Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C404 Passing Through the Top of Cotillion 1

C404 Passing Through the Top of Cotillion 1

4Before Sikong Wei could finish his sentence, he spat out a mouthful of blood. Even though he was covering his mouth, blood still flowed out continuously from between his fingers. However, he didn't even dare to look at Sikong Ming.     3


"My apologies, farewell." Sikong Ming stood up and turned to leave. The moustache man glared at Shen Lang unwillingly, picked up Sikong Wei with one hand and followed behind Sikong Ming out of the reception room.    


"Damn, this brat tried to kill me just now." Que De took out his cigarette and lit it up with a hint of unhappiness in his tone.    


"I'm not trying to kill you. I'm trying to kill the two of us." Shen Lang said, "To be more accurate, you want to perish together with us. He was just trying to see if he could kill the two of us if he put all his oil on them. In the end, he gave up. "    


Que De snorted and said, "Heh heh, this old brat has planned quite well. After killing the two of us, no one will know about the marriage between Sikong Xuan and you, and no one will come to challenge Sikong Xuan. Just one life for the future of the entire Sikong Family Clan, this old fellow did have some guts. Back then, his reputation and talent was not much worse than Grandma Xue's. When he was young, he already revealed his formidable talent, but it was a pity that he was born from a concubine and was always suppressed by Sikong Xuan's grandfather, Sikong Yue. If not, he would have definitely been the leader of the Sikong Family Clan. If he was the one leading the Sikong Family Clan, then even without relying on Yao Family Group, this family would be able to enter the ranks of second-rate Yanhua City families. It's a pity, and a great fortune. "    


It was a pity for Sikong Ming and the Sikong Family Race. Fortunately, it was Shen Lang and Que De.    


If Sikong Ming was the Patriarch right now, he would definitely fulfill the conditions set by Shen Lang, and even take the initiative to add some conditions, then Shen Lang would really be unable to challenge Sikong Xuan, and might even become the backer of Sikong Family in the future.    


"I just found out about Grandma Xue and Sikong Ming. The internal strife within the Sikong Family race is really more serious than what we imagined." "However, this time the negotiations have failed, and the Sikong Family Clan will definitely think of a way to deal with us. This time, I'm afraid that they will be the ones who will really take action against us."    


"Don't worry, we have so many people here." Que De said, "The most powerful organizations in Yanhua City are Grey Cat Corporation and Pisces Corporation. Their goal is to accept the protection mission from an employer and during the execution of the protection mission, they will not accept the assassination mission directed at the protected person. I had previously hired these few hundred people from Grey Cat, and a dozen more from Pisces these few days. The Grey Cat and the Pisces would not attack us. If Sikong Family wants to deal with us, they either have their own people to do it or hire assassins from outside. Moreover, Yanhua City and Pisces were two companies that were equally divided in this world, so it was hard to say if those assassins dared to come to their territory. Even if they did, so many bodyguards are no pushovers, they must be exhausted to the point of killing those assassins. "    


"If the Paleo Rank old monster acts, it will be quite troublesome." Shen Lang said, "However, let's not worry about these first. Tonight, we will set off, passing through the Duo Peak and going to the Sikong Family's ancestral grounds to investigate."    


"Leave it to me." Que De thumped his chest with confidence.    


After a long time, Shen Lang and Que De finally walked into the Yushan Mountains. After walking in a large circle, they bypassed the Black Shark Organization, Sea Serpent Gang, and other forces' territories, and quietly arrived to the western side of the Yushan Mountains. On the west side of the Tirian Twin Peaks was an almost vertical cliff, overgrown with moss and fungi.    


The stone wall in front was circular in shape and on the east side was a stone wall with a D shape, surrounding the ancestral ground of the Sikong Family.    


When the two of them arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was just evening. The golden rays of the setting sun shone on the stone wall, illuminating it with glittering golden light. Que De grabbed Shen Lang's arm and spread his flaming wings, flying up close to the stone wall. Under the sunset, the pair of pure gold flaming wings could barely be seen. The golden red glow of the setting sun had become their best cover.    


Que De's flying speed was very fast. Both of them could clearly feel that the surrounding temperature was decreasing rapidly. The fungi and moss on the stone wall gradually disappeared, and were replaced by large patches of frost and snow. The phoenix also became bigger and bigger.    


A few minutes later, the two of them were close to the top of the mountain. The wind was already very strong, howling through the air. Even the Origin Energy shield that Que De used all his strength to prop up was unstable.    


"The wind here is really fierce." Que De said. At the same time, he spat out a finger-thick line of fire straight into the layer of snow in front of him.    


Very soon, the layer of snow melted and formed a channel with a diameter of more than ten centimeters. As the temperature of Que De's fire line increased, this channel also continued to expand.    


Que De was also increasing the thickness of the fire line, speeding up the expansion of the melted snow passage.    


Finally, Que De melted a path that was about 1.56 meters in diameter on the top of the mountain of snow. The two of them immediately entered it while bowing.    


The howling wind suddenly died down.    


After Shen Lang had entered the tunnel, Que De's control over the fire was much more relaxed. The tunnel in front of them had expanded to two meters tall, and the two of them could walk through it while standing.    


The deeper they went, the harder the snow became. After a dozen meters, the snow on the peak was replaced by a large amount of ice.    


"I didn't expect the snow here to be so thick that it can cover thirty meters. No wonder the snow at this height doesn't collapse." Que De said, "Right now, we are still at the edge of the summit. We are still at the edge of the summit, passing through the snow and reaching the other side."    


As they walked deeper into the ice, Shen Lang and Que De gradually saw a variety of beasts sealed in ice. Many of them were already extinct species of berserk beasts. The corpses of these vicious beasts appearing at such a high height on the top of the twin peaks of Tirian's Twin Peaks were likely caused by the movement of the earth's crust. It was possible that these vicious beasts that were originally living in the plains had been frozen to death by natural disasters similar to the Ice Age, sealed forever. Later on, the earth changed, the plains became mountains, and the corpses of these beasts were brought up as well.    


"So many vicious beasts have frozen to death here, I wonder if there will be any hidden treasures here." Que De's eyes began to shine again.    


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