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C73 Su Wei

C73 Su Wei

3Faang Qingluan was originally dissatisfied because Soong Abao was rude to Su Ze, but after hearing what Su Ze said, she quickly went down and brought the stone used to test the Root Bone from the Su family over.    


Soong Abao frowned, but he still didn't want to get close to Su Ze.    


However, he was sensible. He kowtowed eight or nine times to Su Ze, thanking him for saving their lives and taking them in.    


Seeing Soong Abao kowtowing repeatedly, Faang Qingya's dissatisfaction towards him finally dissipated. She said, "Brother Suze, do you think this child has Root Bone?"    


"If he only has the Root Bone, he wouldn't be able to feel my body absorbing the Primordial Energy." Su Ze laughed softly and said, "Soong Abao, come over and let me see your Root Bone."    


Soong Abao was a little afraid of the feeling of absorbing everything around Su Ze. However, when he thought about how Su Ze had saved his life, he still had the courage to approach Su Ze.    


As Soong Abao approached, Su Ze could immediately feel the tiny and slow Primordial Energy gathering around Soong Abao.    


He was a Holy Spirit Low Grade Root Bone. His innate talent was something that no one in the entire Tieling City except Su Ze had.    


Perhaps, even the imperial court didn't have such a genius.    


A mere Earth Spirit Low Grade Root Bone was enough to attract Second Palace Holy Son from the Star Moon Holy Land, and he would be able to make the Fang family his vassal family. If the news of this Heavenly Spirit Low Grade Root Bone was spread out, Soong Abao would certainly suffer misfortune.    


He handed the stone that was used to examine the Root Bone to Faang Qingluan and indicated for her to put it back. Su Ze looked at Soong Abao.    


"Soong Abao doesn't sound good. I will change your name in the future."    


Soong Abao said in a silly voice, "Okay."    


"You are indeed a good child." Su Ze touched his little head. "Tomorrow, ask your mother to give you a nice name. Then, you can come to my courtyard and practice martial arts with me."    


Soong Abao nodded. "Alright, I'll go back and tell mother now."    


After that, he left. Su Ze could feel his emotions. When he faced Su Ze, he always felt uneasy. Now, it was as if he was running away. This also meant that his Root Bone was extraordinary, and his intuition was extraordinary.    


Faang Qingluan said in surprise, "Brother Suze, you didn't even test his Root Bone, why did you take him as your disciple?"    


Su Ze laughed involuntarily. He didn't expect Faang Qingluan to be jealous. She thought he liked Soong Abao's mother.    


Su Ze deliberately did not explain, so Faang Qingluan lowered her head and sulked.    


But she could not bear to lose her temper at Su Ze, so she just lowered her head and got angry.    


After Xiang Fangfei heard about this from Faang Qingluan, she immediately said unhappily, "Brother Suze, Abao's mother is not particularly beautiful, how can you take her son as your disciple?"    


Su Ze felt Xiang Fangfei's emotions and also felt the mysteriousness of the Ancient Desolate Spirit Body. In front of him, no one could hide their true feelings and thoughts.    


Perhaps there were some people who felt that complicated feelings were called feelings, but Su Ze preferred to suffer less twists and turns and spend less effort. He liked to have frank feelings for each other.    


Now he could see the result ahead of time. At least he did not have to make random guesses.    


"Soong Abao's talent is better than all of you combined. He is only slightly weaker than me." Su Ze said, "Do you really think that I am taking in disciples as I please?"    


That child wearing the patched-up clothes actually had a Profound Spirit Top Grade Root Bone?    


Faang Qingluan and Xiang Fangfei were both somewhat surprised, and only then did they disperse their unhappy mood.    


Su Ze could also feel that the two of them were in a much better mood.    


"Soong Abao is a Profound Spirit Top Grade Root Bone and was accepted by Su Ze as his disciple... He and his mother no longer have to worry about food and clothing!" Xiang Fangfei sighed with emotion, "This is great!"    


Profound Spirit Top Grade Root Bone?    


Su Ze was stunned for a moment, then he realized that everyone thought that his Root Bone had not been dug out, and it was still an Earth Spirit Low Grade Root Bone. Therefore, the Root Bone that was slightly weaker than an Earth Spirit Low Grade Root Bone was, of course, a Profound Spirit Low Grade Root Bone.    


This wasn't bad either. The spiritual root bone was really easy to get robbed by the Holy Land.    


Su Ze was indeed becoming stronger rapidly, and he also had the confidence to deal with the Star Moon Holy Land's next move. However, he wasn't arrogant enough to think of increasing the attraction of the Holy Land, and also attract the Fusion Stage and God Formation Stage warriors of the Holy Land.    


The news of the spiritual root bone might cause such attraction!    


Early morning the next day, everyone in the Su family knew about the news, and they were all envious of it.    


They envied Soong Abao for having a Profound Spirit Top Grade Root Bone at such a young age. His future achievements would be limitless, and they also envied him for being able to become Su Ze's disciple.    


Su Zhongwu, Su Shuye, Su Hai, Su Mo and the rest of the people from the Su family came to Su Ze's courtyard. Lyu Jiaonv and Soong Abao, who had changed into new clothes, came in front of Su Ze and kowtowed to him to express their gratitude.    


After they expressed their gratitude, Lyu Jiaonv said to Su Ze, "I am a lowly and ignorant servant. I will not give Abao a good name. Please give Abao a name."    


"Soong family almost forced us to death. Abao's surname will no longer be Song."    


Su Ze nodded slightly.    


The reason why Su Ze wanted Abao to be his disciple was because of Abao's spiritual root bone. It was also because Abao could become his useful subordinate, and also because he wanted someone who was slightly more powerful to protect Su family in the future.    


He wanted to travel in this vast world. It was impossible for him to stay in Tieling City all the time and protect the Su family.    


This time, Lyu Jiaonv asked him to give Abao a name. It just so happened that he allowed Abao to join the Su family.    


"From now on, Abao will be the name that your mother specially calls you."    


"From today onwards, your name will be Su Wei."    


Soong Abao was very clever. He kowtowed to Su Ze seriously and said, "Greetings, master!"    


"Alright, get up." Su Ze nodded slightly.    


After everyone saw the apprenticeship ceremony, they went forward to congratulate them. Su Zhongwu gave Su Wei and Lyu Jiaonv a small courtyard, allowing them to live a rich life in the Su family.    


Su Wei and Lyu Jiaonv were stunned, feeling flattered, as if they were dreaming.    


After everyone left, the two of them stayed in the small courtyard. There was also a servant serving Lyu Jiaonv and Su Wei's daily life. Lyu Jiaonv and Su Wei could not help but cry.    


Compared to their previous life on the streets, their current life was like a dream.    


"Child, you must know who our benefactor is. You must never be disrespectful to our benefactor in this life. You must never betray our benefactor!" Lyu Jiaonv wiped her tears and solemnly instructed Su Wei.    


Su Wei, who was only six years old, respectfully kowtowed in the direction of Su Ze's courtyard. He silently made an oath in his heart.    


He would treat Su Ze as his father.    


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