Myriad-realm Stat Point System

C265 The Holy Land of the Bitter Sea Has Arrived

C265 The Holy Land of the Bitter Sea Has Arrived

3Sure enough, it's not that she doesn't want to die, but she realizes that living is both pain and a burden to her husband.    1


If she could commit suicide earlier, she would have done so long ago.    


Su Ze said unhurriedly, "I am a Godly Doctor. I can save you. You and your husband can live well. Why should I die?"    


Ruan Fengshan's wife took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She had used up all her energy to ask for death.    


However, she finally stopped thinking about her own death.    


The man who called himself the Godly Doctor had given her hope. If it wasn't for this, she might have found an opportunity to seek death when Su Ze treated her later. This would be a huge problem for her treatment. Because of this, Su Ze purposely called himself the Godly Doctor to prevent her from panicking.    


Another stream of water filled with Primordial Energy was poured into her mouth. Ruan Fengshan's wife felt as if her body was being bitten by ants. It was painful and itchy, but the feeling of her body had returned.    


The spirit herbs placed around her body also gave her the ability to gather Qi and concentrate.    


Su Ze fed her the spirit herbs that could revive her blood and strengthen her foundation. He was not in a hurry to cure her of the poison.    


The poison in Ruan Fengshan's wife's soft tendons had already penetrated deep into her bone marrow. She had to use a special method to expel the poison. It was no longer a simple poison problem. It was the poison in her bones, blood, and every strand of hair.    


Every drop of blood from Ruan Fengshan's wife was enough to poison another uninjured martial artist. Not only was her life force completely exhausted, but she was also poisoned by the strange soft tendons.    


After another quarter of an hour, Ruan Fengshan's wife's complexion gradually returned to human color. With the help of Su Ze's spiritual grass, she gradually had a chance to live. Of course, this was only temporary. As long as Ruan Fengshan's wife did not understand the poison, the vitality would dissipate after a few days.    


However, this was enough.    


Su Ze cut open her skin and took out her Root Bone.    


This was an unprecedentedly black Root Bone.    


He wanted to try adding points to his attributes. If he could recover his Root Bone talent and return to his normal body from his Root Bone talent, it would undoubtedly be a good idea.    


"A Root Bone contaminated by poison can use attribute points to upgrade to Poison Root Bone, or completely remove the poison contamination."    


To Su Ze's surprise, the Universal Attribute Points system gave him a completely different direction to choose this time.    


Poison Root Bone?    


Su Ze pondered for a moment and quickly understood. This poison Root Bone could allow Ruan Fengshan's wife to freely release the poison of soft tendons. She was originally a Profound Spirit Mid Grade Root Bone, and the poison Root Bone was still a Profound Spirit Mid Grade Root Bone. There would not be any fundamental changes, but it would become another form of "detoxification."    


Should she ask Ruan Fengshan and his wife for their opinions?    


Su Ze shook his head slightly and thought, sometimes, I also need to be independent. Their lives will be mine from now on, and they will serve me well. They will also be at my disposal.    


He used his attribute points to upgrade to Poison Root Bone.    


Consuming attribute points to upgrade the Poison Root Bone three more times, turning it into an Earth Spirit Mid Grade Root Bone, myriad Poison Root Bone. It can freely absorb all poisons, and it can also release any kind of poison and antidote it has seen before.    


Although it was only an Earth Spirit Mid Grade, its effect was incomparable to a spiritual root bone!    


Su Ze placed the Root Bone back into the storage ring and helped Ruan Fengshan's wife heal her wounds.    


"Take good care of yourself and eat some herbs. After a few days, you will be able to move freely."    


Ruan Fengshan's wife felt a cool breeze all over her body. It was as if all the poison had disappeared in one direction. She said in a low voice, "Thank you, divine Doctor. Fengshan and I finally have a chance to live."    


Su Ze smiled. Without saying anything else, he opened the door and let Ruan Fengshan in.    


Ruan Fengshan came in and saw his wife looking at him with her eyes wide open. Her face had returned to normal, and she immediately stumbled two steps forward.    


"Heavens!" He cried out with a sobbing tone.    


"Fengshan!" His wife also said, forcefully pulling at the skin on her face, seemingly wanting to cry but also wanting to laugh.    


Ruan Fengshan didn't say anything else. He turned around and knelt in front of Su Ze.    


"Ruan Fengshan's life is yours!"    


"Me too." Her wife also said.    


Su Ze nodded. "Okay, in a few days, she will be able to move freely and gradually recover her cultivation. It will take a few more years. You can come to Tieling City to find me whenever you want. "    


"Can you follow Su Ze immediately?" Ruan Fengshan asked, "I just want to work for Young Master now!"    


"That's up to you guys. Follow me now?" Su Ze looked at Ruan Fengshan's wife who was lying on the bed.    


Ruan Fengshan's wife said without hesitation, "I listen to Feng Shan!"    


"No wonder you all rely on each other." Su Ze laughed, "Then let's go."    


Ruan Fengshan wrapped his wife in cloth and carried her on his back. He followed Su Ze out.    


After settling the bill with the inn, he also found another alchemist to pass on the task of concocting pills. Only then did he have no more worries.    


When they returned to their residence, Xiang Fangfei, Faang Qingluan and the others were all very surprised. Su Ze went around to see the alchemist refining the Medicinal Pill. Why did he bring someone back?    


When they heard about the matters between Ruan Fengshan and his wife, the two little girls were really moved. They took the initiative to take care of Ruan Fengshan's wife, qiu Lin, and from time to time asked about their past matters. It was only when Qiu Lin was tired that they quickly took their leave.    


"Their love is really touching. This is the so-called 'till death', right?"    


"It's different from the love of our mermaid tears. It's really hard to compare."    


Xiang Fangfei and Faang Qingluan seriously discussed.    


Su Ze was also speechless about this. Sometimes relationships need to be considered that much?    


Another day passed, and Fiery Sun Holy Son sent someone to invite them.    


Bitter Sea Holy Son was about to arrive, and he invited Su Ze and the others to meet with him.    


Su Ze and the others waited with Fiery Sun Holy Son, Fiery Sun Saintess, and Elder Chen for a while, and Bitter Sea Holy Son's carriage quickly arrived in front of them.    


The carriage opened and the bald Bitter Sea Holy Son walked out with a gentle smile, followed by the smiling little Bodhisattva. There was no one else.    


"Bitter Sea Holy Son, did you not invite an elder?" Fiery Sun Holy Son asked curiously.    


"It doesn't matter. Since I have come from afar as a guest, why would the Sun Holy Holy Land protect me?" Bitter Sea Holy Son smiled gently and looked at Su Ze. He then looked at Old Man Wanshou, who was standing next to Su Ze, and said, "It turns out that Old Man Wanshou has arrived as well. Thank you for coming, Old Man Wanshou. I would like to say that I have forgiven you."    


"You don't need to forgive me." Old Man Wanshou said, "There are many tricks in Misery Sea Holy Land, and there are also many hidden weapons. In order to protect Brother Su Ze, I naturally have to come."    


"Old Man Wanshou, you are wrong. The actions of the Misery Sea Holy Land are not for personal grudges." Bitter Sea Holy Son smiled and said, "I think it was because you did not understand it well enough and misunderstood the Misery Sea Holy Land."    


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