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C254 Elder Ming's Scheme

C254 Elder Ming's Scheme

4I can't believe there's such a terrifying man in the world...    


Ma Yitai sighed in admiration at Young Master Suze's inhuman performance. After he finished reporting, he slowly withdrew from the palace.    


After greeting the guards, he turned the corner of the street and saw two men in white robes with golden threads standing in the middle of the road.    


"Ma Yitai, elder Ming wants to see you"    


Ma Yitai was shocked and immediately understood that this was a problem caused by his job.    


Elder Ming and Young Master Suze from the Tieling City were not as simple as they seemed. They were filled with deep hatred.    


However, this didn't allow Ma Yitai to refuse. At this moment, the two men blocking the way were both men in white robes with golden lines. They were both Soul Separation Stage warriors, just like Ma Yitai.    


After following the two men, they took a few small paths and entered a side hall of a small palace. Ma Yitai saw Elder Ming, who was lying on the bed with a pale face.    


"Ma Yitai greets Elder Ming!"    


He hurriedly bowed and said.    


"Tell me what you have seen and heard during your trip to the Tieling City." Elder Ming closed his eyes to rest and said slowly.    


Ma Yitai told him that Su Ze had agreed to accept Sun Holy Holy Land's mediation, agreed to fight, and chose Yanzhou's Earth Fire City. It was no different from what he had told Fiery Sun Holy Son.    


Elder Ming didn't get angry or have any other reaction. Instead, he continued to close his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.    


Ma Yitai didn't dare to delay and continued to wait.    


After a long while, elder Ming snorted. "I understand. You can go."    


"Yes, elder Ming."    


Ma Yitai immediately took his leave. He had no idea what Elder Ming meant.    


However, he did not make any guesses. Elder Ming rarely told others about his thoughts and thoughts. It was normal for him to not tell others about his judgment of the matter.    


After Ma Yitai left, elder Ming opened his eyes and exhaled with great difficulty. His face was full of fatigue.    


"This bastard... is getting more and more powerful! I hope he will really listen to our Sun Holy Holy Land's suggestion this time."    


A maid served him hot tea and rinsed his mouth.    


Another maid came forward and patted his chest: "Elder Ming, are you feeling better?"    


"I feel better. I'm feeling better..." Elder Ming sighed and laid on the bed. However, he closed his eyes again. It was clear that his energy was lacking and he fell asleep not long after.    


The two maids saw this and looked at each other. Then, they quietly closed the door and left.    


The instant the door closed, elder Ming suddenly opened his bright eyes. How could there be a trace of fatigue and serious injuries?    


"Elder Ming's disguise is perfect. I have to say, I'm impressed." A Martial Dao Intent came from nowhere and reached Elder Ming.    


"I still have to thank the precious herbs of the Holy Land to make me fully recover. I will have the chance to take Su Ze's head off again!" Elder Ming responded with the Martial Dao Intent coldly.    


His disguise wasn't a complete disguise. At least two days ago, he was seriously injured and couldn't recover fully.    


He hated Su Ze to the core and thought that if he had the chance... He had to kill Su Ze, who had great medical skills but refused to treat him, and made him suffer for such a long time.    


At this moment, someone from the Misery Sea Holy Land had given him a spiritual herb that could heal his injuries, and also a new option for the Sun Holy Holy Land.    


Currently, Fiery Sun Holy Son didn't know that Elder Ming had fully recovered from his injuries, and he had been persuaded by the Misery Sea Holy Land to treat this matter as if it had never happened. The main reason was to rope in Su Ze from the Tieling City, and the second was to try his best to persuade the Misery Sea Holy Land and Su Ze.    


At the very least, he couldn't let the Misery Sea Holy Land and the Star Moon Holy Land join forces.    


However, elder Ming had obtained a completely different choice from the people from the Misery Sea Holy Land. The Sun Holy Holy Land would join hands with the Misery Sea Holy Land first, and naturally, the Misery Sea Holy Land wouldn't join hands with the Star Moon Holy Land. Therefore, the worries of Fiery Sun Holy Son and the others vanished like smoke.    


However, Fiery Sun Holy Son might not agree to this matter. They might be worried about Su Ze's terrifying potential, the power behind Su Ze, and his close friend, Old Man Wanshou.    


Therefore, elder Ming had to act on his own, causing the Sun Holy Holy Land to have no way out. He had no choice but to join forces with the Misery Sea Holy Land. Only then could the two families start to work together.    


The only way to make the Sun Holy Holy Land have no way out was to make the Sun Holy Holy Land have no way out. Elder Ming had to act alone and kill Su Ze!    


Who would have thought that there would be a murderous Elder Ming in the Sun Holy Holy Land?    


Who would have thought that the severely injured Elder Ming would suddenly appear and kill Su Ze?    


Thinking of this possibility, elder Ming's mood improved a little. This was the reason why he was able to resist pretending to be sick.    


"The rise of Su Ze has threatened too much of the benefits of Three Great Holy Lands." The warrior of Misery Sea Holy Land said with the Martial Dao Intent, "Fiery Sun Holy Son is only worried that Misery Sea Holy Land and Star Moon Holy Land will join hands to deal with Su Ze. He just thinks that there is no need for us to offend Su Ze, but he has forgotten something important."    


"As long as the Misery Sea Holy Land and the Sun Holy Holy Land join hands to deal with Su Ze and take care of the Tieling City, although the Star Moon Holy Land and the Sun Holy Holy Land are not on good terms, they will certainly choose to eliminate the Tieling City together. There is no need for the Misery Sea Holy Land to join forces with them. As long as they find an opportunity, they will definitely attack Su Ze and the Tieling City."    


"The truth is, even if there is Holy Lord behind Su Ze and Old Man Wanshou, the truth is that we are from the Three Great Holy Lands. As long as the Sun Holy Holy Land and the Misery Sea Holy Land work together, the Star Moon Holy Land will join in. How can we possibly fail? "    


Elder Ming was overwhelmed by emotions when he heard this, and he nodded his head repeatedly.    


That's right. Currently, Fiery Sun Holy Son was satisfied with not provoking Su Ze, and he was trying his best to mediate the peace between them. However, he didn't know that as long as he joined forces with the Misery Sea Holy Land, Su Ze wouldn't be a problem at all.    


Even if the Tieling City was the new Holy Land, with a Holy Lord Rank and Old Man Wanshou, they wouldn't be able to withstand the siege of the Three Great Holy Lands.    


After discussing silently with the Martial Dao Intent for a moment, elder Ming closed his eyes in satisfaction and stopped talking.    


The people of Misery Sea Holy Land had left, and Su Ze was about to take action. He needed to be ready for revenge.    


A few days later, Misery Sea Holy Land replied to Fiery Sun Holy Son and accepted the mediation of Sun Holy Holy Land. They didn't have any requirements for the location.    


Fiery Sun Holy Son was very happy about this. It seemed like he didn't need to spend too much effort this time.    


He quickly sent letters to Misery Sea Holy Land and Tieling City, inviting them to Yanzhou's Earth Fire City. He also ordered people to set up a grand ceremony in Earth Fire City to welcome the distinguished guests.    


He also gathered a large number of alchemist to gather in Earth Fire City, and held a pill refinement competition at the same time.    


The goal was naturally to let Su Ze complete his interest in pill refinement, and do his best to achieve perfection.    


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