Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C292 Nocturnal Movement

C292 Nocturnal Movement

4"Yes."     0


Fu Pingtao's answer was only this one word. It seemed that he didn't want to explain any further.    


"Fu, I have a question. With so little to say, are you saving the subtitles for the later stages of production?" Que De, who was initially excited to know how Fu Pingtao learned Bird Language, was splashed with cold water by his nonchalant attitude.    


Suddenly, a roar echoed from a mountain in the distance. On one of the mountain peaks, a five or six meter long giant frog covered in dense green scales suddenly jumped up. It rushed up for more than two hundred meters, flicked its tongue out for a dozen meters and killed a huge, dark gray bird that was circling in the air.    


"It's a Iron Scaled Toad." Chen Zhenglai's expression changed slightly, "It seems that the situation here is even more troublesome than the previous investigation. They had encountered so many powerful Vicious Beasts while still in the outer layer. Everyone, pay attention to your surroundings.    


The group of people were on tenterhooks. They only stopped when they were more than ten kilometers away under the moonlight.    


In front of them, two forks appeared in the dense forest.    


Although it was called a road, the grass was relatively thin and he was barely able to walk on it.    


"Time to act separately." Chen Zhenglai said, "Fu Pingtao, your team will follow me to the left. "Everyone, turn on the night-light on your clothes."    


In their field uniforms, there were a few buttons with tiny lamp heads attached to them, connecting them to the electrical source inside the clothing. The light from this type of lamp is scattered and is not very bright, but it is sufficient to illuminate an area around it.    


Chen Zhenglai nodded to Wu Jiang, then turned on the night-light on his clothes and turned on the flashlight. Then, he led Shen Lang and the others into the jungle.    


"Aiyo, aren't we at the top of the mountain where that giant toad was hunting just now?" After walking a distance, Que De shouted.    


The jungle was so close that it couldn't be breezed. The group of people had been confused everywhere. If it wasn't for Chen Zhenglai leading the way, they would have gotten lost by now. Under these circumstances, Que De could actually accurately determine the direction?    


"What are you all looking at me for?" Que De stared and fumbled out the map again. He looked at the introduction of the ferocious beasts under the light of the lamp.    


"Stop looking at Que De." Chen Zhenglai said, "The back of the map only recorded a portion of the more dangerous berserk beasts, there was no introduction from the Iron Scale Toad."    


"It seems like this big toad isn't dangerous. Then I won't have to worry about it." Que De heaved a sigh of relief.    


"It's not that iron scaled toads aren't dangerous, but it's just that they're rarely seen on land." Fu Pingtao poured another bucket of cold water on Que De, "Iron Scale Toads usually live in the deep pools in the cold swamp and rarely come to the surface. They also haven't heard about going up the mountain to look for food. This kind of toad was very fast, it would attack anything that moved, but it was very timid. If it found out that it couldn't beat them, it would bite off a piece of its tongue to lure them away. In addition, its body is poisonous, which is stored in the poison glands on the surface of its body. When faced with situations where it is unable to escape or in a state of anger, it will support its sweat glands and use its venom to attack its opponent. "    


"So we're still dangerous?" Zhao Dacheng asked.    


"There shouldn't be any problems. Just now, the giant birds made up of iron scaled toads were the gryphons. They were a type of family-type and very united type of bird or beast. A flock of larks usually has a thousand, if not more. It was very difficult for that Iron Scale Toad to survive. So, as long as we don't startle the angry lark, we're basically safe. "The bird will eat cold-blooded animals like snakes and frogs and won't take the initiative to attack us."    


Chen Zhenglai said, "With Fu Pingtao here, our team will be much more convenient to handle."    


As they continued forward, the air got hotter and hotter. They could no longer see any traces of road beneath their feet, and could only grope their way through the gaps in the trees.    


No one dared to be careless. Danger lurked everywhere.    


More than an hour later, the density of the surrounding trees gradually decreased. When he raised his head, he could already see the night sky through the crisscrossing branches. Occasionally, a little bit of moonlight could also be seen.    


After another half an hour, they finally walked out of the forest.    


In front of them was a jagged stone forest. The stone forest extended for three to four kilometers, forming a continuous short mountain.    


"Que De, is this the mountain with the giant toad?" Dong Ping asked.    


"According to the direction we are going, it is true. However, I am not sure if it is this mountain or not. "Even though we were so far away, we still don't know what the mountain looked like." Que De said, "Anyway, even if it isn't this one, if we continue in this direction, we will definitely pass by that hill."    


"There's someone ahead!" When Xiao Yan followed the moonlight and looked around, he saw a stone pillar not far from him had collapsed. A person's arm was exposed underneath the fallen half of the stone pillar.    


"Don't worry about him." Chen Zhenglai said with a serious expression, "Whether it's compassion or curiosity, we don't need them in this kind of place."    


Shen Lang's vision was not affected much by the night. He saw clearly the hand that was exposed on the stone pillar. His skin had shriveled up and turned gray. It was obvious that he had been dead for some time.    


Suddenly, a black shadow dashed over and started to bite the arm.    


Shen Lang took a closer look and saw that it was an ordinary wild dog. It easily bit that arm into pieces and swallowed it into its stomach.    


However, the stone pillar was too heavy, and the wild dog couldn't withstand it even after several tries. It cried out a few times, turned its head to look at Shen Lang and the others, turned around and ran away.    




In the direction in which the wild dog ran, a flock of large birds suddenly flew up. It was almost exactly the same as the one they saw earlier when the Iron Scale Toad was hunting the wild dog.    


"Looks like it really is here. Fatty, your sense of direction is quite good." Shen Lang patted Que De's shoulder.    


"Of course." Que De raised his head proudly.    


As they walked forward, Shen Lang and the rest saw a bloody and miserable scene at the foot of the mountain.    


On the ground, there were fifty to sixty dead bodies scattered all over the place. The huge Iron Scale Toad from before had already been torn into pieces. Flesh and blood and colorful internal organs were scattered all over the place, and only its skeleton was still relatively intact.    


The bird's body was corroded to varying degrees, and the pillars on the ground also showed signs of corrosion. According to Fu Pingtao, the cause of this corrosion was the iron scale toad's venom.    


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