star Observing Mansion and Master of Heaven and Earth Temple could clearly feel this.    


However, both of them had cultivated to the God Formation Stage, so they had a lot of devil nature in their bodies. It would be best if they didn't get excited or angry, so as to avoid stimulating the devil nature in their bodies.    


Evil Killing Emperor was indeed a Human Martial Cultivator... This was undoubtedly a good thing.    


However, how many Primordial Energy could he absorb at the moment, and how long could he last? If he could only barely maintain the Golden Sparrow Country, there was no need for him to be overly happy when he could not withstand the absorption of too much Yuan Qi.    


As for this Evil Killing Emperor who claimed to have broken the mystery... The Prefecture Master of Star Observing Mansion and Master of Heaven and Earth Temple were amazed by his audacity and boldness.    


Up until now, no one had been able to solve the mystery behind his audacity. He actually dared to attack this strange being. Wasn't he afraid that he would die sooner? There were strong and weak ones in the mystery. There was no record of it being broken. This Qingming was not only bold, but also extremely lucky. Otherwise, he would not have happened to encounter a strange thing that could be broken.    


"This is the end of the investigation."    


The Master of Star Observing Mansion said, "I will go to Golden Sparrow Country and bring the four of them back. I will also take a look at the situation in Golden Sparrow Country. If there's really an accident, I'll leave Star Observing Mansion to you. "    


"You're going?"    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple shook his head. "It's better for you to go than me. You have been watching stars all year round, so you don't have much fighting experience. It's not like I practice my sword all day long."    


The master of Star Observing Mansion wanted to argue, but Master of Heaven and Earth Temple took a step outside and flew towards the east.    


"Keep an eye on the Heaven and Earth Temple, don't fall into the devil's trap!"    


The voice of the Master of Heaven and Earth Temple came from the sky. The Master of Star Observing Mansion looked at the scene for a long time, then sighed and said nothing.    


———————— ——————————    


Lingqing Country, where a barren mountain was located.    


Su Ze stood at the foot of the barren mountain and took out his strange dark green body, which he had once pierced through.    


This dark green object, which was clearly a piece of meat, started to shake violently as soon as it left the storage ring.    


It seemed like it wanted to fly away, but it also seemed like it wanted to get close to the desolate mountain.    


"Strange" had something to do with "Strange."    


Su Ze was sure of this.    


In other words, the other strange things should not be too difficult to deal with.    


Su Ze thought in his heart, but he also didn't relax his defenses. The True Essence and True Spirit Marrow were waiting to be activated at any time. He held the Peach Blossom Jade Zhang in his hand, hoping that it would be useful at that time.    


As they gradually approached the desolate mountain, it seemed like the other side had also sensed the "strange" approach. The scene of the Level 1's memory appeared in the desolate mountain, and it actually took the initiative to reveal its own memory.    


Su Ze was instantly sure of this. Every strange thing had its own memories. The strange beings were probably searching for a problem, and that was, who exactly was "me?" What did the memories mean to "me?"    


The tall pavilions and vermillion palaces seemed to be similar to the imperial palace. It looked even more magnificent and magnificent than the imperial palace.    


A beauty was served by a maid. She lightly drew her eyebrows, applied makeup, and finally put on vermillion rouge.    


This beauty was somewhat familiar...    


Su Ze recalled in astonishment that it was the concubine of the middle-aged slovenly man that he had once seen in the strange Red Lantern Inn.    


This was truly unexpected to Su Ze. He had always thought that the most important person in the inn's memories was the youth riding a white horse. Who would have thought that it was actually that concubine?    


Not to mention, this concubine was naturally beautiful, so how could she have reached such a state, entered a luxurious and grand place, and become a noble woman like an empress or concubine?    


No one would have thought, no one would have thought that if it wasn't for the two strange comparisons, no one would have thought of the true core of the problem, "Who am I?" It was actually an unassuming woman.    


"These two weird things are related to this woman. Does it mean... The nature of the weirdness is this kind of woman? Or could it be that this woman has become so many oddities under special circumstances? "    


If one were to think about it from this perspective, this woman is truly an unprecedented, unheard great demon, even the term 'demon' is hard to describe her, it should be said that she's the 'Master of the Strange', the final master of all the strange things.    


Just as he was thinking about it, the person in his memories spoke.    


"Your Ladyship, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Is it because your body isn't feeling well?"    


"Nothing." The woman said softly, revealing a smile in front of her.    


The maid said, "Master has already unified the world and dominated the world. Today is Master's celebration. If your body is fine, please be happy. Otherwise, we might be beaten to death by Master."    


"He is a person who is brutal and likes to vent his anger on others. He clearly doesn't like me but he captured me. After catching me, he wants me to smile for him to see. " The woman softly sighed, "If I laugh at him, he'll scold me for being lowly again, he'll never be satisfied"    


"He won't be satisfied even if he dominates the world, he'll definitely do something else"    


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